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The Sutton family find their true selves in the wild outback.
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The Sutton family find their true selves in the wild outback of Australia.

It was September, in the year of 1895, on the Sutton estate in Surrey, England.

John Sutton was the second son of Arthur Sutton senior. As such, when the time came for his father to pass, John's older brother, Arthur would inherit the family estate, in Surrey, England, along with the rest of their father's wealth.

While John contemplated this fact in the library of his home on the estate, there was a knock on the door. The butler entered the library, "Sir, there is a lawyer from the law firm of Hunter and Huxtable waiting for you in the front foyer."

"Very good Wilson, Please show him in."

"Good morning Sir, My name is Garth Hunter. I am the son of William Hunter, the senior partner of Hunter and Huxtable."

"Mr Hunter, How can I help you?" Sutton asked.

"Well, on the contrary, Mr Sutton, it is I who has come here to help you!" said the lawyer with some emphasis on the "You"." Then he continued, "You are the nephew of Walter Sutton, are you not?"

"Yes I am. Do you have news from my uncle? He is in Australia."

"Unfortunately I do have news of him. Your uncle passed away about six months ago. My condolences on your loss."

"Oh, Well, thank you."

"Hunter and Huxtable are the executors of your uncle's estate. As you may or may not know, your uncle produced no heir. In his will he has left all his lands and all he owns to you, his younger nephew, in the belief that you will have greater need of them than your older brother."

John Sutton was of course somewhat taken aback. He knew that his uncle had moved to Australia, and had gone 'Outback' somewhere in the state of New South Wales. There, he had built himself a large cattle farm out of the wilderness. It is believed to be over half a million acres in size.

"So, Mr Hunter, What would be required of me to claim my inheritance?" asked Sutton.

"Well in the first instance just a bit of paperwork. Then you can think about it and decide to either sell the property, or go there and take ownership of it." Hunter continued, "Please be aware Mr Sutton, to maintain ownership of an Australian grazing property of this type, you must actively work it. If, for a period of two full years the property is not worked, the government can reclaim the land."

Sutton pondered what the lawyer had told him. How would his wife and daughter react if he told them he was going to take them half way around the world to live in the wilds of Australia.

"I will think about this, Mr Hunter. How soon would you require an answer?"

"At this time there is no great urgency. As I stated earlier, the government can only reclaim the land if it is not actively worked for a period of two full years. To date it has been just over six months, and that, only if your uncle's hired help have not continued to work the property in the absence of it's owners" Hunter said, "Unfortunately I am unable to tell you if they have."

"Anyway, feel free to take your time and think it through thoroughly. I will leave now and wait to hear from you when you have decided. Here is my card. Good day Sir." With that, Hunter left.

That evening at the dinner table John Sutton spoke to his wife. "Dear, My Uncle Walter passed away about six months ago in Australia." He went on to explain the whole thing to his wife. Telling her that they would need to decide what to do in the near future.

"Would you want to take us to the wild Australian outback? I have heard that it is a dangerous place, with many deadly animals, and wild natives who would spear any white people they come across." said Anne Sutton.

"What would become of our daughter if we go there?" she continued

"We would be rich landowners over there. We would mix with other rich landowners, and Elizabeth would meet their sons, and one day she would have the opportunity to marry well." John said to his wife.

Typical of England in the eighteen hundreds John Sutton had wed Anne before she had even reached her eighteenth birthday. Anne had given birth to their daughter, Elizabeth when she was almost nineteen years old. Now Anne was almost thirty seven and Elizabeth would soon be eighteen

Anne was a buxom, attractive woman. Auburn hair and hazel eyes. Full luscious lips, and a cute little nose. As well as being noticeably buxom, Anne was also very slim in the waist, but then spread out to full, wide hips, and well rounded thighs. Out of earshot of Anne, or her husband some uncouth men around town would often remark to each other, over a pint of ale, that Anne Sutton was built to give a man pleasure, a great deal of pleasure.

The Sutton's discussed their options over the next several weeks. With some extra input from both, Arthur senior, and junior. They eventually came to the conclusion that their prospects in England would be limited. Even with the money they would get if they sold the inheritance, they would still not be even close to being considered rich. They made the decision to move to Australia and take up the property left by John's Uncle, Walter Sutton.

Over the next few months they put affairs in order in England and booked passage on a ship to Sydney, in Australia. The trip was very enjoyable for both John and Anne, and for Elizabeth as well.

They enjoyed stops in beautiful tropical locations, and exotic seaports along the way. Most of the trip was delightfully relaxing, apart from a short spell of sailing through some huge tropical storms.

The pitching and tossing of the ship, day and night, left all three of them very seasick, with a constant need to vomit over the side of the ship, or into the chamber pot in their cabin.

After the storms had passed, it was smooth sailing all the way to Sydney.


On their arrival in Sydney in April of the year 1896 they took a carriage to a hotel, then organised transport, first by train, and then by stagecoach to an outback town nearest to their new home. From there, they traveled by horse and cart to the property which they had inherited, which was still another twenty miles away, on a dirt track through the bush.

On arrival at the property in May of the year 1896 they were stunned. They expected a cattle farm with acres and acres of lush green grass. What they found was miles and miles of scrub, and trees, and dry, brown, range grass. Though the country looked inhospitable, John did have to admit that the cattle looked fat and healthy.

Once settled into the main homestead John went out to meet the people that worked the property.

Going across to the cook house John approached the cook, a man named Cookie. Before he became the cook here, Cookie had been a shearers cook down south. He had been forced to move north after a drunken fight with a shearer, in which Cookie had hit the shearer so hard on the jaw he had fractured the mans neck, putting him in a wheelchair for life.

"What time do you serve dinner Cookie?" asked John

"Six thirty, Boss"

"Fine, I will come and speak to everybody after they have eaten." John said, before leaving to return to the house.

That night, at about seven thirty, John approached the cookhouse. The men had finished eating and were sitting back and enjoying a cigarette and a mug of tea.

"Good evening gentlemen. My name is John Sutton. I am the nephew of your late boss, Walter Sutton. I will get to know who you all are over the next day or two." John said,

"where are the rest of the men?"

Cookie spoke up, "This is all of them Boss."

"What? A cook and three men work the entire half a million acres?"

Cookie responded again, "for most of the year Boss, but come mustering time there will be two dozen or more men working here, and for several weeks it will be hard yakka from sunup to sundown, until all the work is done."

John looked at the men in his employ. They all looked hard, and capable, even the young lad looked to be hard and fit. "What's your name lad?" John asked, nodding to the boy.

"Toby, Boss. I help around the homestead an' the yards, an' I help Cookie when he needs it. Otherwise I just help where ever I'm needed."

Each of the men introduced themselves and told John what they did around the property.

After meeting everybody John returned to the house. He returned a short time later with a bottle of rum. "Now, I understand that on this property men are only allowed to drink on Saturday night. Today is only Thursday, but I will make an exception to the rule on this one occasion as a way of saying hello, and to thank you for your help with keeping this place running. Cheers Gentlemen."

Cookie stood up, and went around pouring shots into mugs, which were all quickly emptied of any tea that still remained in them. He grabbed an extra mug and poured a shot for John as well.

"Right Fellas, three cheers for the new Boss, hip hip."

They all chorus "Hurray" three times.


Elizabeth was so damned hot. This country was so damned hot. The sun blazed down relentlessly. It was June. From what Elizabeth knew of Australia it was now supposed to be winter, it shouldn't be this hot.

Like her mother, Elizabeth was very attractive. She had just recently turned eighteen years old.

She had her mothers long auburn hair, and hazel eyes. She also shared her mothers buxomness and wide hips. Her figure very much resembled an hourglass. Her thighs were well rounded, but they were also firm, because she liked to go horse riding a lot. She had been a keen horse rider since she was a child.

She had ridden from the homestead a couple of hours ago, aiming for a line of trees she could see way off in the distance. As she came closer to the treeline she realized that it was a watercourse that the trees grew along. The watercourse was not large, but at least it contained water, and it was cool.

Elizabeth looked around. She was alone, and could not see any of the hands who worked for her father. She rode down to one of the deeper pools. Feeling the water with her hands she enjoyed how cool it felt. Feeling somewhat guilty for what she was about to do, she started to undress. She knew if she were to swim in her linen undergarments they would be soiled and stained by the reddish, earthy stain in the water. With her clothes neatly folded on the bank Elizabeth stepped into the cool water. Wading in until she was waist deep she slipped below the surface and came up streaming water from her hair down her body. She felt it running in rivulets down between her large breasts, and felt it dripping from the ends of her large plump nipples. Elizabeth marveled at how delicious it felt.

Elizabeth had spent some considerable time in the water. She had actually lost track of time.

She had not heard another horse approach, but as she made her way from the waterhole she was startled to find a man on a horse, at the top of the embankment. She covered her breasts with one arm, and used her other hand to cover her auburn triangle of pubic hair.

"Well, lookie, lookie, a treat for Cookie." said the man on the horse.

She recognized him now. Cookie was the cook, and part time gardener at the property.

He was an older man. Elizabeth would have guessed him to be in his mid forties, but although older, he was still a very fit and healthy man.

"Cookie, leave this instant. I have no clothes on. Where is your decency."

"Sorry Miss, but I left my decency at home with my mother. I have no use for it out here."

Cookie had made his way down the embankment and was now positioned between Elizabeth and her clothes. "So Miss would you like to show me what you are hiding behind your hands?"

"You uncouth beast!" cried Elizabeth, "I will have my father flog you and send you packing if you do not leave me alone this instant."

"No need for you to be so hostile to old Cookie, Miss. I mean you no harm, just want to enjoy your charms while I can."

By now Elizabeth had moved to within arms reach of Cookie. She moved to the left to move around him and reach her clothes. Cookie moved right, and blocked her path. Realizing that he was going to do his best to prevent her covering herself she devised a strategy to sidestep him.

She stepped lightly left, then lunged hard to the right. Cookie was much faster than she believed possible. She threw herself straight into his arms, which he immediately wrapped around her.

"There Miss, that feels better don't it?" Cookie said, "You like being wrapped in the arms of a strong man don't you?"

"My God No, Let me go this instant." Elizabeth cried.

When she had made the lunge to the right Elizabeth had removed her arms from where they covered her. She now came to the realization that her bare breasts were pressed hard against Cookie's rough work shirt. The course material was rubbing her nipples and they were now standing big and hard, and pressed against him. She and Cookie both looked down at the same time, as the realization had come to them simultaneously. Cookie looked up from Elizabeth's breasts to her face, she looked up at his. "Are you offering those to Cookie for his pleasure Miss. Or is it for your own pleasure that you offer them to me." he asked with a grin.

"Let me go you beast!" cried Elizabeth.

Cookie slowly unwrapped his arms from around her body. She did not even notice him doing it, and continued to stand there with her breasts pressed firmly to his chest. It was not till Cookie put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him that she realized she was free.

"Have you ever lain in the arms of a man Miss."

"My God No. I'm a virgin. It is not right for an unwed woman to lay with a man." Elizabeth said.

"This is Australia Miss, You need not adhere to old English proprieties here." Cookie said, "How about you let old Cookie show you how much pleasure your body is capable of giving you."

Cookie had wrapped his arms back around Elizabeth, and now bent and kissed her mouth hungrily.

For a moment she responded, then realizing what she was doing pulled back. "You cannot do this to me, it isn't right, it isn't proper."

"Did you not enjoy my kiss, Miss"

"Y, Y, Yes, but no, it isn't right."

"Miss, right is what feels right, and what does nobody any harm." Cookie said, "and I will offer you no harm, just pleasure."

Cookie grasped Elizabeth's right breast in his hand, and stooped to take her breast in his mouth. He sucked hard on her nipple and areola and took as much of her breast into his mouth as he could fit.

Elizabeth knew this was wrong. She was pushing at his shoulder with her hand to get his mouth off her, but she could not stop herself from moaning with pleasure.

Suddenly she noticed that Cookie was touching her hair, down there, in her private place. He was gently stroking her hair. She put both hands against his shoulders and pushed him away. "Cookie, you mustn't touch me there." she said, "it is not proper."

"Miss, what is not proper is to deny your own body's desire. Will you tell me honestly that you have not enjoyed everything I have done to you so far."

"I cannot do that, but you mustn't."

Cookie took Elizabeth in his arms, and gently forced her down. Before she realized what he was doing she found herself lying on her back on her pile of clothes, with Cookie lying on top of her.

He again latched onto her breast. Suckling hard and deep. Forcing as much of her breast into his mouth as he could get. Elizabeth moaned with pleasure at the warmth of his mouth on her body.

Again she felt his fingers caressing her pubic hair, but this time he had her pinned down on the ground, and she could do nothing to stop him. His finger gently slid back and forth along the valley between her outer lips. "You mustn't do this!" she breathed.

"I must do this!" he whispered into her ear. "You want me to do this. Even though your mouth says otherwise, your body begs me to do this."

Cookie reached down and undid his trousers with one hand, and worked them down over his hips.

He was again suckling on Elizabeth's breasts, alternating from one to the other.

With his trousers now down at his thighs he once again began to tease her vagina lips. Running his fingers up and down the crease, gently rubbing the little nub that was nestled into the folds at the top of her moist valley. Elizabeth moaned her pleasure. She could not deny what her body craved.

Cookie reached for her hand and guided it to his growing erection. He placed her hand on himself, and she gasped, and tried to pull away. "Hold it for me Miss. Stroke it, and feel how hard it is for you."

Elizabeth did as he asked. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, and noticed that it was soft to the touch, but underneath it was hard, with prominent veins easily discernible under the skin.

The other thing she noticed was it's size. It was thick, much too thick for her fingers to go all the way around. It was also very long. She could not have covered all it's length even if she used both hands.

Cookie was using his fingers to stroke Elizabeth's vagina. Slowly he teased her vagina until she began to moan with pleasure, her breathing slowly increasing in tempo, and becoming more shallow. Her vagina was wet, and leaking nectar down over his fingers and down into the crease between her buttocks. Cookie gathered her nectar and used it to lubricate his cock. Allowing her to spread it along his length with her fingers. Once he was well coated with her nectar, and her vagina was wet and slick Cookie eased himself over her body. Gently prying her legs further apart with his knees.

Cookie removed Elizabeth's hand from his cock, and grasped the length of it in his own hand. Slowly he slid himself up and down the crease between her lips, until he found the center of her body. Slowly he started to ease himself into her body. First he would enter a little, then withdraw a little, then enter a little more. "Cookie, You mustn't do this, you mustn't, you MMMM, GOD, FORGIVE ME.... OOOWWW!!" Elizabeth cried out, as Cookie broke through the last barrier to her womanhood.

Once fully sheathed inside her Cookie stopped and gave her time to rest. "Are you alright Miss."

"NO! My God Cookie, you have violated me. Taken my honor, and my virtue. You are an uncouth beast." Elizabeth cried.

"Would you like me to withdraw? Would you like me to leave you alone?"

"NO!, I feel all warm and tingly inside. It feels good."

Cookie started to slide himself in and out of Elizabeth's warm, wet, vagina.

He relished her warmth, and her exquisite tightness clasped around his length.

Elizabeth moaned with pleasure as she felt him again and again fill her to capacity. She had never known how good her body could make her feel. She started to buck upward to meet each thrust of Cookie's hips as he drove himself deep into her body. She wrapped her legs around his waist, opening herself further to take more of him. Her body was slowly winding up to some sort of peak. She had no idea what that peak was, but she could feel it coming. It continued to build up and up until, suddenly she cried out. Her entire body quivered and spasmed. An incredible feeling rushing through her. She bit into Cookie's shoulder, and her fingernails clawed at his back. Cookie could not hold out any longer. With a series of load animal grunts he emptied himself deep within Elizabeth's young body. Flooding all of her insides with his seed. Once he was completely drained, he allowed himself to collapse onto her body. They both lay like that for several minutes. "Are you alright Miss?" asked Cookie, concerned that he may have hurt her.

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