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Out of Uniform Ch. 03

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Captain enjoys more sexual adventures.
3.4k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 12/04/2013
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I awoke well rested and refreshed after a short but deep sleep. I reflected back on the previous day's adventures and regretted nothing. In fact, I was feeling very comfortable with myself as I prepared for my day.

After taking command I developed a routine I called 'My Patrols'; the crew apparently referred to it as the 'Captain's Prowls'. My Patrols, one in the morning and one later in the day, as workload permitted, consisted of walking the ship from stem to stern, from port to starboard, from keel to radio mast. Actually, I toured the accessible parts of the ship in no particular order. It was a quick way of ensuring things are "ship shape and Bristol fashion" as the old British saying had it. It also allowed me to encounter the crew at their duty stations. This let them know I was paying attention and permitted me to get to know them a little better.

Today, however, I took a little detour into a section of the ship I previously avoided: the sleeping quarters. I never liked to disturb the men as they slept. Before. The new me decided to see what I might see. I was hoping, because of the air conditioning problem, most of the men would not have drawn the privacy curtains around their bunks. And I was correct. I didn't actually shine a light on the men but I did take note that many were above their sheets and wearing skivvies or nothing. Obviously I could not linger to admire the fine forms and intriguing glimpses of genitalia but I did get some titillation.

In the working areas of the ship, I greeted and talked to many of the crew paying more attention to their bodies than in the past. Every time I tried to detect whatever it was that made what Withers had called 'gaydar' ping. I decided when I was halfway though my patrol I didn't have gaydar.

I did have a vivid imagination though and that had me envisioning me having sex with a number of the men, sometimes with several of them at the same time. Needless to say an erect cock was a problem as I proceeded. I attempted to hide my hardon at first but then figured 'to hell with it' and watched to see who paid attention to my cock.

I eventually made my way to the galley to grab a quick breakfast, not bothering with the rigmarole of a special 'captain's mess'. One of the first men I saw was young Baskins.

This was an acid test. How would he act/react?

Like several of the others he said 'good morning, Captain' and that was that. Okay, so we could have a sexual; relationship without disturbing the routine. I grabbed a bowl of freshly sliced fruit and a muffin and made my way to the wardroom for the staff meeting.

I arrived at 0700 on the dot and all the senior officers and division chiefs were waiting for me. The primary focus of the meeting was, of course, the air conditioning. Engineering was trying to manufacture a part to make due until we reached Australia where one of our sister ships had an extra for us. The continued lack of cooling was raising concerns with the computer and communication systems which were at risk of overheating, and overheating was a concern for the crew as well, particularly those whose work kept them in the interior of the ship for their entire shift. It was decided to keep all hatches and portholes open when ever possible, to add two more scuppers to the ones already in use, and, at Withers' suggestion, to relax the dress code to allow the men to wear as little as possible when on internal duty as the individuals chose.

When everyone agreed to the latter, Withers actually winked at me. And I winked back with a broad grin. Several of those around the table saw my expression and looked quizzically at me; I chose not to enlighten them.

I dismissed the meeting and walked with Withers to the communications room to make the ship wide announcements regarding the air conditioning and the actions we were going to take to keep equipment and men as cool as possible until Engineering had solved the problem. The Lieutenant and I then took a circuitous route to the bridge.

"How are you feeling this morning, Captain?" he inquired.

"Surprisingly refreshed, thank you. And you?"

"Great, really great, thank you," he paused and looked at me intently, "Any regrets, sir?"

"Well, I regret no having won the lottery, I regret not being an admiral, I regret not being a better speller," I teased, then lowering my voice, "but do I regret sucking cock and fucking ass? Not one iota."

"Good to hear that, sir. So we need to work on finding you more playthings to expand your repertoire, so to speak."

"And you are going to teach me rimming, if I remember correctly."

He laughed, "No, sir, no need."

"What do you mean, no need?"

"Sir, do you remember last night..."


"... sucking my cock, and my balls? And then moving lower and shoving your tongue in my ass?"

"Of course," I was a little puzzled as to where he was going.

"Licking my asshole and sticking your tongue in my hole, that, sir, is what is called rimming. You are a natural. No point in my interfering with your technique or trying to teach you more in that area. You did it great as I recall."

"Well, who knew?" I asked rhetorically. We were laughing heartily as we entered the bridge.

All those on duty or coming on looked at us and couldn't help but smiling to see the two most senior officers in such good moods. Okassa asked what we were laughing about.

"A private joke, Lieutenant," I replied, and we turned our attention to the work of the day.

Just before lunch, I announced I was going on a 'Captain's Prowl'. This drew a couple of gasps from the enlisted men on duty, apparently I was not supposed to know he crew's term for these patrols.

Withers followed me off the bridge, then asked, "Going to see how little the crew are wearing?" before quickly retreating to his duty station.

I chuckled at his quip and proceeded on my way. And, yes, I did spend much more time in the interior of the ship than I normally would. And was amply rewarded. A majority of the crew were wearing t-shirts, shorts and sneakers, but a good number were wearing only skivvies and sneakers. The sneakers being required for safety reasons for everyone.

Engineering section was a sight for my lustful eyes. Here several brave souls were wearing nothing except their sneakers. It was real turn on to watch these men go about their duties with their cocks bouncing and their asses out on display for their captain – not that they knew that was what they were doing. Well, one crewman did know. Baskins was one of the naked ones and twice he made a point of bending over while I was looking. I popped a stiffy instantly. That is when Chief Engineer Hemperer decided to walk me through the procedures they were undertaking to make the repairs.

I didn't totally absorb what he was saying as I was a tad distracted watching his men doing the work. I made a point of speaking to each man. In Baskins' case I stood very close and managed to cop a feel of his soft cock as he explained what he was doing. What he was doing was not a big part of the repair job but it held my attention the longest.

After 45 minutes I could no longer make excuses to stay so I wandered off on my patrol. For the second time that day my wanderings took me through the sleeping quarters. This time, with a little more light, I caught glimpses of more naked males as they lay on their bunks. In a couple of cases the sleeping men had hardons. I had become such a voyeur.

Once again my cock responded to the sights. This time someone noticed and made a point of ensuring I noticed him noticing. Petty Officer, Third Class Jasper Rowlands had a lower bunk and, sitting up reading, his eyes were level with my crotch.

"Good morning, Captain. Don't often see you here," he commented, followed quickly with, "But it sure is good to see you."

"Thank you, Rowlands," I returned and bend over to see him better.

Rowlands, at 6'4", was longer than his bunk but at 160 pounds he didn't fill much of it. His height and weight led his fellows to nickname him Spike. Spike was nude and made no attempt to hide that fact, indeed he turned slightly so his cock was even more visible. I admired his sleek, lean form noting the way his body hair was distributed: virtually none above his nipple line, save his pits, a neat line of hair from above his naval leading into his abundant pubic hair and then onto very hairy legs. I found this a great turn on and my cock hardened further.

The petty officer made eye contact but his eyes frequently drifted to my crotch. I made small talk about what he was reading. He reached out to show me the book and, in the process, brushed against my groin. Skilfully done, I thought to myself, I could almost believe it was accidental had it not occurred again when I returned the book. There was noticeable growth of his cock and when he noticed me noticing, it lengthened further. Because other men were in the immediate vicinity I could not risk further contact but I asked Spike to lend me the book when he finished, telling him to drop it by my night cabin.

Rowlands smiled and winked at me when he replied, "Aye, aye, sir. It will be a privilege, sir." Lending a book is hardly a privilege so it was clear we were on the same wavelength.

I continued on my way with my cock still erect from the brief moment with Rowlands and the promise of things to come.

Maybe I do have gaydar I thought to myself and chuckled at the thought.

I now made my way to the wardroom to get something to eat. The room was empty except for the steward and for Chief Warrant Officer Steven Jennings. Jennings was a rough, tough character two years younger than myself. Standing 5'8", he packed a very solid 200 pounds on his frame. It was solid muscle and had given rise to his nickname of Rambo. Jennings rarely cracked a smile and drove his division to be the best, but he was popular as a fair, balanced disciplinarian who would bend over backwards to stand up for his men when necessary.

I took my lunch to the table the warrant officer occupied, "Mind if I join you, Chief?" He gestured to a chair. "How are things going in your neck of the woods?"

We then had a quick discussion of his division, its work, and his men. Jennings was not noted for his lengthy conversations. He added, "Thanks for giving the men permission to dress down, Captain. It has made a difference to morale."

"I'm glad, Chief," and knowing he was a stickler for protocol, "How are you doing with the permission, Chief? Not quite up to your usual standards." He was dressed in his usual work uniform, trousers, t-shirt, and shirt.

He glanced down at himself and then at what I was wearing, " I guess you and me is old navy, Captain. Gotta set an example for the young'uns."

"True, Chief, true but as you said morale is important too. I just hope we can get the crew back into clothes once the air conditioning is repaired."

He chortled, "Yeah, some of the guys are a little too comfortable. Haven't seen so much bare skin since my induction medical." His deep gravely voice sounded gruff but the twinkle in his eye let me know he was rolling with the punches as normal.

That twinkle led me to a touchier subject, "And, Chief, how are you holding up since Annabel died?"

The long silence made me think I had touched on too sensitive a subject but he glanced up with teary eyes, "Been okay, sir, it's getting better the more time passes. Almost a year now." He lapsed into silence.

I reached across the table and put my hand over his. The silence continued until the steward asked if we wanted anything else. The moment passed and Jennings rose and took his leave.

The steward approached, "Sorry, sir, I interrupted something, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did, but you had no way of knowing." I rose, "Thanks for lunch, pass my compliments to the galley staff." I left the room with a lowered mood. Jennings rarely spoke of the death of his wife so I wasn't sure what support I could offer him or when. At least, this was a start.

I returned to the bridge and immersed myself in duties for the afternoon.

After supper, at which Jennings did not appear, I commenced my third patrol of the day. The sun had set and it was cooler so there was less skin visible for those on deck. I meandered down to Engineering, heard some good news about the jerry-rigged part being almost ready, scoped out some nice bodies and proceeded up through the ship.

Weapons control was quiet with only a few crewmen under the direction of Lieutenant jg Mark Russell. They all snapped to attention as I entered, "As you were." Although an interior post, the men were dressed in their uniform shirts with shorts below, sort of a compromise arrangement. There wasn't much to ogle so my conversation with Russell was brief.

The communications room was different. Another interior post, this one had men in skivvies and little else. Except for the officer on duty, Ensign Hiram Black, like Russell, was in full dress but the sweat stains under his arms were evidence of the working conditions. Because the room was filled with computers the temperature was high. There were a number of fans in operation but these were focused on the computers and not the people and did little more than move hot air around. Black and I discussed the problems created by the heat. I stood over one seaman as he monitored radar. I leaned in to see the scope. The young man's arm contacted my cock. Unlike Rowlands, this was accidental and the seaman apologized despite my reassurance it was my fault.

Leaving that embarrassing situation seemed the best solution; embarrassing for him not for me, I rather enjoyed it. I moved on without further incident or excitement. I returned to the bridge for a while and then retired to my night cabin.

I striped down to my skivvies and booted up my laptop. In a repeat of the previous night, there was an explicit email from my wife which got my juices flowing. This time, however, I knew there were alternative ways of relieving my sexual tension.

A knock. I straightened myself up and said, "Enter."

In repeat of last night, there stood young Baskins with a container of ice. "Thought you could use some relief again, Captain,"

I beckoned him in.

He quickly dumped the ice in the bowl in front of the fan then immediately dropped to his knees between my legs, freed my cock and began sucking.

I placed my hands on the back of Andrew's head and pulled forward. All 7.5" slid down his throat. He did not miss a beat but continued to suck enthusiastically.

Andrew was rapidly bringing me to climax but I was not ready yet, so I pulled him up and yanked off his t-shirt. I then pulled off his shorts, he was wearing no underwear, and placed my mouth over his lovely 5" cock. Because of his size I was able to deep throat him easily and it felt so natural to have cock in my mouth. I pushed him backward onto the bunk keeping my mouth connected to his cock. Andrew sighed and moaned as I worked. One hand explored his lightly haired balls while the other rubbed his nipples.

"Captain," he gasped, "Bring your cock over here," indicating his head, "so I can suck you too." The kid has great ideas and I followed his suggestion.

The sensation of sucking while being sucked was great. Once again I was getting close to climax when...

A knock. I lifted my head. Baskins tried to get up. I positioned my knees on his shoulders and held him in place. "Who is it?"

"Withers, sir."

To Andrew's astonishment, I replied, "Enter." Withers entered and started in amazement at the sight. Naked me in a 69 position with naked Baskins. "Strip," I ordered, "and join us."

With alacrity the lieutenant's uniform dropped to the floor, his hard cock was already dripping pre-cum when it appeared. I raised myself off Baskins and motioned for Bowser to take my place. Both men inhaled the proffered cocks.

As they sucked, I positioned myself behind Withers. Without warning, using only Baskins' saliva as lube, I plunged into the lieutenant.

"AARRGGHH!" he bellowed, "Holy mother of god!"

Andrew reached over Withers' back and gave me double thumbs up in approval. I fucked Bowser with enthusiasm, pulling all the way out and ramming back in all the way to my balls. I alternated these long strokes with short jabs of my cock head just inside his puckered ass hole.

Bowser growled and groaned, moaned and muttered, "Fuck, yeah, fuck," and "Fuck me. Fuck me." Repeatedly. Each of my thrust drove his cock into Andrew's eager mouth but the youngster handled the 6.5" like a pro.

Suddenly I felt Andrew's hands on my balls, fondling and rolling them gently. This added to my excitement and brought me closer to orgasm. One hand moved onto my ass and started playing with my ass cheeks and crack. When one finger began circling my ass hole, I discovered a new truth about myself – I have one hell of a sensitive asshole.

Andrew pushed his finger in a tad. I pushed my ass back and sank back onto the digit. Andrew began finger fucking me energetically adding a second finger. It hurt a little but only for a moment. He pushed in and found my prostate. He expertly rubbed my prostate and I could not hold off any longer.

That digital massage continued as I drove into Bowser's ass as far as I could and stiffened all over. I experienced the greatest orgasm of my life. I shot at least ten strong blasts into the lieutenant's hot ass. I could feel Bowser's ass muscles tighten as he blew his load into the young seaman beneath him. Andrew actually audibly gulped down Bowser's load, struggling to keep up with the volume.

I pulled out and collapsed onto the crowded bunk. I could see some of Withers' load spilling from Andrew's mouth. I leaned in and licked up the excess. Withers' withdrew and collapsed on the other side of Baskins. My licking turned into kissing. Andrew shared some of Bowser's load with me via his tongue.

Withers leaned over Baskins and started sucking my cock clean. I looked down at Withers and saw Andrew's cock was still hard. I motioned for him to bring his cock up to my mouth. With him kneeling before me, I sucked him in. I also, brought one hand back to his cute, taut little ass. I dragged my finger along the crack until I found the treasure – his ass hole. I circled and teased the opening for a few moments before pushing in. Andrew pushed back impaling himself on my finger. I felt around until I found the prostate and, as he had done to me, began rubbing it.

Andrew's back arched and he thrust all 5" of his cock into me coating my tonsils with cum.

Baskins' load triggered a second load for me and I, in turn, painted Bowser's throat with cum.

I flopped back onto the bunk. Sweating profusely, gasping for breath. My young partners manoeuvred around to lie beside me. An sweaty eighteen year old on one side and a sweatier thirty-five year old one the other. I pulled them both close and took turns kissing each relishing the feeling of camaraderie and the taste of man sweat.

I did mock introductions, "Bowser meet Andrew; Andrew meet Bowser." They gravely acknowledged each other before all three of us started laughing. "Gentlemen," I misquoted, "this is the start of a beautiful friendship."

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gayswallowergayswalloweralmost 8 years ago

So gay, love it. I love hot men in uniform.

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