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Our Song Ch. 07: Celebrating

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Lisa and Owen plan a birthday party Song will never forget.
20.5k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/16/2018
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When life is good, it is important to take time and celebrate it.


Lisa and I were best friends. When Song was working night shifts, Lisa and I used to have long conversations into the night. On one of our first ones, just a few weeks after Lisa came into our lives, I raised a question about her career choices. I asked her why she did not become a lawyer.

"I was going to be," she told me. "That was my dream ever since high-school. I went down this path because I wanted to help people. I wanted to speak for those who can't speak for themselves."

"So what happened?" I asked.

"As I started my internship, I realized things were not as advertised. People didn't care about what was right. I learned there were only two things that drove people in the legal system: greed and laziness. People don't do what is just, but what is either gonna make them rich, or what will allow them to go home early."

I sighed. "This sounds grim."

"It is. I knew the system was not perfect way before even going to law school, but I didn't know it was THAT bad."

"But that was just one firm, maybe others are better?"

"Roger's firm was no better. It didn't bother him as much, as he was driven by greed no less than others. I guess the legal system is not for naive idealists like me."

"What would you like to do, if you could choose?" I asked.

"If I could do anything? Any job? Without worrying about returning my student's loans?"


"I would probably volunteer in a legal-aid foundation that provides legal aid to unprivileged populations, such as immigrants and minorities. They need the most protection against the system, but they don't have money to pay."

"That's a really noble dream," I told her. "I see why Song and you are such a good match. You both care about people. Both want to make the world a better place by helping the weak and the helpless, one person at a time." As I said that, I caressed her arm.

She smiled at me. "That's a childish, silly dream," she said. "Grown-ups need to think about things like paying the rent and buying food. They cannot afford to dream about saving the world, if it doesn't come with a paycheck at the end of the month."

"Well, that's not exactly true," I said. "We are a team now. In my work, we don't save people, we just connect them and get them hooked up to our service. But I make good money, which means we don't need your financial help keeping this household together. This means you can go save the world."

"That would be extremely selfish of me," Lisa said, "chasing my dream while Song and you work hard to finance it. Besides, I also have a mountain to pay in student's loans, which Song and you should not be responsible for."

Then she went silent, choosing her next words carefully.

"And there's also another thing. The three of us, that's really great for me, but we're still at the beginning of our journey together. So many things can happen, and break us apart. If I leave my job and go chase my dreams volunteering in some foundation, and then we break up, I will be left with no way to provide for myself. I can't afford to risk it, so early in our relationship."

I kissed her softly on her cheek. She really thought this through.

"I know there are challenges," I told her, "but we are smart people. We'll figure out a way to help you chase your dream. Maybe not tomorrow, but one day, you'll be there."

She smiled at me.

"I love your optimism, Owen," she said. "You know how to make a girl feel good," and kissed me softly on my cheek.

Then she leaned on me, and I embraced her, laying my arm on her shoulders.

"I like this," she said, "talking to you deep into the night. I'm so happy Song was persistent and persuaded me to meet you."

"I like it too," I said. "I like being friends with you."

"Friends with benefits," she said, and caressed me on my crotch, through my pants. "Don't forget the benefits. I love having benefits with you."

I kissed her on her head, that was leaning on my shoulder. "I love having benefits with you too," I said.

She took my hand, the one that was not holding her, and tucked it inside her shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra, so my palm squeezed against one of her nipples.

"Would you like to go to bed and have some right now?" she asked me, tucking her hand inside my shorts, reaching my dick.

"I'd love to," I said, smiling.

"Will you be imagining Song when you will be 'benefiting' me?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe I'll be just enjoying you. Would that be a bad thing?"

"It wouldn't be," she assured me. "I'll be enjoying you too. Song would be delighted to hear we enjoyed each other, regardless of her. I'm sure. Us getting along is very important for her."

"There is a difference between 'getting along' and what we do," I said, trying to explain why I was feeling a little guilty. "We are getting along great. We are best friends. I like watching you make love to Song, and I know you like watching us make love. But you and me, when Song isn't around, it is no longer about Song. I like having sex with you because of you, not because of Song. Do you think this is OK?"

"I too like fucking you because of you," she said. "I don't feel guilty because of it. I think Song knows it. Let me ask you this, does your attraction to me take anything from your love to Song? Or from your attraction to her?"

"Hell no!" I answered quickly.

"So she loses nothing from this. On the contrary. For me, fucking you makes me want her more badly."

She moved her pelvis uncomfortably, letting me know she was aroused and needed me to help her with that.

"I miss her pussy," she said. "I miss the smell of her juices. The taste of her clit."

"I miss her pussy too," I said, inserting my hand into Lisa's shorts, reaching her clit. "I miss how wet she gets when I get inside her."

Lisa kissed me passionately, and then stood up and lead me to the bedroom. She tossed away her clothes and lay on the bed with her legs wide open, her right hand massaging her clit.

"Come on, Owen," she said. "Let's make Song happy! Let's make us happy!"

I tossed away my clothes as well, and lay on top of her, sliding my dick inside her already-wet pussy. We were looking straight into each other's eyes as I pushed myself in and out of her. We were so aroused, so it took both of us only a minute or two to cum. We hugged, and fell asleep only seconds afterwards.


A few weeks later, Song had exciting news to share with us.

"The company my parents were invested in, just had a very successful initial public offering."

Neither Lisa nor I had any idea what she was talking about, so she started from the top.

"So you know my parents had an organic vegetables farm in Northern California. I grew up on that farm and used to help them with the crops sometimes. It was going pretty well when I was a kid, but as I grew up there were more and more larger companies selling organic produce, and it became harder and harder for our farm to keep up.

"My mom's salary, working as a fine-arts professor at Berkeley, had to cover both their personal expenses, my med-school tuition, and the farm's losses. At one point this became unbearable, and my mom confronted my dad about it, and they reached an understanding.

"Turns out, that while organic farming was becoming less profitable, the Northern California real-estate market bloomed. Their farm, for which they took a small mortgage back in the 80's and payed up years before, was now worth millions of dollars, as the land was approved for urban development.

"My mom managed to convince my dad he could make more impact on the world through these millions than through a failing farm. So they sold the farm, and only kept their house."

"How long ago was that?" I asked.

"Three years or so ago," she said. "They set aside an amount that would suffice for them to end their lives with dignity, and for me to start mine with a good head start, and my father was given a free hand to look for a cause he believed in, to invest the rest of the money in.

"He found a Silicon-Valley-based startup that was developing vertical farming technology, and invested the money there. In the contract he signed with them, he requested to become a director, and to have an office in their headquarters.

"Despite the long commute and despite the fact he didn't have to, he chose to drive there three, and sometimes four days a week, and worked long hours with the team there, trying to help them find new applications and new markets.

"His dedication payed off. Yesterday, the company just had a very successful initial public offering on NASDAQ. The four million dollars he invested are now worth more than thirty."

Lisa and I looked at Song in shock. We knew she had no siblings, so we figured her parents' wealth would eventually land on her shoulders.

"You're rich!" Lisa said in excitement.

"I'm not rich," Song said with a smile. "My parents are. I'm not asking them for money. They got me through med-school when they had to struggle for every dollar, and I owe them so much for that. I'm sorry guys."

"Don't you want a big house with a pool and a sports car?" I asked, half kidding.

"Guys, I don't need a big house with a pool and a sports car to feel rich," she said. "I have you guys. I'm rich because I have love in my life, and that's something millions of dollars can't buy."

I kissed her, and so did Lisa.

"So what are your parents going to do with all that money?" I asked.

"They are starting a foundation - the 'Cheddleton Family Foundation'," she said, amused by how it sounded. "This foundation will give money to causes my parents find just. This will be their way of making the world a better place."

"That's really noble," Lisa said.

"I'm sorry, guys," Song continued, "We are all going to work for a living until retirement, but one day, when my parents are not around, we will be running the foundation, and we will be able to decide together on whom we help."

I was impressed by her story. She had such idealistic parents. And they had such an idealistic daughter. This thought made me love her even more. I kissed her passionately, to let her know that.

"I'm on the board of my parents' foundation," she said, "and I'm flying to California sometime next month for the first board meeting. I hope you guys will behave yourselves here at my absence."

"We promise," Lisa said, "if by 'behave', you mean fuck each other whenever we get a chance..."

Song smiled. "You know me so well," she said.


Song flew to California. After one day she called me when I was at work.

"Hi Owen, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Anything, Song," I said.

"Lisa told me about your conversation, about her dream to work in a legal-aid nonprofit," Song said. "She also told me why she wouldn't go work in such a place."

"I wish there was some way we could help her realize this dream," I said.

"Well, I think I can help her chase her dream, but it requires something from you too. Are you up to it?"

I didn't know what this 'something' was, but didn't care.

"Whatever it is, I'm in," I told her.

"I love you, Owen," she said. "Tonight when I touch myself in bed, I promise to think about you!"

That was a nice gesture. When I came home that day, I was horny, and jumped Lisa. She was a bit surprised, but went along with me. I couldn't tell her why I was so horny, but luckily she didn't ask. She was happy to open her legs to me and let me fill her pussy with my cum. I also went down on her to let her cum too.


About a month later, sometime between the time Joey was at our place and the time we first met Alicia, Song's surprise for Lisa was ready. As Lisa was on her way back from a weekend at her parents' in Cleveland, Song and I lit up a few candles and waited for her.

"What's happening? What are we celebrating?" Lisa asked, as she saw the candles.

"We are celebrating you," Song said.

Lisa looked at me, trying to gather more information, but I didn't reveal anything.

Song stepped towards Lisa, took her bag from her, and kissed her passionately. Then I went over and kissed her too.

Then we invited her closer to the dinner table. Two envelopes lay on the table. Song picked up the first one, and gave it to Lisa.

Lisa opened the envelope and asked, "What is it?"

The letter was from a Pittsburgh-local legal-aid nonprofit that helped immigrants in conflicts with the US immigration authorities. It was an invitation to an interview for an internship position.

"When I was in California," Song said, "I managed to reach this local legal-aid nonprofit, and gave them a contribution that would allow them to hire you as an intern, and then allow you to volunteer there. The contribution was unconditional, but they had to interview you first, and only if they did not find you adequate, could the interview other candidates."

"Wow, that's great," Lisa said with a sad voice, "but it's an unpaid internship followed by a possibility of volunteering to an unpaid job. I can't afford it."

"I'm sorry about this," Song said, "but this nonprofit only takes volunteers. I wanted to fund a paid position, but they didn't have any."

"Well, this is where Song and I come in," I said, and handed her the other envelope.

She opened the envelope and saw two bank printouts.

"Song and I decided we wanted you to have this, and that money should not be an issue. So we both started payment plans. Song is covering your student's loans returns, and I'm paying a matching amount of money directly to your bank account. This will give you some amount of financial independence, and of-course, if we ever go our separate ways, you are not left with nothing."

She looked at the two of us. She kissed Song softly and said, "Thank you. That's so amazingly kind of you."

Then she turned to me, with a sad look on her face, "I'm so honored by your proposal, but can't take your money. I'm sorry. I can't take my friend's money like that. You don't owe me anything. We're not a couple. We're friends. Friends should help each other by talking to one another, and in our case," she caressed my crotch softly, "also other things... but not money. Not like that. I'm sorry."

I hugged her, and kissed her on her cheek. "Think of it as my very own way of making the world a better place." I said. "The work I'm doing is only making the owners of the company richer. It doesn't make humanity better. The work you will be doing, it will make a difference. I want to be a part of it, and this is my way of doing so.

"Besides, one day, when you find your way to make money out of practicing law while still remaining true to your principles, you can make it up to Song an me by buying us a big house with a pool."

"And a sports car," Song added, "don't forget the sports car."

Lisa kissed me passionately, and hugged Song.

"I love you guys so much. You are more than I have ever dreamed to have in a relationship. Even if this doesn't work - even if I don't get this internship, I still owe you guys my life." She turned to Song, "I'll never pick on you for not cleaning after yourself," and to me, "and I promise to be your best friend for ever and ever. With benefits - lots of benefits. Any time you want them, until we are too old and can't find our genitals."

I was amused by her words, and at the same time, deeply touched by them. Song and Lisa exchanged a long, passionate kiss, and then they invited me to a three-way hug.

"Speaking of benefits," Lisa said, "I'm so horny right now. Can you guys come with me to the bedroom and fuck me?"


Lisa passed the interview with flying colors, and took the internship. Despite the long hours and hard work, she came home every day full of energy. She loved what she was doing there. This additional energy was converted to affection towards Song and me, and especially, to an increased sexual appetite.

Lisa and Song made love almost every night, and sometimes during the day, except for when they had their periods, which were synchronized by then. Their love-making was as passionate as ever, their orgasms - more intense and beautiful than ever.

I loved watching them together, but suffered a little, as Lisa's increased appetite for Song left Song with less energy for me. They encouraged me to masturbate while watching them have sex. That worked relatively well, but it wasn't the same. On the upside, when Song did have energy left for me, Lisa would watch us, and not turn to the other side as she did before. She would caress both of us, and watch our expressions as we climaxed.

When Song had night shifts, Lisa would invite me to bed right after dinner. After having sex, we would have one of our famous conversations, naked in bed, touching each other, arousing each other. The conversation and the touching would usually solicit another session, which would usually be more emotional than the first, ending with more intense orgasms.

And then we had that wonderful evening at Alicia's place, in which Alicia suggested that Lisa and I may be in love. This thought filled me with fear and concern. I was afraid this would break the delicate balance that kept the three of us together. I was afraid, if Song found out, she could be jealous, and was also afraid that if Lisa didn't feel the same way towards me, things would be awkward between the two of us.

So I decided to keep it to myself. I tried not to change anything in how I behaved around Lisa, but I guess something was showing.


Two months have gone by. During that time I haven't said anything to any of them about how I felt towards Lisa. Song was nearing the end of her residency and was accepted to the fellowship she desired. Lisa was doing great at her internship.

During these two months we saw Joey and Alicia twice. The first one was at our place, where we had dinner and then got each other naked and took turns on the bed. This was the first time Alicia has licked a pussy. When we visited her place, Alicia promised Lisa to go down on her the next time they meet, but this time she insisted on going down on Song. She apologized to Lisa about that, and asked her to guide her through it. Joey too was very much into pleasing Song. They didn't say anything, but we all figured that they have figured it was Song who payed for Alicia's scholarship, through her family's foundation.

The second time we saw them, we ate dinner at a restaurant together, and then went to see a movie all five of us. For Song, Lisa and myself this was the first night-out in months, and we loved the idea of having friends to do this with.

"It's amazing we can have good time with friends without fucking them," Lisa noted as we drove back home from the movies. We all agreed with her.


Then, one night, when Song was doing a night shift, as Lisa and I were having dinner together, Lisa reminded me Song's birthday was coming up in three weeks.

"I know," I said. "I thought what I should buy her."

"You know Song," she said, "She's not into things. I think we should DO something for her instead."

"Do something? Like what?"

"I don't know. Take her for a weekend in the countryside maybe. Take her to a romantic getaway, just the three of us."

"That sounds lovely," I said. "She would love that."

"Maybe a place with an indoor pool," she suggested, "where we could swim around naked?"

"I'm sure she'd love that. She loves being naked around us, and I love it when she's naked. Don't you?"

"I do," Lisa said. "I'm now imagining her body - her beautiful tits, her cleanly shaved pussy, her delicious clit. Oh my god, I'm so wet right now... Are you very hungry right now or can you spare a few minutes to fuck me?"

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