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Obsession...with a Twist

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18 year old drives an older man to do things.
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I was forty-eight years old and I can never remember, at any point in my life, being obsessed with anything.

Certainly I had been focused on things - my career, my family - but never obsessed.

Until I was forty-eight.

And the object of my obsession was my neighbor's eighteen year old daughter.


My wife, Linda, and I had been living in our home on the same cul-de-sac for almost fifteen years. We'd raised our two boys there and had now seen them off to college.

There were only five houses on this side road, and we'd seen many neighbors come and go over the years. The one constant had been the Kincaids - John and Nancy. John and I were golfing buddies and played other sports with each other as well. Nancy and Linda were the best of friends as well.

But few months prior John had been felled by a stroke. Broken-hearted, Nancy couldn't bear to remain in that house. So, she put it on the market and moved to live with her sister thousands of miles away.

It took a few months for the place to sell, and when it did, Linda and I went over to welcome our new neighbor, Bill to the neighborhood.

Bill was a few years younger, but many pounds heavier than I was. And, as it turned out, he wasn't the slightest bit interested in golf.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes a bit as Linda and I had Bill over for a welcoming glass of wine. Turns out, he also wasn't a wine drinker. So I had to let him partake of my scotch. I wasn't overly thrilled with that since I only opened the scotch on special occasions. Like when John and I played a round of golf at par. Or when we'd played well at pick-up softball, or hockey. Not the greatest of accomplishments to be sure, but good enough to pull out the bottle of Glen Fiddich to congratulate ourselves.

I took another sip of my wine and glanced at Bill. He was forty-five, three years younger than me, but easily fifty pounds heavier. And he carried most of that excess weight in his gut.

At forty-eight I was still in pretty good shape. I could still fit into pants with a thirty inch waist, and I did have ab muscles. Not a six-pack for sure, but I was in good enough shape for a guy my age. Considering the amount of drinking I did, I considered myself to be in great shape.

In fact, after John's passing I had gravitated away from the team sports, because without my 'partner-in-crime', I had become 'token old guy'. I had tried to take up running, but my knees told me that was a bad idea. So I got into riding my bike more, and also kept up rollerblading, which was something I'd done off and on for years.

I sighed as I glanced at Bill as he and Linda chatted away. I knew this guy wasn't going to be a golfing-buddy. Or any other kind of friend that I could partake in sports, or physical activities with.

At that point, I really missed John. Of the five houses on our cul-de-sac, one sat vacant - divorce proceedings pending - another was occupied by a Chinese family who kept to themselves, and the other was owned by an upwardly-mobile homosexual couple. They were nice enough guys, and I didn't judge, but they were both in their late twenties and we ran in different circles.

That's when it hit me. Why the hell would Bill - a forty-five year old, single guy - buy a three-bedroom home? So I asked him why.

"My ex was really putting the screws to me in the divorce," Bill said with a chuckle. "And I've got a great accountant and lawyer."

Bill explained that his lawyer told him he could hide some of his assets from the divorce settlement, and his accountant found this place for him to sink some of his capital into.

"Besides," Bill said as he reached for my bottle of scotch to pour himself another - which made me wince a bit - "My daughter will be spending the summer with me, so I needed some extra space."


I came downstairs on Saturday morning dressed in a tank-top and shorts.

"Oh my god," Linda moaned. "Please tell me you're kidding," she gestured at me to let me know she didn't approve.

I rolled my eyes. "What?" I flapped my arms. "It's over ninety degrees outside. I've got to mow the lawn, and then I thought I'd go for a blade."

It was Linda's turn to roll her eyes. "Have you forgotten Bill and his daughter are going to be coming over? He's on his way to pick her up now," she said in a condescending tone.

After all these years of marriage, that was the ONE thing Linda did that drove me bat-shit insane.

"I haven't forgotten," I sighed as I finished descending the stairs. "I will man the grill when it comes time for dinner," I continued as I made my way to the front door. "But please!" I stressed the last word. "Allow me to be comfortable, okay?"

I shook my head as I closed the door behind me and made my way to the garage to get the lawn-mower. I loved my wife, but she drove me nuts sometimes.

I was almost done mowing the front yard when I saw Bill pull into his drive-way. I gave him a half-hearted wave as he got out of his car. But then I paused when I saw his daughter get out of the car.

I was entranced! I knew she was eighteen, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I shut the mower off and walked over to be neighborly, but really I wanted to eye this young lady a bit closer.

Bill introduced us, and Brenda, his daughter, looked like she'd just been introduced to a blank wall. Clearly this young lady didn't want to be here.

However, I didn't care about her reluctance about spending the summer with her father. I was just incredibly fixated on the insanely hot young woman standing before me. With the benefit of my mirrored shades I was able to eye Brenda up and down with impunity. She had a beautiful face, with round cheeks and a cute nose, along with intoxicating deep blue eyes.

She was wearing a blouse that clung nicely against her rather well-developed breasts. Even though she was only eighteen, I estimated Brenda to be a very solid B-cup, near attaining C-cup status. The short skirt she had on was nice and tight, and accentuated the wonderfully curvy ass she had. Plus her legs were to die for! She was only about 5'6", but her legs weren't stubby or anything. Nicely tanned and quite shapely. She even sported an ankle bracelet despite wearing heels.

I was so engrossed with ogling Brenda that I barely realized what Bill was saying. Fortunately, I was able to catch enough to respond to him when he stopped flapping his gums.

"Oh sure," I finally said with a smile in Bill's direction, but my gaze under my shades was fixated on her daughter. Damn! She had wonderfully pouty lips too. "Linda's expecting you anytime," I continued as I eyed up and down Brenda's sexy frame again. "Let Brenda get settled in and then pop over whenever. I'm going to finish up in the back yard," I gestured to the mower. "Then I might go for a rollerblade," I happened to notice Brenda's brow furrow up a bit when I mentioned that and saw that she glanced at me. "But like I told Linda, I'll be back to man the grill for dinner."

"Sounds good," Bill said in a friendly voice. I'm sure that demeanor would have been quite different had he known how much I was lusting after his daughter. Nevertheless, since he was unaware, Bill happily lead his daughter into his house.

I waited until the door was closed behind them before I turned back to the mower and began pushing it towards the back yard. Damn! That girl had an ass that wouldn't quit!


After I finished up in the backyard, I made my way inside and got myself a tall, cool glass of water and chugged it down.

"So you met her?" Linda asked as she appeared in the kitchen.

"Yeah," I said following a deep breath after I swallowed. "That girl looks like she'd rather be any place else on earth than here," I chuckled.

"I know," Linda sighed. "Bill called over to say she was here, but reluctant to do anything other than sit in the room he's prepared for her and text on her phone."

Bill had told us before Brenda's arrival that he didn't have the closest relationship with her, not even before his divorce, and certainly not after. But, at his ex-wife's request, he'd agreed to take Brenda for the summer, while she was down in Australia with her new boyfriend.

It didn't take a PhD in parenting to figure out that Brenda was pissed about being left behind by her mother, AND being forced to spend the summer with a father she didn't have a good relationship with.

Still, I didn't care about the whys, wherefores, and whatnots of the situation. I found myself content at the fact that this hot, young thing would be spending the summer next door to me.

"I told him he should bring her over early," Linda continued. "But it doesn't seem likely. Still," she sighed. "They will be over for dinner."

"So," I shrugged. "That means I have time for a rollerblade?"

Linda smiled and sighed. "Yes," she playfully chided me. "But it's a 'no' to stopping at the beach and perving on young women like I know you do."

"Hey," I chuckled in response, as I held up my hands in mock-defense. "I've have been completely honest with you about this. You are now married to a 'dirty old man'. I have no problems with that, since the hours are good and there's no heavy lifting involved."

"Just be back by four," Linda laughed as she playfully swatted me on my backside.


I always enjoyed rollerblading. I'd been doing it for well over ten years by that point. Granted it did take a toll on my aging body, but that was offset by the fact that I'd go by some beaches in town and get an eyeful of young women in bikinis. To say nothing of the women I'd see who were out either running, walking, biking, and the occasional rollerblader too.

The thing with the trip this Saturday is that it struck me as odd. Again, it had been over ten years of me doing this, and taking in the sights. I'd even gotten into the habit of stopping at a beach not far from home and sitting back and relaxing while taking in visuals.

And yet in all that time, I had never had a younger woman infatuate me the way Brenda had. The whole time I was blading, I couldn't get her out of my mind. This was despite taking in some incredible sights on this trip.

As I made my way home, without stopping at a beach, lest I incur my wife's wrath, I was a bit surprised that Brenda seemed to have such an effect on me.

When I got home, Linda was a bit antsy. "They'll be over shortly," she said to me as I walked through the front door. "You need to shower and get changed."

"Okay, okay," I said with a smile as I slowly entered the house. My body didn't always like me after I rollerbladed. "Can I get a drink first?"

Linda was the typical 'hysterical host'. Things had to be just so, or heaven forbid the impression people got when the visited.

I was much more laid back. So, as I reached into the fridge to grab myself a beer - another reason my body tended to hate me, I didn't hydrate with water - I grinned as I saw Linda wince when the doorbell rang.

"Do you want me to run out in the back yard so they don't see me ma'am?" I said sarcastically.

"You're an ass," Linda grinned at me. "Is it so wrong to want to make a good first impression?"

"I've already made mine," I shrugged. "She doesn't even know I exist."

Linda wagged a finger at me as she moved to the front door. "Bill," she said warmly as she opened the door. "And you must be Brenda. Welcome to our home."

I heard my myself mumble, and groan 'oh my god', as Brenda walked inside ahead of her father. She still wore the 'poor me' look of someone who wanted to be anywhere else on the face of the earth, but it wasn't that which caught my attention. Brenda had changed from her previous outfit and was now sporting a baby-blue tank top which clung nicely against her breasts, as well as a pair of tight black shorts that really showed off the curves in her hips and her wonderfully rounded backside.

Bill entered a second later and warmly greeted me and asked how my blade had gone. I simply shrugged and told him it was fine. I was trying to be aloof, but it was hard to keep my gaze off of Brenda's hot body. The problem at the time was that I wasn't wearing my shades.

"Well," Linda added quickly as if sensing there was tension in the room. "Bill, why don't the two of you head outside and get comfortable? I'll grab a tray of munchies I've prepared, and I'll make us a couple of drinks."

"That sounds wonderful," Bill replied in a genuinely warm and appreciative tone. "I've also brought some garlic bread, as well as I bottle of local wine, since I know you're both fans," he presented Linda with the bag he held in his hand. "Plus," he looked at me and smiled. "I brought over some scotch so I don't have to keep drinking yours."

I smiled back at him, appreciative of his gesture. "Guests are always allowed, Bill."

Linda remarked how wonderful it was for Bill to be so generous, and again suggested they both head outside, and she'd join them shortly.

I slid open the door and held it as Brenda and Bill headed outside. He warmly thanked me, and she mumbled something with may have been thanks, or a wish I was dead. It was pretty unintelligible so I wasn't sure. As I closed the door behind them, I paused and watch as Brenda slowly slumped into her chair with all the enthusiasm of a person about to undergo root canal.

"Well," Linda sighed as she finished unloading Bill's bag. "You were right about that one," she remarked and I knew she was referring to Brenda. "She barely made a peep. And her father is trying so hard."

I shuffled over to the counter and rolled my eyes when I saw the bottle of scotch he'd brought over. "Not that hard," I moaned. "He brought Johnnie Walker for god's sake."

"Oh stop," Linda chided me. "Get your ass upstairs. Shower yourself off and get changed."

I rolled my eyes as Linda scurried about the kitchen, getting her plate of munchies from the fridge and pausing. I knew she was wondering whether to take the tray outside first, or make drinks.

I began to head up the stairs. "Take the tray first," I said with a sigh. "Then come back and get drinks. I'm assuming you're going to at least serve Brenda a non-alcoholic beverage. That'd be three glasses and the tray."

I couldn't help but shake my head when Linda called back and thanked me for my advice.

I went to the master bedroom to change. As I was in there I glanced out the window. Bill was picking away at the veggie platter Linda had brought outside. Brenda was just sitting there. Although, from the angle of view I had, I could see right down the front of her shirt and focused on her cleavage.

God, I thought to myself. What is a girl that young doing with tits that outstanding?

I shook my head as I turned and headed into the ensuite bathroom off the master bedroom. As I quickly soaped myself up under the water, I couldn't help but notice that I was semi-erect. And every time I closed my eyes under the water an image of Brenda would pop into my head.

This was insane! I had seen plenty of hot women earlier when I was out blading, yet none of them kept popping into my head like this. Why did this young thing have such a hold on me?

I decided to not worry about it and just deal with the situation then and there. So, I quickly whacked off in the shower. I exhaled heavily after I came huge. I stood there and closed my eyes and was happy to know that I was again thinking of how ridiculous it was for Bill to offer a bottle of Johnnie Walker after drinking a good portion of my Glen Fiddich.

Feeling better, I got out of the shower, toweled off then got dressed and headed downstairs. I ran into Linda in the kitchen and saw she was getting another round of drinks together. She smiled and nodded at me when she noticed my presence.

Oh good, I thought to myself. I passed my wife's inspection. Rather than my usual weekend get up of a tank-top and cut-off jean shorts, I dressed more for a round of golf: A collared shirt, and decent shorts.

"And," I playfully chided Linda as I scooted up next to her. "I'm even wearing underwear."

"Bonus points," Linda chuckled as she reached into the fridge and pulled a can of ginger-ale out.

"Please tell me Bill's not mixing that in with his scotch," I almost groaned.

"No," Linda gave me a wave of her hand as she glanced over her shoulder, as if afraid Bill might hear us. "This is for Brenda."

"Oh okay," I replied. Then I cautioned Linda as I saw her reaching for my bottle of scotch. "Uh uh," I said. "Use the bottle he brought," I gestured to the Johnnie Walker on the counter.

"Oh come on," Linda chided me. "Is it really such a big deal?"

I fixed a stern, yet playful gaze on her face. "Since you're not a scotch drinker, I'll let that pass."

Linda chuckled but followed my suggestion and popped the top on the Johnnie Walker to make Bill's drink. "Did you want one too?" she asked.

I made a bit of a face and shook my head. I'd had a bad experience with Johnnie Walker years earlier - such that I know what a person who's been killed by an ax to the head feels like. "No thanks," I said. "Actually I think I'll go for wine," I added as I picked up the bottle Bill had brought by. I knew the vineyard and actually liked the kind he'd chosen. So, I thought I'd let this sit until dinner, and went to our wine rack to pick out another bottle.

"Are you coming out right away?" I heard Linda call to me as she slid the door to the back yard open.

"In a minute," I called back as I selected a bottle. "Going to pour myself a glass of wine, then give the steaks a rub before I come out."


It was just slightly more than ten minutes before I joined everyone outside. I had my sunglasses on again, so even though I acted like I was paying attention to Bill and Linda's conversation, I was eyeing Brenda up and down again.

She was slumped back in her chair, which pushed her cleavage up so I got a nice view of it. Add to that with her legs crossed as they were, I swear I could see some of her ass cheek sneaking out from beneath her shorts. She also had her over leg kicking forward slightly, which is always something I've found attractive.

But in this case I knew it was total indifference. Brenda was already sick of being here, and that leg kick was just a subtle attempt to let everyone else know about.

As was something else she was doing. It became more pronounced as Linda and Bill continued to chat away.

"Excuse me," I interrupted Linda before she could respond to a question from Bill about our boys. I looked at Brenda and pulled my shades down a bit so she could see my eyes. "Could you stop that?"

Brenda saw my look and got a defensive look on her face as her brow furrowed. "Stop what?" she asked in a defiant tone.

"That insane tinkling of the ice in your glass," I replied flatly. "What are you trying to be, a James Bond villain or something?"

"Oh hon," Linda interjected quietly. "Come on."

"I'm sorry," I replied with a half-hearted apology. "But it just strikes me as being disrespectful," I kept my gaze fixed on Brenda and for the first time I wasn't ogling her. "I get that the conversation here might not be as interesting as what happened at Yalta," I gave Brenda a sarcastic smirk. "Google it later tonight," I added. "But people are still trying to have a chat. And that ice-tinkling is obnoxious."

"Ken!" Linda harshly interjected.

"What?" I fired back. "You two are sitting here chatting amicably, and I'm sitting here relaxing, and this one?" I gestured towards Brenda. "Is doing nothing but showing disdain," I stood up defiantly and turned to Bill. "Sorry if I'm overstepping here, but this is my home."

He could only muster a sheepish look and nod in response.

I looked back at Brenda. "If you don't want to be here young lady, you know where the front door is," I said resolutely and then strode back inside.


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