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Paperback Writer

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Husband uses spy-cam on wife and friend.
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I'm a writer and I work from home. I am moderately successful. A few years ago, I added a two-car garage with a large room overhead to our house. This allows me a fortress of solitude from which to work. Working from home, along with a chance meeting with a tech-whiz, brought together the elements of an unusual, but fortunate experience.

I receive all kinds of promotional things in the mail, as well as in my email. But, who doesn't? I had been considering software that allowed me to speak my thoughts while my computer transcribed them. I wanted something that worked very well and left little room for snafus. To this end, I responded to a mailing about a tech show at a local hotel. There was where it all began.

As I wandered from booth to booth and vendor to vendor, I found myself amazed at the technological advances available. I struck up a conversation with a vendor about my age. He sold cameras and security items. He had cameras with him that were the size of a pencil, or smaller.

As we chatted, I explained that I was a writer. To my pleasant surprise, he had read several of my efforts. He was able to name most of the pieces I had managed to get published. Needless to say, I admired the fellow's good sense and great taste. No matter how well I do, I always enjoy, or actually crave, acceptance and praise. This guy supplied it.

"I have a real cool camera I can loan you, Don," he confided. "All you do is place this tiny transmitter/camera someplace secret and attach this unit to your TV. You will see and hear everything with incredible clarity."

"That looks smaller than my dick, and almost as harmless," I chuckled. "What, or who, would I want spy on with that camera?"

"Find out what the wife says about you when you aren't in the room. See what the milkman does with her. See when dinner is ready. Shit, Don, there are a million uses for this thing," he added. "If nothing else, you will amaze people with your intuition. When the wife tells her friend she wants a watch from you for her anniversary and you get her a watch, she will be putty in your hands."

"I can see where it would be fun to play around with," I admitted. "It is so tiny, I can hide it one of her damn little knick-knack things in the kitchen and she would never know! How long can I have it?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone about this, okay?" he insisted. "It is not yet approved for the general public. I think we have a few thousand in the new Russian Embassy in Washington. I have another show at the Hotel Esquire in Denton next weekend. You can return it to me then."

I walked out of that show without the software I wanted, but with a tiny camera in my pocket. It was extremely simple to install. My wife was at work so I placed the camera part on a shelf that Loretta had crammed with figurines and artsy shit that served no real purpose that I could discern. I hid it under something that looked like a frog, or maybe a dog. I couldn't really tell and didn't care. When I stepped back into the kitchen a few feet, it was not even visible.

I had my doubts about getting any sort of picture, but I decided to try it. I inserted the receiver into my cable hook-up in the back of the TV and then reattached the cable to it. I turned on the television and it worked fine, if you like soap operas! Nothing had changed. I began going down the channels. I was about to give up when I hit channel 03 and suddenly my kitchen was on my big screen in living color!

I found that if I turned up the volume, I could hear the clock on the wall in the kitchen tick. I could see most of our eat-in kitchen, including the work area and the table. The picture was even better than cable. Soon I got bored watching the kitchen and turned on ESPN. Loretta wouldn't be home from work for another hour and there wasn't so much as a mouse walking around.

I was working on outlines for my next best seller and had plenty of time. When I am actually in the throes of brilliant writing, I can spend a whole day and night typing and creating. I stop only for a bathroom break or a snack. Luckily, I was not in that mode.

I heard Loretta pull into the garage below me, so I switched the channel to the kitchen. Loretta walked in with some groceries and put them away. It was really quite impressive. I was able to watch every move she made and it was very clear. I had to adjust the volume down because her heels made loud clicks on the floor. Loretta then began to unbutton her blouse. I found that quite erotic. It was like she was in a soap of her own. Then she left the room.

I knew she was going to go change from her work clothes, as she always did. I also knew I could go watch her if I wanted. I might even get lucky, although after 16 years of marriage, our sex life was a bit stagnant. Instead of going to watch her change, I began to wonder if I should have placed the camera in the bedroom. Then I could watch without having to get up. I marveled at my romantic nature.

I went back to work on my great American novel. I almost fell off my chair when I heard Loretta speak. I thought she was in the room with me! I swung around and looked for her. That was when I realized she had returned to the kitchen and was using the phone. I made a note to myself to keep a closer eye on the TV, lower the volume, and to change my underwear at the first opportunity.

I listened to Loretta's end of the conversation. She was talking to her mother and getting all her family news. Uncle Jack had a hernia and cousin Nancy had missed her period and might be pregnant. That would be okay, if the tramp had ever bothered to get married! I stored away the information, thinking I could look smart sometime, which would shock the shit out of my wife's family.

A short time after Loretta finished her conversation with her mother the phone rang again. Loretta seemed surprised and pleased to speak with the caller. It seemed that it was an old college friend coming to town for the week. Her name was Magill and she called herself Lil.

Lil was in town for a job related seminar and wanted to get together with Loretta to catch up on everything. Before I could sprint down to the kitchen and put a stop to it, Loretta invited Lil to spend the week with us.

"We have a spare room and I would love to have you close so we can get reacquainted!" persuaded Loretta. "He won't mind, really. He spends most of his time in his little castle working on his books."

I knew I was the topic of the conversation now.

"Yes, he does quite well. You've read that one?" quizzed Loretta. "I haven't been able to get through it, although it is one of his best sellers."

What the hell was that remark? My own wife can't wade through my books? She sure doesn't mind wading through the surf when the royalties enable us to spend two weeks at the Caymans every year!

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," laughed Loretta. "I will pick you up at the airport tomorrow evening. It's settled!"

I decided there would be a great deal less that I didn't know from that point forward. My spy network was going to come in handy. I would be able to hear what plans were being hatched and just what I was expected to not know.

It occurred to me that I had seen this situation before. Then it came to me. George Burns had a similar hook-up to watch Gracie! He always knew about her schemes and was able to thwart them. I considered speaking to my imaginary audience like George always did, but that could be a bad habit to begin. My fans would have to figure out everything with no help from me.

Needless to say, I never mentioned to Loretta that I was able to observe everything that transpired in the kitchen. Never give up the advantage.

I wandered into the kitchen just as Loretta was placing dinner on the table. I smiled to myself as I thought how she usually had to climb up the stairs and bang on the door to get me to come to dinner.

"Honey, I got a call from an old friend today," she began. The 'Honey' part was a signal that she wanted something. "She is going to be in town for a week and I invited her to stay with us. You don't mind, do you?"

"I suppose we have the room, but you will be at work and I am working on my next book. I won't be entertaining her all day," I warned.

"She has some sort of seminar thing she has to attend during the day. She will be getting in about the same time as I," stated Loretta. "You will like her. She was a very attractive girl 20 years ago and I bet she still looks good."

"That will certainly make the intrusion more palatable," I admitted. "What is her name?"

"Lil Magill, from Ohio, originally," answered Loretta. "We went to school together. I will pick her up at the airport tomorrow afternoon. Thanks, Sweetheart!"

The next afternoon I turned on the TV when I heard Loretta pull into the garage. A minute or so later I saw her usher her friend into the kitchen. I had to admit that this Lil was not hard on the eyes! She was Loretta's height, and about her weight.

I realized they were about the same size, but Lil wore a short, tight skirt and a blouse with a low neckline that showed more than a hint of cleavage. Her persona just seemed to ooze sexuality while Loretta looked like a plain housewife by comparison.

Loretta brought out a bottle of wine and the two sat at the table and chatted. I thought there would be more reminiscing about the glory days than there was. Lil seemed more interested in discussing sex. She had my attention.

"So how is hubby in the sack, Loretta?" she asked. "Does he get the job done, and done often? My Steve fucks me at least three times a week and a few times on the weekend."

This girl was not shy! I had never heard a woman talk about being fucked, unless it was the auto repair place doing it.

"We don't do it as often as you and your husband. It's more like a weekend thing, if everything falls into place," Loretta replied. "Don isn't overly interested in sex."

Where was Loretta getting that shit? I would fuck every day if she would just give a hint that she was interested. It was her, not me! She was the cold fish that acted like sex was a duty she had to perform on rare occasions.

"I am so sorry to hear that, Loretta!" cooed Lil. "I wonder if it might have a little to do with your attitude and the way you dress? You have a nice figure but you seem to keep it hidden, if the clothes you are wearing today are an indication."

"I am a professional woman and manage a large department store. I can't dress like some cheap floozy!" exclaimed Loretta. "I have an image to maintain."

"Like the Ice Queen?" asked Lil. "You control who fucks you, Loretta, but men will be much more cooperative if they feel the desire to fuck you. It makes them putty in your hands. Shorter skirts and a little tit will go a long ways!"

I liked the way this girl thought! Loretta was pretty conservative in her fashion sense. I knew she couldn't look as good as Lil did, but the right clothes would certainly help.

"Do you give Don many blowjobs?" she asked.

Loretta coughed on her wine! That question caught her totally off-guard.

"That is not something I do," confessed Loretta. I could vouch for her on that one. "Don doesn't really want me to do that."

What the hell was this woman saying? Did she want Lil to think I was a damn fag or something? I longed for a nice slow blowjob... my entire marriage. Loretta refused the few times I had suggested it, so it just died a natural death.

"That has to be a joke!" laughed Lil. "All normal men want blowjobs. If they had their way we would spend about eight hours a day with our lips attached to their dicks. I am surprised Don doesn't insist. You wouldn't refuse your wifely duty if he gave you no choice, would you?"

"You may be right, Lil. If her gave me no option and demanded and expected it, I would do it. I would not have to worry about any guilt feelings from my religious upbringing," conceded Loretta. "It would be something I had to do for my husband. He never seems interested though, so it doesn't really make any difference."

Why that little cocksucker, soon to be! I never guessed that! Why hadn't I pushed it more? I determined right then to test Loretta and find out if she was just bull-shitting to impress her friend.

"My husband always makes me suck his cock, especially right after he eats my pussy," revealed Lil. "There is no discussion or refusing. He just pulls my head down on his cock and I just suck it like a baby. He loves it and it actually puts me in control. A man will do anything for the woman he loves when his cock is in her mouth!"

"Don hasn't eaten my pussy in years, so that is not apt to happen," Loretta sighed.

"Really? Do you have some horrible infection? Do you shower and douche now and then?" quizzed Lil.

"Of course I am clean! It is just that Don is not a sexual man. He is content to write his books and have the usual dull sex a couple times a month," lamented Loretta.

I was getting pissed! I wanted more sex. I loved to eat her but she never gave me any encouragement, so I gave it up years ago. She made sex seem like hard work!

"All men are sexual, Dear," smiled Lil. "It is just that some men are more sexual than others. You need to suck his cock and have him eat your pussy. Believe me, you will love it, and so will he."

"I am afraid we have drifted too far along to change now," Loretta admitted. "We have grown comfortable in our dull rut. More than a few times I have thought of finding a lover. I never have, but I daydream about a man that will use me for his pleasure and bring me pleasure in the process. Don has been a perfect husband and provider. He is just undersexed."

Goddamn! Why didn't she just place an ad in the paper saying I was a shitty lover? Why would she tell her friend all this crap?

"I think we need to go shopping tomorrow after your work and get you a new wardrobe. You are about my size and you will be surprised how sexy it will make you feel," suggested Lil. "I have another idea, but you will think I am crazy."

"I love to shop and I sure could add some spark to my life, so let's shop!" laughed Loretta. "What is the crazy idea you have?"

"It is just an idea, so don't get all mad. I will be staying here for a week. Suppose some night you got up to visit the bathroom and didn't return?"

"Do you think I should leave, or go sleep on the couch?" questioned Loretta.

"Just suppose I took your place in bed for awhile and tried to light a fire under old Donnie-boy? We are nearly the same height and weight," Lil observed. "He would not know it was me in the bed. I bet I could get him to eat my pussy and I would suck him off. It would get him thinking outside the square, so to speak. I would go to the bathroom again and you could get him to fuck the daylights out of you. He would also be more apt to eat you out and feed you his cock after that."

"Lil! You are a married woman!" exclaimed my wife. "How can you do that to your husband?"

"That is the beauty of it! I won't have sex. I'll just give him the blowjob of his life and get my pussy eaten," laughed Lil. "No one, including our husbands, will ever know!"

"I don't know if that is such a good idea. I would know and you may be very disappointed with Don's performance," worried Loretta.

Where the hell was that coming from? I promised myself no woman would leave my bed disappointed again! I wasn't religious, but I began to pray Lil would convince Loretta about the soundness of this idea. George Burns never got into schemes like this!

"Loretta, if the woman knows what she is doing, the man will not be a disappointment. You have to control the situation while making him believe he is in control," stated Lil.

"I think I will try to get Don a little more amorous the next few nights, Lil. If he responds and shows some fire, I will do it. It sounds odd, I know, but it isn't just his reputation at stake," Loretta offered. "If my husband has another woman, even without his knowledge, I want her to be satisfied and think I have the best lover and husband woman can have. Does that seem weird?"

"Not at all, Loretta. I understand perfectly. If I get in the sack with your husband, you want me to come away wishing he was my man!" agreed Lil.

About that time they drifted into the living room and out of range of my spy device. My head was spinning with all I had learned. One thing was certain. I was going to make Loretta proud and get her to offer our bed to Lil. I had my own idea about what would happen after she gave me that blowjob she planned!

I strolled into the kitchen a few minutes later. No one was around so I went into the living room. Lil was there, but Loretta wasn't. When she saw me, Lil rushed over and gave me a very warm hug.

"You must be Don! I am Loretta's old friend Lil," she told me. "I have read just about all your books and enjoy them. You are very good!"

She was still standing close to me and I could feel her tits against my chest. I was a little flustered as I tried to think of a clever response.

"Thanks!" I responded.

I heard Loretta come down the stairs from the bed room area, but Lil didn't let me go. I turned to see Loretta watching Lil rubbing her tits against me.

"I see you have met Nancy," Loretta smiled.

Now I was totally confused. My look must have shown my confusion.

"She calls herself Lil, but we always knew her as Nancy," Loretta quickly added. "Call her Lil."

Loretta was making no sense. Lil, or Nancy, was close to laughing. It seemed odd that Loretta couldn't decide what to call her old friend.

"We just met, Loretta. You didn't tell me that Don was in such good shape! Do you spend a lot of time at the gym?" Lil asked.

"Well, I have a couple exercise machines in my office over the garage and I use them quite a lot while I am trying to dream up a new plot," I replied. "It is nice to meet you, Lil. I will leave you two to reminisce and get back to work. I just thought I would introduce myself and welcome you to our home."

I got no work done because I spent all my time watching the damn tube to see if I could learn anything more about my possible sexcapades. Nothing of interest came across the airwaves. We ate dinner and I excused myself to go to my office to watch the game. I was really more interested in watching my kitchen. Soon the women finished the chores in the kitchen and retired to the living room to chat. I actually turned the TV to the game.

Around 11:30 I walked into the living room and announced I was going to bed. I gave both ladies a peck on the cheek, climbed the bedroom stairs, and crawled into bed. The problem was that listening to Lil and Loretta earlier had made me extremely horny. I got out of bed, took a quick shower, got back in and waited for Loretta. I didn't have to wait long.

Loretta came into the room and closed the door. I pretended to be asleep and waited. I was pleasantly surprised when she peeled off her clothes, turned off the light, and slid next to me under the covers.

She ran her hand over my stomach and down to my already hard cock. The little guy is not very good at subterfuge! Loretta began to stroke my cock and the precum began to ooze. Then she slowly kissed her way down my stomach till she was giving little kisses to my cock. It seemed that she was going to heed some of the advice Lil had bestowed earlier! But then, so was I.

I placed my left hand on Loretta's head and took my cock in my right. Then I pushed her head down as I pointed my cock where I knew her mouth had to be. I felt some resistance at first, but continued to press Loretta's head down. My cock was rubbing her cheek and I moved it all around her face. Gradually I brought it back to her lips and pressed it against them. I felt Loretta's mouth open and take my cock in! I was in heaven as I felt her begin to work her tongue around my cock. I couldn't believe the pleasure I was getting from her efforts.


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