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Office Wish, Gangbang Fantasy

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Leanne is transformed into the office fuck toy.
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"Do you believe in magic," Sarita asked. "The supernatural? Paranormal occurrences which can't be explained by modern science?"

The question caught Leanne off guard as they were having lunch at an upscale downtown restaurant. As department managers for a major corporation, they were used to talking about employees, deals, and deadlines, often during lunch hour.

But this?

"In some ways," Leanne answered after thinking for a moment. "I mean, I suppose I believe in the supernatural to an extent. I do believe in ghosts; my grandparents swear they've seen apparitions in their previous home."

"Are you religious?"

Leanne gave a coy smile and a faint shrug. "Mildly, if that makes sense."

"I thought so," Sarita replied knowingly as she nodded.

There was a brief moment of levity between the ladies as they took another bite of their food and squinted at each other.

"Why on Earth are you asking me these questions?" Leanne asked.

"I may have a gift for you."

"May? That's an odd way of announcing a potential present."

"I want to see if you'll accept it. These things must be done carefully."

"Now you're being a tease," Leanne said, washing down her food with more drink. "And you're never a tease. Seriously, what's going on with you and your paranormal talk?"

Sarita kept her eyes down as she poked at her food with a fork. "If you must know, I've accepted a job offer in England. I want to be closer to my family. Next week will be my last with this company."


"I'm sorry. It's all very last minute."

"I get it..."

A soft sigh escaped Leanne's lips and she reached over to touch Sarita's hand. The contrast between her white hand on top of Sarita's dark brown Indian skin was beautiful.

In response, Sarita put her other hand on top of Leanne's.

"Don't be sad," Sarita smiled, looking up at her friend. "Be happy."

Leanne gave pouty lips. "I'll try."

Despite her brave words, small tears and a sad smile appeared on Leanne's face, betraying her soft heart.

"Oh stop," Sarita joked. "You're going to make me cry too."

Leanne pulled her hand back, sat upright and composed herself. The last thing she needed was for anyone from upper management to enter the restaurant and see her looking so vulnerable. Like most high powered corporate women, she was conscious of the way she was perceived. Her image was carefully crafted.

"So what does this have to do with the supernatural?" Leanne asked. "That was kind of an odd way of breaking the news that you'd be leaving. Did you consult an astrologer or something? I've always been interested in that sort of thing."

"No, nothing with an astrologer."

Leanne pried, "Come on, don't leave me hanging. Are you talking about a book or something?"

"If that was it, would you be disappointed?"

"Honestly, yes. You've given me quite a build-up, and your mannerisms suggested something momentous. Really serious. And I can tell when you've got something important on your mind."

Sarita briefly pursed her lips and looked down at her half-eaten food. She ran her fingers through her dark, silky hair and sighed to herself. In an instant, she made up her mind and finalized her decision, looking up at her friend and colleague.

"What are you doing after this?"

Leanne answered, "I'm meeting with Bryce at 2 pm about staffing issues. Then I'm reviewing audits with Chris at 3:30. Between that, I have some paperwork that requires attention. Why? Is it important?"

"Are you free at 5 pm?"

"I should be."

"That might work best," Sarita nodded. "I'll come to your office when I see that no one else is there."

Leanne seemed slightly taken aback. "That sounds fine. Are you sure you're okay? This seems a little unusual, even by our standards."

"Trust me, you don't know the half of it."


At 5 pm sharp, Sarita made her way to Leanne's office, in an unusually stealth manner. By this hour, their meticulous hairstyles were a bit messy, and their clothes weren't as wrinkle free as they had been first thing in the morning. The busy day had taken its toll.

"Please, can you sit here?" Sarita gestured to the leather couch.

Leanne stood and walked to the couch hesitantly. "You're being weird."

"I know, but things will soon become clear."

They sat on the couch and looked at each other awkwardly during an uncomfortably long silence.

Leanne made the first move. "You wanted to see me about something?"

"Yes, and I still can't believe I'm sharing this with you."

"I thought we had gotten over this already? But if it's too personal, you don't have to share."

Sarita cleared her throat and sat upright. "What's your darkest fantasy?"


"Yes, sexually. Or romantically. What's your deepest desire?"

Sure, they had plenty of sex talk over the years, but they were mostly in the context of dating success or horrible experiences. This was new territory entirely, which only fueled Leanne's curiosity over this.

"I don't know," Leanne shrugged. "I'm not dodging the question, but you know I'm a pretty vanilla person. My sexual preferences are like my skin color... fair."

"If skin color was an indicator for sexual preferences, I'd be a nymphomaniac."

They both laughed.

"Well then maybe you are," Leanne joked.

Sarita's face turned straight. "I am."

"Oh," Leanne said, her face turning straight as well. "Wait, are we joking here, or are we being serious?"

"Look, I plan to spend the rest of my career in Great Britain, and we may never see each other again. You've been my best friend here and you were a mentor to me when I started working for this company. I want to give you a gift."

Leanne sharpened her gaze. "Like a sex club membership? Just say it already, I can handle it."

"If you tell me your deepest sexual fantasy, I can make it come true. But even better, it'll be safe and you won't be judged. Trust me."

"Okay, now you're being really weird."

"Lean your head back and close your eyes," Sarita said. "That is, if you're okay with being in a state of hypnosis."

"Now you know hypnosis?"

"It's not exactly hypnosis. But it's similar. It's far more spiritual, if you wish to call it that. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you," Leanne said. "What is this?"

"It's a gift I have. Literally and figuratively, shall we say? Very few people know about it. I was blessed and now I wish to share my blessings with you. I know how hard you've worked these past few years, and how little time you've had for a relationship. I want you to be happy and fulfilled. And sexual satisfaction is an important component to overall health."

"Okay, this has to be a prank."

"Shall we find out?" Sarita dared. "We can do a test drive. If you don't like it, at any point, it can be undone."

Leanne laughed. "Okay, sure thing. Let's do it."

"I'm being serious. We can try it, and if you don't like it, I will undo it later."

"Sarita, I'm really going to miss you. No one has a sense of humor like you do."

Leanne kept the smile on her face as she leaned her head back and slumped into her leather couch. It had been a long day, and she appreciated the short moment of rest. Before she knew it, her body felt light as a feather while her eyes grew heavy.

"Tell me," Sarita said, her voice sounding like an echo. "What's your secret fantasy?"

It was all so surreal; Leanne floated and drifted away.


Even though Leanne was in her mid-30's, her nightly routine was the same as it had been when she was a teenager. Dressed in her sleepwear, she put on her headphones and listened to a wide array of pop music, even stuff from the 80's.

Gone was the sharply dressed office girl; now she was braless in a small t-shirt and only had panties on below. Her toes were tapping to the music as she took a final sweep of her social media updates on her phone. As usual, she was in bed, alone.

Sarita, as crazy as she was today, was right about one thing. Leanne was severely under-fucked and sexually frustrated after a string of failed relationships. The truth was, she was a workaholic who often spent nights in pursuit of professional perfection to stay on top of her game. The lifestyle certainly didn't lend itself to meeting eligible men. But it was sacrifice she was willing to make.

To stay sane, she would compensate with a Rabbit Vibrator she had ordered online several years back. Like many vibrators, it was kept in her nightstand. She turned off the music, removed her headphones, put her phone down, and grabbed her favorite form of entertainment.

The biggest perk of living alone was the fact that she could lay sprawled across her bed, with her panties off and set the vibrator to full blast. There was no reason to be discreet, or embarrassed.

As the vibrator touched her clit and pussy simultaneously, she stuck to her normal fantasies, the ones that reliably did the job. Whenever she was in dire need of relief, these scenarios could always get her off.

First, her mind wandered to a medical fantasy. It came about from a doctor she had visited during her college years.. She used to hate going to the student health center for a check-up, until the right guy came along. A friend had recommended a new doctor after her previous doctor retired. From that point on, she reveled in the joy of disrobing and being medically examined in every area of her body.

Next, she transitioned to her office fantasy. For most corporate workers, the office fantasy is common. Even people who don't work in an office enjoy the sight of a sharply dressed man or woman in professional attire. Fucking or sucking in an office is usually the dream. But for Leanne, the desires were a little more dark, a little more extreme. It involved being taken publicly on the executive office floor for all to see (or join).

Leanne knew it was crazy, but when you're a hard-working under-fucked woman in your prime, your imagination tends to get a little wild.

When she came, she turned off the vibrator and breathed a sigh of relief, as a trickle of fluid leaked from her cunt. Then, a stark realization dawned on her. These were her secret fantasies. Had she spoken of them earlier today?

For reasons unknown to her, she had the strangest case of deja vu.


The next day had an unusual start. There was a bouquet of roses in Leanne's office along with a handwritten letter from the Director of the Board. He asked to see her promptly at 9:30 that morning, which was fairly short notice by his standards. Mr. Klein was like a machine and always gave advanced notice before any sort of meeting.

It was 8:17, which meant that she had a little over an hour to prepare. Time flew by as she reviewed paperwork and delegated to her subordinates. It was the typical workload, but she hustled a bit faster to make room for Mr. Klein. Surprisingly, she could have sworn she heard someone mutter the word 'bitch' after she snapped her fingers.

She brushed it off though.

At exactly 9:15, she made her way to the bathroom and was glad to find it empty. It gave her a chance to stand in front of the full-length mirror and straighten out her make-up, hair, and clothes. It was the trifecta for all women.

At 9:25 sharp, Leanne approached Mr. Klein's secretary. She always liked to be 5 minutes early, on the dot.

She entered the office, using her power walk, flashed her expensive smile, and gave an earnest handshake. As usual, Mr. Klein remained behind his desk when he stood to shake her hand. However, this time, he actually smiled. Something is definitely going on, Leanne thought.

They sat down and exchanged the usual pleasantries. How are things? Anything I can do for you? You look great, nice and healthy. The usual...

"I'm sure you're aware of Sarita's upcoming departure," Mr. Klein said in a more serious tone. "We'll miss her tremendously. She's a star here. We need managers like that. But thankfully we still have you. You're our other star."

Leanne blushed. "Thank you, sir."

"Don't thank me. I should be the one thanking you. Standouts like you and Sarita are rare in this industry. With her loss, we have a massive void in our ranks, and we can't sustain another hit of that magnitude."

"Mr. Klein, I understand your position. Sarita is a wonderfully talented woman, and I'm proud to call her a close friend. I'm confident, however, that this company will remain strong. We have a plethora of talented individuals ready to step up to the challenge."

"That's what like to hear," he grinned and nodded. "The point remains, we can't afford to lose you too. Yes, Directors like me make the major decisions, but we rely heavily on managers like you to keep the machine running."

Leanne did her best to appear modest. "Thank you. I can assure you, I'm not going anywhere."

"Of course not. Not after we re-negotiate the terms of your employment."


"Yes, really."

It was the big moment for which Leanne had been waiting. Hard work and dedication had finally paid off. She knew she was young for a manager in a corporation this size, but she also knew her worth. A promotion was inevitable, and as it turned out, it came sooner than she anticipated, thanks to Sarita.

Mr. Klein hit the print function on his computer and a freshly inked promissory note was produced. He placed it in front of Leanne along with a pen.

"Read it," he said. "Think about it. Sign it, if you wish."

Leanne eagerly picked up the warm piece of paper and her eyes devoured the content. But what she thought was a dream come true quickly turned into an oddity she never could have imagined.

Her eyes quickly sifted through the letter three-times, just to make sure she was reading it correctly. She took a quick glance at Mr. Klein to make sure this wasn't a joke. But the fact was, Mr. Klein never joked. He was a dry, humorless person whose only joy was managing employees and making money.

Something like this was outside of his wheelhouse entirely.

"I don't understand," Leanne eventually said, putting down the paper. "What is this? I mean, why are you showing this to me?"

He looked puzzled. "Is the increase in salary insufficient? I can assure you, your compensation is superior to your male counterparts, even those with vastly more experience."

"No, it's not that. Umm...the money looks great. It's just... is this a joke? I don't think it's funny at all. This is actually quite insulting, if I may be so blunt. Especially on the eve of Sarita leaving."

He looked even more puzzled. "Isn't this what you want?"

At that point, Leanne officially felt like she was in the Twilight Zone. Between her strange deja vu the night before, and her boss's bizarre behavior, her head felt woozy.

Then she remembered her late afternoon meeting with Sarita the day before. For the life of her, she still couldn't remember what they had talked about. But now she had an idea. A faint glimmer of memory came to mind.

Is this all some sort of elaborate prank?

Of course, there was no way it could be real. It had to be a joke. She must have accidentally revealed her secret fantasies yesterday during a moment of fatigue. Sarita must have told Mr. Klein in an effort to pull off a rather tasteless prank before leaving.

But Mr. Klein was her demanding boss, and she needed to stay on his good side. So she did what any good employee would do and played along with him, putting on her fake smile that men always believed was authentic.

"It's exactly what I want," she said, maintaining her fake smile. "Thank you, sir."

"I'm glad you're pleased with the new arrangement. We believe it's the best route to keep you with us. Additionally, we see it as a morale booster. This has never been done before, but we're willing to give it a try."

Leanne briefly squinted. "Oh, well, when can we get started?"

She laughed out loud, hoping the boss would do the same, thereby revealing the gag. Instead, he looked more serious than ever.

"Should be soon, actually," the boss said, checking his watch. "I called a doctor last night. He's an expert at these types of exams, and can ensure your health and safety. After all, your well-being is the most important thing to us."

"Oh..." Leanne's voice trailed off.

The boss's office phone buzzed.

"Speak of the devil."

Never have words been more appropriate, Leanne thought, as the boss was informed that the Doctor had arrived. Promptly, the boss told the secretary to let the man into the office.

The door opened and Leanne swiftly turned her head. Sure enough, there was a man in a suit holding a black leather doctor's bag. The man certainly had the look and aura of a physician. Could he be in on the prank, too?

"Ah, Dr. Williams," the boss said enthusiastically, getting out of his seat to greet him.

They shook hands, and Leanne also felt compelled to stand and shake his hand, when Mr. Klein formally introduced them.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Caulfield," the doctor said. "I can assure you, that my medical training will make this entire experience thorough, yet comfortable."

There was a suggestive tone to the doctor's voice, which made Leanne realize the joke had gone too far. Or maybe this was just a bad dream. The madness of it all left her standing frozen in place.

Dr. Williams placed his case on a table and removed its contents, which included; a stethoscope to check her heart rate, a tongue depressor to check her throat, a speculum for her vagina, and an ominous looking white bullet shaped probe that was about 5 inches long.

Most of these items were familiar to Leanne, since they were used at annual check-ups. But what were they doing in the fucking boss's office?

Suddenly, Mr. Klein's private phone rang.

"Excuse me," Mr. Klein said to them. "I need to take this call. Don't mind me. You two go ahead. We have a busy morning ahead of us."

When the boss stepped back and answered the business call, Dr. Williams returned his focus to Leanne.

"Now, I'll need you to undress," the doctor said.

Leanne gulped. "I see a doctor regularly and my health is fine."

"Tell me, is your private doctor familiar with the concept of being 'Airtight' during sexual intercourse?"

"Pardon me?"

"Airtight means that a woman has all three holes filled at once," the doctor explained. "Mouth, vagina, and rectum. Usually it refers to penises filling those holes, which will undoubtedly occur today."

Leanne choked. "You're kidding."

"I never joke when I'm on the job. Your boss contacted me last night because I have a wealth of knowledge about how to ensure a woman is fit to be Airtight. My experience comes from working on various porn sets, where I was tasked with loosening women and monitoring their health."

Porn? Like many women these days, Leanne watched her fair share of online porn (and the occasional pay-per-view order when she wanted to masturbate to something on her HD television). The thought of being used like those women was simply bewildering.

Her mind screamed: I'm not a porn star! I'm a businesswoman! I'm a serious person with big ambitions!

"Very funny," Leanne said with a fake smile, trying to laugh it off. "You really had me going for a moment."

"What do you mean?"

"Obviously, this talk about porn and sex, I mean, come on. You did well. And I almost believed you're a real doctor."

"You don't think I'm a doctor?" he asked, puzzled.

"You might be. Or not."

He suddenly reached in his pocket for his wallet, produced his hospital ID, and showed it to Leanne. Her jaw dropped when she quickly verified the badge.

"Is this good enough for you?" he asked, putting it away.

"Oh, then you're a real doctor. Are you Mr. Klein's doctor? He called you last night and put you up to this? Or did you plot this with Sarita?"


Leanne turned to her boss, hoping he would finally put an end to this horrible joke. Instead, the boss continued his phone conversation.

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