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Oceanbreeze Court Ch. 02

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Kelly and Harry work as nude servers and win a convert.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/03/2017
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This story is a work of fiction. This is the second installment of a series. While it is hoped that the story can be read enjoyably on its own, the initial Oceanbreeze Court story provides background on the characters and context. Any similarities to any real person or entity are entirely coincidental and unintended.


The "performance" which Kelly and I had given in that small theater a couple of hundred miles away was a cherished memory for us both. However, it often seemed to me that our neighbors Allison and Kurt Schultz had enjoyed it more than we had. Of course, Allison had made it possible for Kelly to live out her fantasy of being fucked onstage in front of an audience. Allison and Kurt brought the event up almost every time that we saw them, and we saw them a lot.

Kelly's and my willingness, indeed enthusiasm, to strip naked in front of an audience and fuck obviously motivated a request which Allison and Kurt made of us later in the spring. Kurt's architectural firm had a "dinner" each June for the thirty or so architects and engineers in the firm and their spouses or dates. Arranging the dinner was assigned to a different member of the firm each year. In keeping with the edgy image which the firm cultivated, each member tried to make sure that his or her dinner was the most unique.

When Allison and Kurt first talked to us, Kurt explained that the unofficial competition had reached its zenith the prior year when the firm had hired a large number of balloonists to take everyone up in hot air balloons for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. That was followed by a catered picnic dinner in the field where the balloons landed. When the firm got the bills for that event, there was general agreement that the annual dinner needed to be reigned in somewhat.

Kurt was responsible for this year's firm dinner. Consistent with his instructions to be a bit more conservative, Kurt had found a private banquet facility beside a small lake just north of town. Kurt and Allison had decided that everyone could have a relatively early dinner and then those who wished could take small pedal-powered pontoon boats out of the lake to watch the sunset.

As Kurt and Allison described their plans to us, I was thinking "Ok, that's nice, but why are you telling us? We're not part of your firm." The explanation was not long in coming.

While Kurt and Allison were generally satisfied with their plan and its cost, they felt that the plan lacked an "edge." Consistent with their interest in human nudity, they had started thinking about a way to inject some nudity into the firm dinner.

Chuckling, Kurt explained, "I could hardly ask my partners, our employees, and their spouses and dates to strip off, so we thought, 'what about having the dinner served by nude servers?' I know it's been done before, but probably not at any event these people have attended. I ran the idea by the banquet facility. They said that their staff absolutely would not do that, but, if I could find other servers who would, and pay them an additional fee for not using their people, they'd work with us."

Allison interjected, "If you dig deep enough on the Internet and in the back pages of those free tabloids they hand out downtown, you can find a couple of companies which are willing to provide nude waiters and waitresses."

"The problem with that," Kurt said, "is that they are providing strippers and exotic dancers. Lots of tattoos. That's not really what I had in mind."

"There is a woman who has modeled for me a few times," Allison said. "Her main job these days is as a fitness instructor, but she still waits tables a couple of nights a week and she's been doing it since high school. If anyone knows about being a server, it's Karen. I talked to her. She was pretty hesitant, but I begged. She said that she'd do it if I could line up seven other people. She said that they don't need experience. She can teach them enough to get through one event."

Kelly laughed. "So, you want us to be nude servers for your firm's dinner?"

"Well, yeah," Kurt replied. "You guys don't mind if people see you naked."

"Hold on buddy," I said. "It is one thing to be naked up on a stage with the clothed people at some distance. You're talking pretty up close and personal. Anyone with a bit of liquid courage could reach out and grab a tit, a clit, or a dick."

Kurt smiled. "Oh, I really don't think that my people would do that, at least not much."

Kelly asked, "What if there is someone there whom we know?"

Kurt replied, "Do either of you know anyone at my shop besides me?"

We both shook our heads, but Kelly persisted. "Ok, but what about spouses and dates? Harry and I both conduct professional practices in this town. Where are we if words gets out that we were nude waiters?"

"It could get you a more interesting group of clients," Allison said."

"I really think that the risk of that is too low to consider," Kurt said.

Allison added, "Remember everything that I did so that you could live your fantasy? I really think that you owe us."

It was about a 50 minute drive from Oceanbreeze Court to the facility hosting Kurt's annual dinner. Kelly and I were both nervous. Kelly was very quiet, which is a sign of nervousness in her. I was trying to remember had Karen had told us in the "server's 101" meeting we'd had with her a couple of nights before. I wasn't as concerned about how well I served Kurt's guests as I was about spilling something hot on my bare dick.

We arrived at the banquet hall about and hour and half before the event. It was, really, a very pleasant spot. The dining room looked out on the small lake. Dressed, we followed Karen's very specific instructions about setting each place at each table.

The guests started arriving for cocktails in the lobby about 30 minutes later. We were still setting up and a few guests wandered into the dining room to look around. That didn't bother us. We were all clothed. It was not surprise that there were servers. The surprise would be that we were all naked.

Once the tables were set, Karen made sure that all of the salads were ready on treys just outside the kitchen door. Ordinarily, Karen explained, we'd go ahead and put the salads out at an event like this. Instead, we would be serving the salads after everyone was seated to provide an extra opportunity for them to see our nude bodies.

We retreated to a corner of the kitchen as the guests began to filter into the dining room for dinner. The nerves were palpable among the eight of us. Even Karen, usually so commanding, sounded a little unsteady as she asked, "Everybody ready?"

Karen's question produced a tentative murmur from the rest of us. "Ok folks," Karen said, "let's get naked."

I'm not sure that any of us would have undressed had Karen not begun taking off her clothes. Kitchens are not designed as places for people to undress. We were leaning on any surface we could find, including each other. Of course, the kitchen staff was watching us intently.

Once we were all nude, the other two girls, Lea and Jen, were covering their triangles with their hands. With more confidence than I think that she really felt, Karen said, "Girls, no covering up. The point here is for the diners to see us, all of us." That produced a nervous laugh, but the girls put their hands to their sides.

Karen's face was just ok beneath her short blonde hair. As you'd expect, though, from a fitness instructor, her body was damned nice. She had small, pert tits; flat abs, a firm ass, and slightly muscular thighs. She wasn't Kelly by any means, but she had an attractive body.

Karen was standing just inside the kitchen door, ready to lead us out when Allison gave the signal. Karen was bouncing slightly on her toes. Kelly and I were standing behind her.

Karen suddenly turned. She looked both of us up and down. "Pretty good Harry," she said. "Kelly, you're gorgeous." Well, Karen was right about Kelly.

When we were nude on stage in front of a clothed audience there was still a distance that made us feel somehow less exposed. Standing naked right next to a clothed person as you put their salad plate in front of them provides no distance.

As we started serving the salads, I was acutely aware that I was completely naked while everyone around me was dressed. At first, it was very embarrassing, like the dream where you are standing in front of your class with no clothes on. However, by the time I had served about half of a table, and watched everyone looking at my dick, I was starting to get into it. Looking across the room at Kelly, I caught her eye. She winked at me. She was having fun too.

I was carrying my empty trey back to the kitchen to get more salads. I was watching intently to make sure that I didn't bump another server and that no one suddenly stood up from a table. As I passed a table which I was not serving, I felt a tap on my bare ass and heard a female voice say "Harry?"

I looked to my right and down. What I saw was the dark hair, broad smile, and cute face of my law partner Jenny Masters. Shit! Jenny was turned halfway around in her chair and looked me up and down.

Jenny smiled wickedly. "It is you! Are we not paying you enough Harry?"

I hope that I kept my composure. "Uh, just a favor for Kurt and Allison Schultz," I replied.

As I moved more swiftly away from her table, Jenny said archly, "That's a big favor."

I had to serve the remaining salads. Once I was done with that, we had a short break before we picked up the salad plates and served the entrée. Just inside the kitchen doors, I went up to Kelly.

"Shit. Jenny Masters is here!" I said. I was mortified.

"Your partner?" Kelly asked. I nodded. "Has she seen you?" I nodded again. Kelly started laughing.

Karen came up. "What's funny?" she asked.

Kelly said, "One of Harry's partners is out there. A woman and she's seen him."

Karen laughed too. She slapped my bare arm. "Congratulations Harry. I was afraid that would happen to one of us. You're it."

Karen quickly shared the story with the other five nude servers. I was getting very amused glances from all of them. None of that helped.

By training and experience, we lawyers think of the worst possible outcome first. It is not innate pessimism. If you anticipate the worst, you can often take steps to avoid it. The worst here was that Jenny would spread the story around the firm. I wasn't that worried about most of my partners, but the story would inevitably reach the managing partner. His full name gives you an insight into the man: Calvin Coolidge Robinson IV (universally called "4cc" behind his back).

I could be expelled from the firm for conduct that damaged the firm's reputation. However, that would take a 60% vote of my partners. While a few might vote to throw me out, most would not for fear of setting a precedent that might bite them sometime down the road. However, 4cc had the power to make life unbearable and a rigid sense of propriety.

The major way 4cc could hurt me was that he controlled all partners' "participation," which is partner-speak for what we are paid. About three years ago, it became known that one of our women partners was having an affair. 4cc thought that was unbecoming and readjusted her participation to the point where it was actually costing her money to stay in the firm. She left. I doubted that 4cc would have been as harsh with a male partner. I also doubted that having balls would do me much good if 4cc found out that I was showing those balls off in public.

These thoughts occupied my mind as I picked up the salad plates. As I brought the last of the used plates into the kitchen, it dawned on me that there was absolutely nothing I could do. Jenny had already seen me completely naked serving the dinner. If she told the story, I was screwed no matter what I did going forward. That realization provided a sense of release. As the rather sexist cliché goes, "If you're going to be screwed whether you want to or not, you might as well enjoy it."

Jenny had been mildly attractive when she joined the firm. As a woman trying to get ahead in a still male-dominated profession, she obviously thought that she had to work twice as hard. She was undoubtedly right. Very long hours in the office helped her billable hours but left little time for exercise. Frequent lunches, and dinners, of potato or nacho chips had not been kind to her figure. In short, I had zero sexual interest in Jenny. Still, I found myself getting excited by being seen nude by a woman whom I knew well in my clothed life.

I was not serving Jenny's table, but I looked over there a number of times. I noticed that Jenny was watching me. I started taking every opportunity I could to face her and give her the full frontal.

Kelly observed what I was doing. As we brought in the last of the entrée plates, she teased me. "Shaking your dick at Jenny" she said.

I was honest. "Yeah."

Kelly paused for a moment. "Ok, I get it. I've met her. I don't know if she'll remember me, but I ought to go by her and show some tit, ass, and pussy."

Carrying out the deserts, I watched as Kelly made a point of walking right by Jenny Masters. Jenny remembered my wife. As Jenny recognized Kelly without her clothes on, her eyes grew wider. Jenny looked over at me. For the first time since we'd spoken, I made eye contact. We held each other's look for a moment before Jenny started to smile.

After serving deserts, we had the most challenging part of our evening: serving coffee. The last thing you want is to spill hot coffee on bare skin. Fortunately, all eight of us made it through the coffee and refills without injury. We assembled back in the kitchen, thinking that we were done until the guests had left the dining room and gone out by the lake. Then, we had to clean off the tables. We could get dressed for that if we wanted to.

Allison stuck her head into the kitchen. "Everyone out here. We want to give you a hand. Chef and kitchen crew first."

We watched Suzette, the chef, lead her kitchen staff through the swinging doors. Polite applause started in the dining room.

Allison said, "Ok. Servers. Out you go."

We were all, of course, still naked. We walked out in a line with Karen leading. I followed Kelly's gorgeous bare ass. Kurt gestured for us to walk to the front of the room. We stood facing the diners.

Kurt had a microphone. He said, "I think that we owe special thanks to our diligent servers. Their uniforms, or lack of uniforms, have, I hope, added some enjoyment to your evening. You should know that these people are not professional strippers. Rather, they are my and Allison's friends, acquaintances, and neighbors who agreed to go naked so that we could have a special evening."

In addition to being paid, we got a standing ovation. Kelly and I were holding hands. Jenny was looking straight at us.

I think that all eight of us were on a high from exposing ourselves. We cleaned up the dining room nude. Kelly and I decided to stay nude for the drive home. Karen came out into the parking lot as we were opening our car.

"Aren't you guys getting dressed?" Karen asked.

Kelly replied, "No. It's a nice night for a nude drive in the country."

Karen smiled and started taking her clothes off again.

Kelly was playing with my dick on the drive home. No one ever came down Oceanbreeze as far as our house, and we knew that Allison and Kurt weren't home. We put the car in the garage, went into the front yard, and fucked under the half moon.

By the next morning, a Sunday, I was almost in panic again. I was seeing my career vanish because I'd indulged my kink and gone along with Kurt and Allison's dumb idea. Kelly's assurances that we'd be fine even if the worst happened didn't help. Instead, they increased my fears that the worst would actually happen.

Around mid-day, Allison and Kurt came to the front door. As we let them in, Kurt said, "Kelly, Harry, I cannot thank you enough for last night. You guys were a big hit with my firm. There was talk out by the lake that we should have nude servers every year, preferably the same ones. You guys hit a home run."

"Let's go out on the back patio," I said.

When we got on our patio, Allison unwrapped the pareo she had been wearing and Kurt dropped his shorts. Allison and Kurt and Kelly and I routinely went nude in each other's homes. Kelly brought out a pitcher of iced tea and four glasses.

Once we were all seated, I asked, "Did you know that Jenny Masters would be at your dinner last night?"

"Who's Jenny Masters?" Kurt asked.

"One of my law partners," I answered.

That brought Kurt up short. After a couple of minutes, he said, "Oh shit. Was she the woman with Bruce Zollner?"

"I don't know Bruce Zollner," I said.

Kurt described him: "Shorter than me, kind of round face and a little heavy, light colored hair, going bald."

"That describes the guy who was sitting to Jenny's right," I said.

Kurt replied, "I knew that Bruce had broken up with his girlfriend and was bringing someone new to the dinner. I didn't know who. Oh shit. Will this blow back on you?"

"I don't know, but probably," I said.

Allison was starting to laugh. "I'm sorry, but it really is kind of funny. You agree to be a naked waiter because you don't expect to see anyone you know and, bang, there's a co-worker." Allison paused. "I'll bet that it was a bit of a turn on for both of you."

Kelly chimed in. "It was for Harry. Once he got over the shock, he was doing everything he could to show Jenny his dick."

Kurt asked, "Is she good-looking?"

"Once", I said. "Not so much any more."

"Do you really think that she'll do something?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know," I said. "We're not a profession that's known for being kind to each other."

Kurt said, "Shit. I'm really sorry Harry. Let me know if I can do anything to help."

Allison added, "Hey. Maybe she liked your dick. It is pretty nice." Thanks Allison.

As much as I dreaded it, I had to go to work the next day. I was always one of the first people in. That meant that I did not get to gauge whether the story was already out by the looks I was getting. I stayed in my office working all morning.

About 11:00 a.m., there was a knock at my doorframe. I looked up. It was, of course, Jenny Masters. She was smiling. Was that a smile of friendship or gloating over what she expected would happen to me?

"Have you got time for lunch Harry?" Jenny asked.

"Uh, sure."

"I'd like to talk," Jenny said. "Let's go to the Greek place. It doesn't get that busy."

We went out of the building and up a couple of blocks to a small storefront restaurant that actually made very good short order, sort of Greek, food. We got a booth with no one around. I ordered a Greek salad.

"Ah, that's why you're in such good shape," Jenny said. "You eat healthy."

"And work out," I added.

"Ok, Harry, what were you and your wife doing Saturday night serving food with no clothes on?"

"Well," I said as I tried to compose an answer, "Allison and Kurt Schultz are neighbors and good friends. Kurt had to organize his firm's dinner and they pride themselves on doing something outrageous each year. Kurt and Allison decided to have nude servers but they didn't want to hire strippers. So, they hit up a few friends."

"I sure saw you in a new light" Jenny said. "I was even more surprised to see Kelly with no clothes on. She looks great, by the way. You're not bad yourself. Weren't you embarrassed?"

"A little initially, but that is part of the thrill," I replied.

"Thrill?" Jenny asked.

"Well, yeah," I said. "I don't know if it is just breaking the taboo against letting people see your genitals, but there is a thrill. It is a pretty good feeling, too, to see that someone's is looking at your body and enjoying it. In a setting like that, it is almost empowering. Like, 'I get to go with no clothes on and you don't.'"


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