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Oh My God, It's You

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I thought I'd never see her again.
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This story is semi-autobiographical, very semi. As a young 'tradey' working on a plumbing job at a palatial mansion, I was confronted by the vision of the young lady of the house sunbathing in a tiny bikini. What follows is where the story diverges from the biographical to, firstly and briefly, my dreams of what might have been if I was the son of a wealthy family, and not some working class slob, and then to my imagination, mostly my imagination. There are some similarities, such as she did sort of let me know that she liked me a lot, but, as I say in the story, I know my place. And the words of the title were uttered by her some time later when we were both at the same party. I was there with my girlfriend of the time, and future ex-wife. CM

I noticed her watching me from behind her curtains as I used the skimmer to remove the dead leaves from the swimming pool. It was a hot day and I had taken my shirt off and was wearing only shorts. The leaves removed, I noticed something on the bottom of the pool that had been missed by the automatic pool vacuum. I dived in to retrieve it, an earring, and expensive earring, its diamond glistening in the bright sun. I climbed from the pool and placed it on the table under the shade while I continued my tasks. Broom in hand I moved around the pool perimeter sweeping the leaves towards one end so that I could pick them up and load them into the wheelbarrow and take them down to the composting area at the bottom of the garden.

It was a large property that had survived in this family for several generations since the early days of New South Wales. The original owner had been a Captain in the colonial army, and responsible for the oversight of the convict labour force that made up the road gangs and farm labourers of this fledgling colony. He was not the martinet that typified his rank, instead he cared for his workers and they began to trust him and not try to escape to begin a life of bushranging, like many others.

He had acquired good grazing land and built up his holdings over his tenure. His son had extended these holdings as the land to the west of the Great Dividing Ranges was opened up by the early explorers. His Sydney land grant was expanded to several acres and on this he built an almost palatial home. This remained structurally unchanged to the present time, the only changes were to follow the changing architectural fashion. The addition of the swimming pool to the outdoor tennis court completed the area immediately adjacent to the house, while the original stables now protected the family cars from the weather.

The work originally carried out by a team of gardeners was now managed by one, aided by modern tools and machines. This was where I fitted in, I was the temporary gardener, filling in for my father who was recovering from a bad accident involving a falling tree branch in the park near where we lived.

The family was holding his job open for him because he had been there for years and they didn't want to lose his expertise, the expertise that I was still learning but applying to tending the grounds. It was a good job, but I would be happy to give it back to my father and resume my life that was on hold while he recovered.

She came out while I was sweeping, and draped a towel onto the sunlounge before stretching out on it. Her bikini might just as well not be there it was so tiny, a thong between her arse cheeks and the thin straps of her top were all that I could see as she lay on her stomach working on her tan. To aid the process she reached behind her and untied the strap, allowing the ends to fall beside her. She was reading a fashion magazine, Vogue I think, and because she had to prop herself up a little, I had an excellent side view of her boobs, her nipples pointing out in front.

I turned away quickly because my cock was starting to stand up, and I didn't want her to notice my arousal.

"Michael, would you come here?"

"Yes Miss." Her name was Stephanie, but she was the owner's daughter and I had to show due deference to her. She was the only child and was used to getting her own way.

"Would you rub some sun-block onto my back, I don't want to burn."

"Yes Miss." I picked up the squeeze bottle and squeezed some onto her tan back and began to massage it in, starting from her neck and working my way down. As I rubbed it into her arse cheeks she raised her hips and I could see the beginning of the fabric triangle that hid her pussy. She knew that I was looking at her, I swear I heard her chuckle at my discomfort as I worked my way down each leg in turn, She squirmed as I rubbed the lotion into the soles of her feet, and as I finished and stood up, she rolled onto her back.

"Do my front." She ordered, with me staring at her boobs and my hands shaking. "And that's an order."

I obeyed. Again beginning at her neck and working down, I headed for those magnificent boobs, with their nipples staring back at me. I worked the lotion around them quickly and moved on. "No Michael, you'll have to do them again, I'm sure that you missed a spot." She was enjoying my discomfort immensely as I massaged her boobs, and her nipples hardened under my hands. When I was sure that I had covered every square centimetre of naked boob I moved on down toward the small triangle that covered her shaved pussy. It had to be shaved because the triangle was no more than 50mm across the top.

She grabbed my hand and pushed it under the triangle. "I want you to cover all of me." She spread her legs so that I could apply lotion to the inside of her thighs. As I was doing that she lifted the edge of her bikini. "In there too Michael." My fingers ran along the length of her pussy slit and her hips rose to meet them. "You have such gentle hands Michael." She sighed. I quickly turned my attention to the rest of her legs.

"I had better get on with the rest of my work." I said as I stood up, making sure that I was facing away from her so that she couldn't see the effect she had on me, and hurried off to finish sweeping leaves.

My next job was to mow the front lawns, so I got out the ride-on mower and rode it around to the front of the house. I then got the small tractor with its trailer and drove it around. I began to mow and, as the catcher filled I would drive it to the trailer and load the cut grass onto it. I was safe out here, she was a long way off, and while I rode the mower there was no chance of me getting aroused by her.

An hour later I was finished, the mower cleaned up and stored back in its shed and the trailer emptied and stowed away. My work for the day was finished, so I put my helmet on and started my motor bike up. As I rode around the house, there she was, standing beside the driveway, a helmet in her hand. "Michael, I have to go to my friend's house, could you give me a ride?" This wasn't so much a request as a demand.

"Sure, hop on." This was going to be interesting. "Where are we going?"

"I'll direct you. Just turn right out of the driveway and I'll show you from there." She placed her arms around me and leaned into my body. At the end of her street she released one hand and pointed to the left. I turned left and her hand returned to its former position, almost, instead of being around my waist, it was lower down. My cock was waking up and I was sure that she would soon feel it.

Another left turn and she felt it and it felt her. I stopped the bike. "Why are you stopping?"

"Because, if you keep doing that we are in danger of having an accident. How would I explain that to your parents? I was distracted by Stephanie handling my cock. If you want me to take you to your friend's house, you'd better behave yourself."

"All right, I'll behave." She was true to her word, just, and I stopped where she told me to stop and she got off. "I'll see you tomorrow, won't I?"

"I'll be mowing the back lawns, and that will take most of the day, so you might not see me."

I was half way through mowing when she appeared, complete with a cool drink for the both of us. "You look like you need this." She said, handing it to me. She sipped her drink. "How is your father getting along?"

"Slowly. He's having a lot of physio to keep the joints free while his shoulder mends."

My father was standing in the way of a large falling tree branch. He hadn't meant to stand in the way, it fell without warning and landed on his shoulder and head. He was in a coma for a week and unable to move his shoulder for six weeks, since then it's been a matter of easing into strengthening the muscles so as not to put too much strain on the healing fractures. The chances of long term pain are quite high, but the operation to overcome this has a very low success rate and a long, six to twelve months, recovery time. He has decided that, if he can stand the pain, to forego the operation. I had deferred studies and taken over his job while he recovered.

"So, you'll be working for my parents for a while yet."

"It looks that way. I enjoy the work and the money's not bad."

"I'd better let you get back to it." She held out her hand for the glass. I'm not certain, but I think that she deliberately touched my hand as she took the glass from me.

I finished the mowing and cleaned up the mower before walking up to the pool to check to see if there were any leaves in it. There were a few that I scooped up.

"Michael." I turned around to see her in a short tennis dress, her long, tanned legs in stark contrast to the brilliant white of her tennis dress and shoes and socks. It took a while for me to drag my eyes off this vision, and then only after she spoke again. "Will you have time to mark out the tennis court for me? I have some friends coming over for a game this afternoon."

"Sure thing." I went to the shed and got the line marker out. It took around fifteen minutes to mark the court and set the net.

"They're not due for a few minutes, would you get a racquet and have a hit with me?"

"I'm hardly dressed for it, but okay. I haven't played for a while so go easy on me." I might not have played for a few months, but the last time I played I won the high school championship.

She was good, I'll give her that. I managed to win without appearing to be trying too hard.

"You're pretty good, do you know that?" She said as she mopped her face with a towel.

"I have my moments."

"I would like to do this more often."

"I don't think that would be a good idea, me playing tennis with you while I'm supposed to be working."

"Oh well, a girl can dream."

If I didn't know better, I would say that she was either hitting on me or being a snooty little bitch winding up the help.

Her friends arrived so I made myself scarce.

The next day I arrived for work just as her parents left for their work. Their car stopped and her father got out. "Michael, I've been meaning to talk to you about your work here." I looked at his face to see if this was going to be bad news for me. His expression was neutral. "We appreciate the work that you're doing here, the grounds look to be in great condition. There is one thing that we would like you to take care of, when you have time that is." He caught the puzzled expression on my face. "Stephanie tells us that you're very good at tennis. She plays in the local competition, but she wants extra practise, and she has asked if we could ask you to help her in that area, but only if it doesn't interfere with your duties."

"I'll help where I can, but my father would never forgive me if I let the gardens go, this job is his labour of love."

"Thanks Michael, I know that you'll do the right thing." Right thing, huh! So their snotty little princess has convinced them that she wants me to be her tennis coach in my spare time. If I play my cards right there'll be little, if any spare time, even if I have to trim the lawn with nail scissors.

I was sweeping the driveway when she came out with a cool drink for me. "Did my parents ask you if you'd help with my tennis?"

"Yes, but they emphasised that I should not ignore my real job." That should let her know that I'm not here at her beck and call.

"If I were to help you with your work, that will give you more time to help me with my tennis, won't it?"

"I can't ask you to do that, and I don't think that it's a good idea."

"But I want to do it, please, won't you let me be useful. I'm bored doing nothing all day."

"Well you can't help me looking like that, you need proper work clothes, and gloves." That should get rid of her for a while, there's no way that she will have clothes suitable for work and proper work gloves, I doubt if they're made that small.

I was in for a shock. Ten minutes later she re-emerged from the house in a pair of jeans with a wear tear in the knees, a polo shirt that had paint spatter on it, a baseball cap with her hair pulled through the adjustment strap and tied back in a ponytail, and the piece de resistance was a pair of leather gloves that she was pulling on. "How do I look?" She struck a pose.

"Surprisingly perfect. Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." My face was red with embarrassment.

She smiled in a way that I was going to become familiar with over the next couple of weeks. Get better quick Dad, I don't know how much of this I can stand. "Well, what do you want me to do?"

"What? Oh yes, work. While I sweep the driveway into heaps, no, that's not right. I will sweep the leaves into heaps, if you could follow with the wheelbarrow and collect them, that would be good."

If I thought that she would give up after half an hour of menial labour, I was very much mistaken. She followed me all the way to the front gate and then insisted that she should wheel the barrow back to the compost bin. "Time for a quick break." I told her after we had emptied the barrow. "I have a flask of coffee, do you want a cup?" I was hoping that she would say 'no' and disappear into the house, never to be seen for the rest of the day, but no.

We sat on bales of pea straw, that's used for garden mulch, sipping coffee and munching on some cake that Mum had given me.

"What were you doing before you started work here?" She asked between mouthfuls.

"I was at school." I answered, swallowing, as much to empty my mouth as to hide my discomfort at her question.

"When your father comes back to work, what are your plans then?"

"We haven't made any plans, it all depends on when he's fit again. How about you, what are your plans for the rest of your life?"

"That's where I have a problem, I have my plans but my parents have their own plans for my life."

"Okay, I'll rephrase, what are your plans? Forget about your parents, for the time being, what are your plans?"

"I want to study for something that will benefit me, something like Design, not some stupid course designed to attract a future husband."

"What sort of Design, Fashion Design or Industrial Design?"

"In spite of what you might think of me, not Fashion Design, I'm not that much into fashion. No, I thought Industrial Design, or even Automotive, that would be good, there seems to be as much emphasis on the design of the exterior and interior of cars as there is to the engineering side of them. Have you noticed how all of the normal cars look the same these days?"

"I haven't really taken much notice of them, I'm more interested in the high performance cars, now that's where the designers get creative. Working on designs that are practical and efficient more than just good looking, that's an art."

"That's so right. Just think of how many cars Lamborghini or Ferrari would sell if they looked like a Toyota, none."

Stephanie really surprised me, here I was thinking of her as a spoilt little princess and she goes and does this to me.

After our break I had to prune the rose bushes. "How do you know where to prune them?" She asked as I started on the first one.

"You have to work out which stem you want to keep, usually the centre ones are cut out and the outer ones that are pointing outwards. Then it's a matter of cutting them down to the first bud that is pointing in the right direction, that way the bush is shaped to maximise the sunlight."

"Do you mind if I try?" She reached for the secateurs.


"Right here?" She held the secateurs where she thought the cut should be made.

"That's perfect. We'll make a gardener of you yet."

"How come you know so much about this?"

"I watch my father and I've learnt a lot from him."

We finished the pruning just after lunch and there wasn't a lot left to do for the day. "Okay, I've helped you, now it's your turn." I looked at her. "Tennis silly. That was the deal that you made with my parents wasn't it, that you'd help me with my tennis when and if you had any spare time. I helped you so that you'd have spare time, now you have to help me."

She went into the house and returned a few minutes later. I was expecting the short tennis dress that she wore yesterday, but was pleased when she emerged having only changed her shoes.

"Okay, let's go. Don't tell me that you're disappointed that I'm not wearing my tennis dress?"

"Actually, I'm surprised after the way that you teased me the other day. I was scared that you would wear it, and I was also thinking that I'd be going to lay a racquet on the ball if you did."

"Aren't you sweet?" She tossed me a couple of balls. "You serve first."

We played for the best part of an hour before she called a halt. It was warm and we had both worked up a sweat. "I think we should cool off in the pool, don't you?"

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"I don't think that I could handle it if you were wearing that excuse for a bikini that you had the other day."

"I wouldn't do that to you. Actually I was thinking of skinny dipping."

"No way. If you think that I'm going to get in that pool with you with nothing on, you've got another think coming."

"You should have seen the look on your face. Don't worry, I was only joking." She went inside and emerged in the type of bikini that she would wear if her parents were around. I stripped my shirt and shoes off and dived in with just my shorts. Her dive hardly made a ripple as opposed to my huge splash and tsunami. I could make out her slim shape as she came towards me. I was expecting some inappropriate touching as she reached me, but that never happened. I was surprised that I was somehow disappointed at this.

"Hi you." She spat a mouthful of water at my face. I reached out and pushed her head under, releasing it immediately. She surfaced and smiled at me, then reached a hand out and drew my face to hers. It was a quick kiss, but one that held a certain promise to it. "You are so not like the boys that I know, by now they would have been all hands, groping at me thinking that it would turn me on."

"The thought did cross my mind, but I know my place in the scheme of things, and my father would never forgive me if my indiscretion got him fired."

"What's going on here?" We hadn't heard her friend Jenny come around the back of the house. "Here I've been ringing your door bell for hours and you're around here in the pool with him. No fair, keeping him to yourself." She stripped off to her panties and dived into the pool before we could tell her that nothing was happening, not that she would have believed us. As she reached me, a hand snaked out and between my legs, grabbing at my cock. "You're slipping Steph, he's not even half hard."

"Leave him alone."

"Why? Do you want him for yourself?"

"It's not that. We have to be careful that we don't go too far, Michael works for Dad and he could get fired if he does the wrong thing with me, and I don't want that to happen."

"Bullshit girl, all you've talked about for the past few days is what a hunk he is and how you like teasing him."

I said nothing, I just swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out.

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