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Orbs of Power

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A girl has a unique way to make her boyfriend obey her.
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"We have to talk, dear."

There it was again, this tone if subtle defiance that she despised so much. It just reminded her of how much she still had to accomplish, despite all the work she had invested into the relationship. With a loud sigh she looked up from her historical novel and fixated her gaze on her boyfriend, who was sitting in front of her and seemed to struggle with himself.

"Is something the matter, darling?" Ioana asked and lowered her book to take in the sight of her partner. While Erik was definitely no Greek god or second Einstein, he had all the redeeming features that made him the boyfriend every girl could wish for. While he was nice and charming in public, he could be enticing and alluring when it was deemed fitting. She read an article once, that told her to find a boyfriend who could do both: To go from "It is very nice meeting you, Sir" to "Your daughter calls me Daddy as well."

Ioana chuckled about that clichéd phrase, while Erik was definitely well mannered and pleased her parents profoundly; he had some pleasing qualities in the bedroom as well. But calling him "Daddy" or any variations thereof was absolutely not part of her sex play. While every girl probably had a little Electra complex, Ioana was uncomfortable with the thought of bringing it into her sex life. On the other hand, they both indulged into some fetishes that would make these things seem tame in comparison.

"Are you even listening?" inquired Erik and woke Ioana from her daydreaming. Of course, she was away with her thoughts and did not get anything her boyfriend told her in the last couple of minutes. But that wasn't so bad, he would be happy to repeat himself, over and over, until she got every part of the things he wanted her to know.

"Sorry, darling, I spaced out a bit. You wanted to talk about your day at work?" she shot in the dark, hoping this would be the topic he wanted to share with her. While his day as a marketing communication manager was nothing to write home about, he sometimes shared some interesting stories about strange customers, unresponsive suppliers or just plain weird project that always managed to bring a smile to her face.

"No. I actually wanted to talk about ... you know ... us ... and our relationship." her boyfriend murmured and slowly lowered his gaze. It was obvious that he was uncomfortable speaking about this topic and Ioana gave him a small frown. What could he mean by that?

"Is it the division of the household chores? Do I need to remind you, that we clearly stated that you would be responsible for everything this week and I would take over next week?" Ioana insisted and slowly tapped her fingers on the small coffee table next to her.

"No, of course not. I mean ... yes ... in a way. See honey, I KNOW that it is my turn with the cleaning, but a small part of me is thinking ... that there is something wrong here. Wasn't it my part last week as well? And the week before? And now that I think about it, every time we go out, you convince me it is my time to pay, because you did it last time, but I actually cannot remember..." he geared himself up, but Ioana was quick to stand up and covered the small distance between them. With her arms crossed before her chest, she looked at him sternly.

"What do you want to imply, darling? Hm?" she asked him with anger in her voice as she towered over her boyfriend. Erik seemed adamant to study his toes, as if not to enrage her even further, while still trying to get his point across.

"Nothing, dear, I don't want to imply anything. It's just ... since we started dating, I keep having those ... memory lapses, where I am sometimes losing hours and hours of what is happening. Just yesterday, after you came from work and brought me some water from the kitchen ... the next thing I remember is me waking up in the morning from my alarm. I talked to Dr. Reinold about it, but he says it's probably stress related. I just ... I just don't know, what is going on with me anymore." he confessed and buried his face in his hands, as if he wanted to start crying at every second. Ioana knew instantly, that she had to work quickly.

"Baby ... Baby, Baby, Baby." she whispered calmly and slowly stroked her boyfriend's head. "Don't be upset, everything is going to be fine as long as we have each other. Just relax, and let me take all those poisoning thoughts away, that make you feel bad. Just remember how good it feels to just let go and relax, relax for me."

While continuing to stroke her boyfriend's head, Ioana sat down next to him on the couch and drew slow circles on his temples. The slackened expression of Erik told her that he was already forgetting what he was complaining to her about only minutes ago. If everything went ahead as planned, she should be able to finish her task in a short while.

"Yes, relax, and let go of all your worries. I know, it sometimes can be hard at work and then you come home and you need to cook a delicious meal for your girlfriend... I know, it can be tiring, to clean the whole apartment on your hands and knees, to make it absolutely spotless for her. But isn't it worth it? Isn't it rewarding, to see the praise of the love of your life when you spoil her?" she cooed, while continuing her assault on his temples.

"Yeeeeshh-nooo. You are ... doing ... smthshn" he slurred and his eyes began frantically moving from side to side. But before he could clear his head, Ioana pressed her tempting lips onto his and gave him a long and sensual kiss, silencing him at once.

"Shhh, don't say anything for now. Just enjoy those warm, fuzzy feelings that begin to swirl around in your pretty, little head. Just let your mind go loose and limp. Just let all those stressful thoughts disappear. It can be quite hard, having to think that much in life, isn't that right, darling?" Ioana whispered into his ear as soon as their lips parted and Erik's mouth was still agape.

Her boyfriend murmured something, but Ioana was already continuing her verbal assault on his mind. "Yes, so hard and stressful and exhausting and tiring, all those thoughts in your head. It is like a big messy room, cluttered with unnecessary things that we have to tidy up, my dear. And I will help you with that; it is going to be so wonderful."

She slowly straddled his hip and then rose a bit so that her chest was towering over his face and he had to look up to either see her face or her bust. Fortunately, she was wearing her scarlet blouse, which had the perfect equipment for her plans. After a short wiggle she looked down into his delirious eyes that seemed to have trouble focusing. A sly grin appeared on her face, but she quickly slipped back into the role of the tempting seductress.

"My, my, I can only imagine how cloudy your mind is at the moment and how desperate for some relaxing serenity. How can I help you winding down, hm? What to do, what to do..." she asked rhetorically, and used her right index finger to slowly trace a path from the corner of her mouth downwards. Erik's eyes seemed to be glued to it and followed its trail to her chest, where it stopped and seemed to absentmindedly stroke her right breast. Her boyfriends' eyes grew large and she could already feel something poking her butt.

"Oh my, is it my breasts that excite you that much? How naughty of you." Ioana giggled and used her hand to mockingly cover her mouth in faked embarrassment. But before Erik could shamefully avert his gaze, she used her left hand to keep his head firmly in place and his view locked onto her bust.

"No, no, it is ok; I know how much you love them. I cannot blame you; they are perfect in every way, aren't they? Yes, they are, so round and firm and ripe..." she reassured him and shimmied her chest almost imperceptible from right to left, giving her breasts a little sway that almost instantly caught her boyfriends' attention.

"But I have one idea how we can make it even better for you. I know that you love the way this blouse hugs my curves and emphasizes my breasts just right. But we both know how you really prefer to see them, isn't that right, darling?" Ioana teased and shimmied her chest a bit more, triggering an audible gulp from her boyfriend.

"You see, I really love this blouse. Not only is it really comfy and chic, it also comes with ten buttons that allow me to show exactly as much cleavage as I want. And you do love it when I show a lot of cleavage for you, don't you, lover boy? Yes, you are, yes, you are..." she cooed and slowly brought the fingers of her right hand to the top button, while the fingers of her left hand slowly began to stroke Erik's temples again.

"Yeees, focus only on my breast and enjoy the feelings they give you. I will now slowly start unbuttoning my blouse, but only one button at a time. I know, that you cannot wait to see my voluptuous breasts, but I just love teasing you a bit more." she giggled and her boyfriend already seemed to go crazy from the feelings he was experiencing.

"Oh, and before I forget it, this is a relaxation exercise after all, so with every button that I open, I want you to unwind a bit more and drop a bit deeper into this warm, velvety relaxation. With every bit of skin that you see of my breasts, I want you to let go of all the stress of you day and just focus on me, my voice, and my breasts. With every number that I count, I want you to get sleepier and sleepier, until all tension has left your body and your mind." she quietly instructed him and his pliable mind was already accepting everything she said.

"Ten. There goes the first button of my blouse. While there are still many to go, you can already feel yourself getting deeper and deeper, getting more and more relaxed. You are getting a drowsy, but this is ok. It is ok, to feel the heaviness filling up your body and to slowly drop deeper into relaxation."

"Nine. Goooooooood. You are doing so very well for me. Just like how I love it. And you love it as well, don't you? Shh, don't answer; just keep focusing on my breasts and on the next button of my blouse."

"Eight. Slowly you can see more and more of my breasts, my cleavage is getting bigger and your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. But you don't want to close them yet, you need to keep them open, so you can keep looking at my ample breasts, because that's what you love, darling."

"Seven. So relaxed for me. Only listening to my voice, only looking at my breasts, only feeling my body on your lap. Feeling so happy and content, like your whole body is as light as a feather and floating on cloud nine. So empty, so uncaring. Just your empty head, hearing my voice."

"Six. Almost half way there. Already you feel your eyelids starting to flutter, but you mustn't close them. This would mean depriving you off the glorious sight of my tender jugs and there is nothing in this world you would want to see more right now. So keep them open for a while and just breathe in and out slowly."

"Five. You can see the deep cleavage between my breasts, a valley between two enormous mountains. What you would give to roam in between them, getting lost in their fleshy lushness. You want to touch them, grab them, stroke them, lick them, taste them, nibble them, but your arms are as heavy as a lead weight. You can only watch from below, how they heave up and down."

"Four. We are getting closer and closer and when you hear the number zero, I want you to close your eyes and start dreaming about my breasts. How they surround you, envelop you, engulf you. They are bigger than your whole body, but only when I say the number zero. Before that, I want you to keep staring at them and let their image be etched into your mind."

"Three. No pain. No worries. No issues. No thoughts. Just you, me, and my perfect breasts. They are the only thing in your mind now. Even if you would try to think of something else, there would be nothing in your mind that could distract you from my mounds that are almost completely visible now.

"Two. Breasts. Boobs. Titties. Juggs. Knockers. Melons. Funbags. Tatas. Udders. Gazongas. Hooters. So many naughty words, but none of them come even close to describe them. They are just heavenly and staring at them makes you feel so wonderful. So happy. So aroused. You think that it cannot possibly get better than this, but soon I will open the last button and you will see them in all their glory."

"One. Almost. We are almost done. With the next number I will undo the last button and open my blouse. Then you can finally take in the sight of my gorgeous breasts. Especially that very special part you love so much. Yes, as soon as I reach zero, I will open my blouse and your eyes will be magically drawn to my erect nipples. And as soon as your eyes meet them, they will instantly drop shut. That's right; you will only get a glimpse for a fraction of a second. But it will be enough to fill you head with images of my fleshy mounds and you will have a vivid dream about fondling them. Snuggling them. Worshipping them."

"Zero. See them in their magnificence. Aaaaand your eyes shut. You saw those nipples and they were too much to handle, so you had to close your eyes. But that is fine; you can still see them, can't you? As they surround you, barely touching you, always getting out of reach, when you try to touch them. Your desire for them grows with every passing second. So dream for me. Dream a big boob dream for me."

Ioana got up and watched the slow breathing of her boyfriend. His mouth was open and a bit of drool was actually dropping to his chin. With a grin she stretched a bit and took off her open blouse completely. With a flick of her hand, she threw it to a nearby chair; she knew that she wouldn't need it anymore for quite some time.

Refocusing on her drooling boyfriend, she saw him slowly opening and closing his mouth, as if trying to catch something with it. And she knew exactly what he was trying to catch in his dream. His mind was filled with the images of her boobs and every passing moment was making him spiral deeper and deeper into his breast obsession.

But while she definitely put him easily into a light trance using her voice and the promise of seeing her perfect bosom, she would need him to drop deeper, if she wanted to keep conditioning him more. And she had the perfect tools for the task at hand. Or should she say, at breast?

With a light snicker she completely undressed herself and her boyfriend, stroking his chest only so shortly with her fingers. Then she positioned him in a semi-sitting position, so his back was bent at a 45° angle and cushioned with pillows, even if there were other "cushions" on his mind at the moment. Afterwards she straddled him again, putting her hands around her sizeable breasts, so that they were at one level with his face.

"Now, I know how you love to be in your own little boob-world, darling, but in a moment, I am going to have to ask you, to open your eyes and look at me. While you are already in a deep, deep breast trance, I need you to go even deeper for me, so we can continue your training. And you just love to continue your training, don't you?" Ioana said to her boyfriend and slowly started stroking her already erect nipples, making them harder than diamond.

"In a moment, I am going to say your trigger word. You do remember it, don't you? That special, little word that you already heard so often, but still cannot get enough of. That arousing word that combines your two favorite things in the world and sends you even deeper into submission. Submission to me. Submission to my breasts. Submission to my titties." she began instructing him, while simultaneously increasing the stroking of her nipples. Already she began to feel that familiar tingle in her breasts and she knew, it would soon be time to unleash her powers unto him.

"Yes, as soon as you hear your trigger, your eyes will open and take in the view of my tits. You will instantly be mesmerized by their beauty and fall deep, deep under my spell. The instant you hear your trigger word, you will be mine and mine alone." Ioana commanded and her boyfriend's mouth opened a bit, as if to take in her words into every orifice possible. "Just a bit longer, just a teeny-tiny bit longer, and I ..." she thought, but then she felt the pressure in her breasts kick into overdrive and she knew, that it was now time.

"Titnosis." Ioana whispered and in an instant Erik's eyes opened to take in the sight of her breasts. At the same moment, Ioana gave them a powerful squeeze and her nipples began to emit a fluorescent green light, which was oriented directly into the face of her boyfriend.

"Yes, yes, take in the sight of my titties, let them take over your mind. Nothing is more important right now than my glorious breasts. My tits are the only thing on your mind now and they consume every thought in that pretty little head of yours." she commanded with a demanding voice, whilst Erik could only stare at his buxom girlfriend, becoming more and more mesmerized with every passing second. At the same time, the green light from Ioana's breasts was taking on a consistent rhythm and slowly started deleting all thoughts deemed unnecessary in her boyfriend's brain.

"Feel my power, the power of my breasts. The power of TITNOSIS! It is everything you can think about, the only thing you WANT to think about. You are feeling arousal. Submission. Subservience. Towards my breasts. They completely control you know. You are a slave to my tits. Say it. Say, what you are." she demanded and her boyfriend was only eager to comply.

"I am ... a slave ... to your tits ..." he moaned with a creaky voice, the strain of talking a seemingly Sisyphean task he could only barely master. But speaking those words filled him with so much pleasure, he just couldn't disobey.

"Correct, a perfectly trained slave to my tits. And since I am in control of my tits, that means I am also in control of you. Isn't that right, my little tit-slave? Yes, I am. And what do you call the person, who is in control of your insignificant little mind? What do you call me?" Ioana inquired, slowly feeling herself get aroused as well from the control she had over her boyfriend.

"M ... Mmm ... Mistress." Erik barely managed to say and with that word a surge of pleasure ran through his body, as if it had just waited for him to admit his position below his girlfriend. Ioana felt something very hard poking her butt and she would be only too glad to take care of this little insurgence between the legs of her boyfriend. But first there was some work to do.

"Yes, that's right, I am the Mistress. And the Mistress is to be obeyed. Because obedience is pleasure. And obedient little toys get rewarded. I know what you would like to do right now and I was always favoring the carrot to the stick. So obey your Mistress and open wide." Ioana demanded and began moving her right breast to his open and waiting mouth.

Erik was quick to react and his mouth latched onto her erect nipple, immediately starting to suck on it as if his life depended on it. All the while the radiating pulse of her left nipple was still shining into his face, dominating his mind and draining him of all the willpower that might still be left inside him.

"That's right, suck on my nipple and feel your mind being taking over by me and my tits. You love it, don't you? Yes, you do. So pleasurable. And I love how eager you are to please me. Do you know how I call obedient little tit-slaves like you? Do you know what you are?" she inquired, but while Erik could still hear her and absorbed every single one of her commands, he was already too far gone to answer her.

"Gooood boy. That's what you are, you are my good boy. And good boys obey every word their Mistress tells them. And you want to be my good boy, don't you? Yes, you do, yes, you do. My good, obedient boy, following every single one of my commands. That's what good boys do. So when I come from work, I expect a clean house with dinner already on the table and a relaxing foot massage already waiting for me. Not because I want it, but because I DESERVE it. Isn't that right, my little pet?" Ioana instructed her boyfriend and it took every single ounce of his remaining strength to silently nod his approval.

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