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No Way Back

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Adopted mom and son have fun with the neighbors.
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No way back

Val woke up tangled in her sheets and took a deep breath. Her head was spinning like a top and it the room was too bright. It was morning. How was that possible? She had been at a small get together last she could remember. There had been four of them. They had come over for drinks and they had been having fun.

Val opened her eyes and blinked several times, she was in her bed. The soft super high thread count of her sheets told her as much. She had put on the dark blue ones just before they had come over, she knew they would be drinking and she wanted to have soft sheet to fall asleep in.

Was she naked? Val raised her head to look and see but the hangover hit her like a hammer and she dropped her head back to the pillow, lifting her soft hands up she dropped them onto her large breasts. She was not naked but she was wearing that half cup, red lacy bra that she had bought to wear on her late husband's birthday two years ago.

Camron, how much she missed him even now. Her head spun again as she let her hands trail down over her taunt stomach, the one she had worked so hard to keep up even after her lover and best friend had died. She wasn't wearing the micro thong that came with the outfit, or any bottoms at all. Her clean shaven pussy revealed for all to see. Laying her hand on her mons she felt something else. She felt sticky and oh god. Had she had sex last night?

Fighting through the nausea she sat up. She took a deep breath and smelled it then and was certain. She could smell cum and pussy. It was apparent she had sex, she could feel the dried cum on her mons, she felt gooey between her legs too which meant she had defiantly had sex and raw sex at that.

A wave of panic swept over her then. She hadn't been on any birth control since Camron had stopped being able to have sex. The cancer had taken so much from her and as a cruelty it had taken the thing that made her feel closer to him, in a way that two people who are truly in love can when they make love and fuck and sleep together.

Time to remember. Oh god she was wearing the black thigh highs she wore when she wanted to get fucked, not adored or made love to but absolutely fucked.

She closed her eyes and let her mind open up and remember. It had been her and three others.

Carol, her buxom 44 year old, divorced next door neighbor.

Jonah, Carol's 20 year old son who was the neighborhood heart throb and one other.

Kyle, her adopted 21 year old son.

She and Camron had never been able to have kids, his sperm count was low or so the test had told them a year after they had been married. They had decided to adopt after another year of trying. Damn the test he had said. But after so many failed attempts they had adopted the perfect little boy that had been Kyle. His mother had given him up for adoption because of how young she had been when she had fallen pregnant and didn't want an open adoption. She wanted to forget and from that had been she and Camron's every happiness.

As she finally was able to stand, Val steadied herself and stumbled over to her bathroom and sat down and relieved herself. As she cleaned up she felt how sore she was. Her pussy had that fucked all night feel to it, sore but in the best possible way. She knew she hadn't been taken advantage of. She remembered she was not wearing this slutty lingerie when she had gone to the party so she had come back here at some point during the night and put this on in anticipation of the railing she had gotten

She remembered hearing muffled wailing in pleasure, someone above her as she was on her back, the scent of wet pussy in her face and thrusting bodies behind and in front of her. She could remember the taste of both on her tongue now that she thought of it.

The whimpers she had felt in her own throat as whoever was inside her had taken hold of her hips and shifted into high gear. The sound of their flesh slapping together in rapid succession over and over, the hot, rod of flesh probing her deeply with every stroke, rubbing along all the places inside that drove her crazy, the pressure building with each thrust, the way she was stretched around him speaking of how thick he was.

It had felt so good. Pressing back into him, feeling him pulse inside her and swell as he too built toward his own orgasm. She could feel herself shaking as she neared her own orgasm, another one of many that night. His grip tightening on her hips, the tongue of the person above her lashing out and striking her clit over and over with wet precision, causing her stomach to tighten and her pussy to leak and clamp down on the invasive organ like a vise, only making every vein along its surface feel like it was alive inside her.

Taking her robe off the hook on her bathroom door she wrapped herself in its warmth. She wanted to keep remembering, but she also wanted to find Kyle. He had been there, had others come over? Had they gone out when she was already drunk?

She looked back over the room and saw that her clothes from last night lay in a pile, with it her comfortable peach colored cotton boy shorts. They lay inside the outfit she had been wearing at dinner.

It had been a casual party. Just her fun neighbor and the boys. Maybe one of his friends, someone from the college they both attended. Jonah and Kyla both played lacrosse, maybe some of their friends from the team had come over?

'Fuck me! Baby fuck me, yes like that!' She remembered whispering in the ear of her lover as he clutched tight against her, her tight clad legs locked behind his thrusting ass. Pulling him into her as he continued to pick up the pace, his own groans rising in volume as their mutual pleasure built up. She raked her nails over his back, pulling him into her, her tongue lashing out over his ear, tasting the salt of his sweat in her mouth.

'I want to feel you throb inside me," she had whispered in his ear.

She paused as she opened the door of her room. The memory of it was making her skin warm, she could feel a heat low in her belly.

As she made her way down the hall she saw other clothes there, discarded pants.

Men's. Boxer briefs beside them, black and stylish. Beside a pile of something green and blue and floral in color. A soft summer dress.

The one that Carol had been wearing. Everything was falling into place.

She could see into her son's room from where she stood. There were people in his bed but before she could move forward and see who it was she heard footsteps approaching and topping the steps. Looking up she saw a beautiful man, wearing only a pair of black boxers. His legs were athletically muscled. His waist was narrow, the V of his back rose up to wide shoulders that spoke of lots of time on the lacrosse field and in the gym. His abs stood out, his pecs were chiseled. He had a lovely face and high cheek bones with a good chin. His hair was black as a crow and his eyes were blue like the sea. He had a cup of coffee in each hand, and when he saw her his full lips split into a pearly white smile and all of what happened last night hit her like a freight train.

"Hey mom, I think we have a lot to talk about." Kyle said as he handed her one of the cups.


"Oh my god Carol you look so good." Val said as she opened her front door and hugged her next door neighbor and friend.

"Sweetie, how do you keep looking so good?" Carol said into her ear and kissed her cheek. Carol was what young men called a thick milf. She was in her very early forties. She had thick curly brown hair. Her lips were full and her green eyes sparkled. She had a thing for summer dresses and tall heels. She had thick muscled calves and big thighs. Her butt was a bubble and her hips were wide. Her waist was narrow and her breasts were huge, she was a DDD cup size and she was always falling out of the shelf bras she wore. She was partial to lace, thongs and pantyhose that sheathed her thick legs and gave them an allure that was unmistakable. She gave excellent hugs and always kissed her cheek near her ear like it was a secret. Every time she did, Val could feel goosebumps spring up all over her body and a warmth between her own thighs.

Val had been in a few tryst in college with women and always kept her options open. Carol had kissed her once and cupper her ass while they were out by her pool but it had been while they were drinking and it had never gone further. In the light of day they had both talked about it and thought it was better to keep things as friends since they were neighbor and they didn't know how Carol's ex, or their college age sons would react if they found out.

"Swim every morning and run at night and go to yoga and palates every day of the week. It supposed to tone my ass and I think it's working. Thank you for noticing." Val said as they parted and she moved to close the door. A form stepped into the threshold and blocked the door from closing.

"I would say it has worked, Miss Evans." Said the six foot three inch blonde haired young man that followed Carol into the house.

"Fresh." Carol said as she slapped Jonah, her step son's, arm as he stepped into the house and moved so Val could shut the door behind him. Jonah was so cute, it was a wonder there weren't four girls hanging off him right now. He had a big bright smile and his muscles were visible underneath his well-fitting grey button up shirt. His slacks were tailored, his step mother was flexing the money she got in the divorce paying for clothes like that. Val knew full well he didn't buy them, he was just like Kyle in that his idea of dressing up was putting on a clean shirt and shorts after practice.

Val remembered seeing him in his baggy gym shorts one day after they boys had been in the pool and were in getting snacks. When he sat on the couch legs up talking with Kyle, the leg had fallen open and she had seen the dark thatch of his pubes and his flaccid cock hanging between his legs. It was impressive, even limp.

"Sorry, Miss Evans. I was raised to be honest and I was just having to be honest. You look very good today and always." Jonah said, his face breaking into a smile, not a creepy lecherous one but a genuine one. She moved in and accepted the hug he offered and laughed when Carol pulled him away from her in mock jealousy.

"Alright, alright. You keep encouraging him and he will think you are sweet on him." Carol said as she set her purse on the kitchen island, leaving Jonah and Val to take seats in the living room. She returned with two glasses of red wine and perched between her fingers and 3 fingers of what looked like whiskey in her other hand.

"Where's Kyle or is it just the three of us for dinner and drinks today?" Jonah asked as he took his whiskey and Carol slipped in beside him on the couch and Val sat opposite them in her light blue comfy chair. To look at them you would have thought they were a non-traditional couple as opposed to mother and son.

Carol had only been married for eight years to Jonah's father and those years had been turbulent. Jonah was from his prior marriage, his 3rd. He was a hard man to live with but he was rich and rich men got away with a lot more than poor men so women tolerated a lot so they could be kept. Carol had said as much in one of the wine fill conversations they had just after they met.

Just then Kyle walked down the steps, he was in one of his few button down shirts, burgundy in color and it was his color. He was gorgeous no matter what he wore but she was biased. She had loved him since the first time she saw him when the agency had brought him in. He sat down in the other chair in the living room before noting there was no drink for him he gave Carol and Jonah a look and stood back up got a drink before he sat down again.

"Should I simply let you all talk?" Kyle said with a smirk aimed at Jonah, who flipped him off before Carol slapped his thigh and he recoiled in mock pain.

"I wasn't sure where you were, sorry bud, you know I got you." Jonah said with a smile. "Doesn't my mom look nice, I bought her this dress for her birthday last month?"

Kyle gave her his sweet smile and nodded as he appraised her, a gesture he somehow made look suave and not gross before he nodded.

"It fits her well. I'll say that." Kyle said with the slightest of winks before he sipped his whiskey. Carol blushed a deep red and smoothed her hand over her waists and crossed her legs.

"Well before we get to flirty, Kyle why don't you and Jonah make yourself useful and get the barbeque going and I'll bring out the meat once it's ready. We have some wine to drink and topics to cover that is too evolved for such rude beasts." Val said as she stood and smoothed her own clothes and went to the kitchen, throwing Kyle a look and a smile before she finished her glass and started pouring another.

"Man cook meal." Kyle said in a mock caveman voice and stood. "Grab the beer in the fridge and come outside, I wanted to talk about a new supplement the coach showed me."

The pair of them went outside and shut the door to the back patio. Carol stood leaning against the island, sipping her wine.

"Val, I have to say, your son is what my mother would have called a hunk for sure."

"Jonah is no slouch either." Val said as she offered the bottle to Carol who took it and poured another glass.

Over the next two hours they had eaten and drank and talked about every subject under the sun from where things were with both of their jobs, friends at work, women at work they didn't like from their respective jobs that were annoying and after two bottles of wine it turned to sex.

"I think if this dry spell keeps up I'm going to have to buy stock in batteries or lower my standards far enough that I can finally get someone in my bed." Val said, her words were not yet slurred but they were getting there. She could feel how warm her skin was and her head was swimming but she was having fun and once the boys had cleared the table they had begun to do the dishes without being asked.

"I doubt you would have to lower your standards that far or even work that hard for that matter, pretty as you are." Carol said, her eyes were hooded a bit but she too was still speaking clearly and by the flush of her skin she was also quite tipsy.

"I'm serious. And thank you. I work really hard to keep myself in shape and I'm not even sure why I do it. I tried some of those internet sites all I got was a bunch of crazies and dick pics out of the gate." Val said as she sipped her wine and leaned against the cool stove front. Carol drank down the last part of her glass and reached for the bottle, finding it empty she opened another and poured herself a tall glass.

"I mean it, I bet you wouldn't have to look that far for some really good dick." Carol said with a laugh and raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah right. It's my fault. I could get dick I'm sure but I don't want dick I don't trust or that might come back and bite me or be attached to crazy possessive dude or whatever. He almost doesn't have to be cute at this point." Val said. She was starting to sweat a bit, the heat of the alcohol in her body was causing her to perspire.

"I hear you, but I promise you. You would not have to do much and you could get all the dick you wanted. Dick you could trust." Carol said, she had set her glass down and popped open another bottle of wine.

"Where is this mythical man that would provide me with endless safe dick?" Val asked as she waited for the revelation, she saw that Carol really did look pretty damn amazing in her dress. Summer dresses were made to advertise great legs and show off cleavage and nice shoulders and back. Carol was showing off all of that. Val knew Carol was a regular at the gym as one of those few that owns and uses their stationary bike. She was one of those women who would work and work and work and still never be skinny, she was just built different.

But what she had she wore perfectly. Her tits were huge but despite her age had bounce and life when she moved. Her hips were wide but her waist was narrow for her hips. She wore a size 16 pant but had a narrow waist and an ass for weeks. Her legs showed no cellulite and her shoulders showed she had put in work on the weights but the muscles there were subtle and peaked at her as Carol rolled her neck and sipped her wine before turning and letting her eyes settle on Val.

"I never said the dick was on a man." Carol said, her eyes were sultry as she looked over the top of her glass at Val. Val sighed and laughed over her own glass as she sipped it but stood silent.

"I'm not sure what you mean." Val said, feigning ignorance. She knew full well what was being offered. Carol was direct, had been since they met and it was part of the appeal. And it wasn't that she wasn't attracted to her. They had been talking about sex for the last forty five minutes. Her nipples were hard from arousal and she could tell she was soaking through her panties.

The silence that hung between them in the kitchen was so thick Val could feel it like molasses.

Right then she heard the boys laughing upstairs in Kyle's room.

"I think I'm gonna go see if the boys need anything." Val said moving past her in the kitchen

"Did I just ruin the night?" Carol asked her back as she reached the steps. Val could hear the worry in her voice but she could also feel the lusty gaze on her as she climbed the stairs.

"No, I'm just really tipsy and I want to see if the boys need something. I think I'm switching to water though."

As she came to the top of the stairs she heard the conversation and laughter from inside and she was just about to open the door when she heard something that stopped her dead in her tracks.

"You know you would do her if she let you bud. Don't even lie."

The speaker was Jonah, but who were they talking about? She stopped waiting to see what Kyle would say. Were they talking about a girl in class? Maybe that blonde beauty Terri that was on the college swim team, she had come by a few times when they boys had thrown parties in the pool or the hot tub they had out back.

"Bro, are you high?" Kyle sounded, not upset but more like he agreed with Jonah. "We are talking about your mom are we not?"

Val caught her breath. Did she hear right? Was it the booze clouding her head or was she just having some kind of breakdown.

"I may be a tad drunk but I'm being totally serious. I see the way you look at her, the way you stare at her ass when she wears her bathing suit in the hot tub or by the pool. And what is not to like, she has a fantastic ass."

"Why did you tell me this? I can't know this. You can't be serious." Kyle asked and Val leaned closer to the door. What had he told Kyle that made her son sound so incredulous?

"I told you because you are my best friend and because she confessed it to me once after we had partied over here. She totally wants to fuck you bud." Val's mouth was dry, she stepped closer to the door and leaned on the wall, her breath was coming in muffled, ragged puffs as she kept listening.

"Well that part is not what I'm talking about. I mean you and her. What am I supposed to do with that?!" Kyle sounded angry or just flat out confused. Val nearly cried out, she couldn't have heard right. Jonah and Carol were fucking??

"Dude. I told you that because I have to tell someone, and I've seen your browser history. You watch stepmom porn more than I ever did before it happened." Jonah said with a laugh. There was tension and silence in the room and then she heard Kyle laugh also. It was a nervous laugh but it was a laugh that cut the tension between them.

"Who goes through a browser history, what are you my mother?"

"She would be surprised if she saw it I'm sure. Delete that shit before she gets and eyeful and sees what gets you off." Jonah said with a laugh. They messed with one another for a minute and then silence sat back down in the room.

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