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Paige Turner - Meet and Greet Pt. 01-02

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A continuation of PT-Origins. Things escalate quickly!
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Hello, my sensuously salacious strangers! Your humble storyteller is back with the next update in the continuing saga of Paige Turner. Here we pick up where "Meet the Families" left off with a little "Meet and Greet" action. We pick up the action as Brenda approaches the nosey neighbors after she and Glory put on their little show. She has just called out asking them to give her a couple minutes to hear her out.

Paige Turner - Origins - Meet and Greet - Pt1 (Regular)

"Why would we listen to such a brazen hussy?" One of the women called back.

Brenda had been wondering who her main opponent would be in this particular scenario and now she'd found her. From experience in both the free clinic and at the prison the first to speak up was usually the defacto lead of gatherings such as this. This particular woman looked like a typical suburban housewife. She was pretty, very pretty even. With the right outfit, or no outfit, she could be absolutely stunning. She probably had at least two kids and husband who didn't show much interest in her anymore. As she closed the remaining distance between them she straightened her clothes, combed fingers through her hair and thought to herself.

"Time spread some awareness." Then she spoke directly to the woman. "I'll grant you brazen ma'am, but hussy? Please. We women are supposed to lift each other out of the dark ages, not perpetuate the male dominated ideals and stigmas about female sexuality." She extended her hand to the woman. "My name's Brenda."

The woman regarded Brenda through narrowed eyes but took the proffered hand. When she did Brenda gently placed her left hand on top of the woman's. A clear sign of her warm and friendly intentions as well as her intelligence.

"I'm Karen." She replies curtly while regarding Brenda thoughtfully. "I'll admit you seem much less like the women my husband employs than I first thought."

"It's very nice to meet you, Karen. Please except my sincerest apologies if I appeared less sophisticated under the circumstances. It's just that I'm kind of sucker for beautiful women and when Glory answered the door stark naked having obviously been sucking cock I," she shook her head and rolled her eyes a bit, "kind of just went for it. I mean she was all ready for me and everything."

Still holding on to Karen's hand she paused to give everyone time to consider her very blunt and completely honest remarks. She also noted that Karen hadn't tried to pull her hand back. Also, her face was becoming decidedly flushed. The rest of the group who had been shifting around nervously stopped fidgeting and now stood with bemused expressions playing at their features. Brenda had them exactly where she wanted them.

"Well," Karen started to reply but faltered, not sure how to proceed. She had been expecting an angry or even violent outburst from Brenda but instead she was surprised by her rather intelligent, feminist response. What's more she took full responsibility and apologized for her unsophisticated appearance. Her eyes flashed when her ideal response finally came to her. "Well," She continued. "What about that display has anything whatsoever to do with lifting yourself out male dominated dark age ideals and stigmas of female sexuality?" She crossed her arms and gave a curt nod sure Brenda would have no answer.

"That's a very good question, Karen. Thank you for having a civil discussion with me about this." She paused and half stepped towards, and half pulled Karen closer. "Beautiful women such as we have always been told to suppress our desires. We're taught that our sexuality is reserved only for our husbands and anything else is shameful and dirty. Hell, we're taught that our own cycles are disgusting. How many of us have grown up hating our own bodies because we were taught that everything about us was shameful and dirty. Our nude bodies, our cycles, our desires? All the while being constantly objectified and desired by the men who taught us to feel that way. We show even a little skin and we're branded sluts," she pauses and fixes her gaze in Karen's eyes, "or hussies." She pulled Karen so close they could feel each other's breath and placed her left hand so low on Karen's back she could feel the top her ass cheek. "What you saw today, Karen, was indeed brazen because I refuse to be ashamed for who I choose to be. I am a woman who saw something she wanted and boldly took it with no regard for societal constructs and not one fuck given about what others might think of it." She pauses for effect. "Just like a man would have been praised for doing." She finally turns to look at the still astonished gathering and saw a few of the women in the group nodding in silent agreement. "It's time we stopped wasting ourselves on men who don't see us for the powerful, divine, sexual goddesses we are most certainly allowed to be if WE choose." Even Karen seemed somehow bolstered by Brenda's words.

"Oh my god you are so fucking gorgeous right now!" One of the younger men in the gathering spoke up. When the others fixed him with a scathing glare he continued. "What? I find assertive and confident women like this irresistible."

"And you are young man?" Brenda asked, struck by his bold enthusiasm.

"I'm Shane ma'am." He blushed.

"Well Shane darling, you have the right idea. I'm glad to see a young man with a little more awareness than those who came before." Still holding Karen close to her by the hip she half turned towards the group. "Wasn't it you I saw abruptly putting your phone away when you saw me looking?"

"I mean." He shrugged, "It's not often you see something like that and when opportunity presents itself you go for it or miss out. It's like you said. I saw something I wanted and took it the best way I could without regard for what anyone else might think." He suddenly grew even more emboldened. "If you don't want someone filming your explicit activities maybe exercise a little more control and take at least two or three more steps inside and close the door next time? No disrespect intended."

"Please tell me you have a decent sized cock to back up all that swagger." Brenda said impressed, taking everyone completely off guard.

"I uh, um, uh." The young man stuttered.

Karen giggled a bit to her own surprise before catching herself. Brenda lowered her hand completely onto Karen's ass and gave her left cheek a firm squeeze and a pat eliciting a sharp gasp from the women who still made no effort to extricate herself from Brenda's clutches. It was clear to Brenda that she'd won her over almost completely. Karen's body was relaxed, and the woman was actually leaning into Brenda. Brenda wondered if she could convince Karen to join her with the Turners and her husband after this. As her thoughts flowed she considered her now captive audience.

"I'm curious," she said, "I've heard from Karen and Shane but what about the rest of you?" She turned her gaze sidelong towards them. "I'm betting you quite enjoyed the show didn't you? I'm betting I really didn't have anything to apologize for did I?" She paused and when no one answered right away she continued. "Come on, with everything I've said you guys are still too shy to speak up? Try it right now. Just one of you, please. Speak what you are truly feeling in this moment! I dare you! Be true, be bold and it'll change your life." She fell silent, her gaze meeting each person in turn and each person looking away until her eyes met a middle-aged, petite, blond woman who locked fearful eyes with her. She smiled warmly and nodded encouragement to her. The woman took a deep breath cut loose.

"It was the most erotic and sexiest thing I've seen in my entire life, and I wish it had been me you were going down on instead of Glory." She spoke quickly as though she needed to get the words out or they'd stick in her throat.

"Becca!" Exclaimed the middle-aged man standing beside her.

"Don't you dare shame her, sir!" Brenda shot back in a commanding tone. The man glared back but said nothing further. "Go ahead, Dear. You're doing fine. How did it feel to get that out in the open? I'm betting you've never mentioned your sapphic desires to anyone before have you?" The woman shook her head.

"I haven't." Her face was flushed. "It was scary but exhilarating. My heart is pounding out of my chest." She turned her face to the man who'd admonished her. "I'm so sorry, honey, but I've more than kind of always liked girls too. I never said anything because I was afraid how you'd react. Like you just did react."

"Well, I was shocked." He replied with an even tone. "I never would have guessed in a million lifetimes I'd hear those words coming from you." He paused and looked at Brenda. "I'm sorry for the dirty look but I got defense when it felt like someone might be coming between us. I love Becca and I don't want to lose her. I can't compete with a woman, especially one who could make her cum like you did Glory." He shook his head. "No man could," he said sullenly.

Brenda tilted her head and started walking towards the couple dragging Karen with her easily.

"Darling, you've got a lot to learn about love, sexuality, desire, and just plain happiness.

Across the street, Duncan, Jerrod, and Glory watched in astonishment from the door. They'd completely forgotten they were all completely without clothing, but it didn't matter because Brenda held the gathering of their neighbors completely in thrall. To their point of view, she'd attached herself to a neighbor women whom at first seemed to be the surliest of the bunch but was now allowing Brenda to lead her around willingly. The gathering parted as Brenda and Karen approached Becca and her husband. She reached up and placed a gently hand on the man's shoulder.

"What's your name, handsome?" She asked him.

"I'm Alan."

"Well, Alan. Do you mind if I try a little something here? A little activity to help drive my point home."

"I guess," he shrugged.

"Thank you, darling." She said and leaned over to give him a small peck on the cheek. She pulled back and looked both directly in the eye in turn. "We're going to do a variant that I created of an exercise I learned in psyche class. "I need you both to be completely honest with yourselves. This exercise is for you and no one else. Not me, not the gathering around us. You. Understand?"

"Yes." They said in unison.

"Okay, here goes." She fixed her eye on him first. "Alan, do you love Becca, even after finding out that she likes girls?"

"With every part of me." He replies with genuine confidence.

"And Becca, do you love Alan?"

"I absolutely do. Alan has always been so supportive of me. He's kind and gentle. Yes, I love him very much."

"That's perfect." Brenda releases her grip on Karen's ass finally and slides in front Becca who, is easily an inch so shorter than her despite her own diminutive height. "Pay close attention to your feelings now, Alan, your desires. Okay?

"Hmm," He nods firmly.

Brenda wraps her arms around Becca's waist pulling her close and peering deeply into her eyes smiling.

"I'm going to kiss you now, are you okay with that?"

Becca glances toward Alan and sighs.

"Mm Hmm." She agrees nodding slightly.

Brenda pulls the smaller woman's face towards her and begins to kiss her sensuously. Becca is hesitant at first but quickly let's go of all trepidation and returns the kiss hungrily. Brenda wonder's if Becca realizes she's tasting Glory's pussy still fresh in her mouth. After a minute of making out the women withdraw from each other, leaving Becca aroused and breathless. Brenda immediately turns to Alan.

"How did that make you feel, Alan? Seeing how much she enjoyed making out with another woman. Seeing how utterly turned on she is right now?"

"Watching how she came alive just now made me very happy for her." He shrugged. "Made ME very happy. Seeing the state she's in right now. It's very enticing."

"You don't love her any less do you?"

"Not at all. I love her even more, if that's even possible."

"That's because love isn't a cage, Alan. When we love someone, deep down we want to see them flourish, grow, and live. You just witnessed your beautiful wife coming to life while having her first ever sapphic experience and it caused her to cast a light unlike anything you ever could have imagined coming from her. Yes?"

"Yes." Alan nods slowly until the realization fully sinks in. "Yes!" He finished firmly. "Yes."

"Is that a light you'd like to continue seeing from her?"


"Okay then, we're almost finished." She turns to Becca. "You said that you love Alan absolutely, yes? Does that mean unconditionally?"

"Brenda? Are you going to kiss Alan the same way you kissed me?"

"That is the plan, dear. Think you're up for it? He apparently was."

Becca places her hands on Brenda's shoulders and gently pushes her closer to her husband and then steps up beside the both of them.

"Oh, I'm up for it." She answered hungrily.

"What about you handsome? Wanna see if you can still taste Glory's pussy on my tongue?"

Alan gather's Brenda in his arms pulling her into a kiss and Becca embraces them both with arms stretched around them.

"Can you still taste Glory's pussy baby? I know I could, and I can't wait to try it from the source."

Becca's comment obviously fueled Alan's fire because Brenda felt his hard on growing in his pants. She instinctively slides her hand down to rub his cock through his pants. The rest of the gathering couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Karen stood watching the spectacle with hungry eyes when she was brought back to reality by Becca's voice.

"Karen? Why don't you join us?" She smiled.

Karen looked at her younger counterpart quizzically at first then slowly walked over and allowed herself to be pulled in next to Brenda. She embraced Brenda and Becca causing Becca to lean towards her expectantly. Hungrily.

"I don't know." Karen said hesitantly. "I want to, but my husband would probably kill me if he found out." Her breath was heavy, and her heart was pounding.

Brenda broke her kiss with Alan and turned to the women.

"I could tell you've been suppressing some desire, Karen. I don't have to guess your hubby doesn't even really show much interest in you considering the women he employs." Karen's expression changes from fearful doubt to defiant certainty. "You know what he gets up to, so why deny yourself what you want? Turnabout is fair play, far as I'm concerned. I say go for it!" That was all Karen needed to hear.

Brenda backs away as Becca and Karen begin making out. Alan steps up to take her place beside the women as they kiss extending his arms around them. The enjoyment of watching what's happen in front of him apparent in his eyes. Brenda turns to the rest of the gathering which consisted of Shane and three other people. Two men and a younger woman. She pulls out her phone.

"Shane, I want a copy of that video, send it to my husband's email, Duncan underscore Harrison at Harkon prison system dot org.

"Oh, shit the prison, really!? Your husband works at the prison?"

"He's only the most popular CO with all the inmates."

"I'll delete it as soon as it's sent."

"That won't be necessary. Feel free to enjoy it as you see fit. The idea of it getting out to the web for millions of strangers to jerk off to turns me on."

The young woman finally speaks up.

"I just want you to know that you're like my new hero, Brenda. I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam."

"Well hello Sam. Finally got over your shyness did you?"

"I don't feel shy with you for some reason."

Brenda steps up to Sam.

"Just remember, Doll, You have everything you need right here," and she lays the palm of her hand on the girls chest right between her perky breasts. "How old are you, honey?"

"I just turned 18 last week."

"Oh really!?" Brenda sings her hand still pressed between the girls breasts. "Why do I get the very distinct impression that you are as pure as the driven snow, Sammy girl?"

"Maybe because my parents' home schooled me until my senior year and then sent me to an all-girl boarding school. They've basically made sure I've never had any social life. But I graduate in the fall and then I can do whatever I damn well please!" She exclaims exasperated.

"Let me guess, if they'd seen any of this out here today they'd have called in the national guard, am I right?"

"Probably. They're super religious and if the bible doesn't say it's okay then it's wrong."

"Like you said though. You're almost free. Just don't be too hard on your parents okay. They're doing the best they possible can with you given how THEY were raised."

"I understand," she said nodding. "I'm still chomping at the bit to get out from under them though."

"I don't think I have to ask how you feel about everything you saw. I'm pretty sure I could guess seeing as how I'm your new hero and all." She chuckles. "But can you believe that that was my first time ever meeting Glory? We really hit if off well, don't you think?"

"Wow! You really hadn't ever met her before you..." her face starts turning shades of pink and red. "I'll say you hit off alright!" She chuckles nervously.

"Yup, my husband and I only moved here about a year and a half ago and for 9 months of that I was pregnant, so we didn't get out much. Duncan works with Glory regularly at Harkon Penitentiary and I guess they finally made a connection today so here we are. It's all brand spanking new and so very exciting." She finishes excitedly. She regretted not being able to mention her own position at Harkon but the sex workers at Harkon are still a closely guarded secret. Were it get out it could prove disastrous as other prisons tried to emulate what Harkon had perfected. She notices how Sam has been shifting nervously from foot to foot fidgeting her fingers while she was talking.

"What's the matter, Sweetling?" Brenda asks.

"I have to admit, seeing you two go at it like that made me wonder what that feels like to," she pause and lowers her eye shamefully, "you know, being licked down there like that."

"Are you asking me to show you sometime, Sweetling?" Brenda winks as the girl blushes. "Or perhaps you'd rather Glory help you out?"

At the second mention of Glory Sam looks towards the house and sees Jerrod, Glory and Duncan still watching through the doorway completely naked, and she gasps in astonishment her eyes wide.

"Oh my god, so huge!" See seems unable to look away from Duncan's cock.

"Oh, you mean my husband's cock. Yeap my man's well and truly hung."

"It's bigger than my arm!" Sam exclaims. "Never actually seen one in real life before."

"You're still young. You have plenty of time." Brenda laughs. "You should run along now, Sweetling. I'm sure we'll run into each other again."

"Okay, thanks for everything Brenda. I'm very glad to know people like you exist. See you around," she pauses, "I hope."

Brenda was becoming more and more eager to wrap things up quickly so she could get on with finally meeting her new friends properly. As Sam walks away she turns to the last two guys who've just been watching up to now and recognizes the hunger in their eyes. It turned her on instantly.

"I do NOT have to guess what's playing out behind those greedy little eyes at all do I?!" She exclaims as she sidles over to them. "Thinking about all the yummy things you're gonna do to me aren't ya boys?"

"Oh, you know it. I'm Kellan, this is my brother Ethan. We're fraternal twins and we do everything together." He spoke quickly but succinctly.

"You do every THING together, but do you also do every ONE together as well?"

"Oh well, ummm, yeah. You see. Ummm. I mean. It's complicated... but so far yeah." Kellan replied.

"Is that true?" She points at Ethan. "Do you two always share your conquests?"

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