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Paperwork Pt. 01

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Emma has to get a new I.D and get into temporary slavery.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/06/2021
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*Author's note: This is based on the slave grading universe of Joe_Doe_Stories. This is all a fantasy. The story contains some partial non-consensual sexual themes and slavery. If this isn't your thing please do not continue reading. All characters are 18 years old and above. Although this is part of the slave grading universe I did make certain adjustments to a few things here and there as I'm sure most stories do as well. Whatever, Happy reading!*

It's that time of the year again, to celebrate one's birthday. But that also means that once every few years you have to renew your driver's license too.

I don't like coming here but once in awhile everyone has too at some point for some reason. I'm at Service NB in Saint-John, Canada. My birthday is tomorrow and my driver's license/I.D expires that day. I'd rather not get a fine for driving with an expired license in the possibility that I get arrested for something, so today is the day to get it renewed.

It was a Tuesday morning, I arrived 50 minutes after the place opened and there was a decently long line of people by the door all lined up. Great. But usually they go through people pretty fast. I was outside for about 9 minutes when the line moved into the building.

I had to first get to the desk and be given a number for the reason why I was here so they could categorize my paperwork stuff. Then after that was more waiting for my number to be called up and then I can pay the small fee to get a new picture for my license/I.D and get out of there. The "taking a new picture" part isn't necessary but since I lost like 40 pounds in the last few years I looked much more different than my current I.D pic.

My short brown hair was now long jet black with some magenta streaks and my face looked much less... well I don't want to say fat but yeah, I looked in much better shape than 3 years ago.

Suddenly I hear:

"NEXT!" from the front desk lady.

Finally it was my time to get my number. I walked up, and placed my about to be expired I.D on the table.

"Hi, I'm here to renew my I.D please."

The desk lady picked up my card, she inspected the card and then looked back at me a few times to make sure that it was the same person. I did really need that new picture that badly if she had a hard time seeing that it was me on there.

"Alright, let me double check your information, tell me if something's off girly."

"Emma Bleich, White-Caucasian, Born June 5th, 2001, Blue eyes, Short brown hair, 5 ft 1, 168 lbs..." she went on to the rest of the card's info.

I made sure to correct her of my weight and hair color/length. Then she asked me for the one thing I hated being asked all the damn time ever since this became a thing in our world.

"You don't have a slave grade hun?"

I hated being asked that constantly. I also hated that there was a mandatory and a supplementary course in highschool where we had to learn the basics of slave yoga and in the advanced class you would be subjected to a full 72 hours slave experience by going to a camp in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I sure as hell didn't take the extra course but I hated the slave yoga. So degrading!

I absolutely refused to get slave graded as I was extremely efficient at saving money and not ever accumulating debt of any kind. I didn't even have a credit card! 3 of my friends went and they all came back with Select grades. The cherry on top is that because they can expose their pussy to the world they are now better paid than me by default even though I'm much smarter and better at my job than they'll ever be! It's outrageous!!

Whatever, I had expected the question to rise and prepared myself for it.

"No. I don't have a slave grade. I do not wish to be slave graded."

"Oh, that's odd coming from someone like you, I'm sure you'd do extremely well at it."

I was a bit taken aback by the compliment, I had never thought of myself as being hot as a girl. It was nice to hear, even though it was related to something I'd never do.

"Oh... well thank you. I... um, so can I get my number for the I.D renewal please?" I asked attempting to clear the subject.

"Yes, yes, sorry honey, it's kinda part of my job to motivate girls to get chipped and graded now that we have the local grading station in the building. Oh... hmm... looks like we have a little issue here."

"What's wrong?"

I was getting nervous, what could be going wrong? I had the right papers on me. What's the problem now?

"It seems that since you have changed so much since your last I.D that you'll have to pass a small medical exam. Although there's one minor problem."

"What?" I asked getting increasingly nervous.

"The civilian doctor is out sick and with no details on when she'll be back. Although there is an alternative, but you may or not like it."

"Please, tell me."

"The slave doctor can perform the exam but you'll have to join a troop of 3 slaves and you'll be marked as "not to be sold". But you'll have to be slave naked for it."

Slave naked. The common definition of the slave attire. Of course in colder weather conditions slaves are allowed to have clothes to protect themselves from the harsh weather but in June where it's 25-33 degrees celsius slaves are kept naked, safe for their usual "clothes", if you can call it that. The only clothes slaves can and must wear at all times are their thick steel collars and their leather cuffs on their wrists and ankles. Of course all locked on and impossible to open without the proper key, chains of various lengths can also be locked onto the cuffs to restrain the slave further. Typically you'll see a single slave in her cuffs with her hands either in front or behind her with a 6 inch chain barley allowing for movement. Her ankles are locked with a 14 inch chain to allow for very slight movements but definitely no running, and a leash is locked or clipped to the collar's front ring to lead the slave to where she has to go.

There had to be another way. I am NOT going slave naked here.

"Please tell me there's another way." I begged.

"Sorry girly, there isn't, and I can't let you leave knowing that you have an expired I.D on you."

"But it only expires tomorrow. Tomorrow at 13:53, that's the exact time of my birth!"

"It's too risky for me. I won't lose my job because of this. If I have to get security get you out of your clothes by force I will. But if you don't want to be stripped in front of everyone, just go to that slave wrangler over there by the grading station's entrance. Just say your here to get your medical exam done." The desk lady said as she pointed out a young and quite good looking female slave wrangler.

I didn't have much choice in the matter at this point. Without another word besides a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself (which did not work by the way) I walked towards the female slave wrangler.

I did say she was a beauty though. She was a a few inches taller than me, she seemed to be latina, she had a medium length black hair in a neat pony tail. Her name tag told me her name was Amy. I have no attraction to girls but I can always appreciate when a fellow woman looks good.

I went up to her and said:

"Hi I was told to come to you for a medical examination."

"Really? I thought we had everyone already? Who are you? Let me scan your chip." Amy said this as she was pulling out her chip reader.

"I'm not chip or graded, sorry."

"You're not graded or even chipped? How? A hot piece like you? I bet you'd go for Prime if you'd grade yourself. We can do it here if you want, and we can have you sold as early as tomorrow morning too."

Wow the articles weren't lying about people literally trying to enslave people left and right. But Amy called me a "hot piece" and that I would get prime? That would be fantastic. My salary would almost double! But that's not what I here for today. Today I just have to get my I.D pic and go home and think about this whole grading thing.

"Well thanks for the compliment and offer but I will have to kindly refuse. I just came to renew my I.D, apparently since I've lost some weight I have to pass a medical exam?"

"Ah ok. Yes... Alrighty. Just follow me. I'll show you the way."

Amy led me to a small office where there was already 3 girls waiting on their knees. These had to be the slaves that were also getting examined. I had to say I was thrilled to look line them but also terribly scared. Everyone's heard the horror stories of girls going for a grading and then ending up on the block sold to their ex-boyfriend.

As much as I am a strong anti-slavery activist, there's always been that curiosity in me to try it out. I thought of going out of town and doing one of those unofficial gradings or those private ones, just to see, just to feel the experience and excitement. But I never let those thoughts be more than that.

The 3 girls here were collared and cuffed. They were waiting in their nakedness besides their jewelry in the present position. On their knees, legs spread, chest out, hands resting on their thighs with open palm. This position was ingrained into my mind during those mandatory classes in highschool.

No chains were attached to their cuffs. In most times that is how slaves are. The chains are only needed to restrain a slave for transport or for protection against the slave if she's deemed dangerous. These 3, I'm assuming had already been through training or were about to be. I wondered what were the reasons for their enslavements. I may get the chance to ask later.

"Alright. Now..." Amy looked at my about to be expired I.D for my name, "Emma Bleich. You will be joining 2361, 3356 and 3380 for their medical examination. You will be required to wear the proper attire of a slave. You will be given the same rights and status of a slave for the period until your examination is complete. Meaning that you'll answer as a slave. Since you are not chipped... somehow... you will be given a temporary slave number. This number will be written on your body. Any questions before we begin?"

"No Ma'am." I replied knowing that was the correct answer of a slave.

"Good, strip out of your clothes so I may put your new attire on."

I quickly took off my clothes as I didn't want to upset Amy. The way she spoked during her speech gave the impression that she was a no bullshit kind of person. I didn't want to piss her off. Especially since I saw her shock batton on her belt.

For a moment I stood naked in front of the 3 slaves. But not one of them looked at me. They were well trained for sure. Suddenly I felt a cold feeling wrap my neck. The ice cold metal of the slave collar. It did have a blue stripe on it probably to mark me as a not-to-be-sold.

"Pardon me Ma'am, it's a bit tight."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Now open wide."

I opened my mouth nice a wide and received as expected the devox spray. This awful tasting mouth spray numbed the vocal cords of slaves or people going through a slave grading. It's main use of in effect making the girl mute is highly useful as some girls would encounter things that they did not appreciate during the grading process, like being fondled by an ex-boyfriend during their 1 hour on the pole for bidders to "inspect the goods".

Nevertheless I was now completely mute. Next was my slave jewelry. Some slaves who were bought for domestic or sexual duties were not necessarily kept in the standard leather cuffs and steel collar. Some owners ditch the cuffs altogether and opted instead for a light collar only. But some harsher Masters or Mistress's would keep on or even make the slaves shackles permanent, or at least stay on 24/7.

Permanent slavery had been banned a few years ago as it was deemed too inhumane. I still don't understand how the slavery act got passed in the first place. In Canada of all places. I'm not at all surprised that the US passed the law, although I'm quite certain that Lincoln is pretty pissed off in heaven right about now.

But as much as I hate legal slavery I can't deny the economic gain and the hundreds if not thousands of jobs that were created because of it. I only wished that male slavery would arrive sooner. It had been discussed in a Senate meeting in Ottawa about a month ago but no news came of it yet. Feminists all around the world are constantly trying to take down the law. But there's no going back now. If the governments would make slavery illegal again it would cripple our economy to the point of a massive depression.

Well it doesn't matter how much I don't like slavery seeing as I'm about to become a temporary slave myself. At least it's not a grading. Amy took out from a filling cabinet a set of cuffs and a collar. It's about to happen and as much as I was pissed and quite perturbed by the situation I couldn't help but be excited, almost as if I was looking forward to being collared and cuffed. The feeling only happened after I got sprayed by the devox, there might be more at play with that substance.

"Present me your hands, palms up, do not move slave."

SLAVE. That name... it sent shivers through my spine. I wasn't a person anymore. I was just another little hungry slut to obey orders.

I presented my hands as Amy requested. She expertly wrapped the cuffs on at a time and when finished with the leather buckle she placed a little padlock on it.

"Now, spread your legs, don't move."

I did as asked, or should I say ordered. Amy didn't have much emotion in her voice to begin with but her voice sounded so authoritative. Not in a scary way but more in a strict way.

Amy wrapped the ankle cuffs and again locked them in record speed. All the cuffs felt snug and comfortable. Something caught me extremely off guard. As Amy got up from locking my last ankle cuff she grabbed my naked pussy. I let out a soft grunt which obviously pleased Amy. She then pushed a finger into me dripping cunt and it felt sooo good!

I don't masturbate often if any and I could tell that little Amy slave wrangler knew what she was doing. I hadn't noticed until she touched me that I was EXTREMELY aroused.

But as soon I started to get close to finish she pulled out her finger. At that moment I was REALLY glad that I was mute because I would of BEGGED with all my being for her to not stop! Slave wranglers were known for this. Often girls who would go for a simple grading would end up on the block VOLUNTARILY as they got seduced by the wrangler.

Amy didn't say anything but showed a malicious grin telling me she clearly enjoyed my reaction. "Put your hair up in ponytail and lift it for me." Amy handed me a hair elastic.

I quickly put my hands to work a fastened a tight ponytail of my magenta streaked black hair. I knew that the collar came next.

Amy came with the steel collar and gently placed it around my neck. She closed the thick metal band and locked it. She backed up and checked me out, looking up and down. Was I really that good to look at?

"Damn, you're a hot piece of slave meat. It's a shame you don't get graded. I'd definitely try to get you to myself for a weekend."

I was getting a bit shy of her compliments. Well more shy than I was already was anyway. Standing here naked in full cuffs and collar. Although all I could think was how aroused I was. That spray definitely caused this... I think.

"Alright time to chain you up."

What did she say? Why chain me up? I couldn't ask but my look of confusion made it clear to her that I didn't understand.

"Oh, don't worry, it's just protocol for new slaves or first time gradies. Even though you're neither you still technically count as a newbie. The chains are just to make sure you won't hurt yourself or others. It also makes it 10 timea easier to handle you and get you to where you need to go."

That all sounded actually very reasonable. Still though, I didn't like the idea. But I really didn't want to know that electric prod felt on Amy's belt so I didn't resist when she applied the chains.

As standard for new slaves Amy attacked using the locks on my cuffs. She attached a 6 inch decently heavy chain to my wrists and a 14 inch chain to my ankles. To my great disappointment Amy did not grab my pussy again as she got up from chaining my ankles.

Wait a second, why was I disappointed? I'm not a lesbian, bisexual or let alone a slut who gets off on slavery. I'm against slavery!

But my moist in my between my legs could not be denied. Curse my betraying body!

"Alright, time for your slave number. Let me get my sharpie." Amy reached for her breast pocket and pulled out what looked a little black permanent marker. My eyes widened in fear. "Don't worry, this will wash off in the shower with some intense scrubbing."

She then wrote down the following 4 numbers right below my breasts;

"4456, that's your temporary slave I.D, let me just check if it went through in system." Amy took her Ipad from the desk behind her and tapped on it a few times.

"Ok, another wrangler should be here momentarily to take you to your appointment. Stay here and wait 4456."

"Stay here? Are you kidding me?" I thought. As if I was going anywhere like this. Collared, shackled and naked.

I stood there waiting patiently for about 10 minutes. The chains were getting heavy on me so I sat down in one of the office leather chairs.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you 4456."

I turned around to see all 3 slaves staring to their front. Then one of them looked at me.

"You should get off that chair, if a wrangler comes in and sees you sitting in a chair we'll all be in trouble. I don't know about you but I'd prefer not to be whipped."

Another slave added. "Yeah, come kneel with us sister."

"Sister?" I thought. That was what fellow slaves referred to each other. It was kind of wholesome. I suppose that it made it easier for girls who were enslaved by unpaid debts or forced indetures, to make them feel like they have a sorority in their slavery. Slaves watching each other's backs I guess.

They were right though. A slave is essentially reduced to property and almost sub-human. So sitting comfortably in a chair isn't a good idea. I don't Amy would appreciate it when she came back.

So I got up from the chair and made my way in my chains next to one of the slave girls. She later told me her name was Allie or 3380. She was enslaved of her own volition for 30 days. She had taken that time off her job as a first responder. She always wanted to explore her kinky side and what better way to do that then to get indentured as a pleasure slave. I did think that 30 days was kinda lengthy but it was the shortest time for voluntary enslavement. I couldn't imagine being a slave for 30 days.

Although it is a popular thing that young women do. For example a girlfriend will voluntarily indenture herself for 30 days and be sold to her boyfriend/girlfriend as a private sale. Then she'll be the legal property of her partner. The only thing with that is the girl should be 100% sure that her partner won't take advantage of her beyond her limits. As now it's no longer BDSM play time with a safeword, now it's real slavery where she can't say no. In some cases the boyfriend/girlfriend would end up severely breaking the girlfriend now slave girl to the point of total obedience and force her to be enslaved for the maximum period of 10 years. Or even worse they would sell the slave girl and therefore making her enslavement much less enjoyable when she ends up in the service of a old man or woman for 30 days.

There are always risks in self enslavements. The slave must read and learn about how the system works and have someone on the outside that they can call upon in cases of emergency. I just hope that Allie knows what she's doing.

I copied the slave poison that my fellow sisters were in. Kneeling, legs open, hands on my laps, or at least as wide as I could given my 6 inches of freedom and chest out.


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