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No Pants Train Ride

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Trevor wants publicity, so I suggest a no pants train ride.
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By Emi Tsuruta

Around the time of my senior year at Oceanview University, I made trips up north to San Francisco a few times. I was mainly going to see Crystal, this brown-haired American girl, that my friend Graeme had a crush on. I'm pretty sure actually that Crystal is a closet exhibitionist (like someone else we know. ;-p). She denies it of course, but Graeme and I saw her strip naked once at one of the Orientation parties when I was a freshman, so we kind of knew it was true. In any case, after helping him make contact with her, Crystal and I became friends, and I'd go up, and see her, and we'd go out, and do stuff.

Oceanview is a small town, but San Francisco is a much bigger city, so there is kind of a different vibe. There are Buddhist temples for one thing and health food stores with ads for 'cleanses' and 'wellness' seminars and stuff like that. I didn't get into it too much, but I did pick up an alternative newspaper while I was there. I leafed through, and one of the things I noticed was a photo story about the 'no pants subway ride.'

In Japanese, 'pantsu' is the word for panties, so at first, I thought it was about riding the subway with no underwear on. As I read further, it turned out that the people who do it wear underwear, but just take off their trousers or skirt or whatever. It all started when some guy in New York took off his pants in the subway to see how people would react. He got a friend to make a video of it, and posted it to YouTube, and the video went viral. Eventually, he started organizing bigger events with a whole bunch of people taking off their pants. Now they do it in cities all over the world, and it's like a regular thing.

Not long after that, back in Oceanview, my then-boyfriend Ryosuke took me to this party at someone's house. There were a whole bunch of artsy types there, graphic designers and illustrators, and I got talking to this one guy, Trevor. Trevor had a bit of a scruffy beard, dirty blonde, but he had these arresting blue eyes and an earnestness about him. I got talking with him, and he seemed pretty cool.

"I'm trying to break into movies," he told me. "To get known in Hollywood, you need some kind of gimmick, a publicity stunt or something that people will remember you for."

That reminded me of the no pants subway ride guy, so I told him that story.

"They just gather a whole big group of people, and all take off their pants or whatever, and newspaper reporters come, and take pictures and stuff."

Trevor just kind of looked at me at first, unsure, but as the night wore on, he kept coming back to me, and asking if I was serious about it.

"What? Oh me? No, I hadn't really thought of doing it myself," I told him honestly. He was like,

"See what I mean? No one will do it."

I found myself trying to convince him that even here in small town Oceanview people would.

"I don't know. I guess I could ask some of my friends, and see if they're interested...," I told him cautiously.

"Wow! Really? That would be amazing!" he lit up, all excited now. I didn't want to get too involved, but we did end up exchanging messenger info, and I did kind of promise to get back to him.

"Who was that guy?" Ryosuke asked as we left the party.

"Oh I don't know. His name is Trevor. He's trying to get into movies."

"What were you talking about?"

"Um... the no pants subway ride?" I told him truthfully. Ryosuke claimed he'd never heard of it, so I had to explain it all to him. He got this wicked gleam in his eye, but I kept assuring him it was all on the up and up, and not as kinky as he thought.

I didn't hear from Trevor for a while, but then one day, I noticed a poster for a 'no pants train ride' on a utility pole on campus. I messaged him, and it turned out he'd gone into full organization mode, talking it up to people, and trying to gather a group together. He wanted to know if I was still interested. I hadn't really mentioned it to anyone, but I had kind of told him I'd ask my friends, and see what they thought.

I mentioned it to Minori first. She was a young Japanese woman I'd met not long before at a language exchange on campus. She pictured the same thing I did, imagining people walking around with no underwear. Minori is a bit different from my other friends. I don't think she is an exhibitionist, not really. She has said things though, about lounging around naked at her share house when her room mates weren't there.

I'd seen Minori naked in the women's locker room when I took her and her friend Nao swimming. She does have quite the body, compact with a lush black bush and biggish breasts for such a small girl. She hadn't really objected either when I lounged around naked at Nao's house the time we visited. I kind of suspected Minori might be willing.

"No pants, eh? That's pretty funny actually."

"Yeah, let's try. Come on."

"Um... really? I guess it would be OK."

"Yeah, it'll be great. Let's go. Trevor's nice."

Nao is a bit of a different type, more self-conscious, jittery, but always trying to power through her own embarrassment in an effort to attract guys' attention. She doesn't radiate sex the way Minori does. She's more of a goth type, a bit of a lost look, like a puppy dog. Her breasts are fairly large although not as big as Minori's. I didn't know if Nao would say yes, but she didn't want to be left out, and agreed to come, since Minori and I seemed so game.

I debated whether I should tell Ryosuke, but he noticed the poster, and asked me if I was going. He had to work at the time of the ride, but said he might try to get off early, so he could come, and meet up when we came back.

Anyway, the day of the event, Minori, Nao and I met downtown in Oceanview's main train station at around 3 in the afternoon. I think there was like 16 of us or so total. There were a couple of blonde girls, another Asian girl, this weird bride of Frankenstein girl, a couple of cute American guys, a cool black guy and a couple of Asian guys. I didn't really know any of them, but Trevor pointed me out, explaining that the whole thing was kind of my idea. They were all pretty friendly.

The guys took off their pants right away, but it wasn't as weird as you'd think. I mean everyone looked pretty happy to be here doing this zany stunt. Minori and Nao were willing to try, but they'd cheated a bit by wearing these longer coats that went down past their waists kind of covering up their panties, so you couldn't really see.

I will admit it did feel strange taking off my pants outside in the sun in the middle of this crowd. The jeans I was wearing that day were kind of tight, so I had to wiggle my fanny to get out of them. Once I had, it felt weird--breezy I guess--standing there in my undies in the middle of this train station. I was wearing black panties that day, just because I thought they'd look more decent, more like shorts than some white frilly lace ones. I did have on an aquamarine hoodie and a black jacket, but they were both shorter than Minori and Nao's coats. Nao was laughing though. I was glad she could see the humor in all this.

Minori took a picture of me shedding my jeans, but didn't want me to take a picture of her. There were other guys with cameras or smartphones around, so we had to be careful. We did end up taking one big group photo.

Even without their jeans, Minori and Nao looked normal enough. More than anything, I think it was the naughtiness of knowing that you were pantsless that made this exciting. When guys stopped to take a look at me, I'd get goose bumps.

Trevor called us together to explain the plan, and then we headed for the platform to board the train. We hung with the other no pantsers, this blackish guy in a cowboy hat and his buxom blonde girlfriend and another young Hispanic guy. Everyone kept wanting to take a picture with us. Nao kind of hung back, but Minori and I took some pictures with them.

The train was a double-decker bound for San Diego. It was kind of an interesting design with an opening in the ceiling between the two levels, and single balcony seats above looking down on the main floor. Nao had to go to the washroom, so we headed out to look for one. All the way down at the back of the train, we found these small compartments with toilets or a sink.

Nao and Minori went in, leaving me outside, alone in the empty hallway. I kept mulling over the 'no pantsu' part of it. Wouldn't that be cool if I really did take off my underwear? I peeked through the window back into the car we'd just left. There were people there, but no one was looking this way. I have to admit I was in a pretty giddy mood that day. Roaming around this sleek hyper-modern train in my undies was getting me all turned on.

Minori and Nao seemed to be taking their time, so I found one of the sink compartments with a mirror, and tried to judge whether people would be able to tell if I took off my panties. I wasn't 100% sure--my hoodie was awfully short--but I had to decide. Just acting on impulse now, I yanked down my panties, stepped out of them, and tucked them away in my backpack.

I'd felt nervous before, but now with my panties off, I couldn't settle down for the life of me. I have to be careful, or I'll give myself away. I peered out through the curtain, dabbing at my hello kitty trying to get it to settle down, and behave. I was so excited.

I must have been blushing horribly when I came out, but Minori and Nao didn't twig at first. Still, the air was tickling my pussy. I was worried that you could see my butt cheeks peeking out from under the hem of my hoodie. The two of them looked nervous too, but they were better covered in their long coats.

Minori and Nao looked to me wondering what to do next. I wasn't sure if it would be safe to go into the passenger car, but I was curious to see how people react. I finally turned, and led the way back towards the other car. As soon as I turned away though, Minori noticed the cheeks of my bare bottom.

"Emi. What the...? Where are your panties?" she laughed. Oh oh. I'd hoped that it wouldn't be that obvious. I just ignored her at first, and continued walking. I reached down to feel my buttocks confirming that she could see. I pulled the hem down a bit, trying to act like it was no big deal, but inside my head, alarm bells were going off. I really shouldn't be out here practically naked from the waist on down.

"I told you this is supposed to be a no pantsu ride," I joked.

"Emi!" Nao squealed in horror.

"Shhh! If we keep it quiet, I don't think anyone will notice," I told them. Unfortunately, my hello kitty was tingling away like nobody's business. I simply could not calm down for the life of me.

"You should see yourself. You can see your whole behind."

I couldn't really tell. Minori took a picture of my bare bottom, and showed it to me, trying to convince me to get back dressed. I did look pretty indecent I guess. Apparently, I have one of those derrieres that turns guys on.

The problem was that I was all excited now. I could hardly believe I'd got up the nerve to get naked like this right in the middle of this busy train. It felt so weird, so kinky. I just peered back at Minori, and tried to get them to relax.

"Come on. Let's just see what happens."

I gathered my nerve, and opened the door to the next car. Luckily, people didn't seem to clue in at first. I found a booth with seats, and sat my bare behind down in the seat next to an older American lady. Minori sat facing us, next to a young Hispanic-looking guy. Nao sat across the aisle in a booth with a heavy set man. The lady next to me seemed quite amused by our bare thighs.

"It's a no pants train ride. They're doing it all over the world now," I told her.

Unfortunately, I didn't realize until it was too late, but there was a newspaper photographer right there, taking pictures of the ride. While I was distracted talking to this lady, he got a picture of me sitting here legs spread pussy showing. I guess I was vaguely aware of him, but I had my bag on one arm, and my smartphone in the other hand. I tried to unravel the hem of my hoodie, but he got a few more pictures of my bush before I managed to get it straightened out. I was completely busted. Even the Latino guy was peering over at my pussy, wondering why I was sitting here naked.

Minori was kind of talking to the lady, but I told her that we had to go. When I stood up, I think even more people saw my pussy, but I straightened the hem as best I could. I couldn't get the hem to cover my bare behind though. I felt so vulnerable. The photographer looked like he was going to say something, but I rushed right past him looking for a safer place to be.

"What happened?" Minori asked, as she raced to catch up. I pointed out the photographer. It looked like he might come after me, but he stopped to let Nao pass.

"You'd better get back dressed before anyone else notices," Minori warned. I knew she was right, but we were going the wrong way. The photographer was between us and the washrooms, and I didn't want him getting any more pictures of my cooch.

"Here. Let's go down to the next car," I suggested. We passed a bunch of people, and they each looked up at me as I passed. I wasn't sure if they could see my pussy, but I felt horribly exposed.

I paused when we got to the door, letting Minori go through to check if the coast was clear in the next car. I looked back, and all these guys were staring at my bare ass. I was starting to feel all wet down there. As soon as Minori gave the all clear signal, I headed into the next car.

There were even more people in this car, including the Asian no pants woman and a tall guy in boxer shorts. This one guy in a cap gave me a big grin, and a middle-aged woman looked concerned. I stopped for a sec trying to explain about the event, but the cap guy was killing himself laughing at my nakedness I guess.

I couldn't tell if the photographer guy was following us. I wondered if I should go back, and ask him not to put the pictures of me in the paper, but perhaps it was a bit late for that now. This guy with a beard asked what we were doing, but before I could explain, the photographer came in. We kept moving down the train, trying to get away from him. Once we were through the next set of doors, I found a stairwell, and zipped up to the second level, wondering if we could circle back to the washrooms somehow.

Up here, there were fewer people, just a few balcony seats around the edges, but there was this huge opening running down the center of the floor. I could see the people below, and worse they could see me. The guy with the beard peered up at me, up at my pussy. The red-haired student sitting next to him was craning his neck trying to get a look at me too.

Embarrassed, I turned away, but they could still see my bare bottom. I was so excited my pussy was on fire. My breasts were swelling up pulling the hem of my hoodie even higher. Here I was naked in front of all these people, and there didn't seem to be a way out.

I needed to figure out where the photographer was, but I couldn't see him, so I ended up turning around again. Pretty well everyone could see my pussy now. I was seriously starting to lose it.

I ignored the stares, but continued to look for the photographer. To get a better view of the floor below, I leaned forward until I finally caught a glimpse of what appeared to be the photographer's feet.

"He's down there," I whispered pointing him out to Minori. Trying to hide my pussy with my bag, I made a beeline straight down the car passing directly above the photographer's head. The people on the balcony looked up when I passed. Once we got to the far end of the car, we came back down to the first floor. The photographer seemed to be still in the next car maybe looking for us over there.

Minori raised her smartphone, and snapped another shot of my bare behind.

"Wow! You look so sexy dressed like that," she gushed, all excited herself.

"Stop taking pictures, and help!" I pleaded. If I'm going to be truthful, I was pretty excited too. Every way I turned there seemed to be people there, trying to get a look at me. It was so disconcerting, but thrilling too.

Luckily, the train pulled into a station. We got off, away from the photographer and all those other people who'd seen me. It was a country stop, so not many people got off with us, just Trevor, Cowboy and the blonde girl no pantsers. I was actually a little surprised that Trevor got off. He's kind of a handsome guy under all that scruff. I thought that those people with him were his friends. He must have caught a glimpse of me earlier, because he came over, and asked me,

"What are you wearing?"

My hoodie was stretched out more or less covering my pussy at least. I felt embarrassed, so I hesitated, but Minori nodded I should show him. I shook my head no, but Minori finally let the cat out of the bag.

"She's naked," she told him.

"What? No! Really?" Trevor asked, doubtful. I didn't want them to make a whole big thing, but Minori finally pulled him around behind me, showing him my bare bottom.

"Wow!" he marveled, amazed. Minori nodded for him to lift up the hem of my hoodie further, and eventually, he did showing the others my tush.

"You're not supposed to go naked," the blonde girl squealed.

"Yeah, but you one fine piece of ass...," Cowboy let slip. The blonde girl seemed a bit offended, and put her arms around him, trying to pry him away. Trevor cleared his throat.

"Yeah, I don't think you're supposed to get naked...," he muttered letting go of my hoodie.

"Where is this? San Diego county?" I asked.

"What difference does that make?"

"I think public nudity is legal here...," I informed them, batting my eyelashes, trying to plead innocence.

They all just kind of stood there for a while dumbfounded, no one quite sure what to say. We could hear the train coming though, so Trevor finally signaled we should take the stairs up and over to the other side.

For modesty's sake, I kept my pussy covered, but Trevor and Cowboy made a point of hanging back, so they could ogle my tush. I don't know why, but this was really turning me on, having these two strapping young hunks chase after me, hungry for love. All embarrassed now, I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter.

We made it across the overpass, and got on the train going back toward Oceanview. I kind of wanted to go find a seat, so I could hide, but Trevor assured me,

"We are almost home. It's just a few stops."

I think it's more likely he just wanted me to stand, so he could examine my behind in more detail. I knew if I had any sense, I should probably try to cover up, but the situation didn't seem that dangerous to me. Both Trevor and Cowboy kept eyeing me, but with Minori and Nao and the blonde girl all here, I felt pretty safe.

Somehow Minori and I got talking about a trip Ryosuke and I had taken to the Izu peninsula in Japan on a boat. As I told Minori this story, I kept raising my arms, tracing our route on an imaginary map in the air. She kept motioning for me to be careful, but I was all caught up in the moment, so excited to be telling her all this. Just as I was wrapping up my story, she pointed out that the boys were staring at my bare bottom, which I left exposed when I raised my arms.

"Oh. Oops!" I blushed. Darn. I hadn't really meant to flash them. I wanted to explain, but when I glanced out the window, I suddenly realized we were pulling into Oceanview. I'd wanted to go to the washroom, and pull on my panties before we got off the train, but there wasn't time for that now. Even worse, Ryosuke was probably off work by now, and might even be in the station looking for me.

I probably should have pulled on my panties in front of Trevor and them, but I was kind of in a daze from being horny for so long. I peered out the window, as the train pulled in. This was getting near rush hour, so there were all these people on the platform, commuters heading up San Francisco way I guess. I just stood there looking on in horror at all these people. I did try to pull the hem down over my pussy, but my shoulders were all tensed up, so it was hard to keep covered. I even looked back to Trevor wondering if he had some idea on how to protect me.


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