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Parallel Universe Final Chapter

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Tasha's rage gets her into trouble.
5.1k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 02/05/2003
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Tasha and Lex headed for the underground. It was about 5pm and the streets were beginning to get busy.

Although there were dozens of people lining the streets no one seemed to be in a particular rush to get anywhere. People just seemed to be taking their time, stopping every so often to chat to one another then moving on. It all seemed very friendly.

Lex and Tasha did what they could to blend into their surroundings by slowing their pace. Lex looked ahead to see a stunning red head walking directly towards him. He turned slightly making room for her to pass as she approached, but she too turned in the same direction.

He looked into her eyes to see that she was staring directly at him, with an odd expression on her face. She pretended to accidentally walk right into him, took a step back, apologised, stroked his crotch, whispered, 'call me,' into his ear and slipped a business card into his jeans pocket. Then she smiled and walked away.

Tasha watched in stunned silence. Lex turned to Tasha with his mouth wide open, also speechless. Eventually he managed a grin and mocked Tasha, 'why don't you ever do that to me honey?'

Tasha blushed and said, 'not if you were the last man alive!' Lex's ego took a real smack as he realised that she actually meant what she said.

She had started walking at a quicker pace towards the underground, and Lex grabbed her hand to slow her down. She yanked her hand abruptly out of his hold, and sneered, 'don't touch me!'

Lex stopped for a second and said, 'well slow down then, or they'll catch us out! Listen Tasha, I'm trying to help you here and all you keep doing is insulting me or driving me away, what is your problem?'

Tasha replied angrily, 'I don't like you, I've never liked you, and no matter how helpful you think you are going to be, I will never like you. You are nothing but a sexist pig, who is no better than the sad fucks living on this God forsaken planet. Deep down under all that suppressed emotion you are just like the rest of the men on this planet.'

Just then, a tall black man in a grey suit walking in the opposite direction to Tasha extended his right arm towards her. In his left hand he held a mobile phone to his ear. He seemed preoccupied with his telephone conversation. As he passed her, his right hand made contact with her breast, and he had a casual grope as he continued talking on the phone.

Tasha froze at the audacity of the stranger, and made a fist. Lex reacted quickly, 'at ease cadet!' he ordered, 'you might not like me, and I am certainly going off you, but Tom gave me an order to try to keep you alive, so you will do as I say. Stand at ease, now!'

Tasha didn't like his tone at all, and glared at Lex. He took a step towards her, and said quietly, 'remember I am still your commanding officer.'

'Command this!' she replied, punching him in the solar plexus, dropping him to his knees.

A winded Lex shook his head and looked up at Tasha. 'You spoilt angry little bitch! I could have helped you out here, we could have been friends, but if that's the way you want it, fine! From now on, you are on your own. Let's see just how far you get before you're attacked again! Fuck off, out of my sight, I can think of better ways of spending my time.'

Tasha took a deep breath, 'You really are pathetic, Lex.' She stormed off towards sign for the underground.

Lex recovered quickly and watched his companion, still wearing his baggy white shirt and his jeans disappear down the steps to the underground entrance. He looked round and wandered if anyone had paid any attention to their mini drama. From the corner of his eye he spotted a tall Slender Chinese woman staring directly at him. What made her stand out was that she was the only woman in the street not smiling. He blinked, and she was gone.

Lex thought about running into the nearest phone booth to call the redhead, but remembered John's orders about keeping the arrogant Tasha alive. After swearing, he made a dash for the underground.

At the bottom of the steps he was alarmed to find that the men and women were being separated into different queues. He approached the policeman directing the crowds. Lex asked him to explain the segregation.

'Where you been the last two months, Mars?' mocked the cop. 'We've had a bomb threat. We think it's the Woman Against Rape (WAR) activists, planning another attack. This time we aint takin' any chances. Every woman gets a thorough search,' he winked at Lex, 'a very thorough search, know what I mean?'

Lex nodded and stood in line, waiting to go past the metal detectors. The men were passing through without being checked, and in the distance he could see Tasha waiting her turn.

Moments later he found himself going through a detector at the same time as Tasha. The guard waved him on, but signalled Tasha to stop while he finished searching the woman in front.

'Hurry up Bob, the queues are getting too long!' shouted a supervisor at the guard. The guard nodded and started looking around. He caught Lex's eye and beckoned him over. 'Sir, if you don't mind could you please help me?’ The guard pointed at Tasha, ‘could you frisk that one? If she gives you any trouble let me know and I’ll see to her personally.’

Lex nodded and approached Tasha. She couldn’t hide the rage in her eyes, and whispered, ‘you just couldn’t help yourself, eh?’

Lex cleared his throat and instructed Tasha in a loud and formal voice, ‘Ma’am please raise your arms above your head.’ In a whispered voice he added, ‘Tasha, do it, or they’ll lock you up! This isn’t a game!’

Tasha raised her arms slowly, and hissed, ‘If I ever get you alone, I’m going to scratch your eyes out, mother fucker.’

‘Promises, promises!’ replied Lex, starting to lightly dab Tasha’s jeans around the thigh.

‘Not like that, Sir,’ criticised the guard, ‘you’ve got to apply a lot more pressure, like this.’ He demonstrated by groping the woman that he was frisking. The guard kneaded her breasts and then groped the smiling woman’s back side.

Lex nodded and knowing that the guard was still watching him started to stroke Tasha’s thighs in firm strokes. Lex’s hand reached up inside her thigh and stopped at her crotch. He stared up at the glaring Tasha, smiled and started rubbing her jean covered pussy. ‘That’s for punching me!’ he said quietly.

The guard looked over again, and said, ‘That’s it. You’ve got the right idea!’

Tasha said nothing as Lex stood up in front of her and started to fondle her breasts. ‘You look so sexy in my shirt. He stroked her shoulders, and then his hands made their way down do her breasts.’

Still she said nothing, but he felt her breathing quicken through his groping. ‘My, my Tasha, I had not idea your tits were so large, what are they 36C? You keep them so well covered, I would never have guessed. Granted, they are no way near as spectacular as Deana’s but still they are quite impressive to the touch!’

Tasha’s face reddened even more, ‘Lex, I will kill you, do you understand?’

Lex replied, ‘you still don’t get it, do you?’ If it wasn’t me doing this it would be a complete stranger. The first thing you would do is lash out, and end up in prison. You might hate me, and to be honest, I really don’t like you very much either, but when will you understand, I am only trying to keep you out of trouble.’

Tasha looked down and added, ‘by rubbing my tits?’

Lex feeling slightly embarrassed, removed his hands from her shirt and looked over at the guard. ‘She’s clean!’

The guard nodded and waved them both on.

Tasha stormed off towards the train platform, chased by Lex. ‘Ok you sick pervert, you can accompany me as far as my apartment, after that, we go our separate ways. If I ever see Commander Tom again I will let him know that you did your best to keep me alive, are we clear?’

‘Clear,’ replied Lex, catching up with Tasha.

The train carriage filled to capacity before the doors closed and they hurtled along the underground tunnel at high speed. Tasha had made this trip hundreds of times and knew the next stop, her stop, was exactly an eight minute journey.

It was standing room only, and she turned her back to Lex. He accidentally bumped into her from behind, and she abruptly pushed him away.

In the middle of their carriage a tall blond in a short black mini-skirt and smart red jacket stood holding a hand rail overhead. Sitting facing her was a short fat balding man in overalls. On the overalls there was a name tag, ‘Tony’.

The train jerked forward, and the blond took a step forward to steady herself. She accidentally trod on Tony’s boot. She leaned forward to apologies.

As she leaned forward, Tony noticed the voluptuous content of the woman’s flimsy white blouse. Her full breasts were encased in a white patterned satin bra. He could clearly see her breasts through the gaps between the few buttons on her blouse.

With a beaming smile, the blond stretched up again to take hold of the hand rail. Moments later, Tony stretched out his thick hand and touched the inside of the woman’s thigh. She didn’t flinch at all. In full view of the other commuters he started moving his hand up her thigh towards her tiny black mini-skirt.

The blond looked down at Tony but still kept a hold of the rail. His hand was momentarily hidden under her skirt, and when it was visible again it was dragging her thong down her legs.

She stepped out of the thong as it reached the floor, and then spread her legs slightly apart. Tony placed her thong on the seat and then reached under her skirt again. He played with her for a short time, with everyone watching. She started to writhe with pleasure at Tony’s handiwork.

Unzipping his overalls, he beckoned to the blond. She turned around, hitched up her skirt then proceeded to sit on his hard cock. They started to fuck in rhythm with the train. She was enjoying the large thick cock immensely, jumping higher and higher on his lap. He reached in front to grab hold of her bra, and squeezed her tits while continuing to pound her pussy.

Tasha looked away, while the rest of the carriage enjoyed the show – including Lex.

A woman at the far end of the carriage knelt in front of a guy in a suit and started sucking his cock. Spurred on by Tony and the blond, most of the carriage started to join in by either, sucking, groping or fucking.

Tasha was disgusted at the sight, and closed her eyes while Lex continued to bump into her back side whenever the train turned sharply.

Lex stared as Tony signalled for the blond to get off his dick. She quickly got up, turned around and gave him a frantic handjob, letting him spray his load all over her face and blond hair. She then finished him off by sucking his dick clean.

The train came to a halt, and Lex and Tasha headed for the carriage doors, leaving the orgy to continue in their absence. Lex brushed passed a naked brunette riding a young guy in a baseball cap, while sucking another guy’s cock, and giving a handjob to a tramp. ‘Keep up the good work,’ he mumbled at her as he got off. She looked around at him and winked before continuing her foursome.

A guard at this station again separated Lex from Tasha. The queues were not as long at this stop, but the searches were just as thorough.

Lex tried to volunteer to help search Tasha, but the guard fancied a grope himself and so declined. Tasha was fine while the guards pawing hands were not in direct contact with her flesh, but as soon as he put his hands under her shirt and tried to grope her tits, she lost it completely.

Her military training kicked into action and she twisted the guards wrist with such force that she heard something crack. The guard screamed in agony while another guard sounded an alarm. A have-a-go hero commuter tried to grab hold of Tasha but found himself the recipient of a roundhouse kick.

Fists at the ready, Tasha shouted, ‘come on then you fucking bastards! Who’s next?’

Tasha didn’t see the guard creep up behind her. She did feel a sharp pain as he struck her head with a heavy baton, then she felt nothing as everything slowly turned red, then black. She was out cold.

Tasha had no recollection of being kicked by the furious have-a-go-hero, or of the police arriving and carrying her away in the back of a van.

Lex could do nothing but stand and watch. ‘Shit, Tom’s gonna be pissed!’ he thought.

Just then Lex felt someone prod his back. He heard a woman’s voice behind him whisper, ‘what’s your name?’

Lex replied, ‘not now dear, I’m a bit busy.’

The woman continued, ‘I am not what you think I am. I believe that you and that woman have a special bond, and that you would help her if you could.’

Lex turned around and said, ‘It’s you!’ It was the tall Chinese woman that had been staring at him during his argument with Tasha.

‘My name is Mia. I have been watching you and the woman. I think I can trust you. I am a Woman Against Rape activist, and I can tell you that your friend is in grave danger.’

‘What can I do?’ asked Lex in a sober tone.

‘I will give you a lift to the prison. There, you must demand to see your partner. They will allow you to see her if you tell them that she had promised you sex. Once you meet her, tell her that she will be rescued this evening at 11pm. Tell her to stay clear of the back cell wall at exactly 11pm and to protect herself as well as she can. We will blast her out of there and take her to a safe house.

‘My name is Lex. My partner’s name is Tasha. What else do you want me to do?’

‘All you have to do is find out what cell number she is in, and leave the rest to the Movement.’ Mia’s voice was quiet, yet clear.

‘Will I be able to come with you?’

Mia shook her head, ‘no men allowed. When you see Tasha, it will be for the last time. After that she will be one of us. It would be best for you to forget her.’

‘How large is the Movement?’

‘We get stronger in number by the day. Every activist has one true purpose; seek out and recruit new activists. One day our number will be large enough to overthrow our oppressors.’

Mia grabbed Lex’s hand and made for the underground exit.

A guard stared at the couple near the exit. Mia stopped and turned giggling to face Lex. She embraced him and whispered, ‘grab my ass now!’


‘You heard me, do it, now! That guard has been watching me. I think he suspects something.’

He stretched his hands around her figure and took hold of her firm buttocks.

Mia shook her head, ‘No, under my skirt, you must make this look real, otherwise you will blow my cover. Hitch up my skirt and play with by ass.’

Lex took a deep breath and lifted her skirt, giving the guard a bird’s eye view of her shapely ass. He caressed her cheeks, and let a finger slide under her crotch and it didn’t stop until his finger tucked under her tiny thong and he was fingering her clit.

He stared at Mia. Her eyes were wide open and she swallowed. Lex whispered, ‘is this okay?’

Mia gasped, ‘I didn’t mean for you to touch me there!’

Lex could feel the affect of his rubbing. She was already wet to the touch. ‘Should I move my finger away from there?’

She shook her head and closed her eyes. She gasped, ‘no, don’t stop. I had forgotten how good it felt to have a man touch me there.’ She shuddered at his touch.

Lex let his finger slip into her wet opening, making Mia gasp again. Her embrace tightened around him, ‘That feels so good, Lex, please don’t stop.’

The guard approached them, and tapped Lex on the shoulder. ‘Mister, you’re blocking the exit, please take your woman over to that seat.’

Lex slowly took his finger out of her soaking pussy, all the time staring into the oriental girl’s big brown eyes. Her eyes were fixed on his as she felt him slowly remove his long digit.

She took hold of his playful hand, extended the finger that he had been using, and sucked on it while leading him over to the seating area.

As they got to the seat he asked, ‘what about Tasha?’

‘We have plenty of time for that. I have never felt this aroused before. Fuck me now.’

Lex felt very confused, ‘what kind of fuckin’ activist are you?’

‘A horny one, that hasn’t had a man’s dick in her for five years. The way you obeyed me was such a turn on. Now I demand you to finish what you started, please!’

Lex was about to object again when Mia, unzipped his jeans and started sucking on his already hard cock.

Lex looked round feeling embarrassed at being sucked off in public. A smartly dressed blond went passed and smiled at him. He blushed and looked down at Mia’s bobbing head.

She looked up at him, ‘I can taste your cum.’ She licked the tip of his cock sending a shiver down his spine.

‘Okay, you asked for it,’ he said undoing his jeans and sitting on the bench.

She straddled the astronaut and let out a giggle of pleasure as she impaled herself on his thick cock.

He pumped her slowly at first, easily picking her up and down, bouncing her on his cock, then he sped up. She was screaming loudly as she had her first orgasm. Lex wasn’t quite ready yet so he kept pounding.

She squeaked and grunted as he quickened the pace. Her breathing changed again and he knew that she was going to have another orgasm. This time he was ready too, and they both released at the same time. He pumped creamy loads into her inviting, neglected pussy.

The stayed locked for another minute experiencing after shocks of pleasure before the Mia began to gradually dismount.

They sorted their attire while Mia apologised for her unprofessional behaviour.

The drive to the prison was a quiet one.

At the gates Mia said, ‘I will wait for you here. Remember it is vital that you find out her cell number, is that clear?’

Lex nodded and approached the security barrier on foot.

At the various checkpoints, Lex used the magic word, ‘SEX’ and was soon in the heart of the prison.

The last sentry consulted his flip chart. ‘Ah yes, from your description it looks like you want the ‘Jane Doe’ that we’ve got locked up in number twenty-one. She refused to give us any details. The interrogation team hasn’t arrived yet. Are you sure you want to fuck her right now? She will be a lot more subdued once the guards have prepped her tomorrow.’

‘Now is good,’ said Lex in a casual voice.

The sentry nodded and escorted Lex to Tasha’s cell.

The door slammed shut behind Lex as he looked around the large cell for Tasha. She was crouched in the corner, staring into space.

He gently called to her. She looked up with a blank expression. He approached carefully, and then stopped as she got to her feet.

To Lex’s surprise she started to cry, and wailed, ‘I’m not strong enough for this. I can’t take it any longer. I just want to die!’

Lex rushed over to her and tried to comfort her with a hug. She pulled away from him, screaming, ‘for God’s sake, stop pawing at me all the time!’

Lex backed off. The raised his hands in front of Tasha to help calm her down. ‘I have a way out of all of this,’ he said quietly.

Tasha’s wailing stopped abruptly, and she blinked hard, wondering if she’d heard correctly. ‘What did you say?’

‘I have to whisper it to you, just in case they’ve can hear us.’

Tasha nodded, letting Lex approach. Lex whispered, ‘I met someone today that can help you. She’s part of an all woman’s activist group that do not accept the way woman are treated here. They have spotted you and are going to break you out this evening.’

Tasha couldn’t have prayed for better news. She let out a huge sigh of relief and dropped to her knees.

Suddenly the door opened and a warden entered the cell. He spotted Tasha kneeling in front of Lex, and said, ‘I see the show is about to start. Please don’t let me stop you.’ He took a seat and stared at the two astronauts.

Lex looked down at Tasha, and whispered, ‘you’ve got to do it! If you don’t suck me off then the guard will get suspicious, and will probably detain me for further questioning. I have to get out so that they can learn your cell number.’


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