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Olympic Gold

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A man has a paranormal encounter with a young gymnast.
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It was a warm day in August and Stephen was flipping through his local newspaper. He dwelled on the 'What's On' section, checking out the latest movie releases. Nothing particularly captured his imagination. He tossed the paper to one side and wondered what to do on his day off. He had one day a week, when he didn't need to go into the office and somehow on this day he felt at a bit of a loose end. He didn't want to waste it. He thought for a while. He would take a walk and then come home and have a light lunch and then see what the afternoon would bring.

His route took him along the canal and through the local university. It was more like a park, with lots of paths, fancy trees and a big lake. He liked this particular walk, mainly because he secretly ogled the young students. He had a girlfriend but couldn't help window shopping as he called it. After 20 minutes he turned a corner and noticed a sort of rocky mound, about 30 feet high. Even though he had taken the same route many times, he couldn't ever recall seeing it before. It appeared to be a natural formation. He paused to inspect it more closely. How could he have over-looked such an obvious feature? There were various flowers and plants growing from crevices. Then to his surprise he noticed an old wooden door cut into the side of the rock. Stephen, ever inquisitive, tried the handle, even though it looked like it hadn't been turned in centuries. To his surprise the door opened, if rather stiffly. There was a dank, musty smell emanating from within, but he opened the door a little more and was amazed to see a faint, green light on the inside. It seemed to be coming from a short tunnel and as he stood there, the light grew brighter and was accompanied by a hazy mist. He really should have closed the door and left the rock but he felt oddly attracted to the light. Without thinking he went little further and suddenly felt himself spinning. He was overcome with a strange drunken feeling and he passed out.

Stephen awoke, some time later. It could have been seconds, minutes or hours. He found himself He was slumped on a seat at a bus stop. For a while he was disoriented. He got up and walked round the corner through an alleyway, which led onto a busy street. He felt out of place. He rubbed his eyes. Everyone was Chinese. He looked at the shops and stalls, everything was signed up in Chinese.

Everyone was staring at him. Not in an intimidating way, but noticeably more than anyone ever would in Europe, even if he had worn a gorilla suit. Everywhere he looked there were posters proclaiming the Olympic Games and others with pictures of the president. Stephen began to think he was in a dream. He scratched his head and blinked. It seemed real enough. Not understanding how he had got from England to China, he wondered if he had lost his memory. But he knew his name and what his job was. He knew everything about his life. He had no idea what to do, but decided to walk and see if anything about the situation would end up making sense. He passed several stalls, which were cooking food. Some of them had what looked like locusts and beetles on skewers. Boiled fogs. It turned his stomach. Others had pigs heads and carcasses of goodness knows what hanging up. He didn't hang about. He eventually came to a busy cross roads where there were more modern-looking shops. There were boutiques and electrical shops and proper restaurants. On the next corner he could see a building, which looked like a hotel, so he headed for there.

It looked Ok. Not posh, but clean. He went inside through revolving doors. A tall man was at the reception.

'Hello.' He said, with a thick Chinese accent.

'You want room?'

Stephen wasn't sure. He had only Sterling on him. How would he pay? He answered anyway without thinking.

'Yes please.'

'Sorry, we have no rooms. It is Olympic Games, everywhere is full.'

'Is there a police station nearby?'

The man looked blank.

'Police, I'm lost?'

'Yes, down the road, near the Gas station.'

'OK, thank you.'

He didn't know what he would do if he went to the police station. His story was unbelievable. He might be arrested for being an illegal immigrant. Then he remembered the door and the strange green light. He knew it was some time in the past and then it was a blur. This was starting to get worrying. He walked back up the main street and found a wooden box, that had been discarded. He sat down and gathered his thoughts. What was he to do? He couldn't sleep rough, he wouldn't feel safe. He would have to go to the authorities and claim that he had lost his memory. He didn't actually know what the name of the place was where he was now. It seemed stupid when he thought about it. He struggled to find any rational explanation for his predicament. There wasn't one. Music was coming from a bar nearby. He recognised it. 'Send me an Angel' by the Scorpions. The words seemed uncannily meaningful, but then songs always did in times of a crisis. Would he be arrested for having nowhere to stay? He thought he must look suspicious. Maybe he had been reported already. He looked at his crucifix and said a short prayer. He needed a bit of help.

He stood up, turning round swiftly and immediately crashed into a young European girl, who had been walking quickly, head down.

'Whooa!' Stephen put a restraining hand out, to prevent the girl flying into the road.

She looked startled.

'Frick, that was close, thanks!' She said, in an American accent.

'Yes, you were miles away, you're lucky I didn't knock you into the path of a car. Are you OK?' She chuckled and looked at Stephen pleasantly.

'No, I'm fine thanks. You're the first Westerner I've seen here, other than athletes. This isn't where many western spectators stay and you're not an athlete.'


The girl poked his toned stomach with her index finger.

'Ha ha, no I mean your dress and your gear.'

'OK fair enough. Do you live here then?'

'No, I'm just passing through. What the frick are you doing here?'

The girl's demeanour seemed to belie her real age, Stephen thought.

'To be honest, I'm lost. At least, I don't know where I am or where I'm going. I sort of came here in a rush. Now I have nowhere to stay.'

'Oh dear, you won't find anywhere here. All the hotels are taken up by wealthy Chinese going to the Olympics.'

'Yes, so I found out. Are you staying here then?'

'Yes, but I was lucky I guess.'

'Oh right, so you a fan then? What sport are you into?'

'No, actually I'm a competitor or was a competitor to be accurate.'

'Oh, what you got beat?'

'No, I...was kicked out. The bastards.'

'Right, well I'm sure you had your reasons.'

'Ha!!! You think I took drugs yeah?'

'Well, I don't know, didn't you?'

'No, I fucking did not! Look, I found this bar, it's OK, lets go there and I'll explain. Have you got time? I haven't spoken to anyone in two days, I'm going crazy.'

Stephen was bewildered by this sudden development. He was also cheered by meeting someone who spoke English. He smiled and indicated to the girl to carry on.

'OK, lead the way.'

As they walked, Stephen noticed, through her tight jogging pants that she had the tightest, pertest arse that he'd ever laid eyes on. It was just amazing. She was sort of cute too, without actually being pretty. She was 5' 3" and had shortish, mousey brown hair, which was tied in a short pony tail. She had a short crop top that revealed her midriff. He was sure she must be older than he first thought.

'Bye the way, I'm Stephen.'

They stopped and he offered his hand. The girl laughed.

'Hi Stephen, I'm Cally. Well that's that out of the way.'

'So what did happen to you then Cally, I'm curious.'

'Wait till we get to the bar, you'll need a drink when I tell you.'

'Oh right, this is intriguing.'

'Oh, it's not that bad, just...hey here it is.'

'Bye the way Cally, I have a bit of a problem in that I have no money at the moment.'

'No money. Riiiight.'

She led him into a faintly lit bar, which had a guy singing on a sort of small stage in the corner. A few men who were dressed in business suits were relaxing near the bar. The bar itself had a number of strange ornaments and additions, including two apparently pickled snakes and an equally sickening lava lamp.

'So this is OK? What's the dodgy ones like?'

Cally smiled. When she smiled her face lit up and made her look really lovely, otherwise Stephen thought she had a serious look about her. He looked at her closely as he ordered a drink. She had light blue eyes and the merest hint of freckling around her nose, which was only visible close up.

'Let's sit at that table', she said and I'll tell you about myself.'

'I'm all ears. Actually and sorry if this is rude, but how old are you?' Asked Stephen.

I'm actually 19'.

Stephen raised his eyebrows, half in surprise and partly in relief.

'I'm a gymnast. I specialise in the mat and the parallel bars. The thing is, I did this promotional video with a friend about a year ago, you know like a training film for young gymnasts. Anyway, this guy saw it and asked me and Kelly...'

'Kelly and Cally!'

'Yeah I know it's corny isn't it. He asked if we would do a topless video, gym routine. I was gob smacked at first, I thought "no way", but he offered us good money and maybe more work, so I thought what the fuck!'

It was meant to go out after the Games, that's what he said, but it got on the net last week and as soon as I got to Beijing, the coach said I had to go and see the IOC. Straight away, I knew what was what. Jim my coach he argued my case, said it was out of character and that I had "succumbed to moment of madness." The thing is, the committee weren't having any. They said I had brought the sport into disrepute.

'Oh Cally, you must be gutted.'

'I was. At first I just cried for like three hours, but, well I had an injury in April and to be honest would have been lucky with fourth place. It's so embarrassing though, my folks are gonna make me into cat food. That's why I haven't gone home yet. I phoned yesterday, I think there might have been something on the news, so...'

'Did they see a funny side?'

'OK, so let me think. Their only daughter has done a soft porn film, that's now all the way round the internet and she's been kicked out of the Olympics.'

'Yeah, sorry, you're right. I wasn't thinking.'

'It's OK, it's my own stupid fault.'

'I guess there was always the chance that would happen.'

'I know, but it seemed like a laugh, I didn't think about it. I'm not getting as much sponsorship as some of the top stars, so it seemed worth the risk. I'm really pissed off though. So are you going to tell me what you're doing here?'

Stephen took a sharp intake of breath.

'Where do I start. This going to sound extremely bizarre...'

Stephen went on to explain the best he could his walk through the Uni campus and the door in the rock.'

'And you woke up in China. Just like that?'

'That's right.'

'Yup, that's bizarre. You have nowhere to stay?'

'Of course not, I'm trying to think of a way out of this.'

'I have a double I'm sure the place wont turn you away. That's if you don't mind sharing with me, I'm sure we could work something out.'

Even in his predicament the idea of sharing with this nubile girl was a big ask.

'Actually.' Said Stephen hesitantly.

'It's a kind offer but I think you're very attractive. I'm not sure I could share a bed with you.'

'What do you mean?'

'I mean, I'm going to have a terrible time keeping my hands to myself, it'll screw me up. That must sound very shallow, but it's how I am. I have to be honest even if it makes me seem like a jerk.'

'Oh come on, you've got no alternative and I don't think you're a jerk - well not yet anyway.'

'OK, thanks but sharing a bed with you - it'll be torture.'

'Hmmm, so do you think it's only guys who get horny! What if I want you to fuck me senseless?'

Stephen flinched, he'd never heard a girl say that before.

'I think I need another drink', said Stephen. 'Want one?'

'OK, I'll have another beer thanks.'

'Erm, have you got some money?'

He turned as he waited to be served and smiled at his new acquaintance. Cally beamed back with a fake grin. She was attracted by risk and liked Stephen's spontaneity and the story he had relayed about his being zapped through space and time. She wanted to sleep with him.

Stephen gazed at her perfect rear as he brought two more beers. She had bent down to put a drinks mat under one leg to prevent the table from wobbling.

'You've got a gorgeous arse Cally.' Said Stephen brazenly as he put the drinks on the table.

'Ar... oh my butt! Yeah it's my best feature definitely.'

'You must look a picture in your leotard.'

'I'll wear it tonight if you like.'

'Fuck my old boots!'

'Hee hee, I've not heard that phrase before.'

'No, I save it for special occasions!'

'I like you Stephen, you don't mess about do you. I can't stand men who pussyfoot around. I think you can be too polite.'

'It depends on the situation. This is one that calls for directness. It's not every day that you meet a 19 year old gymnast who does topless videos.'

'Hey, you have a point there. Not every day you wake up in England and go to bed in China!'

They both laughed.

'So, do you have a girlfriend?'

'Yes, I do.'

'Do you love her?'

'I guess, I do yes, she's wonderful.'


I'm glad I met you Cally, I was really beginning to run out of options.'

'It's OK, I'm glad I met you too - an English speaker and well you're kind of OK.'

'Thanks - I think.'

The chit chat continued for a while and they drank up.

'Shall we go to my hotel then and get a shower?'

Stephen began to feel hot and bothered at this suggestion.

'Is it far?' He asked.

'Only about 15 minutes walk, it's in a quiet part of town. Are you ready?'

'Can you just give me a minute?'

'What's up.?'

'Can you wait outside a minute while I think about 1960s urban architecture? Ahem.'


The talk of sex with this nubile girl had made his mind a blur. He couldn't think straight and was trembling with nerves. He eventually regained his composure and joined her outside, albeit feeling a distinct buzz. He had to pull himself together. It was a little quieter on the streets than earlier, but was still busier than in most European towns he had seen. He took a lungful of the limp air. Apart from the main street and a few others, the place had a ramshackle feel to it. All the cars were driving too fast. There always seemed to be a near miss between a car and a bike every few seconds. A lot of the traffic lights were ignored or jumped and people just seemed to take their chance. Stephen didn't really like it. He expected China was a lot nicer out in the country.

Cally stopped outside the hotel.

'I was going to move on this afternoon.' Said Cally. 'But...'

'You're going to stay now?'

'Yes, I thought I'd hang around. Are you OK?'

'I'm fine. Where is this place anyway, what's it called?'

'Canloo, we're about 35 miles from Beijing.'

Cally smiled again and her face lit up in the way Stephen had noticed before.

'You have a lovely smile Cally.'


Stephen poked her nose with his index finger. She pulled away and giggled.

'Shall we go in then, there's air conditioning.'


After Cally had made the necessary formalities at the reception, they got in the lift and she led the way to the room. It was quite bright inside with light lemon and white walls. The windows were shuttered and there was a fan on the ceiling.

Cally looked up at him.

'It's a warm day and I could do with a shower too. Shall we share and help save the planet?'

Stephen did his best to contain himself. He was beginning to boil over and was trying to hide his nerves.

Cally grabbed him by the crotch.

'Frick let's get him out of there, your jeans'll split!'

She began to unzip his fly as he slid his hand down the front of her top and stroked the area of exposed flesh above her waist. She had small breasts, so that Stephen could just cup one in his hand. He fondled them as she unfastened his jeans.

Their fervid progression to nudity was rapid. Her denouement filled him with libidinous elation. She peeled off her jogging pants to reveal a neatly trimmed set of pubes and toned, shapely legs. She was perfectly proportioned for her height. Stephen pulled her towards him and grabbed her bum cheeks with both hands and began to grind his cock against her pussy.

'Oh you're a horny man Stephen!'

'Oh let me kiss you babe. Oh fuck!'

'Whoo Calm down! Come on stud, lets get you in the shower.'

Cally entered the shower first. The hot spray was sprinkling over her head and face and the rivulets of water were running down her superb body, making her nipples erect. Stephen stepped in to the shower and pulled the door across, the shower soon becoming hot and steamy. Cally lathered her hands and began to cover Stephen in soap, firstly on his chest and then gradually working down his body until she reached his cock and gently rubbed the soap all over his erect organ. She had a wondrous touch and worked her hands magically over his balls and wanked him playfully with her other hand. She worked around his body, slowly stroking between his thighs making his cock throb with pleasure.

'Do me now then.' She said and turned her back on him, pressing her bum into his cock so that the tip was flush with his belly. Stephen took the soap and filled his hands with suds. He massaged the lather in to her back and glided his fingers over her soft skin. Cally had never felt such an expert touch and she shuddered as he worked the soapy water between her bum cheeks and around her pussy lips. She turned round and taking some soap Stephen rubbed her breasts, covering them in white foam. They felt wonderfully soft and silky with the soap, her nipples soft and pink.

Stephen was worked up and kissed her passionately, while she fingered his cock rubbing the foreskin gently back and forth. He gripped her arms firmly and turned her round. Cally bent over and gripped onto the hand rail. She was thrilled with the idea of him taking her roughly from behind, and her pulse was racing.

'Stephen fill me with your dick, let me have it!'

She squealed with delight as she felt his length and girth inside her. Stephen let his emotions take control of him. He was merciless.

'Yes, yes, that's it Stephen... ooohh yes. Fuck me, fuck me!'

Stephen repositioned her slightly so he got even deeper and kept up the momentum for several minutes. Cally let him know in no uncertain terms that she was enjoying herself. She could feel herself begin to orgasm and closed her eyes feeling her body tingle in ecstasy. She moved herself in time to his rhythm as Stephen did his best to keep going, but he was reaching the point of no return. He had never had sex with anyone so rampant as this girl. She was a real little fire cracker.

He tensed every muscle to hold off as long as possible until he could take no more and then just let go.

'Aaargh! Oh Cally baby, oh yes, aaaaaaah!'

The girl for her part was gasping with sexual tension, her body trembling uncontrollably. For a while she just hung on to the rail to as Stephen pulled away, hot, flushed and sated.

'Aren't you dry yet.' Asked Cally as Stephen concentrated on not getting Athlete's foot.

'Nearly. That was good wasn't it! I got a bit carried away there, I've never called a girl a sexy bitch before.'

'Frick, don't worry about it. That was an amazing shag!'


'Well, put it like this. I can't remember a better one. We were a bit naughty though, don't you think?'

'Well, yes... but it's what you wanted isn't it.'

'Oh yeah, I don't mean that. I'd normally make sure you use something though, you know.'


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