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Pairs of Pumpkins #03: Duodecaplets

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The aftermath of Zarron's escape.
8.1k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 09/04/2019
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The Displacement of the Duodecaplets

Author's Note: Episodes 2 and 3 of Pairs of Pumpkins continue the story but contain no sexual acts being performed, only the sexual depiction of characters who are all 18+. Episode 4 through 8 (the most recent as of September 2021) the sex returns in spades!

The Sorceress, Marmalade lifted the brass knocker and slammed it into the towering, double doors once. Twice. Thrice. She was a busy feline and while time was always on her side, there was no good excuse for someone as important as her to have to wait for anyone. A huff filled her cheeks before she glanced over her shoulder at the two blank-faced, brutish bodyguards towering behind her. She paced a few steps, impatiently.

A black cloak hung off her petite and lean body, a figure shaped both by a life of walking but also neglecting her diet when lost in her studies. Her orange, striped fur and matching, short-cropped head hair didn't have a trace of grey and her posture was erect with youthful curiosity. A sharp, raspy voice with a long-voweled accent was young like her appearance but mannerisms betrayed experience and wisdom beyond her perceivable years.

Marmalade grabbed for the ornate knocker again and this time, slammed it into the door. When silence followed, she growled and turned to the towering, monoliths of maleness that accompanied her.

"This is unbelievable."

They said nothing in response. Both were silent, blank-faced and glassy-eyed, staring at the door as that's what happened to be in front of them. Each around seven feet tall and nearly that wide. The wolverine carried a pair of axes slung over his shoulders and the bull, a two-handed sword, broad enough that she could lay down upon the blade. Neither could oblige her need for entertainment and she turned her attention back to the building itself.

It was somewhere between a fanciful manor and a subtle fortress, built with both security and aesthetics in mind and it's appearance suggested it was quite old, likely older than Zarron. The design was clever but the most secure feature, was how tucked away it was from the rest of the world. It was truly remote.

There was movement behind the fortified, double doors, the faint but purposeful stomping of boots. A security slit in the door slid open, revealing bright green, canine eyes framed by white and red fur. They scanned about, annoyed before snapping to her. "What the hell, lady?!"

"What took you so long?"

"We don't get regular visitors. Nobody sits back here all day, waiting for someone to knock! There's no receptionist!" His barking voice was youthful and irritated, with the boldness that comes from hiding behind a fortified door. "In fact, we're not expecting any guests for another month. Go away."

Another month?! What kind of sloppy book-keeping had this baby-peddling wizard been doing, to not have expected her visit? She bristled, nostrils flaring.

"Clearly there is some mistake. I placed a VERY special order many years ago and I am here to take my delivery."

"'I'll check the records," the boy said after a loud sigh. "Name?"

"Madam Marmalade the Enchanter," she stood back enough to be seen, as if the young man behind the door might recognize her. Her accent hinted of a distant, unplacable origin.

Some time followed, along with the song of flipping thick pages of a book.

"I see a 'Madam Marmalade the Conjurer.'"

There was a huff before a nodding. "Yes, that's me. That was me. I focused on Enchantment for seventy-seven years but Zarron knew me in my youth so he..."

"You're a month early, Miss Marmalade."

"Madam." The feline replied and shook her head. "That can't be. Zarron told me to come back at the start of Yanmoon in the 256th year. The sun is shining and the faffelblossoms are in full bloom. It looks like spring to me!"

"Madam Marmalade, it's been a warm winter but faffelblossoms always bloom after a thaw. It's five days shy of Ymiramoon. You have another month until spring actually starts. Come back then."

The feline drew a deep breath and exhaled, steadying herself. "It's over a week's walk through a woefully neglected trail back to the nearest village. This Manor is enormous and I know there are guest quarters you can spare. I stayed here before! The Purple Room, upstairs I believe it was."

"Master is not here at the moment. Only he can invite guests in. I am sorry, Miss Marmalade but you'll need to come b..."

The feline sorceress had raised her hands below his eyeline, muttering unintelligibly to herself. The gears and chains that held closed the doors began to move on their own, unlatching then lurching open. Through the eyehole, the fox's eyes grew wide before he scrambled away, shouting out for help.

They opened up enough for her to see inside the opulent, tapestry draped foyer of the manor and the fleeing, adolescent fox in a tunic and wool pants. She stepped over the threshold and the doors came to a rest half open and the two bodyguards fell into a single line behind her to be able to clear them.

The room was huge and rectangular, twice as broad as it was, deep. There was a split, grand staircase at the far end, leading up to a stone catwalk that surrounded the room on three sides, ending in smaller, more utilitarian staircases on either side of the room. In the gap between the stairs was a cavernous hallway plunging deeper into the Manor.

Massive, ancient tapestries hung from the walls, difficult to discern a consistent theme but they served to dull what would otherwise be a cavernous echo. In the center of it was a blood red circle of glass in the floor and underneath it, a large, black sigil fifteen feet in diameter. She'd remembered seeing it on her last visit and that it had something to do with location-based magic and intersection of ley lines.

"Intruder! Intruder!" It was the young fox. "The wards aren't going off! Stone! Help me!" He stopped at the center of the room where a sitting area was set up, comically out of scale with the cavernous space: two couches, some tables and chairs in an arrangement suited for a room many times smaller than this one. From one of the seats, another presence rose, slow and powerful.

Standing nearly nine feet tall, the chiseled brute looked to be another sort of fox, which should impossible at his scale. His coat was a faded, light grey from head to toe with black freckles splattered over the thick fur of his chest. Pinkish red eyes were dull and difficult to find pupils in and it wasn't immediately obvious where his focus was. Only his head and hands poked out from his loose, brown robe but it could not hide his broad shoulders, muscled torso and the prominent bulge swinging freely in the front. He started towards her.

"Oh my, he's an interesting one!" She covered her heart and stopped in place, the outside air ruffling her cloak. "Is he mine?"

"No, he's not!" the young fox incredulously barked. "No guests. Master's orders. Stone: remove them!"

Marmalade rolled her eyes. The bull and wolverine stepped up and in to flank her, reaching for weapons but she snapped an arm up. "That won't be necessary, boys. Like I said, Zarron knows me. Tell him to stand down." The boy was too far away to use a Charm spell. The monstrous albino lurched forward on command, as expressionless as her own guards and the feline sighed. As he closed enough distance, she stared him right into his pink eyes. "Stop."

He didn't. The attempted spell had no effect on the fox-brute and her jaw clenched.

"STOP," she repeated. Nothing.

"SLEEP!" she tried, to no reaction.

"Fuck." That should have worked. "No weapons. Don't hurt him. Just restrain him. And don't step on that red circle." she ordered to her bodyguards before slipping gracefully back behind them.

They nodded in unison, shifting to wider stances and stepping shoulder to shoulder, forming a wall between the giant fox and their feline ward. As the brute fox drew near, another commotion echoed into the room, swelling from the balcony: double time marching.

Boots on stone and metal armor rattled from above. From a single hallway at the top of the grand staircase, two rows of canine soldiers poured out, wolflike in stature but lean, like they might be part coyote. Their ears stood taller and sharper and their faces sleeker than wolves, cheeks and muzzle marked with black, peppered patterns. Their aggressive, raised tails were long and full, like foxes.

Sheathed swords rattled in scabbards, swinging at their hips and in their hands, they carried sizable crossbows. They spread uniformly to positions on the balcony before lifting their weapons to train on the three intruders.

"Stone! Stand down!" the teen fox barked and the brute obliged, skidding to a stop barely ten paces from a clash with the feline's escorts.

Marmalade regretted for a second time today, not learning to teleport. Her mind raced as the situation had so rapidly escalated and her magic failed to affect the curiously brutish fox. There were few options to deal with such a group that wouldn't end lives, cause massive property damage and otherwise sour her relationship with another, potent and dangerous wizard.

"This is all a misunderstanding and there is no need for violence. I am a repeat customer of your Master. One of your best! I assure you that Zarron will be quite upset if you riddle us with arrows before he's had the chance to take any more of my money."

"She just barged in!" the young fox yelled to the soldiers above. "She used magic to bypass the locks and the wards."

"And yet, here I am inside without having caused any damage at all. I only want to stay until Zarron returns because there is nowhere else for miles!"

"If the Master has not arranged it in advance, you need to leave," one of the young soldiers on the balcony called down.

Were these more of his experiments, all grown up? How many of them had he kept for himself? Their impressive stature and coats suggested they may be crossbred with heartier canine breeds. Was that naturally possible with foxes or did Zarron use magic to create them?

"If you insist on staying then you will be our prisoners until the Master returns."

As if on command, he did.


A pulse surged through the room like a lightning strike, leaving fur standing on end. and the smell of ozone overwhelmed the room. A column of bluish smoke appeared, surrounding the seal in the center of the room and then vanished almost as quickly.

It cleared to reveal a raccoon sorcerer in faded, pink robes, greyed and aged. He was frantic, standing over the collapsed bodies of two impossibly voluptuous vixens, one draped over the other, each of them taking up an unusual amount of space. Tense and hunched down, he had a hand on them both, per the standards of teleportation travel.

Marmalade chuckled with relief, oblivious to the state of the two girls with him. She shoved through her bodyguards to stand in front of them again. "Zarron! Oh thank the Gods..."

The raccoon whipped around to face her and confusion pushed through his frantic demeanor. "Miss Marmalade?! What are you doing here?!" he interrupted before looking around at the scene, seeing the dozen archers lining the balcony and the massive, fox-brute dangerously close to her Escorts. The vixen on top of the stack, propped up by tremendous bulk under her purple robe, rolled off unsteadily to flop on her side at the raccoon's feet. Laying there, she was an oddly shaped lump, either tremendously overweight or otherwise encumbered.

"What happened?! Are they alright?!" The young, red fox raced toward the three of them in hysterics.

"They're fine. I don't have time for this! I have to go back. Duayne! Stone! Move the girls. Now!" With that, he stood upright and gave a sharp nod before disappearing into another, much lesser and dramatic cloud of smoke.

"Stay there!" the red fox warned the feline sorceress then rushed to the giant seal on the floor. The albino-brute also turned away from the intruders and lumbered over with no obvious urgency. He lifted the black-haired vixen in the red dress first, presenting her outrageous curves for a moment before he cradled her semi-gently. "Be careful, Stone!"

Stone glanced back, confused before carrying her over to a couch. Duayne diverted to follow him, inspecting her for injuries.

"Get Anastasia off the seal! Now!" One of the soldiers above shouted down at him.

He nodded and he hurried over to the more oddly-shaped, unconscious sister, looking her over while his fingers wiggled apprehensively.


Duayne jumped at the order then he scooped his hands under her spine with some strain before hooking his arms under hers and squatting to lift. That twisted her to face the ceiling, swinging gigantic soft flesh that settled into the shape of breasts to roll on top of her like a tide of molasses under her silk robe.

The first of the two foxes was built as Marmalade would expect of Zarron's adopted daughters, based on the cursed traits of her foul bloodline but the second was a whole, new level of abomination. She gasped at the sight.

The fox was far beyond the exaggerated voluptuousness of her sister, with a form absolutely dominated by the size of her chest. They dwarfed her upper body in all dimensions, half-filling her lap while jutting out in competition with the reach of her arms. Those weren't breasts so much as elephantine deformities and it was questionable if she could stand or move on her own.

"Disgusting," she muttered with a shake of her head.

Grunting with effort, Duane started to drag her but Stone returned and he shoveled her up effortlessly. "Hurry!"

The ogre of a fox hesitated with confused before stepping out of the seal and toward the couch.


Another, ozone-rich crackle filled the room. Duayne scrambled back from the edge of the circle as the raccoon wizard appeared again in the center with another passenger. This time he hunched over an unconscious equine of unusual size. The massive brute of a horse was armed and armored as a seasoned warrior would be but all his weapons remained stowed and accounted for. He'd been knocked out before he had a chance to fight.

"Stone: move him off the seal! Duayne, make sure he's alive. I'm going back for Joseph and his mother." After straightening his posture, Zarron nodded sharply and a puff of a purple cloud followed his disappearance. The effects of teleportation seemed to be more dramatic on the receiving end.

"What is going on over there?" Marmalade mused to herself with a chuckle. "A slumber party?"

Stone set the massive-breasted vixen down on the second of the foyer couches then turned and shambled back. He squatted to lift the horse from under his arms then stood and dragged him back with ease, despite them being the same size and build. After a few steps, well clear of the seal, the brute fox let him go indelicately, letting him slump down on the floor.

Duayne hurried to his feet and rushed to the aid of Zarron's equine heavy, checking his breath and pulse. "He's alive!" he excitedly declared but the rest of the room was too tense or unconscious to be interested. The twelve, armed men above remained aimed and focused despite the chaos. The young fox's excited smile melted and he set about inspecting him for injury.

It was the enormous-bosomed vixen that stirred first, awkwardly propping herself up, fighting against the weight and bulk of her chest. Silvery-white legs with charcoal socks ended in sandals, her fur uncommonly long and thick, even for an arctic fox, making her bulkier still with fluff.

Seeing her stir, Duayne rushed from the stallion to her side, taking her by the shoulders but she spoke first. "We met our Mother. Then Zarron knocked us out before he talked to her. " There was a collective gasp among the twelve soldiers and the red fox. "She has Joseph. They..." she paused and collected her words with uncertainty. Before she could finish, the black haired vixen burst out, awake and furious.

"She had Joseph, alright. She had Joseph INSIDE her! Seduced and corrupted, our sick mother was fucking her own son!" Another gasp echoed through the room at the declaration, this time including the feline sorceress but she was the only one who laughed.

"Evangeline!" Duayne darted into her arms, hugging her around her waist, his face mashing deeply into her breast before the black-haired vixen sat up and continued. "Our poor, innocent brother! Yet another horrible act for a horrible woman. I hope Zarron turns her inside out."

"Being horrible is the legacy of your lineage, girls. That's as much a part of your blood as your ridiculous chests are," Marmalade nearly sang with smugness and both vixens turned to her. Only Evangeline was scowling. "It's true. You're descendants from a long line of tyrants and hypocrites."

"You know our mother?" Evangeline scowled and she rose from her seat, presenting herself with tall, alert ears like blades, two-tone fur of pure white capped with black at her extremities. Her figure was bountiful yet waspish, her underlying build lean but for her wide hips.

"I know your grandmother," Marmalade explained, stepping forward. "She's a xenophobic, iron-fisted hypocrite. A zealot who crushes joy, love and color in the name of racial purity. She gets it from hundreds of years of the same. So I'm not at all surprised to hear about your mother and her own son. In fact, I have a theory that your bloodline is so afraid of outsiders that the whole lot of you were inbred to be the way you are," she said and motioned with her eyes to the chests of the two vixens. "...and you've been inbred ever since."

Duayne was glaring at her now too, his lip curled in a half-snarl as he hung from his sister's waist. The feline drank it up.

"Hopefully Zarron's care and education has helped you to not be the monsters that you were born to be. It worked for my boys."

Evangeline simmered with flaring nostrils. A glare back at her sister found her calm, despite the offenses to their entire lineage. "You've got nothing, Anastasia? No spells to shut this witch up?"

The top-heavy sister shrugged and Evangeline looked up to the semi-circle of her crossbow-armed, half-brothers, ready to protect her. With a slow menace, she planted fists on her hips before her full attention turned back to the cat. "So, who the fuck are you?"

"Miss Marmalade, the Intruder who the Duodecaplets were about to make a pincushion of." Duayne answered for her.

"Madam Marmalade."

Eva eyed the balcony again before giving a calm shrug. "That seems reasonable. What are you waiting for?"

"You said you already have some of our brothers and sisters?" Anastasia spoke up, her voice soft and curious among the immediate threat of violence that surrounded them. She planted her hands deliberately on the edge of the couch before easing herself carefully to her feet. Standing upright over time revealed how top heavy she was and the degree to which is impaired her. The feline chuckled at her awkwardness.

"Only boys. Five of them. I knew how you girls would turn out and I needed able bodies to protect me. Not some jiggling, milk jugs that can't even stand or move their arms properly."

Evangeline snarled but Anastasia remained calm and quiet when she flatly continued.

"That's a lot of money, even with a discount." Her hands folded in front of her lap, while the width of her bosom hid half of her arms behind them, down to the mid-forearm.

"It's a lot more to pay three nannies to raise them all but Zarron and I have history. And while he used his magic for weird experiments to sell, I skipped the middle step and went straight into spellcasting services. Magic can be extremely profitable, if you've got the right buyers. And the right spells."

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