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Paramedic Pt. 10

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New brother?
12.3k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2015
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Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

The author is not a professional fiction writer and is just enjoying a new hobby. If there are some grammatical errors, I apologise. I have a new editor and Scott T is doing his best to correct the grammar of this unschooled and uneducated northern Canadian bush hick. He has made many valuable comments and suggestions, and he has been trying to do what my 6th grade teacher could not do - teach me punctuation. Thank you Scott for the fantastic job you are doing. I am indebted to you my new friend and am enjoying our chats back and forth.

Comments may be addressed to the contact tab on my profile.


Chapter 10

They took a taxi into work as they had left their vehicle at the base knowing they would be having a few drinks with supper. For the years they had both worked in Emergency Services, they had seen the dead or injured resulting from mixing having a good night and driving under the influence. Jared had vowed never to do it like his dad had done many times.

After Jared and Liam had changed into their uniforms and grabbed their radios, they went into the shift change room. The night crew and oncoming day crew were all there with Rob and Melanie at the front of the room. Jared and Liam quietly stayed in the back of the room.

Melanie noticed them, but didn't acknowledge the two men joining the meeting. Rob was just finishing his speech and asked if anyone had questions. No one had any.

When there were no questions, Melanie spoke, "The CEO/President of the company has become very concerned about this location. Between the sudden illnesses, the thefts and damages, he is concerned things like this could jeopardize our patient's safety as yours as a staff member. To make it crystal clear, he wanted me to make sure you understand he will not tolerate it. You are treated very well here with top wages and working conditions. In return, you are expected to perform your duties to the best of your abilities. If any of you don't like this, come see me after this meeting and I will personally hold the door for you to leave so it doesn't hit you in the ass. Questions?"

"That's intimidation and bullying," said one of the paramedics. Melanie looked at the group. "Whoever said the comment, please be an adult and stand. I will give you an honest answer."

No one moved. "Someone made a valid comment, please stand so I can answer it. I do not address anonymous comments, but I answer an employee's valid question with the best answer I can give," said Melanie.

Slowly, Geoff got up and stood. "I made the comment," he said.

Melanie walked over so she was near to him. "Thank you for standing, I believe it is Geoff, isn't it?"

Geoff looked shocked and nodded his head.

"I went through everyone's personnel files yesterday to familiarize myself with you guys. Geoff, you have been here 2 years, right out of college which was right out of high school. You had a couple of part time jobs during school." She looked at the group and continued, "Geoff, it is a pleasure to meet you. You've been a good employee here and you had good marks in college as well. You've attended all training sessions here at the base and asked for more to improve yourself. You can sit down Geoff while I finish my speech," she said with a smile. He sat down with a very big smile on his face.

"Geoff asked the question some of you had on your mind. That shows leadership. He stood when I asked him and that shows maturity. Is what we are doing intimidation and bullying? I will tell you no. We are providing an essential service which puts your lives at risk as well as responding to life or death situations of our clients. We will not compromise that service and risk any person's health, safety or life. The employer has the right to manage its business, and that's what we're doing. Most of you in this room are already doing your best for us, others could do better, and there may even be a person or two is performing under the acceptable level. We will take time to help every person here to be the best they can do at this job, if you want it.

"Let me ask you this people. Do you guys like covering for people who call in sick when you know they aren't? Gives you extra work and pisses you off, am I right?" She waited for the crowd to react. There were a few murmurs as a few people nodded their heads and whispered to the person next to them.

Melanie moved to one side of the table where she had seen some heads nodding. "Do you guys like it when someone doesn't show up for work and gives a chicken shit excuse because he partied too much or wants a day at the beach instead of using his vacation time?" The group was shaking heads at this and Melanie even heard "no way" being murmured by a couple of them.

She moved to the other side of the group and looked directly at them. "How many of you guys work your ass off and know of someone coasting on the job and managing to avoid the work?" She had them eating out her hands now as the group was getting louder with their agreement.

"Do you like it when you pick your unit up at the beginning of the shift and it wasn't cleaned, restocked or filled up with gas without a good reason?"

Melanie had the crowd really eating out her hands now. They were even answering her out loud so they could be heard when she asked questions.

Melanie then stood at the front of the room and crossed her arms. "We have good people here working at this base. I am proud to have most of you as employees. This is a young person's job and most of you were like Geoff who never had a full time job or previous experience when we hired him. We took a chance and gave Geoff and many of you the same chance. We believe in you and we are giving you the training and experience you wanted in return for you to provide us with your work. It is not bullying to expect 12 hours of work for 12 hours of pay. It is not bullying to expect you to be honest with us and not to abuse sick time. When you call in sick, the rest of your shift has to make up for the shortage and we could kill someone because we weren't able to respond! This ambulance service is part of group of companies owned by multi-million dollar company run by a very smart man. He is committed to this service and will do anything to keep the good employees, but has also said to clean out the ones who do not measure up. The owner has a tremendous tolerance for mistakes, goofs, bad choices or bad decisions and even a few fuck ups. But he will never tolerate lying, cheating or doing anything which jeopardizes your or any patients' safety. You know what is expected of you and today it is a clean slate. Go forward from today and do your best job. Questions anyone?"

Geoff stood and started to applaud along with many of the others. The ones who remained seated were already on Melanie's cross hairs from what she read about them in the files.

"Get the fuck out and go to work, or go home and get to bed. Dismissed troops!" she yelled. A couple even answered, "Aye aye sir." Melanie smiled at them. Both of their dad's had been in the Marines and they had recognized the well-practiced technique Melanie had been using for leading the meeting.

Melanie and Rob mixed with the staff who remained while Jared and Liam stepped outside to listen to the comments being made by the staff after the speeches. Everything being said was positive and even a few 'About time they got Tim' comments were heard. The two of them had just finished their inventory when Rob came to the back of the ambulance and asked them to come to his office.

They walked in to find Melanie already there. Rob closed the door and said to Jared, "Can we clone her?"

Liam and Jared said together, "God, I hope not, one is fucking hard enough to handle." They both got cuffed in the back of the head by Melanie as she snuck in behind them.

Rob then looked at the two and said, "We have enough people today to keep you guys together. We pulled some full timers in with over time and back filled them with the part timers. You guys are floaters today as usual."

"Rob, we are going up to the hospital today and..." Jared explained what had happened with Conner and then Conner's family. The notification of the family's deaths would be done this morning with Jared and Liam's help. They thought the two of them could be tied up for a while.

Rob thought for a moment and then looked at Melanie. "You finished your time in the Medical Corps, didn't you?"

"Yes I did, and I'm still a registered paramedic for the volunteer service on the reserve," replied Melanie.

Jared coughed and gagged.

Melanie looked at him and smiled. "I stand corrected Rob. It is a well-paid volunteer ambulance service and although it is a community ambulance, Bear Investment Group provides funding and equipment to make it one of the best equipped services in the country." She looked at Jared and said, "Good enough?"

He smiled back at her. "You look so cute when you're humble, Cuz."

She stuck her tongue out at him.

Rob broke in before the two cousins could continue their banter. "Let's get you out in the trenches for the morning, Mel. You and I will run floater to cover these two off while they work with kid who has lost so much," said Rob.

"I like the idea," said Melanie. "What have you got for me to wear? Maybe we can even have coffee with a couple of the crews and talk with them to find out what is really going on. Plus it gets your fat ass out of the office and moving around."

Rob laughed, "At least my ass has some padding. Your hard ass clunks when you sit on a chair."

Melanie stood and looked at him and started laughing almost uncontrollably. "You're the first non-family member to stand up to me in years. Shit, it is too bad you're married, even with that small ass of yours."

They both laughed.

Jared leaned over to Liam and whispered, "A paper bag would help." Liam started giggling. Neither of them saw the hand which delivered the slaps to the back of their heads.

Rob was laughing. "You two, take the Supervisor SUV to go to the hospital before Melanie quits toying with you and actually hurts you. Keep your radios on you in case all hell breaks loose though. Finally, may God be with you this morning, and if there is anything we can do to help you, let me know," said Rob.

Melanie then spoke up, "I forgot, John said he would arrive after lunch. He can spend the afternoon with Rob and myself, and then talk to you at your apartment over supper. He needs to leave in the morning by 1000 hrs. I will get him to the crossover shift tomorrow and he can make whatever announcements he wants, such as your new job. I hope there is information from our investigators today which seals the fate of the four troublemakers."

Jared spoke, "Would you also remind John I wanted information on the "church of the poison mind" where Conner had belonged." Melanie acknowledged by nodding her head to him.

They got to the hospital with no problems and went up to the room. They had called Tyler and he was on his way. The got upstairs to Conner's new room and were talking with the policeman on duty outside his door when Tyler arrived.

"Hey guys," Tyler said as he came up.

"Anything new Tyler?" asked Liam.

"Not yet. We have 100% confirmation of the brother and mom, but dad is still missing. There is a warrant out for him and hopefully soon we will locate him. The hard job is inside this room. You ready brothers?" asked Tyler.

"Who's lead," asked Jared.

"I think you will be on this one, Jared. You developed a bit of a relationship with him yesterday," replied Tyler.

"Ok, let's go."

They entered the room and found Conner lying on the bed, half asleep. He woke up more when he saw his three new friends come through the door. He brightened up and said, "Hey guys. I'm happy to see you."

Jared smiled and reached over to give him a hug. He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Conner. He thought to himself how anyone could hate this young man.

"Conner, your dad is on the run from police, and he probably has a gun," said Jared.

"Is that why the police officers have been outside my door since just before I went in for the surgery?" Conner asked.

"Yes it is, Conner. Your father has been on the run since Tyler and Josh went to the house to interview him about your assault," stated Jared.

"He snapped, didn't he? He finally snapped." Conner hesitated for a minute, and then looked at Jared. "Where are my mom and brother?"

Jared looked at him and said, "Your father shot them both to death before he went on the run. We have no clue why at this time."

Conner sat and looked at Jared, Tyler and Liam individually, as if he was searching their faces for a punch line to a joke.

Jared spoke quietly to Conner, "We made a commitment to you yesterday to be your friends, and we stand by that 100% Conner. There is no mistake, although I wish there was, your brother and mother are dead by the hand of your father."

Conner's face was losing colour when he asked Liam, "This is the truth, Liam?"

Liam nodded his head and said, "Yes it is, Conner."

His eyes were beginning to water as Conner looked at Tyler and asked, "Is this the truth, Tyler?" Tyler nodded his head and added, "I found them in the house."

Conner sat still as tears slowly began to leak out of his eyes. "Jared, will anyone hate me if I cry? I was beaten when I cried at home but I feel like I want too."

Jared reached forward and hugged him. Conner let loose with his tears and was soon sobbing. He put his cheek on Jared's chest as he was held tightly. Conner began to cry out loud finally. He started to reach his arms to hug Jared, but pulled back twice.

Jared whispered to him, "You can hug me Conner, I don't mind." Conner immediately grabbed him as hard as could with one good arm and the other in a cast. His body was shaking as he cried. Liam came up one side and Tyler the other. They sat on the bed, reached out and placed one hand on his shoulder and the other one rubbing his back in circles.

In a few moments, Conner slowed down his sobbing. Jared sensed he was sobbing for more than the deaths of his mother and brother. Conner spoke but was barely understandable, "I have no one."

Jared quietly said to him, "We made a promise to you that we would stand by you. You're a friend of ours now and friends look out for each other. When you get out of the hospital, you're moving in with Liam and me. We have a spare bedroom we'll get ready for you."

Conner lifted his head and looked at the three men. "You would do that for me? I'm a loser and I was even afraid to cry or hug you, Jared. It wasn't allowed in our house. I don't remember the last time I was hugged by anyone."

Liam spoke, "Conner, you are being adopted into a family of 6 guys who like you have no families either. We love each other like brothers, even stronger though. We are not afraid to show brotherly love amongst us freely. You saw us joking around yesterday. That's the way we are, and you are going to be one of us, too."

"I have no money, no clothes, no furniture, no job. I just graduated from school. I have nothing to offer you guys," said Conner.

"Conner, you are a good person who needs help and that's something we do. That is how I met Josh, Tyler and even Liam. It is our way and money is not important to us. The heart of a good person is more important than money and you have a good heart and spirit. Conner, you have survived years of abuse as a victim and a witness. We can help that too, buddy," explained Jared.

Conner looked at him again, "This is going to sound weird, but no one has ever called me buddy before, Jared. I wasn't allowed to have friends."

Tyler spoke up, "You have 6 of them now, Conner." He started sobbing again. In a few minutes, he quietened down and Tyler handed him some Kleenex to blow his nose.

Conner let go of him and Jared let him sit up to grab the Kleenex. He blew his nose, and a fart slipped out at the same time.

"Hey, I said nose. I am not getting paper for that end," exclaimed Tyler.

Conner smiled at Tyler. He started to wave his hand in front of his face and said, "Oh god, I am sorry guys." Tyler, Jared and Liam immediately began an exaggerated gaging and choking.

Conner started to laugh at them. "Jared, Tyler, Liam, I want to say thank you for your concern and for helping me. I have never had anyone be this kind to me before."

Liam spoke up, "Is there anyone we should call about your brother and mother, like your Grandparents or any other family?"

"No. We haven't had contact with other family members since I can remember. Father wouldn't allow it as they were heathens in his mind. I have no clue where to even start or if they are alive."

Tyler spoke up, "You're going to have a difficult few days, Conner, and we'll help you. What do you want to do for a funeral for them? I take it you want nothing to do with that church do you?"

"No fucking way," Conner blurted, and then ducked like he was ready to be hit.

"Conner, we all go to a church which would be happy to help look after it," said Liam.

"I don't know what has to be done, I know nothing," said Conner. He then looked at the three of them added, "I'm such a loser, I don't even know what to do for my dead family," and promptly broke down again.

Jared tucked Conner's head against his chest and then rested his chin on the top of the young man's head.

Jared looked up at the ceiling, and then his eyes glowed. "Tyler, Liam, both of you grab my shoulders." After their hands were gripping his shoulders, Jared placed a hand on Conner's head. He walked into Conner's memories and emotions. The thoughts, emotions and memories Jared uncovered were shared with Liam and Tyler.

Jared then commanded Conner to sleep, a deep sleep. He broke the contact and laid Conner's sleeping body down on the bed. The guys all helped to position him and tuck him comfortably.

Jared then spoke, "We can talk freely. He won't hear us as I basically shut him down totally for a few hours. He needed it."

Tyler spoke first, "Those memories are horrifying... more than that even... I can't even describe what I saw. I cannot believe he and his brother were treated like that. Their mother was no angel but she was a victim, too."

Liam had tears in his eyes, "This young man has had more pain and suffering in his short life than most people do in a dozen lifetimes."

Tyler spoke up, "I saw some things in those memories I have to follow up with at the house. I saw weapons in a pit under the house. What did you guys see in the church basement. I couldn't make it out."

Liam spoke up, "I wasn't sure either. Was it something like a lab?"

Jared then added, "I saw what you guys saw. I can try again but it was something he was exposed to just briefly. I sensed it was a lab, maybe drugs. He didn't even realize he saw it as he glanced at something else. The mind filtered it out, but stored the data. I don't think there is anything else. Did you note the beating he got when they got home afterwards?"

Tyler was thinking and said, "If I chat with the sergeant, and tell him Conner had been talking in his sleep and I heard this, we might be able to go through the house with a fine tooth comb instead of just dealing with the victims."

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