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Our New Woman

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Married couple share another woman.
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It had been a confusing Sunday. After awakening and finding Maggie, Sandy and my date from Saturday night, in Tiffany's bed pleasuring her both orally and with the help of Sandy's 8" dildo, I had yelled at my mother-in-law, Hazel, to mind her own business over the phone. I had watched as the three ladies pleasured each other in our king size bed and not gotten an erection. After the women were temporarily sated, the four of us had napped. We were all hungry when we awoke, so we went together to the Mexican Restaurant Sandy and I liked for lunch. I was tempted to go to the restaurant that most of the congregation from my in-laws church went to on Sunday, but decided against it. The lifestyle Sandy and I were living was already out in the open anyway, so why throw more fuel on the fire? On the bright side, it looked like I was going to get to dip my wick in a honeypot I had been lusting after for twenty three years.

We took Maggie to her house. It was fifteen minutes after going in before Sandy, Tiffany and I could leave. The four of us had spent that long kissing goodbye. The women had already decided that in the next couple of months, the four of us were going to get a suite in a hotel in the big city seventy five miles away and have sex all weekend, ordering room service for our meals. When I complained about the cost Maggie informed me she was paying and no argument. I learned many years ago not to argue with a determined woman and kept my mouth shut.

Sandy, Tiffany, and I had gone home and got back into bed. We kissed and cuddled, but nothing sexual happened. The three of us had napped. It was nearly dark when I was awoken by a strange sensation coming from my scrotal sac. I looked down to see Tiffany sucking on the loose skin of my sac. When she sucked one of my balls into her mouth, I jerked in surprise. I was in for an even bigger surprise when I saw Sandy enter wearing her strap-on harness with its 8" plastic phallus sticking straight out away from her body.

"Tiffany's ready for us to DP her, Mikoli!" Sandy purred in excitement.

"How can she be ready? We haven't done any anal play with her yet!" I exclaimed with a twinge of apprehension in my voice.

"Maggie did that for you this morning!" Tiffany squealed with excitement. "If you would've looked closer, you would've seen she had the dildo in my ass and not my pussy! Will you do to me what you did to Maggie, please?!"

"Okay baby girl, if that's what you want! Sandy and I'll fuck your two holes at the same time, if you can get my dick to wake up." I told our excited and young live-in lover.

Tiffany began sucking my flaccid dick in the attempt of getting me hard. Sandy lay down beside me and whispered sexy ideas into my ear. When she started asking me if I was going to enjoy fucking Tiffany's ass, the little guy sprang to attention.

I helped Tiffany lube Sandy's "cock" and impale herself on it. I lubed my fore finger and eased it into Tiffany's ass. She may have had the 8" dildo in there earlier that morning, but her pucker hole was still very tight. I was able to slip another lubed finger in beside the first after five minutes of stroking in and out. Sandy had been kissing Tiffany and caressing her body during my preparation of Tiffany's brown eye. I lubed my dick and got into position to enter her backside with it. I pushed the bulbous head against her brown hole until it popped into her anal cavity past the sphincter. I waited for her to relax before doing anything else. Sandy was whispering to Tiffany and continuing the caressing of her young nubile body. I felt Tiffany pushing back to me. I sat still and let her go at her own pace. It took her ten minutes to get my full 6", 2" thick, and turgid rod into her body. I continued to remain still as Tiffany began moving back and forth slowly on my steely pole. When she speeded up, I began pumping myself into and out of her anal tunnel. Sandy and I were able to get into a slow, easy rhythm of stroking in and out of our respective bodily orifices. Tiffany was screaming in pleasure after ten minutes. She urged us to fuck her harder. Sandy and I increased our thrusts until we were each going as hard and as fast as we could. Tiffany began screaming with shorter and shorter breaks between screams. She didn't begin a continuous wail like Maggie had, but it was close. I spurted one feeble shot of seed into Tiffany's bowels and was done. When Tiffany had calmed down she loosed Sandy's harness enough to get her mouth on Sandy's sex. Tiffany licked and sucked at Sandy's pussy while I kissed her and squeezed on her 40DD breasts. Sandy had two big orgasms before she begged us to stop.

Even though we had napped a good part of the day, I dozed off with Sandy between Tiffany and me. I was not surprised to find myself alone in the bed when nature's call awoke me wanting to be answered in a bad way a couple of hours later. I went ahead and showered so I would not have to before I left for work. I went in search of both food and the two big, beautiful women that now shared my life. I loved them both and was happy to have them in my life. I found them in the kitchen, drinking sodas and eating cold cut sandwiches. I got a glass of water and joined them. A sandwich was already waiting for me. No one spoke while I ate.

"Mikoli, I told Tiffany about us probably going on a date with Debra. She handled the news better than I had expected. Do you want to tell him, Tiffany, or should I?" Sandy said to me after I was done eating.

"Maggie and I talked this morning after she made me cum. She said you peeked at us and walked away smiling. Is that true, Mikoli?" Tiffany asked me.

"Yes, it's true." I answered her.

"Why were you smiling?" My young lover inquired of me.

"I was happy. I saw two women enjoying sex together. I was happy that a woman I like a lot and a woman I love were open minded enough to have sex with another woman. I was happy with my life and how much I was enjoying it." I said to her.

"You didn't feel any hurt from seeing me with Maggie?" Tiffany asked me.

"God no! I love you, baby girl! I want you to be able to enjoy sex with whoever you choose to have sex with. I want you to be happy." I told her.

"We both want you to be happy, Tiffany!" Sandy interjected. "Tell him the rest!"

"Maggie asked me if what she did with me changed the way I felt about the two of you. I told her no. She asked me if I was sorry we had sex with each other. I told her no. She asked me why it upset me when she was with the two of you. I couldn't really tell her why. I know I was feeling jealous and afraid you would want her instead of me. I don't want to lose the two of you. I do love you both." Tiffany said with more confidence than I had heard before.

"I have felt that way, Tiffany." I said to her. "When Sandy was bringing guys home and fucking them so I could watch, I would get jealous when they would lay together cuddling and whispering to each other after sex. I was afraid she was going to leave me for another man. I was able to get past those feeling eventually. I know Sandy loves me and won't leave me. Those feelings will go away if you let them. If you hang onto them and dwell on them, they'll only get worse." I told her.

"I have had those feelings too, Tiffany." My beautiful wife told her young lover. "I was afraid Mikoli was going to fall in love with another woman and leave me for her. He did fall in love with another woman, but he didn't leave me for her."

"Do I know the woman Mikoli fell in love with? Is he still seeing her?" Our inexperience girlfriend asked of us.

"Yes, you know her. I see her every day." I told Tiffany. "Sandy is talking about you, baby girl. You're the other woman I fell in love with. I'll never ask you to leave, but I won't beg you to stay either. Sandy understands that she has the same option. I love both of you too much to force you to stay in an unhappy relationship."

"We'll never leave you, Mikoli!" My two lovely ladies yelled at me at the same time.

The three of us started laughing at that. I stood and motioned for them to come to me. We hugged and kissed each other and reveled in our combined happiness. I knew they meant what they had said and it made me extremely happy. I had visions of the three of us together for a long time. Little did I know that my visions would be blown apart in a few short weeks.

Life at our house settled back down. Sandy and I enjoyed sex together about once a week. Sandy and Tiffany did the same. Whenever the three of us were together we would wear each other out. Tiffany seemed to enjoy anal sex and never refused me when I wanted it. Sandy and I would DP her when she asked us to. Life was good.

"Baby, I'm home." I yelled on a Wednesday afternoon about a month after our trip to "Marie's".

"I'm in the living room." Sandy yelled back at me.

I walked to her as she sat on the couch. I bent down and kissed her mouth while groping one of her big breasts. She moaned so I started tweaking a nipple through her gown. She allowed me to kiss and fondle her for a moment before she stopped me.

"Stop that and sit down beside me. We can to that in a minute. I want to talk to you about Saturday." My dear wife said to me.

"What about Saturday?" I inquired of her.

"Going on our date with Debra Saturday." Sandy told me. "I've been talking to her for a couple of weeks and Saturday will be her first open Saturday for a while. If we don't take her out then, we might have to wait another three months."

"Debra knows what to expect if she goes out with us, doesn't she?" I asked Sandy.

"Yes, she knows. She is looking forward to it. She told me something I didn't know before. She was off men for a while after the divorce and her boyfriend dumped her at the same time. Seems like he was okay with fucking her when she was married, but didn't want to be in a committed relationship with her even though she told him he could keep any other women he was fucking" My still naive in some ways wife said to me.

"Same arrangement she had with Steve. As long as he didn't embarrass her in public with his pussy of the month, she would turn a blind eye. I guess she told you about her short trip down the lesbian road too, didn't she?" I asked my by now astonished wife.

"You knew all that and didn't tell me, Mikoli! Why didn't you tell me?" Sandy asked me in a huff.

"It was none of our business. I didn't feel that it affected us so I didn't feel the need to tell you. Please don't be mad at me! It wasn't like it was a secret that I swore not to tell anybody about. You would get bored to tears if I told you every little bit of gossip I heard. I'm sure you've heard things about people and not told me about it. You know how I feel about people minding their own business and not worrying about someone else's. Speaking of which, have you talked to your mom lately? Does she still disown us because of the way we are living?" I implored my sweet ladylove.

"You're trying to change the subject." Sandy said to me with that sexy smile that turned my knees to jelly. "As a matter of fact, I talked to her today. She invited the three of us to lunch Sunday after church."

"Did you say the three of us?" I exclaimed in shock. "Did you accept?"

"I told her I had to talk to you first. Can we go? I promise we can leave if she gets to holier than thou on us." Sandy said to me.

"Yes we can go. You won't argue if I say it's time to leave, will you?" I answered her.

"No, I won't argue with you. I'll take your side over anybody's, you know that right?" Sandy inquired of me.

"Yeah baby, I know." I didn't want to open up old wounds so I tried and mostly succeeded in suppressing the memories of the one time that she hadn't. "About Saturday, if you haven't made reservations anywhere yet, please don't make them at either "Danny's" or "Marie's". If those are the only two choices Debra gave you, tell her to forget about our date."

My dear wife was looking at me with that shocked yet amazed look she can sometimes get. "How did you know that one of those was where she said she wanted us to take her?"

"I've known Debra since fall quarter our senior year in college and know how she thinks. We used to talk to one another a lot in the old days. I was one of Steve's best friends and we're still close. I knew ahead of time when Debra had something planned to make Steve jealous. She even tried to get me involved once. I told her straight up that I wasn't going there. Debra may be divorced from Steve, but she still loves him and we aren't going to be a part of any of her schemes to make Steve jealous. Please make reservations at any other restaurant in town but those two. If she doesn't want to go, we can enjoy our usual date night together. If she gives you too much grief, remind her who stopped Steve from implementing his scorched earth plan during the divorce. She wouldn't be listed as the owner of "Marie's" if it weren't for me acting as Steve's conscience when he was so mad at her." I said to my dumbstruck wife.

"Who are you? You can't be my loving husband! If you weren't going to keep secrets from me, how come I'm hearing all of this now?" Sandy yelled at me.

"Please calm down, baby! I do tell you ninety percent of everything I know or hear. I have to keep some things for myself. I want to keep the few friends I have in this county. Can you understand that, please?" I implored my angry wife. I could see my chances of making love to her that evening slide farther and farther down into the abyss.

Sandy huffed around the kitchen fixing supper. She rebuffed me when I tried to make up with her. I took a shower and prayed she would cool down enough to at least go to bed with me so I could get to sleep. We ate supper in silence. I watched some TV in the living room and dozed off in my recliner.

I awoke when I felt something warm and wet on my face. When I opened my eyes, Sandy was standing to the side of my recliner buck assed naked. She had been kissing my face to wake me up.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch earlier, Mikoli! Please take me to bed and use me like your filthy slut! I'll do almost anything you want to make it up to you!" My big, beautiful, oversexed woman said to me.

Sandy helped me strip off my clothes on the way to our bed. She was very wet between her legs when I ran a finger up her slit. I positioned my erect penis at her steamy opening and slammed to the hilt in one stroke. She yelped when I did that, but did not complain. I began pounding my rock hard dick into her hot and wet center. She was matching me thrust for thrust. Sandy came on my turgid pole after ten minutes. When I felt my own eruption was near, I pulled my organ out of her pussy and hurriedly climbed up her body. I shoved the head of my dick into her mouth and allowed her to move her head forward until her nose was against my pubic hair. She managed to provide enough suction on my shaft that I spurted my hot, salty load down her throat. She milked every drop of my seed from my deflating erection. After she had swallowed, I began kissing her passionately. I kissed my way down her body to her red and swollen sex. I spent the next thirty minutes eating her out. She had two huge orgasms during that time. I ignored her pleas to stop at the first one. She yanked my hair hard enough to feel it in my toes after the second one. I stopped and climbed up beside her so we could cuddle and so I could go to sleep in her arms. I knew she would leave the bed when I was asleep to wait on Tiffany.

Sandy and I made love to Tiffany the next day which was her normal day off. I was only able to achieve one erection that night. We had pulled some big wire that day at work and it had worn me out. Except for the night that Maggie had been in our bed, Tiffany had slept with Sandy and me. Sandy and I rested Friday night. Sandy had made reservations at the Japanese hibachi restaurant in town. Surprisingly Debra did not back out on us.

Tiffany had to settle for me licking and sucking her to one orgasm and Sandy using her strap-on for another on Saturday morning. I got an erection, but ignored it. I didn't know if this would be the only time Sandy and I had with Debra or not. I had hopes of inserting my fleshy phallus in all three of her bodily orifices. I would have the rest of my natural life to fuck Tiffany.

Sandy and I prepared for our date with Debra. Sandy had selected a yellow dress to wear that night. She had selected the same black outfit for me that I had worn on our date with Maggie. I was taken totally by surprise when Sandy put her dress on with no undergarments on underneath. I was instructed that I needn't bother with briefs.

We drove to the restaurant arriving at five minutes to seven. Debra was standing on the walk in front waiting on us. Debra had on a yellow dress slightly lighter in shade than Sandy's. It was totally different from Sandy's though. Sandy's was conservative and did not show any skin except for her bare arms and legs. Debra's show her bare shoulders and most of her chest above her breasts. It had two thin straps that went across her shoulders to the back. It had a slit on both sides. The slit on the right stopped at mid-thigh, but the one on the left went all the way to her hip. All the skin I could see was tanned even though it was the middle of January. She was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

I walked up to Debra to give her a small hug and buzz her cheek. She pulled me into a huge hug as she bent her head to kiss me. That was a deja vu moment for me. She was only the second woman I had been involved with that was taller than me and the first since Katie those oh so many years ago.

"Why haven't we gotten together before now?" Debra whispered in my ear. "I've wanted you since before the divorce. Didn't you pick up on the signals I was sending you back then?"

"Let's talk about that later. I'm hungry, so let's go eat." I whispered back to her.

Sandy and Debra enjoyed a similar kiss and hug as the one Debra gave me. I knew I would find out what they had whispered to each other just as Sandy would find out what Debra and I had been whispering about. Sandy had reserved a semi private room for our date. The room had a single cooking station and a curtain that could be dropped over the door to block people walking down the corridor from looking inside. I was placed between the two ladies that were with me. We talked and laughed like old friends from the beginning. I guess the kisses and hugs had dissipated any nervousness we had.

The chef was entertaining as he prepared our meal. I surprised him when I was quick enough to catch the piece of shrimp he flicked at me in my mouth. We had a delightful time. When the meal was over, our waitress dropped the curtain over the entrance to the room. She said she would be back in twenty minutes.

My dates for the evening began their attack on my body as soon as the waitress was gone. I was fully erected within moments from their kissing and touching me. Debra unzipped my trousers and had my tumescent organ in her mouth in record time. I managed to last five or six minutes before I warned her I was cumming. She did not remove her mouth from my tool and took all my salty seed into her mouth. I was told to lean back when I was spent. I watched as Sandy and Debra kissed passionately in front of me. I knew Debra had held some of my essence in her mouth to share with Sandy. I took the opportunity to fondle a breast of each of my companions. They both moaned when I lightly pinched a nipple. I zipped up and excused myself to go to the restroom. I paid the waitress in the corridor to keep her from interrupting Sandy and Debra. I could hear moans as I stood outside the entry to the room on my return. I moved the curtain aside enough to peek in and saw Sandy sucking on the nipple of Debra's left breast. I couldn't see because the cooking station blocked my view, but I knew from the motions of her arm that Sandy had at least one finger in Debra's pink center. I watched as Sandy hurriedly grabbed Debra's head and pull it into a kiss. I heard the muffled moans Debra was making as Sandy finger fucked her to orgasm. I entered when Debra had slipped down from her peak of pleasure.


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