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I catch up with my Lady and together we swim over deep water to the island. As we near the shore, we pass over a coral reef below us that is teeming with fish. "Amazing," I comment as the sandy bottom quickly rises up to meet us and we wade out onto the small beach. In front of us are two chairs by a small table with towels on them under a round thatch cover that looks like an umbrella offering shade for us.

"Amazing," Zoe says as she picks her towel up to begin to dry herself.

"I think amazing will turn into a keyword here in Paradise."

Another island beauty sways down from a path out of the thick forest onto the beach bearing a tray with a Mai Tai and an ice cold beer on it "My name is Poenui. I am your pool girl." She places the drinks on the table as we sit in wonder with Zoe mouthing 'amazing' to me. "Would you like your lunch here or back at your cabana?"

"Yes we would like lunch," I answer, "but maybe we should have it at the cabana."

Poenui takes two menus from her tray and offers them to us, "We have a very nice lightly sautéed fish with poi and greens today if you wish."

I nod my head and Zoe orders two plates of the fish without even opening the menu; we don't really feel like making too many decisions today. I sink deeper into my beach chair, take a long pull from my beer, and sigh contentedly as I look across the pool at our cabana and The Mansion above it surrounded by tall palms. "Paradise, indeed."

"Yes it is, Serge."

As we sit in the shade sipping on our drinks I watch as people saunter up and down the opposite beach and frolic in the pool. "Are you ready to swim back yet Zoe?" I ask as I finish my beer.

"Yes, let's go back, I'm famished."

At the cabana we are served lunch with a bottle of white wine as soon as we are seated at the table on our patio after having a long shower to rinse off the salt from the pool. After we finish our meal, we sit back in our chairs with satisfied sighs to sip our wine and watch the people around us.

A small but steady stream of people is strolling by our cabana patio with most nodding a hello our way or waving as they pass. Most everyone is nude and we see all shapes, ages, sizes and races as we watch the parade. "I've never seen so many different bare boobs in my life," I quietly comment. "Big'uns and little'uns, some perky and others droopy; quite the show."

"Yes and all the different cocks I see," Zoe laughs.

"Well I get to look at boobs and pussies, all you get are cocks."

"And balls and some really cute male butts."

"OK, but I get to see some pretty good looking lady's asses too."

"See that's three things each then. We're even."

"No, the ladies have two tits each so that makes four for me! I win."

"Well last I looked most men have two balls. There, tied again. For proof look at the couple walking toward us now, his right nut is hanging way below the other. That's quite a package he's got there too. Look at how that long cock and his big balls flip from thigh to thigh as he walks."

I look over to my right to see the man in question sauntering our way holding hands with his lady. His cock and balls do flip under a thick patch of black pubic hair as he walks, but it is the woman he is holding hands with that draws my attention. She is almost a foot shorter than his six foot tall skinny frame and is, er, plump with huge breasts that hang heavy on her chest to sway and move in a jello like way with each step she takes.

"It's hard to tell with all that jiggling but I do think her boobs are even though," I counter as the laughing and animated couple approach our patio.

"Hello there, you must be the American couple who have taken over The Cliffhouse," the short woman calls out to us in a very posh London accent when she reaches the entry to the patio.

"We're Canadian, actually. Those people south of us usurped the name American some two hundred years ago," I answer her with a smile. "My name is Serge and this lovely lady is Zoe."

"Too right about the Yanks but there are some very nice ones staying here, if you don't count that Texan named Tom and his young wife. Now just what is her name?"

The woman looks like she might carry on all afternoon but a gentle nudge in the arm from the tall man next to her stops her in her tracks. "What Harold, oh yes," She says, "I do prattle on and I have forgotten my manners. I am the Lady Lydia and this is my husband Sir Harold, Lord Twiddlesmoor of Derbycaster, we are so pleased to meet you.

"Tammy that is her name; Tom and Tammy from Texas. Abilene I think; he's in the petroleum business but he describes himself as being in crude. How droll, don't you think Zoe."

As Lydia pauses for breath Zoe asks her and Harold to join us on our patio.

Not missing a beat Lydia says, "We couldn't impose on you, it being your first day here and all that." as she steps through the entrance, "coming Harold?" She then lifts one of her breasts to try and peer underneath. Not being able to she turns to show her husband, "Am I getting titty lines again, Harold? You know how I hate them; they make me look like a ring tailed bandicoot, or is it a lemur. At any rate I must have shade or lie down to tan underneath."

I am laughing at this incredible, eccentric English Lady; thinking here's someone comfortable in her skin as I take my cue to stand and offer my chair in the shade. Lydia begins to thank me but stops half way through her thank you; her mouth starts working like a fish. Harold looks at her and actually raises an eyebrow in surprise. Apparently Lydia is seldom stopped in mid sentence.

"Oh my," Lydia says, "Oh my, my; I was going to compliment on your tattoos and nipple rings but your cock rings are brilliant, Serge." She turns to Zoe, "Do they feel good inside you, dear? I do hope so. Harold you must get at least one in your cock, please. I think that there is a tattoo and piercing shop in the town." Harold arches his other eyebrow and purses his lips at the very idea, "No. Are you sure Harold?"

"They feel wonderful, Lydia. They are called frenum rings," Zoe says then blushes for the first time I can remember.

Lydia flaps her hands in front of her chest to cool down then starts what becomes a Marx Brother's movie scene. "Chairs, we need two more chairs!"

Without thinking I turn to fetch chairs only to see Marania and another girl approach with a chair in each of their hands. Behind them is a third girl with a tray of sandwiches. Lydia now comes into her own as she begins to direct the placing of the chairs and us with a swinging of arms and body that sets her titties, as she calls them, in majestic motion. With each gesture they sway and quiver from side to side sometimes together and at other times separately. A series of orders is issued in her posh London accent with most being contradictory, "Marania put the red striped chair here in the shade." or, "Do you wish the sun, Deary?" and, "Tania do please put your tray down and help us here." But one of the best is, "Who would put the red chair in the shade, it simply cries for the sun."

Our cabana girls have been laughing and giggling since they appeared on the patio. Almost every move they make is contrary to what Lydia wants; the three girls watch her sparkling eyes and try to anticipate her every whim just so they can counter it. At times they look like tennis players waiting for the serve, bouncing from foot to foot with their eyes locked on Lydia's face.

Zoe nudges me in the arm and when I bend my ear close to her she whispers, "Watch this, it's the table next." I finally get it; this is a dance done many times before. Harold gives a polite bow to Zoe then smiles and winks at me when he notices that we understand.

"Dear, dear you girls have taken much too long; that dratted palm is going to shade the whole table now and my Harold must have his sun."

Harold seizes the moment and sits in the first chair that is placed in the sun. He then arranges his cock and balls so that he can cross his legs comfortably before taking another chair at random and pulls it along side of himself, making sure that it is in full shade. In the deepest foghorn voice I have ever heard he then says, "Sweetums please sit here in the shade. Our hosts are quite baffled and the girls are working up a sweat as they play with you."

"What, Harold?" Lydia stops in mid swing as her huge titties continue on to slap into her left arm with a loud double clap. "But I think the girls and I finally have it right, almost."

Harold looks at the chair he has chosen for his 'Sweetums' and raises both eyebrows.

"Of course, Dear" Lydia smiles at Harold and sighs as she sits with her titties still shaking and quivering like they will never stop.

'The man has more expressions than the dog in Wallace and Grommet,' I think as I understand why Harold is always so quiet.

"Some sandwiches, Sweetums?" Harold booms as he pushes the plate the new island girl has placed on the table towards Lydia, "Vaiata has cut off the crusts just as you like."

Zoe and I now sit down with her taking the sunny seat, both of us wondering just what is going on between our guests and the cabana girls.

"Brilliant. Cucumber sandwiches. Just the ticket don't you think Harold. How many pepper grains are on each one, Vaiata?"

"One hundred and twenty five grains each on the top two with one hundred and five or so on the bottom two, Madam. I was distracted in my count by Tania on the last ones," Vaiata answers with a curtsy and a smile.

Harold chooses this moment to lean forward in his chair and reach for an empty spot on the table in front of him. Just as his fingers begin to close about some imaginary thing a glass appears; placed there by Marania. An eyebrow is raised and Harold's head tilts to the right.

"Gin and tonic, sir, with a lime twist; just as you like it," she says as she, too, curtsies.

"Oh my, but there isn't any ice in Sir Harold's drink, Marania. You know how he prefers an icicle, suitably prepared, in his gin and tonics. Oh, how I wish you could please him with his fondest winter pleasure here in one of the hottest place on earth."

Marania looks at Lydia with sly smirk on her face then steps back to let Vaiata approach carrying a small table with a cutting board on top. Tania is behind her with her hands behind her back.

"The icicle please!" Vaiata says in a loud dramatic voice while looking at a very bewildered Lady Lydia, wife to the Lord Twiddlesmoor of Derbycaster. Tania's hands come from behind her back to flourish an icicle like a baton. She then carefully places it on the cutting board in front of Vaiata who begins to cut it like a carrot with a sharp knife. As each round is cut Marania picks it up with ice tongs to drop it gently into Harold's glass. When Vaiata reaches the pointy tip she holds it up to look at it then tosses it over her shoulder saying, "Too small."

Tania then picks up the glass and offers it to Harold who accepts it and takes a sip. "Ambrosia!" he cries shocking all around with his loud and very deep voice. "The girls have finally fulfilled your impossible request, Sweetums. I do hope that the air fare for my icicle is on your account though, Lydia."

"We must be confusing our hosts, Harold," Lydia says to us as she pats his knee. "Your three beautiful cabana girls are our god daughters, you see we have known them since they were born." Then looking at Tania she asks, "Is it winter up north again? That icicle isn't from our mansion in Derbycaster is it?"

Mariana answers for her sister, "Your butler, Thomas, plucked the icicle off your roof not ten hours ago Madam. I'm afraid the airfare will be hideously expensive. But we thought it worth it to see the look on your face."

"Is the drink to your liking, Harold?" Lydia chuckles as she tries to hide her smile.

Harold just takes another sip then raises an eyebrow as he savours his drink, "Brilliant, thank you girls."

Teiki now appears in front of us and bows saying, "The Cliffhouse has been prepared for you, Zoe and Serge. When you are ready please let us know and I will escort you to the cart that will take you to your beach shack."

"Oh, you must go with him now. The Cliffhouse is absolutely brilliant! It's our favourite shack!" Lydia shouts in her thick London accent as she stands to push us out the back of the cabana toward an electric cart with another islander standing beside it wearing an even smaller piece of clothing. He has a thin silver chain around his narrow waist holding a small strip of cloth in the hotel colours pretending to keep his modesty, but each little gust of wind lifts the gossamer thin cloth up to show us his large cock and balls.

"Your house boy will take you to your shack," Teiki says. "His name is Nunui and he will do everything you ask of him.

"Everything?" Zoe asks as she looks between his legs while licking her lips.

"Yes, the house boys and house girls are open to anything that you ask of them; even sex. The length of our sarongs or loin cloths tell you what level of service we offer to our guests. The smaller the sarong or loin cloth the more we will do for you."

"We have a house girl as well?" I ask.

"But of course, her name is Leilani."

"MMMM. How small is her loin cloth?"

Zoe slaps my shoulder, hard.

"Well you did ask about Nunui first!" I say as I rub my arm.


Nunui offers his hand to Zoe and helps her into the seat under the carts colourful sunshade.

"Thank you, Nunui" Zoe purrs as she watches his naked ass with his heavy balls showing below as he sits in the driver's seat after helping her into the cart.

"Ooh I can learn to like this place," Zoe gushes.

"Let's wait to see what our house girl looks like," I respond; thinking that I have never heard Zoe gush before.

"MMM, touché, Serge"

Nunui starts the cart off under the palms down the path toward The Stream and the bridge over it. "On this side under The Mansion we have all the parties and loud music," Nunui says as we approach the bridge, "But on the other side things are quieter; especially around the pools."

"Pools?" Zoe asks.

"Oh, yes there are pools everywhere in the palm grove. Each with it's own bar."

We are driven past dozens of palm grove huts, each in its own garden, until we finally reach the beach. Nunui turns left and drives us along the beach past the beach shacks, if you can call the small homes we pass that, until we start up a small hill towards a house by itself on a low cliff overlooking the lagoon.

"You can dive into the lagoon from the balcony here," Nunui says as he parks in front of a tall privacy hedge that surrounds our beach shack.

"This resort just keeps getting better and better," I mutter in an awe inspired voice as I help Zoe from the cart.

"MMM," Is all I get in response.

"Leilani should be out any second," Nunui tells us. "I'll be parking the cart around the side, OK"

Zoe and I start walking toward the gate when a young bare breasted island girl opens it for us. She may as well be naked; her see through loincloth is so small it wafts up at the slightest breeze to show us that she is completely shaved. "Ah, Zoe and Serge, at last you are here. Please come into your new home."

We step through the gate into a small piece of Eden.

A lush tropical garden surrounds our beach shack. There are small fish ponds with a little path leading through them up to a porch that wraps around the house. Nunui joins Leilani as Zoe and I stand enthralled by the sight of our beach shack.

"This way, please," they say in unison as they turn to lead us inside showing their naked asses.

"MMM," we both hum.

"You're not fucking her!" Zoe whispers to me with a grin.

"Yeah, and you're not touching his cock either!"

"Well, maybe we can come to some sort of agreement," Zoe sighs as she watches Nunui's cock and balls sway between his legs from behind. "A foursome, maybe. I mean they are ours to do with as we please it seems. Maybe I wouldn't mind him licking my pussy while she sucks your cock," Zoe continues with a raised eyebrow as we follow the two naked servants into our new vacation shack.

"Let's wait and see; maybe I can fuck her while he licks your pussy," I answer, stunned at these new ideas.

"In that case he can fuck me while you fuck her, then."


Like every other building in the resort there are no doors or window glass anywhere. The main room is huge; going from the front to the back of the building and opening out onto a magnificent patio overlooking the lagoon. Our house servant's stop in the centre of the room with their loin cloths blowing in the wind and turn to us asking how they can help us. I look at Zoe as she looks back at me.

"Maybe a little later, Serge," Zoe purrs as she looks at me before turning to our servants, "show us our shack, please."

"Of course Madam," Leilani says as she waves her hand toward the bedroom. "Nunui, would you get our guests their favourite drinks please, while I show them their new home."

Our beach shack is huge. The bedroom, with its king sized bed, and the living room both share the balcony facing the lagoon and are separated by a low wall. The toilet, bath and shower are in the open on the balcony off the bedroom with a full view of the lagoon.

"Oh, look at this!" Zoe yells as she discovers the closet in the bedroom and runs her hands over the dozens of exotic clothes hanging there.

Leilani smiles and says, "There is more in the dresser Madam."


"But of course. You do remember Iman telling you that we would fill your closet with what you need while you're here, don't you?"

"Yes," Zoe says as she lovingly feels the soft lingerie in the drawers of the dresser.

"And here, sir, is your closet," Nunui tells me as he opens yet another closet door.

There is not as much clothing in my closet as Zoe's, but enough to amaze me.

"And, of course, your dresser, sir."

I look at my one dresser drawer of clothes then at Zoe's five and grin thinking that a man is much easier to please than a woman as I watch my lady feel each soft, frilly and erotically daring garment in her closet and drawers.

Zoe and I finally calm enough to go and rest on the balcony overlooking the lagoon to watch the sun set.

We are sitting next to the hot tub on the balcony with our feet up listening to the wind and waves when Nunui brings out a Mai Tai for Zoe and Leilani appears with a beer for me. Nunui settles to his knees in front of Zoe and offers her the drink in his hands while Leilani does the same in front of me.

"Well..." I say as my cock rises. I can see that Zoe is squirming in her chair, "Your call."

Zoe just looks at me then spreads her legs before reaching out to take the offered glass from the man at her feet. Nunui leans forward and begins to lick between Zoe's legs making her gasp, "Oh, my god! This is Paradise!" as she lifts her legs to put them on his shoulders.

I spread my own legs and take the beer from Leilani's hand. She leans into my crotch to take me into her mouth and begins to slide my cock down her throat. "Getting good face, Baby?" I sigh as my cock disappears down Leilani's mouth while we sit on our balcony.

"Yes, dear," Zoe pants as she rubs her crotch against Nunui's mouth. "The stars are quite bright tonight, don't you think. Will you be fucking me tonight or will you cum in Leilani's mouth?"

"On our first night here I should cum in you, don't you think, Baby," I reply as Leilani slides her mouth up and down my cock while I, too, look at the stars as the island girl takes me deep into her throat.

Zoe cums as Nunui licks at her cunt then looks at me. "I want your cock in me, now, Serge!" Then pushes our house boy away from between her legs.

I stand, easing Leilani off my throbbing cock, and cross over to Zoe to shove every inch I own into her warm cunt as she lays there with her legs spread while looking up at the night sky. Our servants stand by the entrance to our bedroom and quietly watch us as we fuck in the darkness of the tropical night.

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