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Panty Raid Gone Bad

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A hazing stunt for a Frat Pledge goes terribly awry.
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Carl could not believe his luck. He and his pledge class had been assigned the unenviable task of retrieving 15 pairs of used panties from the freshmen girl's floor, and as he stumbled through the dark halls of the dorm, here in this one spot was the mother-lode, a laundry basket full of them. All he had to do was snatch the panties and make a mad dash for the elevator and he and his friends would be home free. After this one last task, hell week would be over and they all would all be full-fledged members of the frat, their pledge days fading into the past as just a distant unpleasant memory.

No more midnight naked assemblies on the icy lawn, no more perpetual sore and bruised ass from constant paddling, no more raw egg swallowing, stupid songs or idiotic humiliating outfits worn on the quad. All that would be over now and it would be THEM next year tormenting some new goofball freshmen desperate to join the fraternity while enjoying the unending attentions of hotties that always hang around the house. Grinning as he envisioned the end of his torment as he stared at the laundry basket, it was too bad for Carl that he didn't hear his buddies warn him that they had been spotted. The last thing he could remember was feeling a very sharp pain at the base of his neck right before he passed out.

Several hours later Carl awoke, his eyes straining to adjust to the darkness and a dull throbbing pain still radiating in his neck. Opening his eyes, he could just make out rough, shadowy shapes all around him, and he became quite alarmed to discover he was bound spread-eagle to some sort of table in the middle of a room he could not recognize. As he began to gain his senses more, he made out the unmistakable giggles of many young women echoing through the room and his stomach began to knot as he realized the predicament he was in.

"Welcome to the Girl's Dorm, Carl," a voice called out.

Carl's mind raced as he wondered how this person knew his name having thought he had made sure not to bring any ID with him on the panty raid. Suddenly the lights came on and his face began to flush as he realized he was surrounded by 25 freshmen girls, and from the expressions on their faces, they were NOT happy.

The voice belonged to Sandra, the RA for the girl's floor, who was obviously enjoying Carl's situation as she smirked and watched him begin to struggle against the ropes. In her left hand she held Carl's wallet.

"As you can see Carl" Sandra continued "You are in no position to argue with us." Reading his license, she continued, "Or should I be more formal, Carl Anderson, aged 19, height six foot three weight 195. Since we know your name now, I am sure the campus police will be VERY interested in your antics last night so, if you don't want to get kicked out of college and possibly find yourself in jail you will cooperate."

Carl's mind went blank as he realized the depth of his fuckitude. "Jesus, why did I bring my WALLET!" he thought to himself as Sandra continued to speak.

"We will let you go, and NOT call the police, IF and ONLY IF you tell us who else was involved in this juvenile panty raid you and your buddies tried to stage."

Carl said nothing realizing that if he ratted on his pledge brothers, not only would he not get into the frat, but he would be resoundly hated by all of them. Weighing his options, he decided to hold firm and not be a rat so he defiantly shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmmm" Sandra smirked "I figured you would be obstinate." Sighing, she turned to the others in the room and winked. "I guess we need to employ more COMPELLING arguments to Carl here to convince him to cooperate." Nodding, the girls instantly sprang into action. Without saying another word, the entire group of girls gathered around the table and glared down at their captive.

Carl was very nervous as he was obviously very outnumbered and being tied to the table, he was completely helpless. Not knowing what they were going to do, once one of the girls took his shoes and socks off and grabbed the pants leg of his jeans and began to cut he began to struggle. His writhing and squirming were no use and over the next five minutes his clothing was ruthlessly cut from his body. First his pants were cut away and then his shirt his socks and shoes already having been removed he was pretty bare. When they had him down to his shorts they all stopped and paused as they watched him thrash helplessly in his ropes.

Carl's face was deep crimson with shame as the idea of being bound naked in front of 25 eighteen-year-old girls was not only humiliating, but to further embarrass him, it was also very arousing. His jock now strained against the raging hard on he now sported and was obviously the focus of attention from the giggling gaggle of girls. Holding her hand up, Sandra had the crowd step back from the table as she ran her finger down his stomach and over his rather impressive tent.

"Well now CARL!" she giggled as she teasingly ran her fingers over his bulge and he involuntarily gasped. "From the looks of things, I would think you are ENJOYING this!"

Her comment caused the whole group to laugh as he was really sweating now. Smirking, she glowered down into his face as she placed the bands of his shorts in between her scissors.

"Last chance fucker!"

This was it for Carl as he did NOT want to be denuded in front of the entire freshman class. His face completely red he cried out for them to stop.

"OK OK OK I'll talk!" he screamed, his chest heaving as sweat poured down his face.

"I thought you would see reason after a while" Sandra grinned as she still held the thin fabric of his briefs between the sharp scissors. "Now who was it!"

Guiltily Carl confessed the names of his cohorts in crime in a rapid continuous stream, his desperation to maintain his modesty overcoming any remaining loyalty he might have felt for his friends. He grimaced as he imagined that Bob and Frank would probably never forgive him for ratting on them, but what could he do. With relief that his modesty would be spared, he asked if he could be let go now.

Several of the girls began to snicker as Sandra shook her head no and Carl's mouth flew open in astonishment, realizing that he had betrayed his friends for nothing. Without any fanfare, two girls stepped forward with their own scissors and grabbing his shorts, snipped the strands of his briefs away, and tossed the remains into the air. Now that his erect manhood was fully exposed to the room the crowd went crazy.

"NOOOOO! I thought we had a deal!" Carl protested as to his further horror he saw twenty-five smart phones all begin to flash, fully documenting his nude punishment for all time.

"You thought wrong" Sandra interrupted, as she grinned into his face. Despite his protests, his cock was straining at full attention and was definitely the star of the room.

Bending down to the table, Sandra held her mouth mere inches away from his dick and lightly blew over his glans, laughing as he began to writhe, his natural male instincts more powerful than his rational humiliation. Snaking her hand down his firm six pack stomach, she began to curl his pubic hair in her fingers and giggle.

"You know girls; these frat assholes are all the same. I mean, look at this bush! They always want US to mow the grass, but they never reciprocate."

Carl said nothing, closing his eyes in complete mortification as his junk was fully on display and so openly discussed. Standing up straight, Sandra grabbed his chin and forced his face to turn to hers.

"So fucker, what will it be? Do you want a Landing Strip, the Charlie Chaplin, or a full Brazilian?"

"WHAT? What are you talking about?!" Carl burst out, not yet understanding what Sandra was saying, but from the loud howls of hilarity echoing through the rec room it was obvious the girls did.

Tickling his balls with her fingers as she ran them through the thick hair on his testicles and shaft she continued.

"Your GROOMING silly! I am asking how you want your dick and balls shaved. Now, because I am NICE I thought I would ask first."

"What the fuck!! Get away from me! You can't be ser—" Carl yelled before a pair of the dirty panties he had come to steal was shoved in his mouth to shut him up.

"—That ought to keep you quiet while we girls work." Sandra smirked as she looked back down at his cock. Noticing that he seemed even harder now, she smiled.

It was true, Carl was much harder now as the moist musky taste of pussy now filled his mouth and wafted into his nose. The sweet pungent earthy odor of pure essence of female made him stand at full attention and even begin to throb. Seeing what the girls were seeing, and despite trying to will his cock into submission, it was no use. Little Carl had his own agenda.

"See girls, I TOLD you he was a perve!" Sandra laughed as she ran her finger up his shaft and saw the veins throbbing wildly under her touch. "Now, go get the "tools"" she commanded as she made quote marks in the air.

Carl's discomfort increased exponentially when two gorgeous co-eds emerged from the crowd with a bowl of water, a razor, a big can of Barbasol, two long cloth strips and some kind of heater. Seeing them enter, Sandra laughed.

"Now we can begin!"

As Carl saw them approach his muffled protests and desperate struggles dramatically increased. Pulling and straining against the ropes, he was putting on quite the show, growing exhausted as he wore himself out in the inescapable trap they had him in his full erect cock flopping and waving wildly in the air. He instantly went still when Sandra grabbed his shaft.

"Now Carl, if I were you, I would try and stay as STILL as possible for the next few minutes." Raking her nails over his quivering testicles for emphasis, she continued. "It would be a REAL shame if we nicked you."

With his eyes as large as saucers he watched helplessly as Sandra began filling her palms with thick white pillows of foam. Rubbing her hands together, her eyes glinted as she stared into his terrified face.

"So Carl, have you decided? What will it be?"

His voice muffled by the panties, he tried desperately to scream through the gag but nothing but unintelligible grunts came through the silky material.

"A Brazilian? WOW, you are a little slut aren't you? Dare to go bare I see!" she announced to the laughing crowd. Of course Carl said no such thing, trying desperately to beg them to stop, but obviously Sandra was running this show. She was going to shave him, and shame him completely bare and he knew now that among the indignities he was going to have to face would be the snickers and taunts he would have to suffer in front of his buddies on the track team in the shower. Terrified of being cut, he lay completely still.

Despite his ordeal, the feel of multiple female hands now soaping up his cock and balls had him groaning in the panties within seconds and he could feel his heartbeat throbbing through his shaft. They made sure that EVERY inch of him was covered, and even went so far as to coat his asshole that was fully exposed in his spread-eagle position. Lifting his balls up into her hand, Sandra gently scraped a thin rectangle clear, slowly pulling the razor up to make sure every follicle was snipped. He could not look at any of them as every girl stood around and "helped", several holding his cock up and straight out while his shaft was de-furred. It took well over a half an hour before his shaving was complete, and after wiping him down with a warm cloth he could not help but lift his head to look down at his completely hairless crotch.

Somehow being completely hairless down there, when the rest of him was quite furry, made him seem even MORE naked. Sandra cooed as she ran her palm over his pink wrinkly balls and sighed.

"Oh yeah!! Smooth as a baby's ass, just like I like em!"

Laying his head back down on the table, he hoped that now they would let him go. His hopes were dashed and he shot back up when he heard Sandra's next words.

"So, is the wax hot enough yet?"

Now his struggles violently resumed as he watched several girls approach with wooden spatulas dripping with steaming wax. Despite knowing what was coming, the hot wax running all over his privates felt fantastic, and all of the female hands probing and prodding his cock and balls had him painfully hard and ready to shoot with just the slightest friction. Moaning as he felt the warm liquid pool down the crack of his ass and pour down his shaft, he watched in helpless horror as he saw EVERY inch of his junk coated entirely with the warm sticky substance. As the strips of cloth were all laid onto his shaft and balls, his legs tensed and he bit down hard on the panties, trying to brace himself for what he knew was coming.

"EYAAAAHHHHHH!!" he gurgled through the panties as four sets of hands simultaneously ripped all of the strips of cloth off of his twig and berries at once.

With mock sympathy Sandra ran her fingers over his shaft and sighed. "Oh, poor poor baby! That must have smarted. Well, now you know what we girls go through to make ourselves pretty for you fuckers!" Removing her hands, she crossed her arms over her prodigious chest and smiled, pleased with her newly denuded creation.

"OK Carl, now that you have been properly prepared, it is time for your punishment."

"PUNISHMENT?" his mind raged as he screamed incoherent mumbles into the panty gag. "Was this not ALREADY punishment?"

"Did you get the punishment tools ready?" she asked as the same two girls came forward with a large bowl. Straining to see, his heart almost stopped when he saw every girl reach inside and pull out a long eagle feather. Sandra could no longer hold back her laughter as she herself pulled out the longest one. Leaning down he moaned as he felt the tips of her long blond hair brush over his now supersensitive hair free cock as she placed the tip of the eagle feathers right at the base of his left ball.

Looking back up his body into his red face and pleading eyes she sneered. "We took a vote Carl, and have agreed to ONLY tickle you for one minute for every pair of panties you tried to steal."

Quickly doing the math in his head, his mouth went dry as he realized that there must have been over a hundred pairs in that laundry basket and as he tried to yell out a protest through the gag they began. The next several hours were a total blank for Carl as every inch of his body was assaulted simultaneously. As two girls worked on each of his soles, others attacked his ribs, nipples and underarms. As the rest of his body was attacked, Sandra took it upon herself to be personally responsible for his crotch. As she watched him shrieking and crying in hysterics as the feathers swarmed over his body, she just smirked as she lazily made a continuous loop around one ball, up his shaft, swirling around his cock head and back down. She never slowed or stopped, just continuing the torturous circuit as he howled in impotent rage and laughter on the table. Repeatedly passing out and then reviving, finally they stopped.

Suddenly free from the feather torment, all he could do was whimper and shake, his whole body burning and writhing as his nerves were shot. The top of his dick was glinting in the light as he must have oozed out a pint of pre-cum, the sensations too much to contain, and his balls aching for release.

Now standing up from the table, Sandra announced to the room. "Let's give Carl here a big hand, as he has been a good sport and taken his punishment like a man. Now, before we let him go let's get the insurance policy ready."

Hearing the blessed words "let him go" for the first time in hours Carl relaxed, his whole body slumping on the table. Despite the torture he had just undergone, all he wanted to do now was go home and quickly jack off. All of the events of the prior several hours; the nudity, the shaving, the teasing had gotten him so hard he could taste his own semen almost in his mouth. Looking back up at Sandra, he again grew alarmed as he saw her oiling her hands up as two girls had their cellphones up and were obviously recording what was about to happen.

Reaching down to his face, she loving stroked his cheek before pulling the sopping panties from his mouth. Thinking that maybe she was going to let him go, his hopes were again dashed by her next words.

"OK, let's finish this thing. Hold his mouth open!"

Suddenly he felt his forehead held back and his jaw pulled down as four girls rips his jaws apart and forced his face up from the table. Now he was staring straight at his painfully hard cock with his mouth held open. Still not knowing what was going to happen, as he saw Sandra turn the bottle of baby oil over his penis and drool out the entire contents he knew and began to hopelessly struggle again.

"Hold him steady, I want to make sure to get a good shot!" Sandra laughed as she now gripped his shaft and began to relentlessly stroke his meat. The two girls filming this could barely hold their phones steady as they, as well as the other twenty-three women present all howled in laughter.

"This can't be happening!", he thought to himself as Sandra began stroking his throbbing member slowly and deliberately. Every female eye was trained on his tortured body as he tried valiantly not to submit. The night had already been the most humiliating of his young life, but to end it by blowing his load into his own throat would be a bridge too far. With every ounce of his strength Carl fought the rising tide of his boiling cum relentlessly being milked from his now blue balls. The fact that this was being videotaped only humiliated him more and made his resolution to fight his natural desire to release his load more.

Minutes ticked by as her stroked continued at a steady and ball emptying pace, his groans coming out only as a gurgle as his mouth was continued to be forced open. Finally, his eyes began to flutter and roll back in his head as the inevitable began to happen and the unwinnable battle started to be lost.

"Look, his toes are beginning to curl up!" one of the girls exclaimed as they all scanned his body for signs of his inevitable submission. Carl valiantly tried to hold back the inevitable cum flood but it was hopeless. Being tied naked, shaved waxed and tickled in front of a room full of women was bad enough. Being jacked off into his own mouth for their amusement was too much for him to handle, especially as he knew he was being taped.

Gallantly as he tried to hold back the deluge, Sandra's manual manipulations were just too much for him to resist and with a great gasp he shot his wad straight into his mouth, rope after rope of his ejaculation spewing down his throat, onto his eyes and into his hair. The delighted cries of the other girls was all he could hear as his salty semen had coated his whole face, seemingly a gallon of his spooge having been emptied.

Seeing him shaking and moaning, his whole face a giant slimy mess Sandra laughed.

"Not so fun getting a "facial" now is it? Funny though, you guys always like US to swallow, yet when the she is on the other foot..." her comments immediately were drowned out by more howls and hoots as every camera phone snapped this scene for posterity.

As he was untied he hoped he could just go in peace but his humiliation was not over yet. Before he could wipe his own seed from his face, two girls grabbed his wrists and pulled them behind his back and ziptied them together. Now "freed" he realized he was going to have a very long and very embarrassing walk back to his dorm naked and covered in semen.

Frog marching him towards the elevator, Sandra stroked his thigh and left ass cheek as she whispered into his ear. "It is a GOOD thing you are on the track team Carl, as I suspect you are going to be getting in a GOOD run this morning."


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