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Our Little Secret

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Their first illicit encounter.
6.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 07/10/2013
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The phone's backlight flashed on. 7:58 PM. I hit the lock button and sat back, fidgeting nervously as I listened to bland local sports talk radio. As they yammered on about baseball, something in the rearview mirror caught my eye. Nah, nothing, just a few patrons exiting the nondescript suburban Burger King as I sat in the lot.

It was a nice night. Relatively warm, mid-70s, the sun had just begun to set on another early summer evening. I considered lighting up a smoke as I surveyed the lot yet again. The dinner rush had ended; only a few straggler patrons left -- and me, of course, as I sat in my car waiting.

A car turned into the lot -- was it her? No, they're heading for the drive-thru. Damn.

7:59 PM. Had it really only been 1 minute? It felt like an eternity. A second car pulled into the lot and parked off to the other side, perhaps 10 spaces away. This has to be her.

* buzz buzz * My phone began to vibrate. I answered nervously, trying to sound suave. As I answered, I looked across the lot to see the woman in the other car looking at me. I nodded briefly and hung up the phone, taking a deep breath and opening my car door to finally greet her.

She stepped out of her car and opened her driver's side rear door. I steeled myself and stood firm as she grabbed a small duffel bag and headed towards me. I could tell she was a bit nervous as well as our eyes met, a sight which strangely calmed me down.

Much to my surprise, she looked -- thankfully -- average. Of course we'd shared pictures online, but I suppose you never know until you actually meet someone.

"Maria?" I asked, already knowing the answer as she walked toward me.

"Ryan?" She gave a half-smile. She had dressed modestly for the occasion. She was roughly the size she had described herself, a mere 5'4", 135 pounds. Not petite, but not overweight -- in any event, she had a completely different body-type from my usual girl. I tried to put that out of my mind as we made eye contact once again. Her skin was as caramel-colored as I'd imagined, and she wore her blonde-brown hair in a ponytail tucked inside of a Detroit Tigers cap. It was almost as if she didn't want to be recognized. Her jeans were seemingly skin-tight, the kind of jeans that looked like they take forever to get on. Combined with her t-shirt, her seemingly innocuous look helped to show off her curves without being too overt about it.

She approached, and we hugged awkwardly. "I remember the rules, no kissing," she smirked as we embraced. I blushed -- I can't believe she remembered such an old rule of mine, but she was right -- I had vowed not to kiss another woman as long as I was dating my girlfriend.

We made small talk before finally heading out, and as I began to drive, the reality finally set in. Literally a year after our chance encounter online, and after developing a strong, albeit very sexual, online friendship, I had finally met Maria. She guided me through the winding suburban highways and streets as we chatted, the kind of awkward chat that old friends who hadn't seen each other in years would have. Ignoring the obvious sexual elephant in the room, I asked about her kids, who the babysitter was, and so on. Up close, she certainly showed her age; the lines in her face telling the tale of the divorced single mother. She was 39, a mother of two and 12 years my senior, but neither of us seemed to mind as we chatted excitedly.

Not 25 minutes later, I pulled down a nice middle-class cul-de-sac on her direction. She scanned the mailboxes in-between peeks at her phone, finally stopping me at 117 Pine Woods Drive. I turned the car off and we sat in the dark in the street in front of the house. There were a few cars in the driveway, but most of the interior lights were off. Was this it?

She smiled nervously and nodded. I looked at her, finally serious for the first time since we met, and asked if she was sure she was ready. She nodded again, eagerly. I resisted the urge to kiss her and began to dial the number in my phone that Mike had given to me.

"Hello?" A man answered.

"Is this Mike?" I questioned.

"Is this Ryan?" He shot back immediately.

"I believe we're here," I replied. That cut the tension.

"Awesome! Come to the front door and ring the bell, Tara will let you in."

Maria could hear the conversation from the loud speaker on the phone. I could tell she was excited but nervous. "What if the guys are weird?" she asked, suddenly cautious.

"You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with," I replied, reaching into the backseat to grab her duffel bag. "If you're uncomfortable, we'll leave immediately. These guys have a good reputation."

It was true, they did have a good reputation. Within a month of meeting Maria online, we had both gotten to discussing our mutual group sex fantasy. Her ex had no interest, and of course, I have a girlfriend, so neither of us ever imagined it happening. But here we were, having found an online group willing to indulge her multiple-man fantasy. And they did come highly recommended -- though they were a private club meeting only monthly, their "testimonials" were impressive. Per the reports, the men were friendly, clean, and fun. And I didn't drive an hour to meet Maria for nothing.

I pressed my hand against the small of her back as we walked up the front steps. Never in a million years would I have guessed what debauchery goes on in this house, in this neighborhood. I had expected a frat house, not a cookie-cutter suburb. I rang the bell, Maria by my side, and within seconds a woman answered. She looked to be in her early 40s, maybe 5'9" (taller than me), brunette, fit. Not too bad looking, actually. She scanned me up and down -- "you must be Ryan and Maria?" Maria nodded, and the woman broke into a big smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Tara. Come on in," she gave Maria a hug and helped her inside.

I followed the women inside cautiously. We had talked with Tara before; she was Mike's wife and the facilitator, of sorts. Before I could even get my shoes off, Tara had whisked Maria away and a man was asking what I wanted to drink.

I kindly asked for a beer, and he introduced himself as David, a member of their group. He looked to be in his early 30s, about my height 5'7", but a bit stockier and without glasses. We shook hands and he grabbed me a beer out of the fridge and led me to the living room in the back of the house where 2 other men were sitting and watching the hockey playoffs. I introduced myself to the men, shaking their hands before sitting down. Mike was there -- we had spoken previously, he was the homeowner and pseudo-leader of the group. He looked to be in his mid-40s, tall, salt-and-pepper hair, thin. Paul was the other man, he couldn't have been much older than me, perhaps 6'0", average build. Within minutes we were fast friends, shooting the shit about the NHL and drinking beers like old friends.

Evan was the next to arrive. He couldn't have been much older than 21, and he sat down on the couch on the opposite end from me. The beer continued to flow, and seemingly 20 minutes had passed until Tara and Maria entered the living room, giggling and carrying mixed drinks. Tara sat down on the floor next to Mike and gave Maria a look as she immediately came to sit right next to me on the couch. We snuggled briefly, not really acknowledging each other too much as we chatted with the others.

Maria seemed to be getting along with the men. They took turns asking her questions about her background -- 39, Puerto Rican-American, divorced, kids aged 8 and 11 -- her relationship status -- single -- her hobbies -- sadly, mostly just taking care of the kids and working, and so on. Of course, I'd heard all of this before, but was happy to have her on my arm as she answered, her body warm against mine. As much as I'd promised myself that I had no feelings for her other than pure sexual lust, I began to doubt myself.

Kyle and James were the last two to arrive. They claimed to be brothers, though I have no idea. Both were older, perhaps Mike's age though they looked a little older. The small talk continued and the drinks kept coming as the night went on, Maria inching closer to me with every passing minute. The longer we went, the more I noticed the men hanging on Maria's words, eyeing her, checking her out -- and that snapped me back to reality, once again realizing why we were here.

The hockey game ended, and the clock inched towards 10 PM. I could tell Maria was definitely loosening up; the alcohol had gotten to her and she had started to giggle a lot more, seemingly laughing at every joke one of the men told.

Tara and Maria made eye contact, and Tara seemed to egg Maria on with only her eyes. Tara moved to Mike's lap, and Mike's roaming hands were painfully obvious to all of us. I still wasn't quite sure Tara's status in this whole arrangement. Clearly she was okay with Mike being involved, and she almost seemed like the instigator of it all. Was she fair game? Off limits? As I took a swig of my beer, I felt Maria finally make her move to my lap. Despite the past two hours of friendly illicit behavior, something finally felt wrong about this, and I nearly jumped out of my seat.

But the alcohol had kicked in, and I sat back and relaxed as she climbed onto my lap, continuing her conversations as normal, totally ignoring the fact that she was now slowly gyrating her hips onto mine. The other four men happily watched the two girls on our laps as the conversation continued normally until Mike finally broke the deadlock.

"So, Maria. What are the limits tonight?" He asked, teasing her. Tara giggled on his lap. I could sense Maria tensing a bit; I put my hands on her hips to steady her.

"I don't know, what do you mean?" She asked shyly.

"You know what I mean. What are our limits? Anal? Where can we finish? How rough can we be? You'll need a safeword too, sweetie," he commented casually.

I was eager to see Maria's response, and she took it in stride. "No anal," she replied shaking her head. "You can finish wherever you want," she smiled, "and I like rough sex. Safe word...." She trailed off, pausing for a second. "Kansas. Kansas is my safeword."

And with that, the cat was out of the bad. Tara got off of Mike's lap, took Maria's hand, and led her into a doorway off the kitchen hallway. I started to get up to follow, but Evan shook his head and motioned for me to sit back down. "Tara will come get us when she's ready. Trust me, you'll be fine." I sat back down, half-drunk, enjoying this whole scene but eager to see what came next..

Mike stood up and began to collect our paperwork. I fished mine out of my pocket -- a clean bill of sexual health, from four days ago. Mike collected the documents and scanned them before handing them to me, as the guest of honor. I scanned the files myself -- all of the men had a clean result. I nodded and gave them back to Mike. "She's on the pill, yes?" he asked.

"Yes, she is," I replied, knowing it was a prerequisite to join the group. Some of the other men nodded in agreement and Mike sat back down as we kept drinking our beers as if nothing had happened.

A few minutes later, Tara emerged from the same doorway and told us that it was time. My heart skipped a beat a bit as Mike led the group to the door. I followed him with the rest of the group in tow as we headed into what looked to be a dingy unfinished basement. The walls were slightly damp, with a washer/dryer hookup against the wall. In the corner was a door that looked surprisingly new, and Tara opened it to reveal a small basement bedroom. The room was finished after all, though it looked as though it hadn't been remodeled since the 80s.

I surveyed the surroundings. A long couch sat against the left wall -- the upholstery cloth looking like it had been beaten up pretty badly. There was a small card table in the middle of the room, and a double bed against the back wall. Some small folding chairs dotted the room and there looked to be a small bathroom against the right wall in the back corner. Frankly, this room seemed very out of place in this nice middle-class home.

After the quick survey, my eyes darted to the couch, where Maria sat, sipping another drink but wearing a pink bathrobe. The color contrasted nicely against her light brown skin, I thought to myself. The men entered, and the room suddenly felt crowded as the 8 of us loitered and Tara closed the door. She dimmed the lights and Mike reached over to the stereo to turn on some dance music, and the men and Tara began to settle into the folding chairs.

Tara nodded to Maria, and she must have trained Maria well as Maria instinctively stood up and dropped her robe. The men hollered, audible over the thumping house music, as she revealed her underwear. She looked phenomenal. Her tight red panties barely covered her juicy hips and butt, and her matching red bra barely obscured her nipples on her enticingly-thick 36D frame. Immediately I knew I was going to make some big mistakes tonight, but in my alcohol-fueled haze, I didn't care.

I heard the jangling of belts as some of the men fidgeted, getting themselves ready, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her in the dim light. She bent over and posed for us on the couch. On her back, legs spread. On her knees, ass up facing us. She turned and sat on the couch, facing us, legs spread as she pulled her panties to the side to reveal her sweet spot. I could audibly hear the tension in the room drop as she began to touch herself, the boys finally relaxing and enjoying the moment. I couldn't make out her pussy in the dim light, but I unbuttoned my belt and took my shirt off on cue with the others.

She was simply mesmerizing. It was as if she had done this a million times before, though I knew this was her first time. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she fingered herself. Evan and James had fully disrobed, and the rest of us followed suit, save for Tara who remained fully clothed. I admired Maria's confidence as she showed herself to us, and Mike motioned silently for me to make a move on her.

It was time. My girlfriend would kill me, but there was no turning back now. I made a move slowly to the edge of the couch, my eyes locking with hers as I moved. She remained stoic, turning her attention to the remainder of the room to continue with her show. I sat next to her, nude on the grimy couch, house music blaring, as our legs brushed against each other, reminding us of the gravity of the situation. She turned her attention to me, stopping her fingering, looking at me as if to say "what now?"

I didn't miss a beat. I leaned in and unclasped her bra in one fell swoop, tossing it to the floor to reveal her breasts. I surveyed the room -- all of the others watched intently as I began to suck on her right breast, then squeeze the left. I felt myself getting harder, and she must have as well as I felt her hand brush against my cock. I fumbled with her panties, pulling them off her legs and tossing them to the floor as she took my cock in her hand and began to stroke slowly.

I paused, not sure how to react as she stroked, caught up in the moment. Kyle broke the silence with a hearty "suck him!" from the crowd.

And she did. And it was unbelievable. She bent down on the couch and began to suck slowly, her warm mouth engulfing my cock. I looked down and our eyes met once again. All of our discussions, our dirty chats -- I never thought it'd actually happen, let alone like this. It was surreal -- the thumping bass of the dance music, the dim lighting of the room, the hooting and hollering of the crowd. I took the back of her head and softly guided it up and down on my shaft for a few strokes before pulling out. I nodded to the men and backed away, not wanting to keep her all to myself -- it was time for the action.

I stepped away and moved to the edge of the bed as Paul moved toward her. He was maybe seven inches -- to be honest, all of the men appeared about the same as I was, in the six-and-a-half to seven range. He guided her, seated, legs spread facing him, and he wasted no time mounting her, her moans piercing the air.

Tara stood up and turned up the speakers, drowning her moans in thumping dance music, and Paul began to open Maria up. Tara broke my gaze as she left the room, leaving the 6 of us men with Maria. I couldn't help but feel like her protector, her guardian as Paul penetrated her.

Within two minutes, he motioned to the group and pulled out to step aside. James stepped in and took his turn on her. And two minutes later, it was Evan's turn.

They worked efficiently and seemingly emotionlessly. They'd done this before, I told myself -- used other girls for their enjoyment and moved on. But I couldn't help but make eye contact with Maria. When she wasn't looking at the men, her eyes were focused on me, and mine on hers. She had pretty hazel eyes, something I'd never noticed about her until now as my eyes adjusted to the dim light.

But it wasn't to be for long. Evan stepped away and Mike stepped up, grabbing Maria's hips and turning her facedown-ass up on the couch. It was a glorious site, that round booty up in the air, and again he wasted no time getting one leg up on the couch and entering her.

Our eye contact had been broken, and I couldn't do anything but watch Mike and then Kyle take turns on her gorgeous body. Kyle took her roughly, and I could hear the sound of his balls slapping against her body as he worked. Her moans were slightly audible, but muffled as her head was in the couch. But again, he stepped away within a few minutes and motioned, this time to me.

It was almost as if I had forgotten I was supposed to take a turn on her. I was in a daze. Kyle stepped away and beckoned, and my eyes were fixated on her body as I sauntered towards her. I could see her peeking up from her facedown position, but I blocked her out as I eyed her up.

It truly was a phenomenal sight. Her burnt-caramel skin, hair falling onto the couch, her manicured nails holding her thighs open. She had a little bit of cellulite, but that was to be expected -- she was a regular chick, not a porn star, after all. Her asshole was nice and tight, slightly darker than her skin tone, and her lips looked loose, dark brown, meaty. Certainly not the tight, taut style you see in porn, but I was enamored regardless.

I took a deep breath and put a leg up on the couch before taking my cock in my hands to feel my way inside her in the dark. It took virtually no effort and slid right in, her hole wide open from the previous men. I could sense that she was beginning to lose wetness, no doubt from all of the activity, and I tried to take it easy on her, our hips rocking in unison.

Thoughts flashed through my head -- what would my girlfriend think? - why am I doing this? -- but then I refocused on her plump ass -- and there was no way I was quitting now.

That is, until Paul tapped me on the shoulder and motioned me to the side. Maria grabbed for my thighs as I stepped away, and I could see her looking for me, her eyes looking for safety. I instinctively took her right hand in mine as Paul took his turn on her. I could tell he wouldn't be long, given his forcefulness in getting to take a turn. He had been stroking for the past 10 minutes and was clearly edging -- he asked Maria to get on her knees for him.

She obliged, and within moments Paul had finished on her face. I couldn't help but stroke while watching as he shot on her, then dribbled the remainder before stepping back to admire his work.

I moved to Maria to help her to her feet at Kyle moved in, and our eyes met once again. She looked confident, poised, despite being covered in cum. "Kiss me," she said forcefully.

Taken aback, I tensed for a second. "Kiss me," she repeated. We were mere inches from each other. The absurdity of the situation sunk in as she stood next to me, face covered in cum, asking for a kiss. But the heat of the moment overwhelmed any uncertainty and we began to make out, our first kiss. The initial ickiness of Paul's cum, slimy and wet, on my skin and lips subsided as we kissed passionately.


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