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Opportunity Knocks

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Ex brother-in-law makes it their first threesome.
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Throughout the 25 years that Brian was married to my sister, we seldom did anything together as a foursome. The two guys were either fishing or road tripping, while Jean and I did things with the kids. Brian and Jean's relationship was a tedious one. Doug and I would comment that, together, they were like oil and water. However, when they were apart from one another, they were two of the dearest people we knew.

When they finally divorced a few years back, Brian moved to another city and we kind of lost track of him. Doug finally reached him through the internet, and invited him to drop by our place, whenever he was in town. For a gent in his late fifties, he was quite attractive and charming. Throughout their marriage, he had always treated me cordially and with respect. So, when Doug mentioned that he might stop by for a visit, I was excited to see him again.

That Friday evening we got a call from him. He was at a local bistro and asked if we wanted to join him for drinks. As old married folks, we had settled in for the night, but I was up and dressed in no time. I threw on a flimsy knee-length summer dress and did my normal makeup routine. Doug hadn't seen his old cruisin' buddy in years, so he was excited to get going.

"You 'bout ready, or what?" He yelled.

"Just about. Keep you pants on, I'll be right there!" I said, and spritzed on some perfume.

We arrived at the tavern within 30 minutes and found him at the bar.

"Dam Brenda, you still look like a million bucks! Want to fool around?" He smiled.

"Brian! You look great too," I said, noticing his slim physique.

He described how his lifestyle had changed, since the divorce. He was working out and eating right -and it showed! I think even Doug was impressed. We sat down and Doug got caught up on Brian's life the past few years. Their fiery divorce had taken its toll on the both of them. I mentioned how hard it had been on their relatives and friends too.

"It was no fun for us to be instantly separated from you guys either. We missed you," I said, nodding at him.

"Geez Bren, that's sweet of you. I miss you guys too. God Doug, she is still a knockout!"

I blushed at his comment and noticed his eyes scanning my chest. He raised his face quickly to mine, like a kid caught in the cookie jar, and winked. Suddenly, something told me, he was no longer my brother-in-law. He was simply an old acquaintance flirting with me, and it was kind of fun.

The three of us downed several rounds of drinks. I sat quietly, as the two of them recounted fond memories of their many fishing outings together. The more we drank, the looser we got, until I found out more of what those 'fishing trips' were about.

"So, when you guys went out fishing, just WHAT were you fishing for?" I asked them both.

"Oh most of the time, we WERE fishing!" Doug admitted.

"Yeah, and sometimes the fishing wasn't any good, so we would end up at the closest bar," Brian surrendered and smiled.

"...and, I'll bet many of those bars were titty bars, weren't they?" I asked knowingly.

The two trapped rats looked at each other and smiled.

"Gosh Brian, do ya suppose that's why the women in those bars were topless?" Doug laughed.

We all had a big laugh. As our laughter subsided, Brian's eyes once again settled on my more than ample chest. This time his eyes locked on my boobs. Even when he knew I was watching, he was content to keep staring. I thought I'd have a laugh too. I brought my fingers slowly up to my dress buttons and casually started to undo them.

"Just think, you guys. All that wasted time going to titty bars... (another button undone) ...when you could have had... (another button) ...a pretty good show at home," I whispered, shook my 36D's, and made sure my full cleavage was on display.

Doug and Brian were stunned! That broke Brian out of his trance. He nervously licked his lips and finally looked up into my eyes. I laughed and laughed and started to button up.

"Well don't stop now!" Doug commanded.

"Geez Brenda, if we had known that, we surely WOULD have stayed home!" Added Brian.

Whether I was getting drunk or just enjoyed the flirting, I stopped buttoning up my dress and left three top buttons undone. I found that if I turned a certain way or leaned forward, my lace bra was slightly visible and showed off my full cleavage. Doug is always trying to get me to show more of my big tits. Since I was in a playful mood, I decided to tease them both. I wondered just how much I could really get away with, before Doug would call me down.

Brian bought another round of drinks, and soon the two-sided conversation reverted to their memories of all the different strip bars they had frequented. I was mildly pissed that they were ignoring me and stepped up my flirting skills. Shaking my shoulder length ash blonde locks, I directed myself at Brian and leaned forward. I ran my tongue around my painted lips and batted my eyes as he tried to speak. Soon he placated Doug with yes and no answers, as he paid sole attention to my seduction. To be honest, his appreciation of my advances was making me rather warm. What seemed to make it even hotter was that I was seducing him right in front of my husband.

Doug's no idiot. He knows how amorous I get after several drinks. I believe he was also aroused by the prospect of me entertaining his old friend, my ex-brother-in-law. Before going much further with this farce, I briefly considered what my sister's reaction would be and concluded that my actions were no more than innocent flirting.

Beside Doug had taken my sister out once after their divorce, when I was out of town. Though I knew about their friendly date beforehand, and that it was simply platonic, I often wondered just HOW friendly it was? I never did discuss it with either of them, but suggestive thoughts, though uninvited, still linger in the back of my brain. My mind was made up then -I wouldn't take this any further than what I imagined happened between Jean and Doug. Granted, that is a shabby rationalization, but hey, I was a little drunk and having fun! Jean would never find out anyway.

"So, did you guys ever take those strippers out?" I interrupted.

"Why, hell no! I mean, dam we were married!" Doug stated.

"Right! And you, Brian? Didn't you ever score with any of those hot babes?" I pleaded and ran my bare instep against his calf.

"Uh...uh, there were times when I wanted to, but," he stammered.

"But what? What stopped you?" I asked, sweetly.

Under the table, I parted his legs with my naked foot. I ran it along the inside of his thigh and planted it firmly against his crotch. Feeling the warmth and length of his hardness, I licked my lips and waited for his answer. The suddenness of my actions made him flinch. His chair inched back. He looked down and quickly turned to face Doug. His face was astonishment, surprise, confusion and delight. Doug glanced down at Brian's lap and returned a nasty smirk. I had upped the bet, raised the ante and maybe even changed the game. As I awaited his response, my pussy wet with anticipation.

Brian collected his senses as best he could, considering his raging hardon. He reached down under the table and slowly ran his warm hand up my bare calf. His touch sent a thrill through me.

"I guess, I should answer your question, Bren. There were three reasons I never went out with those strippers: Number one, for better or worse, I was married to your sister. Number two, I respected yours and Doug's marriage, even more than my own. Oh, and number three, none of those strippers have a body as voluptuous as yours."

Now I was the one being teased. Defiantly, I sat, while his hand reached further up my leg and squeezed. I was as hot and bothered as I've ever been, but I kept my cool. Two can play this game. I massaged my toes around the outline of his cock, dipped two fingers into my deep cleavage and stared him down.

"So, you think I've got enough to compete with those strippers, huh? That's nice. What if you had Doug's OK? Would you have fucked them?"

"Now that's a good question, Brenda. I might have to think on that for a while," he said, and looked at Doug questionly.

"You shouldn't take too long. You just might miss your chance, Brian," I said and slyly winked at them both.

"Hey, I don't know about you two, but Brian why don't you come on over for a while? You haven't been to our house in years," Doug said, with nervous anticipation.

My God, Doug actually thinks my little routine is for real! What have I got myself into? I withdrew my foot from his crotch and gathered up my purse. Doug and I stood up. I knew Brian couldn't, in his condition. He said he would love to drop by for a while. Doug headed for the door. I leaned over to give Brian one, last, good view down my dress and stuck my wet tongue in his ear.

"See ya soon," I whispered.

I was feeling no pain, as I jumped in the car. Feeling a bit over exposed, I started to button up my dress.

"Having a good time, are you?" Asked Doug.

"Yeah. It's fun, seeing Brian again. Are you OK?" I asked, giving him a chance to call off my charade.

"Oh I'm doing fine. You sure make a hot slut! How come you're closing up shop?" He asked, motioning to my dress.

"Brian still thinks I've got an attractive body. What do ya think of that?"

"Honey, I've always said that! You just never want to show it off! You should share your gifts."

"That's not the way I figure it. YOU need to ask yourself if YOU want to share my gifts!"

"You mean you'd let Brian see you naked, if I said it was OK?" He asked.

"Whatever. Let's just pay this by ear, and see just how much of me you really want to share, OK?"

"Sure, that'll be fun!" Said Doug, emphatically.

Push come to shove, I knew Doug wouldn't be able to deal with too much more reality. There was no denying he had an over developed fantasy of me doing it with another man. But, once that reality barrier is broken, and jealousy rears its ugly head, he'll call it off. In the meantime, I'll just have some innocent fun with the two of them.

We were home in no time. I put on some music and got out some munchies, while Doug got the drinks started. The doorbell rang and I scurried to let Brian in. Upon entering, he heard the music and took me in his arms to dance. He led our impromptu dance through the foyer and down the hall to the kitchen.

"I see you decided to cover the evidence, sweet thing," he said, noticing my dress.

"Brian, you would have never spoke to me that way when I was your sister-in-law!"

"I know Brenda. But, I always wanted to," he mentioned and squeezed my ass.

"I think you might be taking too much for granted?" I suggested, and pulled away from his grip.

"Oh, so that was just teasing at the bar," he said, dejected.

"Maybe I just like to take my own sweet time with things. You can understand that?" I smiled coyly, and gripped his ass.

"Oh you're good, Baby. You're REAL good!" Doug interjected and handed us our drinks.

"Speaking of strippers, Honey, you've always had a little exhibitionist in you. Why don't you strip for us?" Begged Doug.

I started swaying to the music, with a drink in one hand and the hem of my dress in the other. The guys sat down on the couch and whistled, as I drifted with the slow rhythm.

"What makes you think I ever wanted to be a stripper?" I pouted and unbuttoned those three famous top buttons.

Anticipating my strip show, both guys went silent, as they eased back into the couch. Suddenly, a feeling of complete control swept over me. Even in my tipsy state, I was going to direct the action from here on out. Seeing their wide eyes ogling my every move, I opted to play the tease. I adopted all the affectations of how I imagined a drunken slut would act. My speech went to the gutter and my every sensual movement was exaggerated to achieve the desired affect. My only fear was that I might enjoy this role-playing. I would have to be on guard, and not let the alcohol and my fantasies get the best of me. I really had been drinking much more than usual, so there was no telling how long I could last. Either way, I was sure that I had already gone much further than my sister had with Doug.

"You guys really think this old mother of two still has something worth looking at?" I asked rhetorically, as I undid three more buttons.

With only the final four lower buttons remaining, I seductively pulled my arms from their sleeves and let my dress fall to my feet. Catching the edge of it with one foot, I flung it high in the air, to land on my audience. This left me with my lacey black bra, matching slip, panties and 4 inch pumps. Stripping like this in front of two horny men was uncharted territory, but my newfound sense of control was exhilarating. The guys' hands were now on their crotches, and their growing hardons were enough of a stimulus for me to heat things up further.

The slow, rhythmic music was the perfect accompaniment to wiggling and shedding my black satin slip. With one hand holding onto the discarded slip, I stepped over it and grabbed the other end from behind with my free hand. This enabled me to saw it back and forth against my wet panties. The thin slip found a slippery home in the slit of my pussy, as I rubbed it back and forth. Satisfied that it was saturated with my juices, I draped it over their faces. My scent made them tug at their bulges even harder.

"Seems to me, you fuckers would be getting a little warm by now?"

They grinned and nodded in unison.

"What say you guys lose some clothes too? Why do I have to be the only one getting naked?"

Quick as a wink, like a pair of oversexed sailors on leave, they ripped off their shirts, shoes and socks; then looked to me for approval.

"Oh I think you are much warmer than that, boys!" I demanded, motioning to their pants.

Oh what power a woman (any woman) has! Though it was tempting, I decided not to push the envelope too soon. It was my turn to show off, what Doug considers are my greatest asset(s). By the look of anticipation on Brian's face, he must be a boob-man too. Back in the swing of the music, I slowly dropped each bra strap. Almost as if on cue, they both inched closer to me and sat on the edge of the leather couch. Their need to see and my need to show were heightened to the max. Brian licked his lips as I approached him. Closely watching my husband for any negative reaction, I took hold of either side of Brian's head.

"Why don't you tell Doug just how long you've wanted to see your sister-in-law's big tits? Tell him how long you wanted to feel them... to kiss them... hmmmm? Tell him how long you've wanted to stick that hard cock of yours between them and titty-fuck them? TELL HIM!" I demanded.

Holding his head mere inches from burying his face in my cleavage, I gave Doug another chance to stop my teasing. Instead, I felt Brian's long tongue leave a wet trail between my tits. Instinctively I drew him nearer, as his tongue continued to explore the lace outline of my plunging bra. The touch of another man on my bare body was surprisingly erotic. I was easily getting used to his gentle tongue on my breasts when he pulled back.

"Since I first met you years ago," he whispered,

"Huh?" I asked, a bit upset he had pulled away.

"I've wanted to see and do all those things to that beautiful body of yours, since even before you met Doug. Can you blame me man?" He admitted and turned to face my husband.

"I understand. She had a knockout body back when I first met her and she hasn't lost a thing over the years, Doug continued, I consider it a great compliment that you appreciate her. Personally, I'm glad she's giving you the chance to finally see her charming attributes!"

"So it doesn't bother you in the slightest to watch another man lusting for me?"

"Don't know about just any man, but I'm OK with Brian realizing one of his fantasies," said Doug.

"Your so full of shit! This is one of YOUR fantasies too!" I claimed.

"It might be, I don't know. I never imagined you'd EVER go this far!"

I wasn't really pissed at this point, but I became more agitated and determined to play the role of a wanton wife. I relished the control I had over them, and there was no way I wanted to break the sweet, sexy spell I was in. It dawned on me for some reason that I should save the best for last. This is probably unusual and out-of-(stripping) order, but if it was my big tits they were after, they would just have to wait. I know it took them by surprise, when I backed away from Brian and shifted their focus to my panties. I slowly ran my thumbs inside the top of my soaking panties and rolled them over my broad hips. I stopped just above my pubic hairline. In one, quick turn around, I bent over at the waist and swung my ass in Brian's face.

"You know your problem, Doug? You can't imagine that I just might have my own fantasies. And maybe, at this stage in my life, I might want to act on them too. Who knows, even Brian here might be one of MY fantasies! Let's just see -shall we?"

With my ass in Brian's face, I gently pulled my panties down. I stepped out of them and spread my legs wide to give him a nice long look at my exposed pussy. Like a seasoned stripper, I bent forward, brought my hands down to my ankles, up my calves and finally to rest on my knees. Swinging and swaying my naked ass back and forth and up and down, I turned my head back to catch his reaction.

"Ooooh Brian, my pussy is so hot! Do you think I have a nice pussy?" I murmured, reached between my thighs and spread my pink pussy lips wide.

"Well do I?"

"Yes -hell YES, Bren! Its just beautiful," he answered, bravely.

"Just beautiful? Doesn't it look wet and tasty?"

"Yes -very tasty," he softly admitted.

"Well then... why don't you taste it once?" I asked and backed up even closer to his face.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him look at Doug for approval. Doug simply smiled and shrugged. He brought his warm hands to my hips, stuck his tongue in my snatch, and started to lap up my silky juices like crazy.

"Hey, I said ONCE!" I yelled and pulled away from his grasp.

Turning around to face him, hands on my naked hips, I asked him, "So, Brian, is my pussy as tasty as Jean's?"

"Truth be told, I can't remember the last time she let me go down on her. But, from what I recall, your pussy is much tastier!"

"Right answer! Now, let's see how you taste," I smiled and pulled him to his feet.

I knelt down and pulled his shorts down in one, quick motion. His hard cock plopped out and almost hit my face. It was about the same size and length as Doug's. Though his dick looked quite appealing, it was important that I move at my own pace. I grabbed him by his hips and had a good, long look at his full erection. Looking over at Doug, I licked my lips, and pulled myself back up to my feet. I gazed down at Doug again and took hold of Brian's cock.

"Brian here has a nice hard cock for me. How 'bout you Honey?"

My dazed husband stood up next to Brian and pulled his shorts down to reveal his boner. I took hold of his in my other hand and slowly jacked them together.

"Always wondered how nice it would be to hold two cocks at once -its kind of fun!"

I soon released my hold on them, much to their dismay. At that moment I would have loved to suck them both off. My juices were flowing again, but I had to restrain myself.

"Perhaps its time for a little taste test of my own. What do ya say guys?"

They would have fucked each other, by this time, they were so horny.

"I think you should provide me a little taste, so I can choose which one of you studs to play with first. Remember now, just a little taste. That first bit of lubricant will be a nice sample. No payloads please! Whoever tastes the sweetest, wins. Here, I will give you some inspiration."


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