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Over the Sink Ch. 03


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While Matt was simply pleased with everything, Julie was ecstatic with excitement. She had received the fucking of her life over the past couple of days, and she was glowing with the fires of passion burning deep inside her. First she got that teasing fuck from Matt, and then her husband gave her the royal treatment two nights and mornings in a row, and then the marathon fucking she got from her son again this morning. She was as happy as she could be, and as well fucked as anyone had ever been. She felt a little guilt from cheating on her husband with her son, but it wasn't anything she was going to let get in the way of her enjoyment. After finishing her lunch, she cleaned the house with a smile on her face the entire time.

That evening Steve came home to his three children and his wife sitting in the living room and chatting with each other around the TV. Yes, it sure seemed like him to be the perfect suburban household. Of course, he was unaware of his oldest daughter having sex in the kitchen just outside his door the night before, or that his other daughter was fucking his son two days ago, or worst of all, that his wife was fucking their son just this morning after he left for work. Steve didn't know about any of this, but was acutely aware that the three women of the house were dressed to kill. His wife Julie was wearing a tight light cream-colored button up blouse with a loose fit skirt that came to mid thigh. Sally was just sitting around in her same pajamas as always, the short shorts and short sleeve button up top that was a little too tight for her massive chest. Jennifer was in the tight black miniskirt and loose fit tank top that she put on after being untied, and looked like a knockout.

Steve was getting hard looking at all of the female flesh on display around the room. He barely noticed the presence of his son as he walked in and sat between his wife and their younger daughter. He put each of his hands a thigh of each girl just outside the hem of their skirts and asked how everyone's day was. Everyone lied and said that not much had happened, not wanting their clueless patriarch to find out about their secret perverted love triangles. He was sure that each and every one of them was lying to him, holding something back, but there was no way he was going to get the details out of this group all at once. He would have to segregate them and interrogate them one at a time, and he just didn't have the time, energy, or want to do that tonight. It had been a long day at work, and all that Steve wanted was to have some dinner and fuck his wife into a coma.

Julie reluctantly got up off the couch to prepare her husband's dinner. She was enjoying the way he was rubbing her thigh, but the sooner she made him dinner the sooner they could get away from the children for another night of fun. If tonight was anything like the last two nights, she would be in for a real treat when the lights are out later. As she left the room Steve continued subconsciously rubbing the other thigh he had placed a hand on, not even thinking that it was his daughter's and not his wife's leg.

Jennifer wasn't sure what had brought on her father's attentions like this, but she decided to just sit back and enjoy it, hoping that her siblings didn't take notice of his hand on her leg. She was a daddy's girl, and like her sister had her fair share of crushes on the man. Her affair with her brother also had a hand in making her more receptive to living out her fantasies with her father as well. If she could sleep with one, why not the other? Every once in a while his rubbing would go a little higher than normal, and his pinky would slip under the hem of her skirt just a little. It was turning her on, and she found herself wishing that he would just push his hand up and touch her through her panties. Then she remembered that she had neglected to put on any panties after her shower this afternoon, and couldn't wait for her father to find that out.

Julie called for dinner in the other room, and everyone stood to go eat as they had been waiting for Steve to get home for their meal. Steve's hand never reached his daughter's sex, but it did pull her skirt up quite a bit as they stood. Lucky for her they were behind her siblings in the line for the dining room, and she gave her father a smile as she pulled her skirt back down.

"Better be careful Daddy, I'm not in the mood for flashing my nakedness to everyone else right now," she said over her shoulder as she smoothed her skirt down her thighs and went to the dining room.

"Did she just say everyone ELSE?" Steve asked himself as he adjusted his dick in his pants. "Does that mean that she wanted to flash me? She's naked under that?"

His thoughts were all jumbled as he sat down at the table and began eating. Julie was a good cook, and tonight's meal was no exception. The food tasted wonderful, but his mind was elsewhere. His attention kept flitting back and forth from Julie to Jennifer. He focused on their cleavage, he focused on their faces, and he noticed how both of them were watching him half of the time, with naughty looking smirks on their faces. A couple of times he saw a look or two from Sally, his preferred daughter, but he wasn't getting any firm signals from her tonight, so he spent most of his time concentrating on the other two.

Dinner was pretty much uncomfortable for everyone in the household. Julie and Steve wanted to go to their room for some good fucking, Matt wanted to corner Jennifer about the closed door, and Sally just wanted to escape to her bed to masturbate and sleep away the memories she had pieced together in the last few hours. After they were all finished eating they separated off to their own rooms, except Matt who waited behind and followed Jennifer to her room.

"What do you want Matt?" She asked as she opened her door and let him in. "Are you going to tie me up and spank me, and punish me some more for the way I teased you the other morning?"

"You would like that wouldn't you?" he said before pulling her in for a kiss. "No, I was just curious how the door closed itself this morning? I'm pretty sure I left it open when I left you here tied up to your bed, and yet when I returned to untie you, I found it closed shut. But you were still tied down. How did the door get shut?" he asked as he teased his right index finger over her chest and stomach.

Jennifer was breathless, but she managed to answer. "It must have been the wind. You know how it is when someone opens the front door, all of the other doors swing closed sometimes. It must have been from Mom coming back from jogging..." she was really excited, and rushed the words out so that she could concentrate on the way his finger was making her feel.

Matt was in turmoil over that answer though. He knew damn well his mother wasn't out jogging, so that couldn't be the way her door got closed, but he couldn't tell her that he was fucking their mother all morning while she was all tied up in her room. He decided not to press the issue with her, and to take a shot with getting it out of Sally later instead as he sat them on her bed. In the meantime, he continued running his finger all over Jennifer's body as his other hand reached around and groped her left tit from behind her. He didn't bring her off though. He was still punishing her, and he told her so. He got her to the brink of excitement and then left her high and dry.

He went over to Sally's door, and knocked quietly before letting himself in. She was glad that he had knocked first, because it gave her a chance to pull her hands out of her cunt and pull her shorts back up before he walked into the room. He sat down on the bed to her left and asked her how she was doing after a long day with a hangover. She informed him that she wasn't hung over at all today, despite how drunk she got the night before.

"In fact, I might have still been drunk when I woke up this morning. That could be why I couldn't remember anything," she said as she sat there, wishing she had the courage to make a move on her youngest sibling.

"Could be, could be..." he replied. "So what did you think when you walked in on Jennifer tied naked to her bed this morning?" He dropped a bombshell on her, and she let the fact that it was her show.

"She told you? That bitch..." she said as she slumped back onto her bed and covered her sobbing face with her pillow.

"No, Sally, Jenny didn't tell me anything." He said as he rubbed her bare left knee with his right hand, half trying to comfort her and half getting turned on by touching her. "That's actually why I had to come in here. I had left the door open when I left her there, and you had closed it. I knew Mom hadn't been upstairs, and that Jenny hadn't gotten out of her restraints, so it had to have been you."

"You mean that instead of her breaking my trust, and telling you about me, I broke her trust by telling you about me?" she asked with a confused look on her face, pulling the pillow off to the side as her brother continued rubbing her thigh now.

"Pretty much, yeah. Though I didn't give you much of a chance to get away with it." He rubbed higher and higher up her leg, now pushing his fingers into the underside of her shorts with each stroke. "Were you surprised to find her naked?"

"A little bit, yeah." She said as she wiped the tears away from her face. "But I was more surprised to see her tied up."

"So what did the two of you talk about?"

"Nothing really... It all happened so fast. At first I asked her why you tied her up, and she didn't say. She just begged me not to tell anyone that I saw her like that." Sally was fully collected now.

"How did you know that I had been the one to tie her up?" he asked, truly puzzled. He thought he had given that bit of info away just now as he confronted her about it all.

"Well... Uh... I guess..." she sputtered, trying to not answer his last question, and then the answer came to her. It was mostly honest, but most of all it was true. "I heard the two of you talking from my room, but you said she wasn't here, so when I went to check it out, and saw her like that, I just assumed it was you."

Her answer was good enough for Matt, but he wasn't finished with her yet. "So what did you think when you found her like that? Tied up, naked, and helpless?"

Sally knew now that he was trapping her. That question was asked to see her reaction, and her next answer was very important. It would define their relationship for the rest of their lives. She could lie and say that she was disgusted with them for it, or she could walk right into the trap and admit to him that she was turned on, and wanted to have a turn with her stud brother. She was so confused she didn't even notice that his hand had moved up her thigh from her knee, and was now rubbing her upper thigh along the edge of her shorts, pushing under it a little at a time.

"I don't know how I felt about it." It was a lie, but it was closer to the truth than she should have told him. She should have said that she was disgusted, and just remained his older sister for life.

"Sure you do," he said as he replaced his right hand with his left on her leg, and placed his right hand on the small of her back and pulled her to him, playfully jostling her, but really just trying to touch her and get her a little excited. "It must have been shocking, knowing that your brother tied up your younger sister to her bed naked like that? I know I would be surprised to find you tied up like that, and to hear that Jennifer did it."

"I don't know..." she said as she stood up. She had to get away from his touch or he would drive her insane. A part of her wanted him to do that to her, but her conscious was winning the battle right now. "I guess I feel confused about it. A part of me is freaked out by what my brother and sister are doing, and another part of me is wondering..."

She paused just a little bit too long for Matt, so he resumed his questioning. "Wondering what, Sally?" he asked as he stood behind her and tried to wrap his arms around her waste.

"I don't know what," she said, breaking away from him again. She didn't want to keep her distance from him, but she felt that she had to. "I need more time to think about it. I think you should go now."

Matt knew when it was time to quit. Even though his mother had put up some resistance, and his other sister hadn't put up any, Sally was always a special case, and she would take time to break. He was going to give her all the time she needed, and so he big her goodnight, left her room as she requested, and then went to bed hard and unsatisfied. He thought about going over to see Jenny, but just didn't feel like starting anything with Sally awake in the next room, even if she did know what was going on.

After giving his wife a good fuck or two before bed, Steve finally fell sleep at around 11:00pm. As pleased as he was with life, it was a troubled sleep. During dinner, he hadn't paid much attention to it, but when the women of the house had been looking away from him, they had all been looking at his son. During his dreams though, this became more than obvious. They weren't looking at Steve at all anymore. They were hanging all over Matt as if he was the alpha male of the house, and Steve was now just the beta male. They were all rubbing themselves against his strapping young body, and stripping him of his clothes, as well as each other's. The dream ended in a big orgy between his son, daughters, and wife, and they were all laughing at Steve as they fucking his son.

Steve was glad to wake up before his alarm sounded, and turned it off before it had a chance to wake his wife. He showered and dressed as quickly and quietly as he could, and left the master suite without Julie ever hearing him. He ate breakfast quickly as well, trying to forget the dream that had disturbed him so deeply. "It couldn't have been real," he thought to himself. "My son isn't stealing my family from me... Is he?"

He was about to rush out to the garage over a half hour earlier than normal when he heard someone stirring in the living room. He looked into the dark room to see his oldest daughter sleeping on the couch in just her short pajama shorts. She was on her stomach, so he couldn't see her breasts, but they were sticking out on her sides, and her ass was barely covered by her shorts. He could just barely make out an empty bottle of liquor under her hand, hanging from her dangling arm off the front of the couch to the floor. He decided to wake her. He told himself it was so that her mother or siblings wouldn't find her like this, but it was really so that he could see her sit up and see her with her top off.

"Sally, baby, wake up..." he whispered into her ear as he shook her gently. "Sally..."

She stirred a little, and rubbed her eyes before opening one of them and looked around. Seeing that she was in the living room, on the couch, with her father shaking her shoulder, she was curious what was going on. She felt drunk, and was concerned she might be becoming and alcoholic. She was about to sit up, and even started the motion until she felt her bare tits pulling across the upholstery of the couch. Indeed, as she looked down in the dim light she saw that her tits were uncovered, and would be exposed if she sat up.

She dropped back down and asked her father, "Daddy? I think I'm drunk."

"The bottle on the floor suggests as much, honey," he said with a smirk, and upset that she hadn't sat up yet. "why are you drunk dear?"

Sally thought back to the last night, and making out with her brother. She played with herself for two hours, completely turned on, but unable to get herself off, so she came downstairs for a drink to sooth her nerves. She opened a half-finished bottle of vodka, and that was all that she remembered. She didn't know where her shirt was, or why she was on the couch still. She should have gone up to her room if she was going to get this drunk, again.

"I couldn't sleep," she said in her baby voice. She looked at the clock on the mantel and saw what time it was. "Daddy? Shouldn't you be eating breakfast, and getting ready for work?"

"I already ate breakfast. I was about to leave when I heard you." He said as he placed his hand on her bare back and patted it, "but thanks for caring." After he pat her back twice, he held his hand there, just barely rubbing his palm against her naked flesh. He absentmindedly adjusted his package in his pants as he grew harder, and Sally noticed it.

"Why are you up so early Daddy? Trying to ditch your one night stand with Mommy, and sneak out before the regrets sink in?" she joked. She was laying the baby voice on really thick now.

"Yes, dear. I don't want her other lover catching me here with her." He was joking as he stroked his daughter's back lovingly, but neither of them had any idea how right he was about his wife having another lover. "And besides, I have an early meeting to get to, like all men do when they leave their affairs behind."

"Daddy!... You can't have an affair with your wife..." She was definitely still drunk when she said this, as she was not only taking her baby voice to an extreme, but she was slurring her words quite a bit too. "You would have to fool around with me to have an affair before work today..." She grabbed his package with her dangling arm after she finished saying that, and started rubbing him through his trousers.

"Baby..." His voice was choked. "I don't think you should be doing that right now..."

"How about later than Daddy?" she said with a giggle as she continued stroking him through his clothing. "Don't worry Daddy, I won't tell Mommy about us."

Sally rolled onto her side, finally exposing herself to her father as she reached down to his pants with both of her hands and started undoing his fly. Steve just stared in a mix of lust and confusion as his daughter pulled his cock out into the open and stroked him in the dark living room while the sun came up. She stroked him with both hands as he sat there dumbfounded, but she was still drunk, and took one of her hands to move his hand from her back to her breast, and used his fingers to grope her own tit.

"It's more fun when you join in Daddy." She continued stroking him, and urged him up onto his knees, and then to his feet in front of her as she sat up. "It's always more fun when Daddy joins in." she said as his pants fell to the floor at his feet.

She leaned forward and sucked her father's cock into her waiting mouth. A little bit of drool escaped her lips and hung down to her breasts, while the rest of her saliva was coating his shaft copiously lubricating him as he slid in and out of her sucking orifice. She stroked what she didn't have in her mouth, and fondled his balls with her other hand. His hand had fallen lifeless to his side though, and she had to stop stroking him for a moment to place it back on her tit, and get him fondling her on his own.

Steve was lost in the pleasure of his oldest daughter's mouth when all of a sudden he was convinced that his son wasn't replacing him as the head of the house. If there was anything going on, and it wasn't all in his imagination, he definitely wasn't being replaced. His daughter wouldn't be sucking him right now if Matt were the alpha male. At most this was just a restructuring of the family unit. He was impressed with how well his daughter was sucking his unit. He was enjoying it so much he reached down with his other hand and fondled her other breast. He was then enjoying her breasts so much, he decided to free himself of her mouth and stick his dick between her tits and fucked her like that.

"Oh Daddy... You like it kinky..." she said as she held her tits together for her father, and rubbed them up and down his length. She gave his head a lick each time it exposed itself to her open mouth. She squeezed her thighs together in time with her breasts rubbing his dick, and her shorts were getting soaked through. "Daddy?" she asked looking up into his eyes.

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