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Nude Noir Ch. 03

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The case ends.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/04/2020
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This chapter ends the Nude Noir story. I strongly recommend reading chapters 1 and 2 in order before reading this.

This story is a work of fiction. Some real institutions are mentioned, but they are used fictitiously. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those institutions has ever behaved as do the characters in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading this.


Ali got her limited intern license with no problems. Paul and Lilith wanted us to stay at The Cove, which made my office in downtown Tampa very inconvenient. Besides that, my old office was a dump. Ali found us a storefront space in a strip center several miles south of The Cove on US 41. The one drawback was that the entire front of the space was a clear plate glass window. That would largely preclude in-office nudity. Ali solved that problem by sweet-talking the landlord into giving us a set of blinds that covered the entire front. We could open and close them at our discretion. When closed, the side of the blinds facing the parking lot and street showed the message "Private Investigators" above the larger word "CONFIDENTIAL," with our phone number at the bottom.

Ali, who was the resident expert, also decreed that my desktop computer was wholly inadequate. When she finished compiling her hardware and software shopping list, I found a bank which would loan us the $ 25,000 required. The first thing Ali and I ever signed jointly was a promissory note.

The computer investment proved its worth early. An architectural firm hired us after it fell prey to a phishing scam which led to $ 300,000 being transferred out of its account. The police and the firm's bank determined the money had gone somewhere overseas and gave up. Ali was able to charm a bank IT guy into letting her into the bank's computers to trace the transfer. Ali followed the money to the Latvian account of a firm with no apparent existence beyond that account. She hacked the Latvian bank and transferred the money back to our client. She promised there would be no blowback. The Latvian bank's computers would show a hack from an ISP address assigned to the Russian government. Our bonus for that job equaled my gross the year before.

We continued to work for Paul and Lilith Westerfeld. Due to Kim Bowen, we did background checks on all their employees. We learned that the Westerfelds owned another, larger resort called Cypress Stand outside Orlando. CS had more indoor facilities, like pools and hot tubs, than The Cove and did better business in winter. Ali and I stayed at CS for a couple of days while I assessed physical security and Ali assessed cyber-security. It amused me that I was being paid to wander around buck naked.

Around Ali's and my "first anniversary," we got an unusual assignment from Paul and Lilith. There was a resort along I-75 south of Gainesville, called BT Resort. The owners wanted to sell out to the Westerfelds. BTR was more "adult-themed" than The Cove and CS. Paul and Lilith wanted to know what that meant and the usual things like condition of the physical plant, room for expansion, etc. The Westerfelds asked us to go to BTR as guests and report back.

Ali and I got a room for Thursday and Friday nights the weekend before Halloween. Our first impression of BTR was disappointing. The property had obviously been one of those chain motels that were built at Interstate exits in the 1960s. This one had apparently been built in an L shape around a small swimming pool. The pool was now enclosed by an opaque fence. There were enclosed walkways running from the original structure to two metal buildings: one in part of what had been the parking lot and the other nestled against the Interstate right-of-way fence.

Ali and I shared a dubious look as we went to check in. A bored young woman stood at a computer terminal behind a chest-high counter. We had to show photo IDs and the woman spent some time scrolling on her terminal screen before she took my credit card. We were given two key cards and buzzed through a solid door opposite the one leading outside. We were also given a brochure titled "Welcome to BT Resort." The introduction said "BT stands for broken taboos. You are encouraged to break taboos, both societal and personal, during your stay. Please be aware that all forms of sexual conduct between consenting heterosexuals are permitted and encouraged anywhere within BT Resort. LGBTQ sexual conduct is permitted and encouraged in the LGBTQ Space. We also encourage all members of the straight and LGBTQ communities to try the sexual practices of the other community during your stay." After we read that, Ali joked, "Ian, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

Behind reception was a restaurant/bar which had been opened up so that the bar also served the pool. There were about a couple dozen people around the pool, but none in it. No one was completely nude, but most people's outfits left their asses bare and exposed tits, pubes, or both.

Ali said, "Ian, I didn't bring anything appropriate to wear here." We solved problem in a small shop that had been made from a couple of guest rooms. The shop was priced for a captive clientele, but we figured we could claim a few items as reimbursable expenses. Ali found a transparent bodysuit with small stars woven into the material. "I can wear this for the evenings," she said. Ali picked out black and dark blue spandex pouches for me to wear. A patch of the material covering my dick was attached with Velcro so Ali could expose me if she chose to.

Before we checked out, Ali stopped at a shelf filled with what looked to me like dog collars. "You know what these are, don't you?" Ali asked.

"No," I replied.

"Unless I'm mistaken," Ali said, "these are sub collars. The submissive in a D-S relationship wears this around her neck to show that she is 'owned' by a dom. As I understand the etiquette, anyone else who wants to interact with an 'owned' sub needs to get her dom's permission first." Ali picked up a collar, held it against her throat, and looked in a mirror. "It might save me some hassle to wear one here."

"I'd never claim to 'own' you," I said.

"Of course not," Ali replied sweetly. "We're partners. We have equal ownership of each other."

Our room was what I expected. It likely had not been refurbished since before Ali was born. There was an air conditioner built into the outside wall below a sealed window that looked out on vacant land. To the far right, I periodically saw the top of a semi on the Interstate. The room's door opened onto a concrete walkway from which we could look down on the pool and patio bar. I noticed that some of the concrete was crumbling and there was rust on the supporting steel.

We hadn't seen any other places to eat as we came in, and we were there to assess the "resort," so we ate in the resort restaurant. Ali looked gorgeous and very sexy in her bodysuit. I wasn't sure I liked the symbolism, but the collar around her throat was erotic. She drew attention as we walked and were seated.

Our server was pleasant, attentive, and good-looking. She introduced herself as Patty. She was a blonde, about Ali's age, in high heels, a thong, and a transparent top. She also wore rather thick padded cuffs around her wrists and ankles with hooks on them. Being ignorant in the ways of BTR, I asked Patty about the cuffs.

Patty giggled. "Those are for what we call 'inverse tips.' At the end of the meal, if you didn't like the service, or just feel like it, you can take me over there." Patty pointed to a large wooden X- shaped frame against a wall. There were short chains at each end of the X and paddles hanging on the wall next to it. "You hook those chains to my cuffs so I can't move," Patty explained, "and use one of those paddles to spank me." Patty giggled. "Some nights, my ass is red for the whole shift." I glanced at Ali. Her expression said she was not impressed.

When Patty brought our after-dinner drinks, Ali said to her, "This is our first time here. What do people do in the evening?"

"Everything is in the outbuildings," Patty replied. "If you take the walkway towards the Interstate, you'll be in the LGBTQ Space. I don't go there a lot, but it can be fun to watch. The walkway at the end of this building goes to the dungeon and the auditorium. The dungeon is what you'd expect: bondage and S & M." Patty pointed at a very fit young man wearing a pouch like mine. "Gary, my boyfriend, and I work in the auditorium after we get off here at 9:30. It is fun. There is a bar at the back. They've got bleachers, like you'd see in a high school gym, and a performance area."

I thought I knew the answer, but I asked anyway. "What sort of performances do they have?"

"When you go in, there's a girl at the door, Jenny. You can give Jenny your first names and sit down. Sometime during the night, she'll call your names. When she does, you come to a small room underneath the bleachers. Gary and I undress you. Then you go out to the performance area. There's a padded table with a sheet on it. You can use that or not as you like. You can fuck, suck, masturbate, whatever you like. You just have to come for the audience. Once you're done, Gary and I come out, change the sheet, clean up, and Jenny calls two more names."

"What if none of the guests give their names?" Ali asked.

Patty smiled. "In that case, Gary and I perform. If no one volunteers for the whole night, we alternate between Gary and me and Jenny and Ron. Sometimes, if it's slow, Vicky will come out from the bar and we do a threesome." We left Patty a large tip.

After dinner, Ali said, "We need to look around. Want to try the LGBTQ Space first?" I nodded. We walked around the pool and along the walkway. As I opened the door for Ali, the first thing I saw was a nude person with shoulder-length blonde hair, a gorgeous face with a touch of make-up, big tits, and a dick hanging between his/her legs. A man with some sort of a cage around his dick came up to the blonde, began kissing her/him, then knelt and started giving a blowjob. We left the LGBTQ Space.

The dungeon was the busiest place we had seen at BTR. Just in front of us as we walked in was an attractive woman bent over the edge of a table. She was nude. Her hands were held by clamps attached to the table and her feet were clamped to the floor. Behind her, a large tattooed man was flogging her ass with a whip. He had already drawn blood.

Ali and I took a quick walk around the dungeon and saw several similar sights. Despite what appeared to be massive infliction of pain, everyone seemed quite happy. Ali turned to me and said, "I'm not into this." I agreed with her. Not to be judgmental, but I could not understand why someone would want to inflict pain on their partner. It was utterly impossible for me to intentionally do something that would leave a cut or welt on Ali.

As we entered the auditorium, an attractive brunette asked "Would you like to perform this evening?"

Without thinking, or asking Ali, I said, "no thank you." Patty's description was perfect. Ali and I joined five other couples looking down at a brightly lit patch of floor with a table, or something, in the center covered by a sheet. When nothing happened for a few minutes, I asked Ali if she wanted a drink.

Ali seemed a little upset with me as she said "Yes, please." I walked down and behind the bleachers to where a full bar was set up just out from the metal wall. The bar was tended by a young blonde-haired woman wearing just a thong. I assumed she was Vicky.

As Vicky brought me our drinks, I asked "is it typically this quiet?"

"Thursday is always slow," Vicky replied. "Tomorrow and Saturday, from ten o'clock on, we'll be at least three-quarters full. Even then, though, not that many people will perform. Mainly, they just drink and watch Patty and Gary or Jenny and Ron. I don't get that. I've fucked in front of an audience. It's the most erotic experience I've ever had."

I took the drinks back to Ali and told her what Vicky had told me. The woman from the door, Jenny I assumed, walked to the center of the floor, and announced, "Betty and Fred." An older, heavyset couple stood and tentatively began climbing down the bleachers. Betty wore a teddy-type garment and Fred wore a pair of what looked like leather briefs. Jenny led them under the portion of the bleachers to our left.

A couple of minutes later, Betty and Fred walked out onto the floor completely nude. They stood as if they didn't know what to do for a moment before they kissed. Fred put a hand on one of Betty's tits. Betty wrapped a hand around Fred's dick. A short time later, Betty was on her back on the table and Fred was fucking her. There was nothing inherently sexy about Betty and Fred. That they were fucking so ten other people could watch them was arousing.

Betty and Fred didn't last long. When they were done, Patty and Gary, now both nude, came out, cleaned the padded table, and spread a new sheet. Then, Patty began stroking Gary and Gary started fingering Patty. When Gary was hard, he got on the table on his back. Patty got over him with her cunt above his face. Patty started sucking Gary and Gary started eating Patty. Patty and Gary were sexy, attractive, and experienced. Again, though, the most arousing part of their performance was that they were doing it for the purpose of being watched.

It seemed like Patty was orgasming when she let Gary's dick out of her mouth. However, she held him so that he shot into her face. When they finished, they got off the table and stood for applause, Patty smiled with Gary's come still all over her face.

Patty and Gary again cleaned the table and changed the sheet again. After several minutes, Jenny walked "onstage" with a fit young man I'd not seen before. He was nude. She was wearing a gauzy maroon teddy. The man laid a tube on the table. Jenny began stroking his dick, then knelt and took him in her mouth. Once the man was hard, Jenny released him and stood up. He pealed the teddy off her shoulders and down her body. Jenny turned her back to us, wiggled her bare ass invitingly, and then turned her side to us and bent over. The man took the tube and squeezed some of its contents on his finger. He stuck that finger in Jenny's ass and twisted it. He repeated that process a couple more times before shoving his dick in Jenny's ass. The young man pumped her ass while Jenny fingered herself.

I hadn't had anal sex at that time. For some reason, it struck me as even more private than vaginal sex. That Jenny and the man were doing it, and she was masturbating, in front of us, seemed the ultimate in exhibitionism. Both Jenny and the young man yelped and shuddered at about the same time. After he pulled out, she stayed bent over, but turned her ass back to face us again. The man spread her cheeks so we could see his come running out of Jenny's asshole. That was when Ali grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go. I'm too horny!"

As we walked out the door of the auditorium, now tended by Patty, Ali reached down and pulled the patch off the front of my pouch. My hard-on sprang out and up. Ali grabbed it and started to lead me. I heard Patty say "nice!"

We didn't make it to the room. Instead, I pealed Ali bodysuit off her beside the pool then dropped what remained of my pouch. Ali dove in and I followed. She leaned against the side of the pool in water about chest deep. I entered her. We made love in an outdoor pool at night in late October.

We spent much of Friday looking at the condition of the resort as unobtrusively as possible. It didn't look good. Around four o'clock, we sat t one of the outdoor bar tables by the pool. It was much warmer than it had been the night before. I was wearing my pouch. Ali wore a pair of panties and her collar. The same waitress we had the night before, Patty, came out to serve us in just a thong.

When she brought our drinks, Patty stayed for a moment. "What did you think of the show last night?"

"You and Gary and Jenny and the other man were great," I said.

Patty giggled. "It looked like you had enjoyed it when you left. You must admire Betty and Fred though. They aren't beautiful, but they fucked in front of strangers. I think that is so sweet." Patty went off to serve other customers. She was back a few minutes later. "Come back tonight," she said. "The crowd will be larger. That doesn't necessarily mean many more people will volunteer, but Gary and I and Jenny and Ron get into it more if there are more people. I was shitting myself before I did it the first time, but I will tell you that fucking in front of a room full of strangers is just about my favorite sexual experience. Knowing that those people are watching you build up to it and then see you come is intensely erotic."

We finished our drinks. "You want to manufacture some question to see how the front desk performs today?" Ali asked. "I'd like to just sit here for a bit." I got up and went inside to ask for the fastest route to Jacksonville. I thought that was simple enough but the woman behind the desk had to call someone before she could tell me that it was more miles but probably faster to go north on 75 to I-10 and east on 10 to Jacksonville. Ali was talking to Patty again when I came back out. Patty left and came back with the second round of drinks.

I suppressed an urge to look for fast food along the Interstate and we suffered the resort's food for a second night. The upside was that Patty waited on us a third time. She had changed into a different see-through top and a pair of see-through bottoms. "The State says my pubes have to be covered when I'm serving," she explained, "but it doesn't say you aren't allowed to see them."

Ali and Patty were quite friendly to each other. Ali seemed to be dragging dinner out, taking more time than usual to make her choices. She also ordered dessert, something she never does. We were the last customers in the dining area when we finished. Gary had been cleaning up around us. When Patty brought out the check, she said, "Gary and I are going over for our shift in the auditorium, want to come with us?"

"You don't want to see the LGBTQ room or the dungeon again, do you?" Ali asked.

"Not really," I replied.

"Then," Ali said, "let's walk over with Patty and Gary." We did. I already liked Patty and, in the short walk to the auditorium, formed a favorable impression of Gary. Jenny gave us a big smile as we walked in. Ali smiled back.

At the base of the bleachers, Patty said, "You guys get seats. Gary and I have to get undressed." The bleachers were not completely full, but Ali and I had to sit just two rows from the top. Like the night before, nothing happened for a while. Jenny finally walked out, in a yellow teddy that night, and said, "Our first couple for the evening are Ali and Ian."

I looked at Ali. She giggled and said, "I had Patty sign us up while you were at the front desk this afternoon. Come on. No one here knows us and Patty and Vicky both told you how great it is." Ali stood up. The audience began clapping. I had not gotten up. Ali looked down at me and used the phrase I could never resist: "Ian, please! I want to do this!"

I stood and followed Ali down the bleachers. The applause got louder, with some wolf-whistles mixed in. Jenny pointed us to the end of the bleachers to our left. We walked to where a nude Patty stood in the doorway a small shed. I followed Ali inside where Gary was waiting. Patty followed me and closed the door.

"You've never done something like this before, have you?" Patty asked. Ali and I shook our heads. "Relax," Patty said. "You're going to get wet or hard every time you remember tonight."

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