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Offer and Acceptance Ch. 01

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A white boy is made an offer he's not allowed to refuse.
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Content warning: non-consent, coercion, and feminization.


The walls of my apartment had been rumbling for the past hour and I was about to lose it. The guy in the corner apartment next door was loud, but he wasn't usually this loud. I'd been trying to get to sleep when the music came on, but quickly gave up on that idea and started watching TV. Now it was almost 11pm and I was supposed to be meeting a recruiter at 8am tomorrow. This was the last thing I wanted to deal with at the moment, but life seemed to be intent on piling it on ever since I was let go three months ago.

I briefly considered calling someone to lodge a noise complaint but figured that I'd get a quicker solution if I just confronted the guy myself. I wasn't exactly a 'people person', so knocking on a stranger's door in the middle of the night was far from being a bucket list item for me, but at this point I was annoyed enough to do anything to shut him up.

I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and did my usual dance to pull them up over my frustratingly fat ass. Being a short white guy with a bubble butt was a constant source of teasing throughout high school -- not a day went by without some jerk calling me a 'PAWG' or a 'whooty'. I guess it made sense why my confidence around girls was always limited when everyone laughed about how I looked like one. I also wasn't doing myself any favors by growing my hair out, but I figured that they'd tease me regardless of how long it was.

I figured this wouldn't take very long, so I didn't bother putting on shoes. I grabbed my phone and keys and headed for the front door. The music next door was still pumping as I opened the door -- fuck, I couldn't wait to give this asshole a piece of my mind.

The three sharp knocks I delivered to the door of apartment 38 stung on my knuckles as I heard the music die down. A few seconds passed before the locks of the door clicked and the door swung open, revealing a dark-skinned giant standing before me, looking down. He seemed to be in his mid-40s, stood at least a foot taller than my petite 5'4 frame and appeared heavy enough to topple me over with the poke of a finger.

"What's up?" he grinned. "Can I help you, kid?"

His disarming smile and considerable size took the wind out of my sails almost immediately. It took me a few seconds to resummon the courage to confront him about the volume of his music.

"I- I- I was trying to sleep, b- but your music..." I stammered.

The anger I'd felt before had fizzled out and was replaced by an anxiousness I hadn't felt since I was around the dickhead jocks who used to bully me in high school and college. As cruel as they were to me, I had always wanted to be one of them -- how sweet it would've been to be able to be so popular, to fuck all those girls, to be the one dishing out the torture rather than be on the receiving end of it.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that! I can get a bit carried away sometimes. Didn't mean to keep you up, bud. I'm guessing you live in 37? Bet your walls were shaking!" he laughed. "I'm Anthony, by the way," he stuck his palm out for a handshake.

"I- I'm Elliott," I said as I let my hand be enveloped by his. I grimaced at the pain of his firm grip and was surprised the hand I got back wasn't a mangled mess.

"I've seen you around a few times -- sorry that I've never introduced myself! Not very neighborly of me!" Anthony chuckled again.

This guy didn't seem too bad -- I probably should have asked him to keep the volume down months ago, rather than suffer through the noise as I had.

"Don't worry about it, I tend to keep to myself anyway," I replied.

I was about to bid him a good night and head back to my door when he spoke up again.

"Hey, how about I make it up to you? I feel bad about all the noise, and I should have invited you over ages ago, seeing as you're my neighbor and all."

"Oh, I, uh... I should really get to bed now..."

"Ah, come on -- let me treat you to a whiskey. Consider it a nightcap!"

As much as I wanted to decline his offer and go to sleep, his friendly nature made it hard to reject him.

I marveled at the size of his place as he led me through the door -- not only was his apartment quite a bit more spacious than mine, but it also looked like it had received professional treatment from an interior decorator.

I heard his keys jangle as he locked the door behind me and I sat myself down on his big leather couch.

"So, Elliott, what do you do for work?" he asked as he poured two glasses of an expensive-looking whiskey.

"I'm, uhhh, kinda between jobs right now. I was working in finance before I got laid off a few months ago."

He walked over and gave me a sympathetic look as he passed one of the glasses over to me.

"I'm real sorry to hear that, kid. I've worked in finance before -- it's a real cutthroat industry. By the look of you, I'm guessing it was your first job out of college?"

I coughed a bit as I sipped at the whiskey. I wasn't used to straight spirits -- I tended to avoid them considering how much of a lightweight I was.

"Yeah, I graduated last year. Didn't even make it six months before they dropped me. Apparently I wasn't keeping up as fast as the others. I'd give anything to get that job back. My coworkers there were some of the only friends I've ever had, you know?"

"I feel you kid, that's rough. You got any other friends or family around? Girlfriend maybe?" he grinned.

Anthony was pretty direct with his questions, and I couldn't help but give him honest answers as the alcohol started going to my head.

"Nah, none of that really. There was this one girl I liked at work -- Kayla -- but I never worked up the guts to ask her out, even when we all went out for drinks on Fridays."

"Don't worry bud, you'll get a new job and find someone sooner or later, then everything will work itself out," Anthony smiled warmly. Maybe I'd made the right choice knocking on his door tonight -- it seemed as though I'd made a new friend with enough life experience to be supportive during these tough times.

"You must have some money saved up if you can still afford to pay rent for your place next door -- I know from experience that this area ain't cheap."

My head was really swimming from the whiskey now. I finished the last of it as I tried to think of a way to answer his question without sounding completely pathetic.

"Uhh, yeah, I- I have a little saved up but it's running out pretty quick, which is why I'm getting kinda desperate for a job," I laughed sheepishly, realizing how much I'd failed at not sounding like a loser.

Anthony remained silent as he sat casually on the other end of the couch, pouring himself another glass. I wondered how many glasses of that whiskey he could drink, because I would probably pass out if I had another. Given his size, the answer was probably a lot.

"You know, I think there's something I could do to help you out. I still have a lot of connections in finance, and there's plenty of people in those circles that owe me favors. In fact, one person who owes me is Gerald -- your landlord. I bet I could convince him to accept a few late payments if you have trouble making rent."

My ears perked up at what he was saying. Was this it? Was this a defining moment of my young life? Could the man who I had planned on berating, actually be my savior?

"I think I could definitely find you a new job and talk to Gerald -- all you'd have to do for me is wrap those plump lips around my cock and suck me off."

The room went silent. His words were like ice in my ears. I must've misheard. But what he said continued to reverberate around the inside of my skull.

I felt sick to my stomach -- whether it was the whiskey, his offer, or a combination of both, I couldn't be sure.

"I- W- W- What? You- What are you saying? Are you gay?"

"Gay, straight, whatever. I'm just a nice guy trying to help out a new friend, and I also happen to like cute young things on the end of my dick," Anthony stated, calm as ever. He even shot me another wide grin, as if nothing he had said was any different to the conversation that had come before.

A spark of anger rose from my stomach, where the nausea had been only seconds ago.

"What the fuck is wrong with you man? I'm not fucking gay! I'm not gonna fucking suck your dick, you freak!"

"Hey now, no need to be so spicy -- I was just making an offer I thought you might be interested in given your current situation," he said, again with that fucking grin.

My eyes shot to the door -- and then the lock. Even after having the whiskey, I remembered the sound of him locking the door with his keys. A freezing cold sensation shot up my spine as I realized what I had gotten myself into.

Anthony stood up from his seat and everything fell into place. My old high school trauma boiled up again as I watched him eye me up -- I might as well be a girl to him, and he didn't seem to care what parts I had, as long as I was cute.

I was frozen in place as he stepped toward me. Our difference in size was staggering, and I would have no hope getting past him to the door, even if it wasn't locked.

A flurry of brief thoughts raced through my mind -- should I scream for help, should I jump off the couch and try and look for a weapon, should I just say, "fuck it" and jump out the window?

These thoughts disappeared as quickly as they came as he stood above me and lifted my chin with his finger, forcing me to look him in the eye. It was then that I finally saw the hunger in his eyes -- the hunger that had probably been there from the moment that he had opened the door.

I realized that no matter what I did or said, I would most certainly be 'accepting' his 'offer'.

"So, baby, what do you say?" Anthony asked, sweetly.

"I- Uhh- Umm- I- I guess I could..." I whimpered.

"That's fantastic, sweetie. You don't have to worry -- nobody needs to know about our little deal," he reassured.

The fact that he would keep this a secret made me feel marginally better -- I would rather he threw me off the top of the building than have anyone I knew learn what I was going to do tonight. Actually, Anthony wouldn't even need to toss me off the building -- I would just explode from shame and embarrassment on the spot.

"Now, based on what you've told me tonight, I doubt you've ever done anything like this before -- with a man or woman. Right?"

"N- No..."

"That's ok, baby. But for me to hold up my end of the deal, you're gonna have to make it feel good for me, alright?"

"I- O- Ok..."

"Good boy," Anthony said, stroking my cheek. Suddenly he turned and walked back and took his seat on the couch.

"Start by taking those sweats off -- I wanna see more of you while you're going at it, ok? Once you've done that, come over and get on your knees in front of me."

It took me a few seconds to process what he said, and another few to spur my body into action. I didn't want to make him angry by waiting too long, but he continued to sit patiently, leering at me with that damn smirk on his face.

As much as I was dreading what was about to happen, I tried to focus on the fact that my life would be looking much more promising come morning -- all I had to do was get through the night.

After taking the few short steps to where Anthony was seated, I began peeling my sweatpants down, only for him to interrupt.

"Turn around, babe. I wanna see that phat ass as you pull those pants down. Let me see what you're working with."

Again, it took me a few seconds to convince my body to do as he asked, and I could feel my cheeks burning red as I slipped my sweatpants off, revealing my shamefully plump butt to the big black brute who seemed intent on humiliating me.

Another unfortunate feature of my body was the lack of body hair -- something Anthony was quick to point out.

"Damn, boy! You been shaving those legs and ass or waxing them?"

"N- Neither... I just don't grow much hair," I replied, wearily.

He chuckled heartily at this revelation and carried on with my humiliation.

"Well, you sure have got cute panties, you know that? Pink boy shorts with watermelons? A fruity ass on an even fruitier boy," Anthony cracked up at his own joke as I blushed an even deeper red.

"They're not boy shorts -- t- they're my briefs... I thought they looked cool..."

He laughed again. "Whatever you say, sweetie. Now do what you came here to do -- turn that butt around and get on your knees."

The soft carpet provided a generous cushion for my knees as I kneeled down in front of him and gazed up past Anthony's tree trunk-like legs to the threatening bulge contained in his pants. Above it sat a modest beer belly that stretched out the wife beater that he wore.

In one swift movement, he lifted himself up slightly, slid his pants down and kicked them off his ankles to the side.

My eyes began to well up at the sight of the monstrosity looming over me -- a long, thick snake, uncut and dark brown in color, with a trimmed bush of pubes at the base and on the leathery sack that contained two large, swollen balls. It didn't even seem to be fully erect and yet was already twice the size of my own manhood at its peak.

As the strong, sweaty male stench reached my nose I choked back a sob -- the thought of taking this python between my lips and pleasuring it with licks, sucks and slurps was starting to seem impossible. I had jerked my little dick countless times to porn of tiny white blondes doing exactly that, but I never would've thought I'd find myself in their shoes -- reluctantly coerced into debasing myself on the end of a big black cock.

I just needed to get through this torture as quickly and cleanly as possible, and if Anthony was allowed to set conditions on this 'deal', then so could I.

I summoned all the courage I had left and spoke up.

"I- I want some ground rules. If I'm gonna do this, th- then it can't take too long. And- and I don't want... I don't want you to..." I couldn't bring myself to say it. Even now, staring up at his enormous cock, I couldn't find the words to say anything so... gay.

"You don't want me to nut in your mouth, is that it?" Anthony's pearly whites shone down on me as he broke out into another grin. "Well, baby, I can't guarantee how long this will take, because that depends on how enjoyable you make it for me. But I promise I won't make you swallow my load, even though I'm sure you'd appreciate the midnight snack," he laughed.

With this, Anthony took my head in one of his massive hands and pulled me forward toward his crotch, planting my nose against his heavy balls.

"Take a deep whiff, honey. Time to get familiar with the cock you're about to serve."

The stink overwhelmed my brain -- it was definitely stronger than my own smell, but the fact that it was another man's made it so much worse. I cringed at the scent and the texture of the hairy nuts pressing against my nose, mouth, and chin.

Clearly Anthony saw this because he was quick to reprimand me.

"Hey now, you gotta suck it up, princess. Men don't like seeing girls make that face at their cocks. If you want me to hold up my end of the bargain, then you gotta put on a brave face and worship this dick. Go on, baby. Put your hands around it. Kiss these nuts. Make it feel good."

Anthony took one of my hands in his and placed it around his cock. It now seemed to be fully erect -- a throbbing pole of meat, likely 10 inches long, with a bead of precum beginning to show at the tip.

It was now or never. My mind began to leave my body, as my body was no longer my own. What came next existed solely in this room, and all I needed to do to leave it was finish the task at hand.

For his benefit, I smiled as sweetly as I could and puckered my pink lips before placing them on his balls and up his shaft, delivering the kisses Anthony wished for.

"Yeah, baby, that's it. Just like that," he moaned. "I love seeing those lily-white hands wrapped around my dick. Look how small your forearm is compared to it. Tell me how big my cock is -- is it a lot bigger than yours?"

I made sure not to let the horror show on my face as his humiliating words met my ears. Stomaching my disgust, I gave him the response he was looking for.

"Your c- cock is so big. It's so much bigger than mine. I don't- I don't think it'll fit in my mouth..."

"Don't worry your pretty little head about that, sweetie. We'll make it fit -- you'll learn to take it over time." Anthony grinned again and blew a kiss at me.

'Over time'? I thought this was going to be quick? I was sure Anthony would have no issue with having my humiliation last a lifetime, but I had no intention of having this go on any longer than it had to. It was time to take matters into my own hands.

I raised myself up a bit and opened my mouth, showing my tongue to both the end of his cock and Anthony himself. Although my eyes were focused on his manhood, I saw a smile creep across his face.

I aimed the swollen, glistening head toward my face as I slowly planted it between my lips and onto my tongue. The salty sweet taste hit me immediately, and although I fought the urge to gag from the act itself, the flavor was surprisingly bearable.

My mind went to all those Blacked videos I had watched, and I readied myself to emulate the performance of a lifetime -- the more I leaned into it, the faster it'd be over, right?

I did what I could, given his size -- I kissed the tip, sucked the head, and licked his shaft. Spit began to flow from my mouth, coating every one of those many inches of his cock with my slobber.

I could hear his moans and groans in the back of my brain when I closed my eyes. The sounds and smells sent me into a trance -- not because I enjoyed it, but because it helped me do my job.

"Mmmmmm... That's good, baby. That's real good. I love seeing those big dick-sucking lips wrapped around Daddy's cock. You look real pretty when you're focused on pleasing a man."

I tried to ignore his degrading comments as I swirled my tongue around his head, but I was caught off guard when I felt a hand on the back of my head, pulling my shoulder-length hair back. I opened my eyes and looked up into his as he smiled down warmly, approval shining down upon me.

Suddenly his hand began to push my mouth further down onto his cock, stretching my jaw wider. The roots of panic grew in my mind -- but this was nowhere near as bad as the sensation I started to feel in my limp dick. It was only a tingle, but I could feel the wetness growing at the tip as I began to leak. The humiliation and domination I was experiencing was fucking with my head in ways I couldn't comprehend.

Anthony's cock continued to stretch my jaw as it travelled further into my mouth, nearing my throat. I instinctively began to push against his knees to retreat but he held firm, keeping me where I was.

Anthony could clearly see the fear in my eyes now, and he placed his other hand by my head, stroking my cheek tenderly.

"Relax, baby. It'll be quicker this way. Daddy needs something more to get him over the edge," he explained. "Try relax your jaw and open your throat."

My body complied with his commands before I even had a chance to think. So, this was it -- I was about to deepthroat a BBC and I couldn't even tell my body to resist.

The head of his cock pushed into the opening of my throat, but as much as I tried to fight it, the urge to gag overwhelmed me. I sputtered on his cock, trying to breathe in, but Anthony continued to hold firm.

"Breathe through your nose, sweetie, and keep swallowing to lead it in. It might feel unnatural to swallow the head of my cock into your throat, but trust me, that's the only place it's gonna go."

A few minutes passed as his battering ram pushed through the gates of my throat. Breathing was not easy, even when relying solely on my nose to inhale and exhale. I looked down at the remainder of his cock still outside of my mouth -- about five inches remained, which meant I had five inches inside of me. Taking the rest didn't seem humanly possible in my current state.


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