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Paramedic Pt. 09

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The Dragon lady arrives.
9.6k words

Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2015
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Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

The author is not a professional fiction writer and is just enjoying a new hobby. If there are some grammatical errors, I apologise. I have a new editor and Scott T is doing his best to correct the grammar of this unschooled and uneducated northern Canadian bush hick. He has made many valuable comments and suggestions, and he has been trying to do what my 6th grade teacher could not do - teach me punctuation. Thank you Scott for the fantastic job you are doing. I am indebted to you my new friend and am enjoying our chats back and forth.

Comments may be addressed to the contact tab on my profile.


Chapter 9

There was a small LGBT drop-in center downtown and Jared had volunteered a few times helping with some activities, enjoying it very much. He wanted to do more to help them in their community outreach programs but was still deciding how to do it most effectively. He was surprised when a call came in to attend to the center in response to an assault. They pulled up front and killed the emergency equipment.

When they came in the front door with their equipment, Liam and Jared were rushed into the Director's office. Zane, the director, was on the floor leaning over top of a young man lying there, talking to him soothingly.

"Down here Jared, I was hoping it would be you to get the call. This is Conner and he's 18 years old. He crawled or fell through the front the door a short while ago. He came to us for help after being beaten badly by his father at home. I don't know how he made it here on his own," Zane explained.

Jared knelt beside Conner and said, "Hi Conner. I'm Jared and this is my partner Liam. We're here to help you if you'll let us." Jared observed Conner was lying on his back but semi-recumbent, his one arm holding the other up in a guarding position. This guarding position was different though. He was not only supporting his arm in a stable position, he had positioned his arm tight to his chest.

Conner opened his swollen eyes as much as he could to look at Jared. "I hurt everywhere."

"What happened?" asked Jared.

"This is my birthday gift from my father. He didn't want any abominations in the eyes of the Lord soiling his house and family so he beat me up more than usual. Then he dragged me to the door and rolled me down the front steps. He yelled at me that I don't belong to this family anymore, that he has no son."

As Conner was talking, Liam had moved up the other side of him and was starting to get some equipment out gently. Liam didn't want to startle the young man so he told him, "I am going to put something on your finger and take your blood pressure as well. It won't hurt you Conner."

"How did your father assault you, Conner? Like, with his open hands?" asked Jared.

"He punched, slapped and kicked me when I was on the ground. He used something else on me, maybe a broom handle to hit me with. It broke over my arm and he got even madder," replied Conner.

"Conner, you're doing fine. I need to poke one of your fingers for another test. You may feel a pin prick for just a second," said Liam.

"I am going to open your shirt so I can examine you Conner. Let me know if it hurts," said Jared. As he started to work on opening his shirt, Conner cried out. Jared looked at him and got out his scissors, cutting up the sleeves and the chest. He moved the material and exposed Conner's arms and chest. There were numerous bruises and swelling all over the young man's body. They weren't all fresh marks as many were in various stages of healing. Conner also had one very clear, very fresh and very detailed shoe print on his chest. Obviously his father had been wearing Nike running shoes when he kicked him. The trade mark was embedded in Conner's skin from the force of the kick. The police should be able to match the shoe print pattern on Conner's chest to his dad's footwear as evidence.

"If you would call the police Zane, and ask if Tyler or Josh is available to respond to this complaint," requested Jared. "Liam, this call is yours."

He nodded his acknowledgement and continued what he was doing. Liam called out the blood pressure, oxygen level, blood sugar and Conner's hemoglobin levels.

"Before we start too much, I think we need to snap a few pictures of Conner's injuries for our report and the police," said Jared.

Liam commenced cutting up the middle of the each leg to remove Conner's pants. While he was cutting, he turned to Jared and said "Internal bleeding with those numbers. Get the lines established with the biggest cathelons you can get into him. It doesn't look like he has much in the way of veins to work with though."

Liam continued to cut the pants off while Jared got to work. Finished cutting, Liam pulled the pants off the young man. Although the boxer shorts were still in place, both Liam and Jared could see his father had done a good number on him. Jared took his smartphone out and snapped several photos of the injuries.

While Liam was checking Conner from head to toe a more detailed second time, Jared was initiating the fluid therapy.

Conner cried out, "He hates me. My father hates me and wanted me dead because I'm gay. Let me die, I'm a disgrace to him. He's been trying to beat Satan out of me for years. I tried not to choose this lifestyle but I wasn't strong enough. Satan won the battle and I'm evil."

Jared spoke to Conner in a very soothing tone, "Being gay is not a choice Conner, but hatred is. The Creator made every person on this planet and allowed them some choices, but sexuality wasn't one of them. We should love everyone like a brother or sister, no matter who they love like the Creator intended."

Liam looked and saw the office door closed and now it was just the three of them. He looked at Jared and nodded his head.

Liam placed one hand on Conner's forehead and another on his chest. "Creator, guide my hands to do your work, this man needs to continue on his path in life and was not meant to take this trail," prayed Liam aloud looking up.

Jared watched as Liam's eyes began glow a brilliant white. Liam started in Conner's head and healed a small bleed, the result of blunt force trauma applied by his father kicking him. He quickly moved from the brain and down through the spinal cord noting the fluids colour was unremarkable. There were lots of superficial bruising, and that would heal on its own. Traveling through abdomen, Liam observed fresh blood collecting. The spleen was obviously the root of the problem and he saw it was damaged and bleeding into the surrounding cavity. There had so far been about a liter of blood lost as Liam began to heal it. The tear was significant and was taking all his concentration. The damaged edges of the tissue began to glow as they reached towards each other finally healing the organ. While the organ was healing, Liam thought he saw a shadow fighting to stay in the organ, but finally leaving it. Liam concentrated on the blood in the cavity, allowing the walls of the intestines to absorb it for elimination. He realized this would give the young man some foul smelling explosive diarrhea in the near future, but it was better than dying. Conner relaxed slightly as the glow disappeared.

"Jared, he's still injured, but the life threatening conditions have been fixed," said Jared. "The surgeons will have to look at the arm."

"Good work Liam," said Jared. "Looks like even you had a challenge."

"The spleen was in rough shape. I sensed something in the injuries, like a residual shadow from his father's assault. His dad must be filled with the servants of the dark to do this to his son, and it may have been one of them in Conner," explained Liam.

"Let's focus on Conner now, and deal with the rest as it happens," suggested Jared.

Working together, they immobilized him in a neck brace and then gently moved him onto a spin board. The door to the office opened and a police officer walked in who Jared didn't recognize. Zane came in behind him and said, "The guys were tied up. This is Officer Newberry."

Officer Newberry looked like he didn't want to be here. "What have we got here?" he demanded of the medics.

Liam spoke up, "You have an 18-year-old male assaulted by his father. Beaten with a weapon, punched and kicked numerous times. We suspect a broken arm, possibly cracked ribs and internal bleeding."

"What did he do to cause the assault?" asked the officer.

"He didn't do anything. He's the victim, Officer Newberry. His father beat him and then threw him out of the house because Conner was gay," replied Liam.

Jared and Liam could both feel the officer's emotions even without having to make contact with him, and they weren't good. Jared sensed the officer was going to bury this incident and even help the young man's father. Then it came through clearly to Jared that Newberry was a religious zealot who actually knew the young man and his father as they went to the same church together. The hatred from Newberry towards the LGBT Centre, gays and the young man was not physically obvious, but emotionally it was crystal clear to both Liam and Jared, sending involuntary shudders up their spines as they felt the emotional waves of energy.

Liam was repulsed by this man, but he also knew Officer Newberry was one of those people who he could not intervene with to make him change his path of life. He had chosen it freely and he didn't realize the poison and evil influences which were at work within him.

Newberry looked at Jared and said, "Well, I will look into it and talk with his dad. There is probably more to the story than this fag... young man is telling us."

After Jared and Liam lifted Conner onto the stretcher, Jared turned and said to Officer Newberry, "There is no reason for any father to do this to his son. There is nothing a son could have done to warrant this from the man who created him and gave him life."

"Well, I guess we'll see about that, won't we," he replied very disinterested.

Officer Newberry turned to leave the room when Liam called to him and asked, "Are you going to meet us at the hospital?"

"No, I won't be. I have to go for my lunch break and then I'll go take a statement from his dad first. I'll drop by to see him later," Officer Newberry replied with ice in his voice. "It's fitting that the abomination came here to this den of sin to find help from his kind. He needed to get help to get his story straight to blame his father."

Liam was about to become unglued when Jared held his hand up towards him.

Jared said to Liam, "Let's get this young man to the hospital where there are people who care to talk with him."

"Be careful of his blood, it is probably full of the disease God sent to cleanse the earth of those heathen abominations," suggested Officer Newberry.

Jared pushed by Newberry in the doorway, pulling the stretcher by him. Liam made sure the wheels of the stretcher hit and scuffed the spit polish of Newberry's boots very deeply. Newberry cursed and swore while looking at his damaged boots.

They loaded him up and Jared told Liam to stay in the back to continue treatment. Jared got into the driver's seat and edged his way into traffic. He turned on the lights and siren and proceeded towards the hospital. As he was driving, Jared activated his cellphone and said "Call Sgt. Myers." The call went through. Jared asked for him to meet them at the hospital as there were some problems he needed help with. Sgt. Myers agreed and said he would be there in a few minutes.

Jared killed the siren as they got to the hospital. He drove into the ambulance bay where a nurse was waiting to meet them. They pulled out the stretcher and pushed it into the treatment room. Liam gave them a verbal report and the hospital staff looked shocked at what Liam told them. They transferred the spine board over to the hospital examination table and then pulled their stretcher out. The Doctor reached over and pulled the blankets back to look at the footprint which had been described.

While staring at the footprint embedded in the young man's skin, the Doctor spoke with anger. "Jared, are they going to get this son of a bitch? Who did it?"

Liam was across from the Doctor and replied, "His father did it, and he's still out there somewhere."

The Doctor locked eyes with Liam coldly. "I'm tired of seeing this shit; parents beating their children to the point where they die. This is the third one today, but the oldest. The previous ones were 3 and 8 years old. I don't care about the consequences but if his father shows up here, well I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by six."

Liam nodded to the Doctor, and the two of them looked at each other for a moment. He reached out and set his hand on the back of the Doctors. Liam looked into the doctor's mind and memories. He had been beaten by his father and when he saw it, it brought up unresolved memories. He saw the Doctor was seeing a psychiatrist, but was resistant to opening up. Liam quickly placed a couple of ideas into his head. The first was to cooperate with the psychiatrist and work with her to find a path to healing. The second was to quit smoking. Finally, he would think of Jared and himself as friends and should he become self-destructive again, he would be compelled to seek them out before taking any action. Liam lifted his hand, and the Doctor shook his head as if he was trying to refocus on something. Their contact had only been for a couple of seconds, but that's all it took for Liam to move the Doctor back onto his path of life.

Jared and Liam got their equipment together and headed out of the trauma room.

Jared smiled at his partner. "You're getting good at that, Liam."

"He needed it, Jared. Without a couple of suggestions, he was probably going to be dead before the end of the week."

Jared raised one eyebrow in response to Liam's statement. As they were heading back to the unit, Sgt. Myers came into the bay through a side door.

"What's up, Jared?" he asked.

"Do you know an Officer Newberry?"

"Yes I do. He is on my shift, general duties, but a self-righteous asshole if you ask me," Sgt. Myers replied without hesitation.

As Jared and Liam changed the stretcher and cleaned the ambulance, he explained the conversation he had with Officer Newberry about the victim they had just brought in. He quoted Newberry's comment 'It's fitting the abomination came here to this den of sin to find help from his kind. He needed to get help to get his story straight to blame his father' to Sgt. Myers.

Sgt. Myers listened without interrupting Jared. When Jared finished, Sgt. Myers sat and looked at him, obviously getting angry. "I've heard what you said, Jared, and believe you without hesitation. I want statements from the two of you, please."

"Ok, no problem. We'll pull out of the bay and meet you in the hospital cafeteria in a couple of minutes," replied Jared.

After parking the unit and updating dispatch, they caught the elevator to the basement and headed to the cafeteria. They arrived the same time as Sgt. Myers and all three got a meal from the cafeteria with Jared picking up the tab.

While eating, Jared and Liam each wrote out their own statements. Jared also had Liam show his pictures of Conner's injuries to the Sergeant and then email him copies. After they had finished their statements as well as their meals, Jared looked at Liam who appeared to be in deep thought.

"What's on your mind, Liam?" asked Jared.

"I was just considering something. Why do they always have the morgue and the cafeteria in the basement of a hospital? Is there something going on with that? Like sharing coolers to cut costs?" Liam replied with a smirk.

The sergeant started to laugh at Liam's comment. Jared reached up and slapped him on the back of the head. "Shhhhh," he said. "That's why the prices are cheap here for a burger. Do you want to let the secret out?"

The sergeant recovered and said "By the way, while I appreciate the respect to my rank, call me Frank. Both of you can call me Frank. I will tell you, none of my men are allowed to call me by my first name and the first time they hear you two do it, their jaws will hit the floor. Our sense of humor in this job is so bad, isn't it? When we go into our usual restaurant to eat, they put us in the corner and won't put other customers near us. I guess talking about guts, gore and criminal acts turns some people's stomachs. I remember the first time I went to a fatal accident; the guys took me out for lasagna afterwards."

They all chuckled and then Jared asked, "How's it going with your son?"

"It is better between us now than it has been for years. He brought his boyfriend home to meet us, too. He's a nice guy. Jared, I don't know what happened to me to suddenly understand all this but I am very thankful something did. I've also changed churches to the one my son goes to. They preach of love, tolerance, peace, understanding and acceptance, and the whole service is great to be a part of, not like the old church. The old church's position on homosexuality was preaching everything short of outright killing them, and that was a mainline church. While I'm not gay, I understand and accept them as human beings and that knowledge has given me my son back."

Jared smiled and looked at Frank. He had to ask the man a question and he was trying hard not to laugh while he did it. "Is that cat hair on your tie?" asked Jared.

"Probably," he replied. "I gave in and let my daughter have a kitten. It's actually the cutest thing you have ever seen and when she's not at the house, it likes to curl up on me to sleep. She puts her paws around my neck like the little thing is hugging me. I hate to admit it, but I love the little thing. I only have my daughter with me a couple of times a month. My wife and I are divorced, but we get along really well and we share her between the two homes. Actually, having the kitten around the house reminds me of my daughter when she isn't there."

"That's great to hear. What do you think about this problem with Officer Newberry?"

"I'll deal with it. Newberry, Conner and his dad are all members of the same church and that church is even more out in left field than I one I left. Jared, I'll keep you both informed about what's going on. I appreciate you contacting me to look into this, not only to make sure Conner is treated fairly, but to prevent the disgrace of the entire Police force. I'm indebted to you."

"No one is ever indebted to us Frank. We're all just walking the paths of life and able to help each other at times in our journey. It was planned that way my friend."

"Jared, if you ever start your own church, let me know. I would fill the seats with people who want to hear from what you say about life."

"Thanks Frank," said Jared. They got up, shook hands and headed out.

They went up to the Intensive Care Ward and stopped at the Nursing Station. They were told he was in bed 5.

Jared and Liam found him lying on the bed looking more comfortable than when they saw him last time. Jared and Liam looked at the equipment he was hooked up to and then smiled at each other. A Doctor was passing by when he saw Jared.

"Long time, no see, Jared... Liam, you too," he said extending his hand to them both. They shook. "He's doing better, Jared. We are still waiting for some tests to come back and he's going for a CAT scan soon. There were no spinal injuries but it was a good precaution on your part to immobilize him. We're worried about the possibility of small bleeders in his head and maybe something in his abdomen. What confuses me is his hemoglobin count is way down consistent with him suffering a more serious internal injury, but nothing is showing up except an explosive round of melena with no cause. It's real unusual but we'll keep testing to figure it out, or rule out everything we can."

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