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Office Politics Pt. 01

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Hubby's boss demands favours from wife.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 06/20/2014
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Jeff and Ann had been married for just over three years, although they had been going out for three years before they got married, so they had been together for over six years. The couple were quite similar to each other, quiet, shy, straight laced, and fairly boring.

Jeff was a junior accountant at a high tech engineering firm based on an industrial estate on the outskirts of Warwick, in the midlands. He was earning £35k, which wasn't great, but Jeff had a problem getting a better job because he didn't finish his accountancy qualifications due to illness. Lowly as his job was, he couldn't afford to lose it, as he knew he wouldn't get another job as good as the one he had, due to his lack of qualifications.

Ann was a librarian, and she matched everyone's preconceptions about librarians. She was quite intelligent, pretty in a mousy way, very conservative, rather shy and quiet. Despite her degree in librarianship, or perhaps because of it, her salary was even lower than her husband's, and going nowhere. Libraries weren't exactly in big demand, and she constantly worried about her library closing.

For Jeff and Ann, finances were a constant worry, with a mortgage to pay, and everything so expensive.

Jeff had a rival at work. Ben was four years younger, fully qualified and a real go getter, however, he wasn't an obvious accountant. He wasn't pedantic or meticulous, he was actually a bit sloppy, and he was inexperienced. Like Jeff, he was earning £35k, but more likely to work his way up, and, in addition, his wife was earning good money as a commercial lawyer.

Both junior accountants reported to Brian, the financial director, but Brian was 65 and going into partial retirement, that is, he was giving up working every day, and accepting a non executive directorship with the firm. He would be overseeing accounts, but a Senior Accountant was needed.

Would Jeff or Ben get it, or would George, the MD and major shareholder make them both redundant and recruit someone more experienced. Both men were worried about their future.

There was to be a retirement party for Brian, and George summoned Jeff to his office a few days before the party, to explain the situation.

"So Jeff, you understand that you and Ben have a lot to play for over the next few weeks. I have a number of options, going forward, and if you want to go on working here you need to convince me that there's a lot more to you than I'm seeing at the moment. Do you understand?"

"I think so, but I'm not sure how to convince you, can you give me a clue?" Jeff was worried and not sounding at all confident.

"I'm sending Ben to Brazil for a few days, so he and Katy won't be at the party for Brian. This is a good chance to steal a march on Ben, and make it clear that you really are a team player, and much more fun than you seem. Bring that pretty wife of yours, tell her to dress nice and sexy, and I'll seat you both next to me and we can get to know each other socially, OK?" There was some sort of hidden agenda there, but Jeff couldn't figure it out.

"Ok George, we'll do that, thanks for the opportunity."

Jeff later explained it to Ann, who also couldn't see what they were supposed to actually do, and she was reluctant to dress sexy for Jeff's boss, but she promised to do her best.

The following Saturday, Jeff and Ann went shopping to choose something sexy for Ann to wear to the party that evening. Neither of them had much idea what to choose, so they wandered randomly into River Island, a shop definitely targeted at girls in their late teens and early twenty's, and started to browse.

"What sort of thing should I wear Jeff, I've no idea?" Ann asked for Jeff's help.

"I am sure you should wear a dress, maybe a little black number." He answered hopefully, not confidently, but Ann seized on the idea.

"Yes, good idea, a little black number would be perfect. Let's look for one."

They wandered around aimlessly, looking at all the clothes which simply looked weird to Ann and Jeff. Finally Jeff found a fairly simple black dress.

"What about this one?" He asked Ann.

"It's very short." Ann replied hesitantly.

"Well, it's supposed to be sexy," Jeff countered, "what size are you?"

"Ten or twelve."

"Here you are, take both, try the ten first, you don't want it baggy."

"What has what I want got to do with anything?"

"Please Ann, just try the dress on, and make sure you come out so I can judge."

A few minutes passed, then Ann walked out in the tight short, thin dress.

"It's a bit revealing Jeff, and very short, I feel like a tart!" Ann tried to convince Jeff that she should get something more modest.

"It's fantastic, you look amazing, you must buy it. There is a problem though. VPL, visible panty line."

"I know what it is. I'm not wearing a thong under such a revealing dress, so you can forget that fantasy."

Jeff didn't think she owned any thongs, and he was right.

"Let's pay for the dress, then we can search for panties which we are both happy with, ok?"

"Ok, where shall we look?" Ann had no idea where to buy sexy underwear.

"La Senza." Jeff said with a confidence he didn't feel.

Unfortunately La Senza didn't work out, they only sold thongs.

"Ok, man of the world, where now?" Ann asked sarcastically.

"M & S?"

"Ok, let's go there."

M & S was much more successful.

"These Brazilian one are perfect," Jeff pronounced, "they're pretty, lacy, and not a thong."

"And there's a bra to match," Ann added, "let's buy them."

With the dress and underwear chosen, the only item left to buy was shoes with heels.

"I think you should put the dress on, so we can see which shoes work with it." Jeff suggested, helpfully.

"Ok, I'll pop into the loo, I could do with a pee anyway."

The couple went into Clarks, and wandered around choosing shoes to try, and then came the task of finding an assistant who was free. Eventually they found a boy, and he disappeared off to get the shoes in the right sizes. He sat on the fitting stool with Ann on a higher chair in front of him, and lifted Ann's left leg to apply the shoe. His eyes were staring up Ann's short dress, it was obvious that he had a good view of her pale blue panties.

"I'll get the next pairs." The boy stammered, shooting off to the store room.

"He can see my panties." Ann hissed.

"Good, let the boy enjoy himself." Jeff commented, feeling a little stirring of his cock at the idea of the young boy staring at his wife's knickers.

"You're enjoying this aren't you, pervert?"

The boy came back and Ann chose one of the pairs in the batch he brought, rushing to bring her free show to an end.

The couple headed home to begin their preparations for the dinner dance.

That evening they were at the party, on the top table, with Ann sitting next to George to his right, with Jeff to her right. The wife of the head of IT was sitting to George's left, so he was surrounded by beautiful women, which was how he liked it.

George leaned across Ann, placing his right hand on the top of her left thigh to support himself.

"Jeff, have some wine and loosen up a bit, and you too Ann, drink up, you're so tense." His hand didn't leave her leg when he straightened up, but actually slid a little higher towards her crotch, pulling her short black dress with it.

"Please," she asked timidly, "your hand is on my leg."

"Let me top your glass up," he suggested, moving his hand to the bottle to pour her a second large glass of Pinot Grigio, "pour yourself some more Rioja Jeff, keep up man."

Starters arrived and were eaten, with George's hand repeatedly near the top of Ann's leg.

Not being much of a drinker, Ann was getting a little drunk after the two 250ml glasses of white wine, and, as must be expected, she needed to pee.

"Excuse me, I must go to the ladies." She announced, getting up a little unsteadily, before marching quickly across the room. Her need to pee was becoming urgent, and she was praying there was no queue.

Unfortunately there was a small queue, so she joined the back, behind one of the office assistants, who she knew vaguely.

"How's it going with old wandering hands love?" The girl enquired, grinning broadly.

"Ok thanks." Ann was getting too desperate to pee to think much about what the girl had said.

"Has he got his hand inside your knickers yet."

"No, certainly not!" Ann was outraged.

"He will honey."

Ann's need to pee was getting close to the point where she couldn't hold it. The queue moved forward a little, but it was slow progress as there was only one cubicle open. As the woman coming out pushed past Ann, she bumped into her a little hard. The bump was the last straw.

"Oh shit!" Ann exclaimed.

"What's the matter love, did you have a little accident?" The girl asked cruelly.

"No, of course not." Ann lied, feeling a little trickle of pee run down her left leg.

"That's good then, you won't be asking to go in before me." The girl teased, heading for the open door.

The girl was obviously enjoying her cruelty, as she spent about five minutes in the toilet, and Ann had two more little accidents by the time the door opened again.

"There you go, if it isn't too late." The girl twisted the knife a little more.

Ann dived into the cubicle, slammed and locked the door, before spinning round and dropping onto the toilet, dragging her soaking panties down as she did.

She gushed a gallon of pee into the bowl, and as the flow subsided, she pulled the sodden underwear off over her shoes.

Once she had finished peeing she did her best to wipe her pussy and legs dry with the cheap toilet paper, then delved in her handbag to find her emergency panties. To her relief she found them, but they were huge black plain granny panties, not the pretty ones she had chosen to wear in her attempt to dress sexy.

There was no alternative, however, she couldn't put the soaking wet ones back on, and, in fact, she had no real choice but to flush the pretty ones down the toilet. Still somewhat distressed, she made her way back to the table.

Everyone else was half way through their main courses, and her wine glass was full again, but, still shaken up, she took a good long swig, before starting to eat.

"Are you ok Ann, you were away a long time?" The MD enquired solicitously, while placing his hand on her leg again, this time almost at her pussy.

"I'm fine thank you George, there was just a long queue. Please take your hand off my leg."

George removed his hand and stood up, and leaned across Ann's front to speak into Jeff's ear, taking the opportunity to look down Ann's top at her meagre breasts.

"You need to give your wife a pep talk Jeff, she's going to get you made redundant on Monday if she keeps being so uptight. Get her to loosen up a bit." George didn't pull any punches.

He set off for the toilet, leaving Jeff to talk to his distraught wife.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? George just told me that if you don't improve he'll make me redundant on Monday. We really can't afford for me to lose my job!"

"He keeps putting his hand on my leg, and he's working his way up, soon he'll have his hand on my pussy!" Ann protested, not believing her husband wanted her to let his boss feel her up.

"So put up with it! What's wrong with you?" Jeff was getting increasingly frustrated.

"All right, I'll let him feel me up, ok?"

"Thank you."

George came back, carrying three large cognacs.

"George, I don't drink brandy." Ann objected.

"You do now," George countered, "Take a good slug, then we can go and dance."

Ann took a good gulp of the cognac, made a wry face, before following George onto the dance floor. The DJ played a couple of fairly old dance tracks, after which he put a slower song on, as George had pre-arranged with him. George put his arms around Ann and started to dance slowly with her.

His hands soon found their way down her back and onto her bum. Ann knew that she couldn't object as he groped her pert bum and felt all over her arse cheeks.

"What sort of knickers are these Ann?" he enquired, a little aggressively, "I thought Jeff told you to dress sexy?"

"I'm sorry, I had to switch in the loo."

"Are you saying you peed yourself?"


"Ok, well you can't wear these, they're huge. Let's go and discuss it with Jeff."

They walked across the dance floor and stood in front of Jeff. Ann was looking acutely embarrassed.

"Ok Ann," George instructed, "explain to Jeff what happened."

"I was so desperate to pee earlier, and when I got to the loo there was a queue. I wet myself, so I had to throw my pretty panties away, and put on my emergency ones." Ann was wishing the ground would swallow her up.

"Feel them Jeff, they're huge, she can't possibly stay here wearing those, I need her to take them off now!" George insisted, thoroughly enjoying himself.

Ann looked horror struck.

"But I haven't got any others," she wailed.

"Good, you can go commando!" George gloated.

"I'll go to the loo and take them off." Ann was defeated and humiliated.

A little crowd was accumulating, enjoying Ann's embarrassment. Taking pleasure in her discomfort.

"Take them off here." George ordered, pressing his advantage.

Ann didn't bother objecting any further, she just reached up inside her dress, and pulled the panties down, almost falling over as she struggled to get them past her high heels.

"Hold them up for everyone to see," George twisted the knife, "these are what Ann thinks are sexy. Now walk over to the bar and throw them in the bin."

Ann walked towards the bar, acutely aware of everyone watching her bum cheeks moving unencumbered by underwear. Someone started a slow clap in time with her steps, and soon lots of people had joined in. Ann's cheeks were red with shame and humiliation.

As she threw the offending underwear into the bin, the crowd cheered, clapped and whistled. Ann walked slowly back, head hung low.

"Don't sit down Ann," George instructed, "Jeff wants to dance with you, don't you Jeff?"

"Yes boss." Jeff replied, not entirely sure that he wanted to dance with his wife, but better him than some other man.

Yet again a slow smoochy number was playing, James Morrison, so Jeff put his arms around his wife, as she spoke into his ear.

"I'm sorry darling, I've screwed up haven't I?"

"I'm not sure, I think the old goat enjoyed humiliating you."

Jeff put his hand on his wife's nearly naked bum, and pulled her in to his body. His cock quickly stiffened, and Ann noticed.

"Has all this turned you on? I know you must be cross with me, but if we go now, you can have me any way you want when we get home. I'll try to make it up to you, I promise."

"Ok, let's go, we'll have to say goodbye to George."

George shook Jeff's hand goodbye, then leaned forward to kiss Ann on her cheek.

"Well done." He whispered in her ear, then patted her bum gently as she turned to leave.

As they walked out to the car Ann told her husband what his boss had said and done.

"I think all may not be lost darling," she commented, "I think we should invite him to lunch next Sunday, you can do it on Monday."

"Ok my love, I'll do it. Now let's get home, I'm so ridiculously horny!" Jeff informed his relieved wife.

"Me too." She replied.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Hey devilspy

Did anybody ever tell you, you're a moron. Whining and bitching is all you know. Every comment is the same. Whine, Bitch, Whine, Bitch. Get a life idiot and shut the fuck up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
re: anonymous-Wow

Hey troll, not one word about this trash story, but a lot of whining about other readers. Who is the real troll on Literotica? You fuckhead.

javmor79javmor79almost 10 years ago

I think that the husband is a loser. There is a difference between a cuckold relationship and pimping your wife out for a promotion. If she were into it then that is one thing. But to allow another man to humiliate your wife publicly is the quickest way to be dividing assets.

devilspydevilspyalmost 10 years ago
Nice to see the admin taking charge of the site.

Hats off to the admin who kicks out trolls for silly remarks about the story they jerked off too. Not all that great of a start. Really rushed to tell this. Should have built up to in so cuckold to be would "buy in" to the big man fucking Ann. And the wife should have started to get turned on by the Dom boss telling wimp cuckold what to do. Sill a 3 was earned.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Well you see it goes like this..

if we make a comment that cuckqueen Laurel doesn't like she bans our account.

Therefore you are goin to keep getting all the anonymous comments.

A yeah, one star for this fetish story being posted in LW.

Screw you Laurel

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