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Oh Snap! Ch. 02

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Mark invites a girl over.
4.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/26/2020
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So, I have way too many things I wanna say and way too little time, so I'll try to keep it brief:

1. Thank you so much! The feedback has been awesome, it has been truly amazing to see the reception to my first ever publicization.

2. I'm sorry the second chapter took so long to get into your hands. I had to resubmit it due to a formatting error on my part. Since it takes about 2 to 3 days to be reviewed before it's posted publicly, my mistake kind of compounded on itself.

3. I absolutely loved all of the feedback I got. Some of you have already guessed my plans for the future of the series, while some gave suggestions that I've been toying with in my spare time.

4. While I'm fine with the length of Chapter 1, it isn't what I want for the series going forward. Most future entries should be more comparable to this one in length.

I can't tell you how heartwarming the reception has been, and I hope to do right by you as I continue posting. Enjoy!


Mark was being followed.

Of course, he knew this; he had decided to lead Christine back to his apartment after their tryst. He felt he needed to find out more about what had happened, and the black book wouldn't be any help. It was nowhere to be found. He had spent almost an hour trying to figure out where it went, seaching under tables and rifling through bookshelves, but it's disappearance was just as baffling as its initial appearance. Since he had no other leads, Mark decided to use the one he had, namely the gorgeous blonde tailing him.

Originally, Christine had wanted to walk alongside him, holding his hand with his arm surrounded by her pillowy breasts. However, it didn't take long for Mark to realize that taking a stroll across campus with the sorority girl who just publicly shamed him would raise attention.

So, he elected for a less overt method. While he returned home, walking through the campus towards relative safety, the statuesque beauty followed from a distance, making sure not to lose him.

Soon after he had begun the trek back to safety, he became appreciative of his own foresight. While no one said it directly to him, Mark had enough experience with people talking behind his back. The shifting glances, whispers and hunched demeanors of the students around him made his ears burn. He hated this feeling; the desire to slink away into nothingness, to avoid society until the shame died down, which it never really did.

Finally, after what felt like hours of public ostracization, Mark made it home.

Just off campus, the collection of housing units was less a dormitory and more of a small villa. Miniature, modern buildings dotted the road, designed for efficiency and function over aesthetic. Each structure was small, but homely, with all the necessary appliances and functions of a small house. This allowed for a great amount of privacy, but also meant that the socially awkward freshman hadn't needed to bother with a roommate. At that moment, Mark couldn't be any more thankful for the seclusion afforded him.

He then realized the negative of not having a housemate; it left the responsibility of maintaining the homestead to one person. Rushing inside, he dashed about the kitchen, straightening up, throwing dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and doing everything he could to make his home more attractive to the first girl he had ever invited over. Managing one last spritz of Febreeze, a knock signaled he was out of time.

Striding over and opening the door, he pulled the bemused Christine across the mantle and into his home. Spinning around, she rested against the entryway table, giving him a curious but playful look.

"So," she quizzed him, "what's going on?"

That stumped Mark, though it shouldn't have. He honestly just hadn't expected her to ask a question, as he had so many of his own.

But first, he had to play the part of host. "Before we begin, would you like to come in? Sit down? I can make you something to drink, if that's okay...? Oh here, let me take your coat! I mean, your sweater!"

As he stumbled over his words, she smiled, handing him her blue sweater to hang on a nearby hook.

She made sure to brush his hand in the exchange. "That would be lovely, thank you."

As he turned to hang her garment, mentally berating himself for his idiocy, Christine walked into the small living room, coming to rest in a beanbag chair. She grinned to herself; she may never be able to sit in one again without remembering her encounter with the young man in the library.

While Mark busied himself making a small pitcher of lemonade, his guest took stock of her surroundings. Keeping in theme with the housing style, his decor was minimalist. However, she admired that he had not sacrificed comfort for aesthetic. Two beanbag chairs and an apparently soft sofa surrounded a clear glass coffee table. The living room, only separated from the small kitchen by a wooden countertop, couldn't have held more than five people comfortably. Sadly, Christine got the impression that Mark hadn't run into that problem yet.

Scurrying around the corner, the freshman in question quickly placed two plastic cups on the table, pouring his guest a generous amount before serving himself. Finally, returning the pitcher to the countertop, he quickly made his way over to the sofa, dropping himself into the seat with a nervous energy.

Neither spoke for a while. The girl thought it would be impolite for her to go first, given Mark's seemingly numerous questions. The boy was still locked onto the idea that Christine was his guest, and should be afforded the first word.

Finally, one of them had the sense to break the silence. She scooted forward, coming to rest her arms on her knees as she looked up at her host.

"What did you do to me?"

For the millionth time that day, Mark didn't know what to do. How should he answer that? 'Oh, I brainwashed you by getting your attention and snapping my fingers. But don't worry! A magic book told me to, so it's okay. Also, I have no idea what the side effects of this are, or what to do now. Hell, I don't even know if I've destroyed your free will. Just trust me for a little while while I figure this out?'

As he was stuck wrestling with an answer, Christine noticed the struggle taking place and intervened. "Oh, don't worry, I don't really mind, I was just curious why I feel this way is all."

He stopped. "...Wait, you aren't mad?"

The blonde laughed, resting back into her chair. "Why would I be upset with you? I feel great."

Mark shook his head. "No, but I mean... you're aware that I changed you, right?"

"Of course."

He continued. "And you know I took advantage of you, right? You probably would have never... you know... with someone like... me." His face flushed as he tried to explain.

She paused, thinking of a way to respond, her chin resting in her palm. "I agree, I probably wouldn't have done that with you. With anyone, really. But I don't feel that way now at all. What I want from life feels different. Before I found you in the library, I had a faint idea that I wanted to major in psych, find a rich guy my age and get an easy ride through life."

"But now? Now I know exactly what the things I want are, and I have the drive to achieve them. I also feel like I'm a better person than the one I woke up as today. You probably did change who I was, but even if you did that for selfish reasons, it doesn't change the fact that that's who I am now. And I like who I am now."

She smiled, raising an eyebrow at him. "Did that make any sense?"

Mark was speechless. It did make sense, but he was far more relieved that he hadn't accidentally turned her into a zombie. His greatest fear was that he'd hurt her, changed her in a way that would ruin her life, and in a way that he didn't know how to fix. Even if he had hated her, Mark would never have been comfortable completely destroying her free will. He became calmer than he had been a moment ago, the weight of destroying a person lifted from his shoulders.

The newfound ease caused him to smile, genuinely, for the first time that day. "So, what is it you want from life now? Who do you plan on becoming?"

Christine returned the gesture, glad that he had relaxed since inviting her into his home. "Well, I really did have an interest in child psychology. The only difference is that now I know I want to work hard at it."

She thought a moment longer. "I also now have a love for humanitarian causes; donating, working at homeless shelters, that sort of thing. I'm pretty sure that's new; I don't think I've ever given money to a cause like that."

This was interesting. It seemed that, rather than destroying her free will and enslaving her, he had just changed her mind on multiple subjects all at once. Not only that, but all those changes to who she was seemed to be net benefits for herself and society overall.

Then there was the part of his ability that allowed him to control her directly via commands. Mark still had no idea how those two components played off each other. Learning how it worked also wasn't getting him any closer to understanding WHY it worked.

Her smile dimmed, if only a little. "Though I don't really have an interest in joining Alpha Kappa any more. I guess it's a little late for that."

Mark was surprised; the last time Christine had mentioned the sorority, she was telling him how badly she wanted to join. That desire had been so strong she'd been willing to throw him under the bus just for a chance to get in.

"Wait, what made you change your mind?"

The blonde turned and looked out a nearby window, her soft golden curls catching the late-afternoon sun. As she began to twirl them, the teenage male began to feel his mind wander. He remembered what her hair felt like as he ran his hands through it, grabbing her skull and...

"What do you know about the AK's?"

She had interrupted, thankfully derailing that train of thought.

Mark pondered for a moment, not coming up with much in the way of good information. "Not a lot, other than that they seem to be the most popular sorority around, if not the largest."

Christine grimaced, thinking back to her time socializing with the Alpha Kappas. She suddenly realized how much she hated the kinds of people that occupied that group. Had she really been changed so much from who she was? If so, what Mark did to her was probably a blessing more than anything else.

She turned back to face him. "They're definitely the most popular, but they gained that status through manipulation more so than quality or ability. The AK's are a sorority with a philosophy about power, beauty, and their place in the world. They believe their looks are a powerful tool, one they can use to their advantage. However, they also believe that this strength is to be used over others, that there is a hierarchy in place for a reason. To rise to prominence, they discriminated heavily against anyone that didn't fit into their standards of beauty, slowly bullying other sororities into extinction. Eventually, the ones that remained were more like outcast camps than anything else; the places for girls who just didn't cut it."

As he listened to her talk, Mark grew more and more enraged at their cruelty, but also increasingly understanding of why he'd been targeted. An average looking guy going after Christine Lance? That didn't fit into their plans for a girl as attractive as her.

"Is there a way to stop them?" he asked.

She smiled wistfully in return. "I wish it was that simple, but no. Their grip on the school is too strong to be uprooted that easily."

His guest continued. "So I'll probably quit as soon as I can. But enough about me; what do you want? What are your goals?"

He startled. "...My goals?"

She waived a hand in the air, alluding to some lofty ambition.

"Yeah, what are you looking for? Why come to college in the first place? Your reasons have to be better than mine were, anyways. Until today, I was just searching for a free ride."

Mark began to answer, then stopped. He looked down, staring deep into his untouched cup of lemonade, not sure if his response would make any sense. It almost certainly wouldn't to a woman of Christine's stature.

After a deep breath, he answered. "...I really just wanted to find a place to belong. Meet new people, find common interests, maybe even make some friends. But that probably won't happen now, huh?"

Mark clenched his teeth. "Not anymore."

For a long moment, there was silence. Upon looking up at the beauty in front of him, he realized he couldn't read the expression on her face. She had been staring at him, obviously choosing her next words carefully. As she focused, Mark rediscovered her eyes, azure pools that seemed too bright to exist, but hiding a depth he wanted to explore.

Finally, she spoke. "I mentioned earlier that I realized what I want in life now, right?"

He realized she was waiting for an affirmative. He nodded.

She tossed her hair to the side as she straightened up in her seat. "I desire many things now that I didn't before; a good education, to help others, to be a better person... but there is one thing I want more than anything else. Do you know what it is?"

He shook his head in the negative.

She stood. "Let me give you a hint."

In one long stride, Christine stepped over the coffee table, coming to stand directly over Mark as he looked on in awe. For the second time that day, the busty blonde lowered herself into his lap, her knees hitting the soft sofa, her ass coming to rest on his lap. As her arms stretched around his neck, and as her face descended an inch from his, she told him what she wanted most.

"I want you."

Mark, feeling his heartbeat nestled in his eardrums, said nothing. The gorgeous blonde babe, beginning to slowly gyrate her denim-clad ass into his pelvis, continued.

"I want you to be happy. I want to help you succeed wherever you are, at whatever you want. I want to be by your side every day, no matter what that means."

"I don't care if these feeling are new, or if they weren't a part of me before. That doesn't change that it's what I want now, and it doesn't change the fact that I would do anything for you. If you felt alone, don't. I'll be with you as long as you want me."

With that, she leaned in and kissed him, her tongue exploring parts of his mouth he didn't even know he had. She began to press her voluptuous chest into his, the fabric of their shirts doing little to hide the soft texture of her body on contact. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close and mashing their bodies together. Her hands rustled through his short hair, desperate for something to ravage as he fought back, their tongues at war for new territory. Finally, in a sneaky maneuver, the blonde withdrew from his mouth, but maintained contact with his lips. Using her tongue, she traced her way around the side of his jaw, licking her way to his ear before sucking on his earlobe. As he shuddered, she whispered in a soft, breathy voice.

"But what I really want right now is for you to stuff your cock in me as you make me your bitch."

As Mark heard this, a shot of pure adrenaline rocketed through his body. His hands shot downward, each grabbing a fleshy hemisphere before standing up. The blonde minx squealed, holding onto his neck for support as he strode towards the bedroom. Reaching the edge of the bed, he dropped her down onto the tumbled sheets, her golden hair splaying out in a halo above her. She grinned, twisting on the mattress and curving her body into new, alluring shapes.

"Oh, did you like that, Master? Did you enjoy your dirty little fucktoy using her slut mouth to suck you off earlier? ...Or maybe you want my tits, wrapped around your meat while you paint my face and mark me as your whore?"

She contorted, arching her back up while rubbing herself with a hand jammed down her jeans. "Or maybe it's the you like it when I call you Master? When I submit like the obedient little fuckslut that I am?"

Mark could hardly think, his erection threatening to tear a hole in his pants. While he was normally far more passive and calm, Christine's brazen and lustful attitude blasted those feelings out of his mind. In their place, his lust raged forward, ready to make the woman before him his.

He didn't know where he pulled it from, but he knew what to say. What to do and how to act to arouse the blonde bombshell writhing in his sheets. Something about her brought out all the confidence he never had, and he intended to use it to the fullest.

He pointed to the floor. "Kneel, slut."

Her eyes widened, before a lazy smile crept across her features. She slinked to the ground, returning to her new favorite position, gazing up at her loving Master.

And the obvious bulge in his pants.

Mark cupped her chin in his hand, teasing his slut's lips with his thumb. As the digit drifted to her mouth, she sucked it in, running her tongue over it and staring into his eyes.

"I'm going to claim you." He swore he saw her shudder in bliss. "However, I haven't yet been convinced you want me to. So, I want you to show me with these soft pillows how much you love me for two full minutes. Then you will strip, present yourself, and tell me what you desire."

As he spoke, Christine grew increasingly hotter. Her hand resumed its motions, teasing her slit while she panted her arousal up at Mark. As he finished, she leaned forward, licking his length through his pants before grinning up at him.

"Yes, Master."

Undoing his belt, she slid his khakis and boxers off in one go, his fully erect cock springing into the air. Catching it in a soft, cool hand, Christine began bathing it in kisses as she slowly jacked him off. Pointing his shaft upwards, she stuck her tongue straight to the base of his balls, slowly dragging her way up to the tip and leaving a trail of saliva on the underside of his dick. Upon reaching the end, she flashed a mischievous smile before twisting her head and swallowing his whole length in one go. Holding it there, her tongue danced along the shaft, his cock snugly sheathed in the warm confines of her throat. She began to move her head only slightly, never withdrawing more than an inch before plastering her lips against the base.

As her time ran out, she slowly began to pull her head from his pelvis. Tantalizingly, inch by inch, her lips created a vacuum as she pulled her Master's meat from her warm mouth. Finally, at the moment her two minutes ended, she released his cock with a loud *pop*.

Mark had been struggling to maintain composure throughout her services. As she disconnected from him, he managed to steady himself and catch his breath. He then moved over to the bed and laid down, ready to watch her final performance. With her blowjob completed, he felt he could relax for a moment before the main event.

Boy was he wrong.

As she rose from her knees, the buxom blonde began shedding her clothing. Working from the top, she removed her shirt and bra in one flourish, her enormous tits bouncing out of their restrictive confines. Somehow even more perfect than Mark was expecting, the globes were free of blemishes save for the two rock-hard nipples jutting out of the curvature.

Turning away and hooking her thumbs into her torn jeans, she sensually pushed them down. As they traveled, they seemed to get stuck on the phenomenal curves of her hips before stretching enough to glide by. Bending over, the minx fully presented her gorgeous ass to her Master, even going so far as to give it a jiggle as she stepped out of the pile at her feet. Still in the three-inch heels she had arrived in, it looked as though she had no intention of taking them off.

What stood before Mark was a goddess. The only reason he didn't grow more erect was because he wasn't even sure it was possible. Doing everything in his power to maintain control, he waited as she sauntered over to the bed.


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