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Office Servitude Pt. 02


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"Almost there Bookkeeper, push on. In a few weeks you will run up the stairs." Denise couldn't stop the groan escaping her lips at Domina Peak's words.

"Oh, don't be a baby. Twenty years from now you will bless being forced into developing regular exercise habits," Domina Tracy said chuckling.

"Hopefully you will embrace the changes and not bitch about them like certain office managers. Tracy would be a world-class athlete if she put the same enthusiasm into working out that she has for complaining about it."

"Just because I recognize the benefits doesn't mean I can't bitch about it," the office manager in question retorted.

Finally, they got to the bottom of the landing and faced a door that said "Office Fitness." Entering revealed that the door led directly into an exercise area with various pieces of exercise equipment being used by a few individuals, some of which Denise vaguely recognized encountering in the elevator to the building. None of her coworkers. Twelve of the machines were being used by ten naked and collared women and two men. Denise saw a statuesque brunette in a crop top and yoga pants approach them.

"Elizabeth! Tracy! Good morning. And what do we have here?"

"Good morning Sally. This is Bookkeeper. She will be working out with us for at least the next six months, and probably after her collar comes off."

Denise felt like a heifer at the stockyard as Domina Sally circled her. The woman thought nothing of squeezing her bare tits and ass and reaching down to see how firm her thighs were. She tried to stand stoically through the humiliating exam, but jumped as the woman plunged two fingers into Denises' cunt.

"Good lines for the most part. Out of shape, but a good program will tone her right up. Responsive, but not slave hot. Do you need me to design a routine or do you already have one in mind?"

"I have, but I would like to go over it with you. Today I was just thinking some time on a bike or stair climber and an assessment," replied Domina Peak.

"Good. Lets do this. I have not done my own workout yet. Let's get Bookkeeper in the saddle and the three of us we can talk while stretching and between sets."

"Do you have a motivator, or do I need to order one for Bookkeeper?"

The gym manager grimaced, "Elizabeth, I have three on order already. The batteries on two of mine are not holding a charge. Fortunately, I have two slave bikes I could make do with. I can amend the order to add one for your slave cunt at cost. Should be in by tomorrow afternoon."

"That would be great. Do that."

"Follow me. We will get Bookkeeper started," The woman led the three to what looked like a normal exercise bike with a blond headed, green-collared slave cunt pedaling furiously with sweat pouring off her back. The top of the felon "F" and slave barcode were just visible on her ass cheeks.

The manager touched her wrist comp. Denise realized that the slave's wrist and ankle cuffs had been bonded to the exercise bike as they released.

"Off the bike Drug cunt. Hit the shower. Be sure to clean the equipment first."

As the slave cunt raised herself up on the foot pedals to dismount, she turned and Denise realized that the blond slave was Katherine Krumper, who had attended her Great aunt's church. Married and about three years older than Denise, the woman had always been civil but distant to Denise while being friendly with her great aunt. Denise had heard that she and her husband had moved out of town six months ago, right before her great aunt had died. The woman started at recognizing Denise, but said nothing and turned back toward the bike.

Denise realized why the woman had struggled a bit to get off the bike as there was a very lifelike cock in the middle of the seat that Katherine was cleaning by sucking and licking on it in a fashion showing some practice at the act.

"Elizabeth, here is the linking code to the bike and its motivator. I assume you have her collar app."

"Of course. Is she new?" pointing at Katherine," I have not seen her before."

"The building just bought her out of rehab as part of a lot sale for custodial slaves."

"She doesn't look like a druggie, "Domina Tracy remarked, seemingly oblivious that the woman could hear her.

"No, she really doesn't. She got hooked on opioids and got caught forging scrips. Probably lucky that she got caught before the drugs destroyed her looks."

"Green collar. How long does she have?" asked Domina Peak.

"She has another year and a half, although I think the building management is looking to sell her on. She has excellent office skills according to her chip and rather than have her on her knees scrubbing, I suspect the company thought she would be more profitable doing other things on her knees."

"Hmmm. Can you have the building manager call me later today?"

"No problem."

"Thank you, Sally. Bookkeeper, hop on."

Denise looked at the freshly cleaned plastic phallus. Nowhere near the length of Adam, it looked to be about five or six inches. If she stood on the stirrups of the exercise bike, she could just mount herself. Swinging her leg over the seat, she positioned herself and lowered her cunt onto the seat mounted dildo. It slid into her folds easily, thanks to the efforts of Katherine. If she were honest with herself, the sight of the slave servicing the machine was a little exciting.

She settled in the seat, getting used to the fullness. Domina Peak stepped beside her and punched something on her wristcomp. Denise felt her hands and feet press onto the handlebars and pedals.

"I have activated the bike to link with your collar and cuffs. Follow the directions of the screen. Trust me. You don't want to slack. Just think of touching your wrist comp."

Well that is motivation, Denise wryly thought. The screen in front of her set out a riding course for her to follow. She started pedaling. The faster she went, the more the dildo vibrated, making her pant with more than exertion. She quickly learned that slowing down not only caused the vibrations in her cunt to stop but also gave her tingling sensations from her collar and not the good kind of tingles. She finally found a pace that stimulated her a bit and she didn't get shocked.

After twenty minutes, the bike told her she was done and she could feel the cuffs on her feet and hands release. As that happened, Domina Sally came up to her and handed her a towel.

"Well, that was a good first effort. Be sure to clean the bike after you towel yourself off."

Following Katherine's example, she sprayed and wiped down the bike part except for the dildo sticking out of the seat. She bobbed her head up and down on the plastic cock, tasting her own juices. Then she took her mouth off.

"Domina, is there anything else I need to do with the equipment?"

"No Bookkeeper. Good job. Elizabeth is going to have me walk you through your resistance exercise routine. We will review it weekly based on the information provided by your collar and general progress."

Thirty minutes later Denise has a new appreciation for the term "Slave driver". She just thought she had sweated on the bike. Muscles that she had no idea she had ached. Worse, Domina Sally told her the actual soreness would not kick in till tomorrow or even the day after. Just as she finished the last set of reps on a bench press machine. Domina Tracy came up.

"Sweated enough for one morning Bookkeeper?"

"Yes Domina. I don't suppose we could take the elevator up?"

"Now where would be the fun in that? Sorry. The stairs it is. But I will let you set the pace. Elizabeth will catch up to us. "

"Thank you, Domina. I will try to roll my hips pleasingly."

As Domina Tracy laughed uproariously, Denise wondered what in the world had possessed her to say such a thing.

Climbing up the stairs was worse than walking down. Denise's thighs were burning by the 4th floor. She was panting by the 6th.

"Buck up Bookkeeper. We are almost to the shower," Domina Tracy said cheerily.

Denise was relieved that the office seemed deserted still, although she suspected some people were working behind closed doors from the muffled sounds as the pair traveled down the hallway. Domina Tracy led Denise to the side door to the bathroom as they reached Domina Peak's office.

"I don't like tramping through Elizabeth's office first thing in the morning. She usually lets me take the first shower anyway. We need to be quick."

Domina Tracy's idea of "quick" included time for Denise to lick her pussy to orgasm and for her to return the favor to the point that Denise was panting and on the edge of cumming. Denise didn't get a chance to find out if she was going to be able to cum as the office door to the bathroom opened and Domina Peak entered naked, tossing her exercise outfit into a hamper by the door.

"Tracy, you are going to be whining all afternoon about your sore knees. Get up, you old slut," the playful tone muting the harsh language.

"Ibuprofen is my friend," the other woman retorted as she got up, "sorry honey maybe later," Domina Tracy said as she grabbed a towel and threw it to Denise, getting one for herself and vigorously dried herself off. Denise started to do the same.

"Bookkeeper, before you dry off, get over here and shampoo my hair. As much as I would like a little licking myself, the day just got busier and we need to get going."

Denise worked the shampoo into the domina's lush hair as the other woman soaped her own body.

"Thanks. Be sure to lube your ass before you get out. "

Denise did as she was told while Domina Peak rinsed off. Denise struggled a little with lining up the wand and was mortified when the domina covered her hand and guided the device to her puckered anus and pushed it in, causing Denise to yelp.

" You will get the hang of it. Be quick about it and meet us in my office. "

Denise finished the process, embarrassed that she actually enjoyed the fullness and cleansing sensation. She might have lingered a bit, but for the domina's instructions to hurry. Drying off, she hurried into the office to find the domini dressed and drinking coffee.

"Bookkeeper, get a cup for yourself and come sit down on the couch. "

As Denise sat with a steaming cup, part of her a little turned on by the leather on her bare ass, Domina Tracy spoke. "Whats up, Elizabeth?"

"I think I am about to make a new purchase."

"The slave cunt in the gym... Drug cunt?"

"Indeed, Tracy. She has a good admin and secretarial background. With Tabatha going... away, I decided last night that I really need Bookkeeper to do more at her desk than on her knees. At least till Tom gets back. Plus, business is booming as you well know."

"I was wondering the same thing. I assume Adam will be going on the road more till Bookkeeper is free to travel to cover for Tabatha and Tom."

"Exactly. Drugcunt, we really need a more office friendly name for her, would report to you. I want to cut Bookkeeper back to servicing the break room for an hour or so every morning and as a performance prize. Drugcunt, lets call her Stressrelief for now, can take care of the office and cube calls and the afternoon break room duty."

"Will she be living with us too?"

"Not right away. She will need to earn her way out of the kennels. "

"I think that is a good idea. Excellent motivation. Bookkeeper, I got the impression that Drugcunt, I mean Stressrelief recognized you."

"Domina Tracy, I don't know if she recognized me, but I knew her from church. I thought that they had moved out of town shortly before my great aunt died."

"They?" asked Domina Peak.

"She and her husband."

"What are their free names?"

"Klaus and Katherine Krumper. He was a CPA, I think. She was his office manager."

Domina Peak tapped into her desk unit, "Ah, here we are. Klaus transferred his CPA license to Michigan. Granted an irreconcilable differences divorce a month prior to her enslavement date. The dissolution agreement specified as a condition of the divorce that all debts incurred in the course of the marriage were to be paid by the husband who in turn got all the marital property. He also paid for her drug rehab, or 'residential medical treatment'. I bet that is how the judge let him divorce her. "

Denise spoke without thinking, "Domina, what do you mean by that?"

"Bookkeeper, normally if a married person is at risk of penal servitude, the courts usually won't allow a divorce to go through until after the person completes their term. There are exceptions of course, but the courts don't want to allow one party to take advantage of the soon to be enslaved spouse. From the looks of the court records, there wasn't much left after they settled the debts."

"So no kids?" Domina Tracy interjected.

"None listed in the documents. Was that the case, Bookkeeper?"

"They did not have any children together that I was aware of domini."

Domina Peak's wrist comp chimed. She glanced at it and smiled.

"Get to work you two. Apparently the building manager is a motivated seller. I had just messaged him for a time to meet. 9:05 in the morning and he is at the front desk asking if we can talk. And Jess says he has a slave cunt in tow."

Denise followed Domina Tracy out of the office. Denise sat at her desk and pulled up her to-do list. Domina Peak left her office a few minutes later.

Denise was well into her work when she heard Domina Peak open her door. Looking up, she saw a subdued Katherine followed her along with the short, pudgy building manager. A few minutes after that, Hunter Harris entered the office. Hunter was one of Peak Consulting' s rising stars. Or the company's arrogant asshole, depending on who you talked to. Denise reflected.

When she first came to work for Peak Consulting, he had asked her out for a drink. He seemed genuinely shocked when she declined his offer to have her over to his house for dinner. She might have been sexually naïve, but it didn't take a genius to figure out that he would not get less handsy at his house.

Overheard break room conversations later confirmed her initial assessment. Her first office conference as a penal slave had revealed that he was well endowed. And a bit cruel. He was the only guy she sucked off at the office meeting that had grabbed her head and face fucked her.

Her wristcomp beeped about a half hour later and Domina Peak's voice came out, "Bookkeeper, to my office."

Denise got up and made her way to the door of the office and knocked. She glanced over at Domina Tracy, who mouthed. "I have no idea."


She opened the door to see Katherine on hands and knees in front of a sitting Domina Peak licking the woman's pussy while Hunter plowed her ass. He was still wearing his shirt and tie, with his suit pants down around his knees on the floor. Denise had to admit that he had a muscular ass.

The building manager sat in one of the side chairs with his own pants down, playing with his dick.

"Bookkeeper, our guest needs some relief. Tend to him. Swallow every drop."

"Make sure that I can play with your tits slave cunt," the balding building manager said.

Going to her knees in front of the little man, Denise realized just how short that he was. In more ways than height. Even on her knees, she had to bend down to engulf his small cock in her mouth.

"Bob up and down. That's the ticket!"

Sharp pain almost caused her to bite the cock in her mouth as the man tweaked and twisted Denise's nipples. Stopping herself just in time, she quickened the pace hoping she could swallow the dominus's load and get her tortured breasts away from him.

Licking his knob quickly caused him to tremble and move his hands to the sides of her head and force her face into his smelly pubic hair. Denise thought to herself that the Dominus should at least bathe regularly if he wanted sex, but then realized that he probably just used the building slaves.

"Swallow every drop slave."

The load he deposited in her mouth was about as much as one of those little cups you used to take cough medicine. Except the medicine tasted better. Swallowing was no problem. She was desperate to get the cum out of her mouth.

As she pulled away after cleaning the cock, the building manager grabbed her hair and used it to dry his cock. Gross, she thought. He stood, zipped and buckled his pants and turned to Domina Peak.

"So a week's trial and if the slave cunt is satisfactory, we will close on her next Monday at the agreed price."

Domina Peak responded, "$9,000.00 for the balance of her enslavement. Kennel boarding at the usual rate with credits for weekend only sublease as she is available. No weeknights. I don't want her barcoded ass dragging during the day because she has been pillory fucked till midnight at The Dungeon the night before. Finally, continue her exercise routine. The gym will put her on my account. "

" Understood. By the way, if you change your mind, our coffle is sent back at 11 on weeknights. In fact, we could add this one. She could net you a fair bit of coin on the weekends," the ping of the building manager's wristcomp cut off what else he was about to say.

Denise could barely conceal her horror at the prospect. Domina Peak's next words were a relief.

"No need. We keep her pretty busy. That should be the contract. Let me know when you have reviewed it. "

"I am sure it will be fine Ms. Peak. Let me thumb it," putting words to action.

The beep of Ms. Peak's wristcomp told Denise that the executed agreement had been returned.

"Good day Reggie, see you Monday."

The little man turned and walked past the still kneeling Denise and Hunter, who plunged hard into Katherine, clearly cummming. After a moment he pulled out, cock still semi hard.

"Elizabeth, may I?"

"Of course, Bookkeeper clean him up and put him away. Then clean up Stressrelief."

Hunter hiked up his dress pants, strode over and inserted his increasingly flaccid cock into Denise's already opened mouth. Thankfully, he only pumped in and out a few times before pulling out and turning away from her, zipping up and buckling his belt.

"Thanks for including me in the meeting. I think you got a good deal. I need to get ready for my 11 o'clock. Later."

Domina Peak sighed as the door closed behind the man. At the same time, she had the satisfied look Denise associated with getting the better part of a negotiation. The domina rolled her chair back and looked down at her new purchase, still on hands and knees.

"Stressrelief, Bookeeper here was a virgin till yesterday and even now licks a better pussy than you. Don't worry, you will learn. Bookkeeper show her what you have learned in the last 24 hours."

Denise didn't know who was more horrified, her or Katherine. Possibly Katherine, judging from the revolted glance back at Denise. Odd reaction. Denise was pretty sure Katherine had been licked more than a few times by now in her slavery.

Perhaps yesterday's servicing of her coworkers had burned away the last of her inhibitions as she crawled over to her sister slave.

"Bookkeeper, get a move on, I don't want Hunter dripping on the rug."

Denise quickly put her reluctance aside and dove into Katherine's oozing cunt. The taste wasn't bad exactly, but Hunter's rather bitter cum overwhelmed any flavor that Katherine might have.

"Domina, may this slave speak?"

"Of course, Stressrelief. During work we will expect you to converse normally."

"First, thank you for considering buying me. Now that I will only be sent to the club on the weekends, the kennel will be a lot easier to endure and I can get a little," panting she continued, "Domina your slave is quite... skilled."

Domina Peak chuckled, "Wait till you experience Domina Tracy. Bookkeeper is coming along, but Tracy would have had you screaming right now."

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