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A futa was born with dicks instead of nipples and cums a lot.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/28/2018
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Author's Note: Story requested by KC55.


"Sera, wake your freak ass up! It's time for milking!" The obnoxious voice of her second cousin bled through Sera's door, biting into her ears like a venomous snake. She sat up and looked around groggily, ignoring the incredible weight of her chest until her 'nipples' brushed against her legs. A sigh of dismay brushed along her abundant cleavage.

Every morning she woke up to the same thing. And every morning she hoped that the other days were just a nightmare. Sera glanced out from her window, seeing her large family make their way to the barn, their hereditarily massive tits and asses bouncing with every step. Her youngest relative of fourteen hopped after them, visibly excited. None of them waited for Sera, no doubt hoping to be done before she made it there.

The hugely endowed girl stood up and stretched. Just like her family, she was endowed with breasts that'd draw any number of eyes. Unlike her close-knit family, however, Sera sported two very distinct additions to her titanic bust. She strode over to her tv, curves wobbling with every step, and turned the news on as she stripped down and got dressed into her work clothes. Or lack thereof.

"Apparently, reports of 'futanari' are becoming more and more frequent here in the US. Just days ago, one of these 'futanari' was found responsible for severe property damage after her... um, prolific orgasm. Do we have the images?"

Sera gawked at the screen. Oceans of thick, white tar flowed into a neighbour street from a house. The first floor had a massive hole in it, from which the jellylike cum sprayed. The footage cut to a single girl sat in what looked the ruins of a bedroom, a massive penis protruding from her crotch with an endless fountain spewing from it.

"According to the futanari, she had been feeling incredibly pent up leading to the incident, despite, in her words, 'already cumming like a herd of elephants on Viagra'."

"Fascinating, Veronica, and what of that other girl, Piper I believe, from a few years ago? Have we heard anything about her yet?"

"Nothing, exciting, Ron. We do have word, however, that a government facility is being set up for girls like these. It will only be for 'special futanari', such as the Piper and Ashley, the girl we're seeing now."

"Sounds like segregation, Veronica. I have my doubts that the public will be kind to this idea."

"As do I. However, the heads of this project have stated that the girls will be afforded the same freedoms as any other. And I believe they intend to let the girls invite some friends to come along, if all parties are willing of course."

"Good to hear it. Anything else to note?

"Nothing except a message from our sponsor 'Big Milky Farms'. The best place to buy your vegan friendly dairy products. Call this number and get..."

Sera shut off the screen, glaring at it. The last thing she needed was to be reminded of the burden she was on her family. All she did was menial chores, which any of the farmhands could do, and take up space. They even had to customise a set of pumps just for her. Her family was proud of its history, the generations spent living as glorified human cows. And she couldn't blame them.

It was every person's dream. Making a fantastic living for something they'd do of their own accord. For some, that was writing or baking. For Sera's plentiful family, it was milking their big, luscious tits and watching others enjoy the deliciously sweet, creamy flavour. She didn't have that pleasure. Sera, instead, had to watch as her produce was emptied into a landfill after it built up. Though the milking was vastly more pleasurable than her family could comprehend.

Sera cupped her volleyball sized breasts, noting how incredibly firm they were with her fluids, and moved to the massive dick-nipples hanging from her peaks. They were easily above a man's average size, and even thicker too, covered in unfeminine veins and capped in a bulbous, purple tinted head. Her urethras, or milk ducts for where they were located, were larger than most and leaked a thin, milky substance from the moment she grew erect. She felt it run over her fingers and stick to her skin.

"Better hurry up," Sera muttered, already dreading the snide remarks and unwelcome looks she'd receive. However, there was nowhere for her to go. The barn was the only place equipped to handle her, especially after another oddity was found in her biology. She glanced out her window just in time to see the farmhands assisting three of her relatives, all with breasts that far outweighed their torsos in size.

They were the 'hyper-producers'. A rare genetic trait within Sera's bloodline, one that caused any woman of age to lactate so much that they couldn't expel it all. More and more would pour forth, even after several gallons were released, yet their breasts wouldn't shrink in the slightest. It was visible from the first drop of milk they made, and only progressed with their puberty.

The three were all in their late-thirties. In that time, their breasts were made to expand to accommodate their endless supply of milk, which couldn't leak without suction. It would only be a matter of another few years and they'd likely be confined to the barn. Sera turned away from the sight, and her thoughts, to make her way down as well. She was only eighteen, there was still several years before she grew too big to move freely.

But then what?

Sera trudged along the well-worn path to the barn, trailing behind the egregiously endowed women. Their breasts were tight, covered in blue veins that led to their soda bottle sized nipples. She could barely take her eyes off them, no matter how she tried. The sway of their suitably over encumbered buttocks was hypnotic, particularly as her freakish cocks throbbed in desire. At least being hyper-prolific didn't mean a completely top-heavy figure.

Though, she wasn't sure if the far-reaching hips were a product of their unique bodies or how many children they'd birthed. Just like livestock, Sera's family only bred the best of the herd. Very few of her siblings or cousins were born from anyone but the trio of impossibly endowed women. Sera eyes lingered on the far right hyper, locking onto her head, wishing that she'd turn around. If only for a minute.

That never happened, though. Sera hadn't spoken to her mother in years, not since puberty struck and her place in the family was ruined. A sad smile graced her lips as she reminisced her childhood, recalling how normal everything was back then. She had a good relationship with her relatives, and everyone was excited after her milk came in, finding that she was hyper-productive like her mother. Then the day came for her first milking.

Sera stepped into the barn and lumbered toward the back. She saw her family in her periphery, the girls at her age groping their shapely breasts, while the older women masturbated one another as their far larger tits expressed their wizened milk. Her family's breast sizes were a direct representation of their production, steadily growing until they were the size of Sera's own pair. At that point, a gallon per breast wasn't rare.

She took her place in a corner. A series of rusted pipes led outside and into a massive tank, one that was kept just for her. The others were all hooked up to other, smaller containers. One for each group. The teens were marketed as sweet, thinner milk, while the early-to-mid twenties were sold as the normal brand, and the older women were the thick, creamy dairy makers. Their produce was usually used for cooking.

Then there was the hyper level, the best sellers. The milk was thick and rich, yet smooth and easily swallowed, and full of nutrients that made it almost possible to survive solely on the fluid. At the same time, it also acted as a powerful aphrodisiac, fertility treatment and even a breast enhancer. For reasons that escaped even the most experienced analyst.

Sera didn't know what hers was capable of. No one even had a chance to try it, since more than 90% of her 'lactate' was comprised of semen and sperm. Her family couldn't very well market something like that; it could ruin their reputation, as some women enjoyed using their milk for lubricant. If one fell pregnant, then there'd be a scandal. As such, the public knew nothing of Sera's secret.

"You brought it?" Sera turned her attention to the other hyper women nearby, their attention firmly away from her, as their unreachable nipples were hooked up to their pumps. Sera did the same for her own, biting back a loud moan as her dick-nipples were sucked by the machinery. One of the women revealed a large dildo, slipping it out from their naked pussy.

"I never disappoint," the magician stated.

Sera wasn't surprised as the trio began to shamelessly share the toy between them. Pleasure only made them produce more milk, with an even stronger aphrodisiac quality. The young woman's breathing quickened as she fitted her other prick, both spewing thick streams of her pre-milk, as she called it. She watched as the clear tubes were quickly covered in her viscous produce.

All her family began to moan around her. Most were approaching the end of their sessions, working to reach climax at the same time. Sera hated to acknowledge it, but she loved the sounds. Her hands slipped between her thighs, tracing along her virgin pussy. The lips were swollen, and her clit peeked lustfully out from its hood, eager to be touched. She rubbed it eagerly as she pushed two fingers inside herself.

Sera moaned lowly as her snatch clenched around her. After a night without release, she was naturally on the verge within moments. The tightness in her breasts increased, her pleasure ramping up her production. Her warm cream surrounded her twin cocks, bathing them and urging still more pre-milk to join.

Sensations joined the heavy pounding of her heart as her members throbbed powerfully against their confines. Her breasts audibly sloshed, and her production churned within, thickening as her milk and seed were mixed together. Sera gasped, working her fingers faster now as she arched her chest into the suckers. The sounds of her family's pleasure reached a peak, shrill cries echoing from one to another. It spread like a volatile virus until she joined the chorus.

Cum spewed from between her thighs. It puddled on the floor, spreading past her knees as she squirted ecstatically, ounces of juices pouring forth. Her feminine explosion was thoroughly overwhelmed as her hyper-productive breasts reacted to her climax. The tubes became snug around her shafts, squeezing around her veins as semen was spirited away through the pipes.

Sera heard her produce splatter heavily against the abused metal. The pressure rose as her dick-nipples came, swelling with each load and forcing her semen-laden milk to rise through the piping and into her tank. She continued to fiddle with her clit, rubbing and flicking it to prolong her extravagant pleasure. The extraordinary futa's freakish nipples swelled greater as her next release gushed through them.

She brought a hand to her tits. Sera squeezed her taut flesh as if she were milking one of her family, urging even thicker loads from her strained ducts. A sudden streak of warmth across her face broke Sera from her blissful reverie. She wiped a hand across her cheek and found a line of white on her fingers. Before the futa could comprehend what that meant, several more lines splattered onto her face.

Then the sound of glass shattering made it perfectly clear; she had broken her pumps. Fountains of cum bellowed from her tits, slamming against the barn wall, before she turned away from it to look around. Several members of her family were gathered around her, faces flushed and breasts dripping with the dregs of their session. Her hyper relatives were staring at her too.

"Um..." Sera moaned, unable to quell her pleasure or the endless tide of her monumental jizz storm.

"Freak," her second cousin, Penny, said, stepping to the front of the onlookers. She and Sera had played the most as children, until Sera's dicks grew in, then Penny had, like everyone else, ostracised the dormant futa for being incapable of upholding generations of female family work. Now she stood with the rest once again, leering down at Sera, naked with a clear splash of her juices down her thighs.

"I'm n-not," Sera stammered, moaning her denial as her cum jetted forth ceaselessly.

"You're a freak!" One of the younger members cried, "Freak! Freak! Freak!" Everyone else took up the chant, the most exuberant of them being Penny, whose eyes never left Sera's. Her gaze spoke more than the shouts of their family, making it apparent that Sera's poor hand in life meant there'd be no saving their relationship. Penny was a normal member of the Nimium family, fair skinned, blonde or brunette hair, and well-endowed by normal standards.

"I'm not a fucking freak!" Sera screamed and tackled Penny to the ground. Her golden skin contrasted Penny's complexion, black hair falling across the faintly sweaty cheek of her cousin, as their breasts pushed against each other. Sera's cum splashed against Penny's tits, dousing them in the viscous fluid.

"Freak!" Penny shouted and tried to shove the futa off. Sera squirmed against the shove, inadvertently pulling her dicks into a perfect position. A burst of semen splattered against Penny's face, causing her mouth to fall open and her arms to relax in shock. The sudden give forced one of Sera's rigid shafts to fall into Penny's gaping maw.

It was wet. Warm. Tight... wonderful. Sera's head flew back in a sharp cry, announcing her renewed ecstasy to the barn as a torrential wave of cum flooded Penny's mouth, the flow increasing excessively. The futa arched her back to sink more inside.

"Hmm," a muffled moan vibrated around her cock, catching Sera's attention. She turned her stare down to her cousin, whose face was streaked in jizz and her eyes were half-glazed. Sera panted hotly, chest rising and falling sharply, almost as if she were thrusting her perpetually cumming prick. Her lips parted in a gasp, then closed as she moaned. Penny was sucking on her.

"What're..." one of her cousins whispered, stunned by the display. She went ignored by everyone, who stared in a mixture of disgust and lust. Their expressions were lost to Sera, her gaze fixated upon Penny.

"Suck it," Sera moaned, hands moving to grope her tits and squeeze still more of her creamy semen out. Her wish was heard and fulfilled, despite her expectations. The tide of cum from Penny's mouth lessened as her throat worked, swallowing potent loads with a hunger mostly reserved for a hyper's milk, "I... Can I do more?"

A lewd pop preceded Sera's cock being released. Penny's eyes zeroed in on hers, holding them steadfast in an enigmatic grip. Semen continued to spurt across the girl's face, adding layers to the viscous mask. The twin cocks hung on either side of her face, each throb of Sera's heart causing the shafts to twitch and sent their release careening across the floor.

"Y... yes..."

"You mean, I... I can go all the way?" Sera gasped, pulse racing with her desire. Her mind raced, leaping from one possibility to another, yet they were alike. This day had only been a fantasy, and never with Penny, however it was staring her in the face. No, in the eyes. Or deeper.

"I'm sorry," Penny whispered and leaned up, mashing her lips against Sera's, kissing her fiercely.

"Ew!" One of the younger women squealed, a murmur of agreement sounded through the crowd.

"Penny, stop it!" Penny's mother snapped, but she went ignored. Her daughter's lips massaged Sera's, smearing cum across her face as they moaned into each other's mouths.

What's happening? Sera wondered, even as she deepened the kiss. Everything around her was insane. Her family was staring at her, watching as two of their own made out like the teenagers they were. Saliva and cum mixed together as it was swapped between them, tongues swishing around. Her cocks felt uncontrollable, still cumming as her breasts continued to fill with more.

She mashed her lips against Penny's plush pair. Their hands entwined together, bodies sensually grinding against one another. Sera pulled back with a breathless gasp, staring down at her cousin. A crowd was around them, watching their every move, yet they did nothing to stop it. The oddly endowed futa slid lower, sending her cum spurting across Penny's large tits and over her trim middle. Sera came to a stop when one of her endless tides splashed against her relative's pussy.

"That's enough!" Sera's mother snapped, breaking the bubble of depravity.

"We can't let her genes spread," Penny's mother continued. The farmhands remained out of the way, afraid to incur the wrath of their employers. A murmur of agreement went up between the women. Sera lowered her head and leaned away from Penny, watching as her cum fountains still worked.

"But her cum will just go everywhere," Penny pointed out, sitting up and crawling to Sera with a playful smirk on her jizz-stained face, "We don't want it to accidentally get in someone's milk or pussy, do we?"

"No," the 'normal' girl's mother agreed.

"Then, if you'll pardon me," Penny didn't wait for any consent and took one of Sera's overly prolific nipples past her lips, sliding it down her throat as she swallowed ounce after ounce.

"I knew there was something wrong with her... Alright, who else will volunteer?" Penny's mother turned to look at the rest, ignoring Sera's depraved moans. The futa glanced around, scarcely able to believe what was happened, even as she stroked Penny's hair. She urged the girl deeper, pushing all seven inches down her gullet.

"M-Me?" A meek voice said, a mousy girl stepping forward from the throngs. She was about the same age as Sera, though her breasts were only half the size. Her nipples were huge, though, as wide and long as bottle caps. Beads of white decorated her pink tips, faint protrusions running along the surface. She was a great producer, only just under hyper levels.

Penny's mother sighed and waved her off. She gestured for everyone else to leave, visibly disgusted. Only the three hyper women, Sera, Penny and the skinny girl remained.

"W... what's your name?" Sera panted as the girl wrapped her small hands around a dick-nipple.

"Elena... I only just moved onto the farm. My, uh, milk came in late," Elena explained, blushing softly as Sera's eyes ran over her thin figure. Her weight did nothing to dissuade her curves, of course, just like everyone in the family.

"Thank you for this," Sera whispered hotly, watching Elena lean in close.

"No worries," Elena breathing, taking a long breath of the futa's heady musk, "I've always had a thing for weird futanari... uh, not that you're weird!" She hastily amended.

"It's fine," Sera lowered her head, staring at her potent cum-faucet, "I'm a freak. No need to be coy about it." She moaned at the touch of Elena's soft lips on her sensitive head, splattering semen across the vicinity.

"I like freaks," Elena murmured and opened wide, filling her maw with cum, before diving down. Her eyes thinned teasingly, brow furrowing in discomfort even as her throat opened expertly. Sera leaned back on her hands, jutting her chest out for the girls to better suckle and milk her, their throats undulating around her rigid peaks. The sounds of their gulps all but echoed in her ears.

The tide of cum increased with every suck. Sera felt it leave her breasts vividly. Thick jizz, easily a match for gelatine, mixed with her creamy milk as they made their way through her tits. Heat flourished wherever their path led them, bringing with it a sense of tightness. The veins along her breasts stood out visibly, as if they were responsible for delivering her extravagant loads. It could've been a trick of the light, yet Sera swore she swore multiple ball shapes swell within her tits, before being subsumed in her expanding size.


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