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Owned Ch. 01: A Typical Day with a Twist

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Goddess finds a new way to humiliate me for her amusement.
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Yesterday was totally humiliating. The cruelty of my Goddess is so intense, I don't know how I can possibly take more days, weeks, months of this...but I'm afraid I'll never meet anyone like her again.

I had barely gotten any sleep the night before. She drifted off teasing me, her hand resting apathetically on my locked up cock. At some point we switched to spooning which was even worse. I spent most of the night hard in my chastity cage with my balls aching from her random slaps and punches throughout the day. I was desperately craving a release, knowing I probably wouldn't be getting one anytime soon.

I managed to doze off for an hour or two in the morning and was woken up with a firm slap on my face. Goddess lay beside me and immediately grabbed my balls as I woke. She managed to let out a groggy "hey bitch" before letting her face fall onto my chest and proceeding to doze for another fifteen minutes. Her hand stayed wrapped firmly around my balls the whole time and the horniness that had terrorized me all night started all over.

Finally she woke up again. She took her hand off my junk and started nonchalantly scratching at my nipples. They were already really sore from the clothespins she was using on them last night. I tried not to fuss but I couldn't help making my helpless little moans and squeals of pain, my face screwed up in a miserable grimace. All she did was snort derisively as she continued aggravating my hurt nipples for what seemed like an eternity before launching into her morning pep talk. It was a little different each time, with the goal of putting me in my place at the start of the day.

"Who's a little bitch?"

"I am, Goddess."

"Who's a little sissy bitch?" She stopped scratching and gave my nipple a hard grab and a twist for emphasis.

"I am, Goddess."

"Say it."

"I'm a little sissy bitch, Goddess."

"For who?"

"For Goddess."

"Say the whole thing idiot!" She said impatiently, scratching her nails down my chest.

"I'm a little sissy bitch for Goddess!" I exclaimed quickly in one agonizing breath as the sharp nails tore at my skin.

"You're really stupid."

She laughed loudly, making sure to get right in my face with the sound hitting my ear drums loudly, violently penetrating the calm, and her morning breath filling my nostrils. Her rude and unabashed laughter at my expense made me harder than anything. It was like the sound released some chemical in my brain that made me feel extra small and submissive and compelled me to do absolutely anything to keep her entertained at all costs, no matter how painful and degrading.

Suddenly her eyes widened. She grabbed the ring on my hot pink collar and looked at me excitedly.

"Breakfaaaaast" she said in a low, devious tone.

I promptly shuffled under the covers down to the halfway point of the bed and adeptly positioned my face directly in front of her ass. I pulled down her pajama pants to reveal her gray Calvin Klein panties.

"Ohmygod," she blurted out quickly. "Panties too..." I could hear in her voice that she was relishing each second of the build-up. I pulled down the panties and opened my mouth wide, placing it gently against her cheeks so that it hovered right over her butthole. She pulled up one leg to get the perfect position. I closed my eyes and braced myself as I heard her stomach gurgling.

Finally, after a very long five seconds of holding my mouth agape, my breakfast was served. The hot air blasted into my mouth with tremendous force and stung my nostrils. The smell was immediate and incredibly powerful, made worse by the lack of air under the heavy blankets forcing me to take deep, gasping breaths. The first fart of many that I will have to endure today to keep Goddess happy.

As I gagged and wheezed, choking down every last molecule of her morning gas, I couldn't help but marvel at the ingenious way she took the thing that turned me on the most, her perfect ass, and used it to torture me for her own amusement.

Worshipping her ass had always been a reward for me. I remember vividly the first night she coyly squeaked out a small fart in my face right as I was about to nuzzle my nose between her cheeks and start licking. I let out an involuntary whimper but didn't back off, obediently staying frozen in place with my nose only an inch away, sheepishly sniffing up the gross air. My pitiful reaction was the funniest thing she had ever seen. She grabbed her stomach and bent over, convulsing with laughter, with absolutely no regard for me as her cheeks spread wider, exposing her hole while my nose still maintained close proximity.

My fate was sealed immediately. She would never let out another fart again without ordering me to take it up my nose and mouth, and she was already brainstorming new and more depraved ways of integrating it into her daily humiliations of me. This would be my new normal and all I could do was accept it because it pleases Goddess.

The morning session went on for nearly a half hour. Goddess was extra tired and dozed off for another fifteen minutes or so while I lay under the covers, scrunched up in an uncomfortable position and hovering my face just above her ass. If she woke up and noticed me resting my head and not being attentive, it could be trouble, so I tried to stay alert even though it hurt my neck. She farted a little bit in her asleep, and I felt a pang of dejection that she would not hear me sniffing it up obediently. Of course, I'm too fearful to not sniff it, even while she sleeps. My devotion to her is absolute.

After waking up and unloading a little more gas in my face, she ordered me to get up and return the favor of making her breakfast. I went to the kitchen and set to making pancakes, still very sweaty and smelly from my usual morning ordeal. My stomach twisted and turned with longing from the delicious scent of the batter. Her morning farts really were considered my "breakfast." This was one of the hardest things for me to deal with, breakfast once being my favorite meal of the day. But that just made it all the more delightful for her, knowing how much it upsets me to be denied my first meal of the day while the smell of her ass lingers all over my face the entire morning.

I set the plate of pancakes delicately onto the table at her usual spot and laid out napkins and utensils, then cleared the table of any junk and lit a nice candle in the center. Then I poured her a cup of coffee and put the pot next to it for refills. I also set down a glass of orange juice. I tried to think if there was anything else I could do to show her I'm a good slave, but my mind was still a little jumbled from the lack of sleep and the fumes. I went back into the bedroom and very quietly and cautiously dropped to my knees next to her side of the bed where she lay lazily with her phone next to her face.

"Breakfast is ready, Goddess." I said softly.

"Mmm faster next time."

"Yes Goddess, I'm sorry Goddess."

I waited patiently as she slowly got up and went over to the dresser. The first thing she always did was grab my leash off the dresser and clip it to my collar. She let it drag on the ground, barely holding it as I followed her diligently on my hands and knees into the kitchen. She never had to yank it, I'm always very mindful to follow closely behind.

I took my place crouched at the side of her chair as she dug greedily into the stack of pancakes. I gazed in awe as she ravenously devoured them by the mouthful, sometimes taking a large gulp of orange juice before fully swallowing. Ever since starting to deny me breakfast she'd been extra gluttonous so as to further torment me.

"Mmmmm" she moaned, getting in my face and talking with her mouth still full. "How was your fart breakfast?" She asked mockingly as little specks of food and spit hit my face. I was so hungry I almost wanted to open my mouth to try and catch some of it.

"Really good, thank you Goddess."

"Say it better," she ordered.

"I'm sorry Goddess...your farts were so good and delicious, thank you so much, I love eating your farts for breakfast."


"Yes Goddess."

"Wow, so you wanna have my farts for breakfast every day?"

"Yes, Goddess."

"You never wanna have regular food again, just fart breakfast forever?"

"Yes Goddess."

Noticing my voice growing softer and more dejected, she grabbed me hard by my already sore nipples and held them in a super tight pinch.

"More enthusiasm pleeeease..."

"Yes Goddess I want to have fart breakfast forever, thank you so much!" I squeaked out quickly and loudly. She pinched down even tighter, causing me to squeal girlishly. "Please please please..."

"Please what?"

I was instinctively about to beg her to release my nipples because they were in such intense pain, but quickly stopped myself.

"Please...may I have farts for breakfast every day?"

"Every day, huh? Uuuummm jeez, yeah okay. I mean, I was gonna let you off the hook pretty soon but I guess you're like...really into eating farts, right?"

"Yes Goddess!"

"Every day, no exceptions, forever...right?"

"Yes Goddess, please!"

"Sure!" She said loudly as she released my nipples with a hard yank that made me fall forward, smashing my face into her lap. Unable to control my emotions, I let out a loud sob and childish "ooowww" as tears welled up in my eyes. The frustration and horniness from all of last night's teasing coupled with the harsh nipple pain forced me to momentarily break down. She chuckled and snorted and started to caress my head tenderly as I whimpered with my face pressed into her thighs, wetting them with tears.

"Aaawww poor little fart slut, it's okaaaayyyy! You can have as many farts as you want until you're full! And I'll never ever run out! Don't worry baby!"

I managed to choke out a "thank you, Goddess" but my voice cracked, which made her laugh even more.

"Come on, look at me." She said softly. I pulled my head up and looked at her with my red, tear stained face.

"Such a delicate little girl." She pulled me very close to her by my collar and spoke in a sweet and delicate voice. "Stop being a pussy, okay? Cuz I'm really bored and I'm gonna mess with you a lot today. You're gonna be a pain slut for me, you're gonna be a fart bitch for me, you're gonna be a sissy maid for me..." she listed off each title slowly with great enjoyment, grinning ear to ear and savoring each word and the little pained contortions they caused in my face as I envisioned the long day ahead.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, and before I even knew what happened she had grabbed my head and thrust it down towards her ass as she adeptly shifted up her leg and let out a huge fart, burning my nostrils and immediately making me gag. "See? You're so lucky! I'm gonna have farts for you all day from these pancakes! Oof..." She laughed delightedly, covering her nose with her hand. "It's pretty bad."

"Thank you, Goddess," I choked out weakly.

"You like that, bitch?"

"Yes, Goddess."

"Wow, you're a fucking freak. I shouldn't even be farting on you, you like it too much. I'll make you work for it more now that I know what a little fart loving fart eater you are." She was belittling me and lightly slapping at my face while it was still close up to her ass. I really felt like I couldn't be a more ridiculous and weak person than in that moment, and yet there I was, waiting for her to bring me to a new low. Things had become almost unbearable since she realized how much she could gross me out. She'd recently become fond of ordering me to clean the bathroom right after she'd taken a shit, and I knew it was just a matter of time before she started taking me in there and doing even worse things. I really was grateful for her mercy, just making me eat her farts for now - that's how hopeless things had gotten.

"Okay go go go, you have chores," she said abruptly, pushing my face away and going back to her pancakes. I sprang up immediately and set to work.

The next couple hours went by uneventfully as I went about my daily chores while Goddess sat on the computer in her room playing video games. The chores allowed me a slight reprieve. I tried my best to focus only on the tasks at hand, even though my balls ached and my nipples were on fire from all the scratching and pinching. She really was feeling extra cruel today, but I tried not to think about it. I did our laundry, vacuumed and dusted all over, and cleaned up in the kitchen (which was extra messy because she had eaten more out of the cupboards after breakfast and left things everywhere). She loved making messes for me, and punished me if they weren't cleaned up immediately. Luckily, when she got up from her game to come into the kitchen, it was already completely spotless thanks to my efforts.

"Hmm..." she looked around skeptically. I stood up from folding clothes on the couch and faced her with my hands clasped behind my back, ready in case she had an order for me. "Looks good in here." She nodded approvingly.

"Thank you, Goddess!" I said with a genuine smile. She opened the fridge and stared idly for a few moments before closing it without taking anything. Then my heart leapt when I saw her go to the trash and open the lid.

"This is almost full, are you gonna take this out?"

"Yes Goddess, I'll do it right now!" I said, making a beeline for the bedroom to put on some clothes.

"Nope. Just like that."

I froze. I was only wearing a pink pair of girly panties that barely covered my caged up penis. I wasn't allowed to wear my guy clothes in the house around Goddess, but she permitted me to dress normally when running errands and doing chores outside. We lived in a city suburb with houses on either side of us, and the back parking lot area where we kept the garbage bins could be easily seen by neighbors. I looked at her desperately.

"Please Goddess, it's too risky..."

"It's fiiiine! No one's even out there right now! Just do it quick!" She said gleefully, thoroughly enjoying how uncomfortable this was making me already and detecting that this was pushing my boundaries hard.

"Goddess please, I'll do anything, I'll do more chastity, just please, I don't want anybody to see..."

"Okay okaaayyy, god! You can wear a shirt, come on..."

She grabbed me by the collar and took me into the bedroom, making me stand there while she opened up one of the dresser drawers and started rifling through it. She pulled out a cute pink girly top and immediately started putting it on me. It was really small for me and didn't cover my belly, and now I was dreading this even more. Was there really no one out there right now, did she check? I was feeling super shy and self conscious. She saw how panicked I was and was reveling in it.

"Goddess please, I really really don't want to..." I whimpered out.

"Oh my god you're like freaking out!" She exclaimed with a kind of morbid fascination. "You're such a prude! No one even cares! Go get that trash right now slave, I'm ordering you."

Walking over to the trash was like going to the electric chair. I couldn't believe she was really going to make me go through with this. She watched as I tied the bag hesitantly and then grabbed my shoulders and started pushing me towards the door.

"Hurry up!" She yelled, clapping her hands at me impatiently. I opened the door and stealthily tip-toed out, looking left and right at our neighbors yards to make sure they weren't out. Thankfully it looked like the coast was clear. It was a fall day, sweatshirt weather, and I could feel the cold all over my mostly naked body. The breeze going by made me shiver. I walked down the three steps leading up to our door quickly and quietly, then speed walked the over to the garbage bins and did what was asked of me, checking for onlookers every other second. Finally I got back to the door, but when I went to open it, my insides dropped.

It was locked. She locked me out. She was going to make me stay out here longer. For how long? She had never done this before. It was so out of my comfort zone. I was keenly aware of the skimpy little undies I was wearing, how you could see my chastity cage through them, how absurd I looked. Panic was overtaking my entire body. I knocked on the door rapidly and just kept whipping my head back and forth wildly to make sure no one had noticed me. Then I heard her voice from the side window.

"Over here, slave." She said in a downright devious tone. I quickly rushed over to the window, trying to cover my junk with both hands in a futile manner.

"Please please please, please just let me in Mistress!"

"You know I can't now because you made such a big deal about it, you have to learn a lesson. Do you wanna know what the lesson is? Yeah, you do? You want me to tell you?" She purposely dragged out her words as much as possible.

"Yes Goddess, please please please!"

"The lesson is...hmmm...." She pondered thoughtfully for a few moments which felt like an eternity to me. I knew she was savoring every moment of this. Seeing me panicked and desperate was her highest form of entertainment.

"I guess the lesson is that you shouldn't wait to take out the trash, because then you'll have to do it in your little sissy bitch clothes for everyone to see."

"Yes Goddess, I'm really sorry Goddess." I was speaking quickly in a distraught voice, still holding my locked penis and balls in my hands. Every word she spoke was like another roadblock in the way of me getting back inside and I listened and nodded intensely, needing so desperately to please her in this moment.

To my abject horror and astonishment, she pulled out her phone and started recording.

"Okay, you can come back in after you do a little dance." The words tore through me and sent my mind into a near meltdown. I gazed at her in disbelief. Her cruelty and disregard for me had reached new heights, and I could see how ecstatic she was as she saw the panic and anxiety in my eyes.

"Noooo please, I can't..."

"You will, or I will fuck you up." She said sternly as an upbeat R&B song started playing loudly from her phone. "Dance like a stripper. Now! Do it bitch!"

What proceeded was the most demeaning and pathetic three minutes of my life. She made me do the entire song, laughing hysterically and barking orders the entire time, being as loud as possible to heighten my fear.

"Twerk harder!" She yelled as she zoomed in on her phone. My body was shivering from the cold air but also riddled with nervous sweat. As I danced like an idiot, my bruised balls and swollen nipples bounced around painfully.

"You fucking suck!"

"I'm sorry Goddess, I'll do better!" I started shaking my ass wildly, which made her laugh even harder.

The song finally came to an end and she clapped and cheered loudly. I looked up at her with pleading eyes, more desperate for this to be over than any other torment she'd inflicted on me.

"Okay. Now tell me what you are!"

"I'm your little sissy bitch, Goddess."

"Not good enough, tell me aaalllll the things! Tell me how much you love it!"

"Goddess, I love being a little sissy bitch for you! I love being your sissy maid and doing chores for you! I'm your fart slave and I love to eat all your farts! I love having your farts for breakfast! I love being a chastity slave for you and I love when you keep me locked up and don't let me cum! I love when you spank me to punish me for being bad and I love when you punish my nipples! I love being your chair! I love being your footrest! I love being a pony boy for you and I love when you ride me around and whip me!"

She was still filming as I sputtered my words of devotion at her with total abandon. It felt like I had been going on forever when she finally put her hand up to stop me. She put her phone down and walked away from the window and a great relief came over me. I immediately dashed over to the door and heard her footsteps coming up, then heard her playful voice on the other side.


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