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Parker Needs His Uncle Ch. 01

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Parker interviews estranged uncle.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


The back road to Kaden City was dark and lifeless. The only sound was the engine of the SUV and the wheels driving over the cracked pavement. The two-lane road twisted and turned, thick forests dominating either side. With no streetlights for what seemed to be miles, the high beams on the SUV were the only way Parker could see where he was going.

He looked in the rearview mirror and saw his reflection staring back at him. Parker had just turned eighteen, but he was constantly being told he didn't look a day over fourteen. His extremely youthful features, pale and clear skin, slim "twink" frame, and a light brown skater-shag haircut to go with it, he could see why.

Girls had a tendency of getting their heart broken, though, when he would tell them he was gay. He never had a boyfriend, though. More importantly, he had never had sex more than once. Relationships were something to chew on, though honestly, all he wanted was a few fantastic fucks. Though Parker had had his fair share of offers, his nerves would always get the best of him. He sighed, then remembered the task at hand.

Parker's senior class project was nearing its due date. He figured since his dream was to study journalism when he went to college, he decided a fitting project would be to interview someone. Someone of importance. Well, at least to Parker. That is when he decided to interview his uncle, whom he had not seen since he was ten.

Parker's dad and his uncle Owen had a mysterious falling out back in the day. Parker always asked why he never visited anymore, but his father always avoided the question. He wasn't even allowed to visit or call. But this is where it stopped. He was eighteen. As the law would have it, he was finally an adult who could do whatever he chose to do. This is where Parker would get the answers himself. Uncle Owen was his favorite person growing up, and he wanted him back.

With a new determination sprouting from within, Parker pressed the gas a little more, and the bright "Welcome To Kaden City" sign appeared in front of him.


Owen Lively was somewhat of an important figure in Kaden. A successful author in the sci-fi genre, a dear friend of the mayor. Hell, he even owned a popular modern art museum in the heart of the city. More importantly, though, he was Parkers uncle. After five minutes of right and left turns, he finally pulled up to his destination.

Owens house was gigantic, to say the least. Or should he say, mansion. Definitely a mansion. Parker walked up to the main entrance, two big double doors. He hit the doorbell on the right side and heard the "chime" sound it caused from inside.

Greeting him was a plain-looking middle-aged man in a standard Butlers uniform.

"Mr. Parker?" he said in a deep, almost sexy voice.

"Uh, yes sir." Parker croaked from his dry throat.

"Mr. Lively is expecting you in the living room. Follow me, please."

Parker suddenly felt like he was in a movie, walking into a world that was completely alien to him. Mansion? Check. Butler? Check. About to meet a relatively he hadn't seen in years? Check. Was his uncle still the same person after all these years? Would he like him like he did before? Was it okay that Parker gay? Too many questions. But the answers were only but a few minutes away from being answered.

"Your nephew has arrived, sir." The butler said to Owen, who had his back turned, resting in a luxury chair.

Uncle Owen stood and turned to face the two. Parker's jaw hit the floor. He was, well, sexy as fuck, to put it mildly. Eight years ago, Uncle Owen was a slightly overweight man who liked to keep his head shaved, which didn't fit him. Now, he was thinner, lean. His hair was grown out, black, and styled like John Connor's from Terminator: Judgement Day. He wore a neatly trimmed five o'clock shadow on his face. His Deep, dark eyes stared in awe at his nephew.

"You know where to find me, sir. Gentleman..." The butler said as he walked out back into the main hall.

"Th- thank you, Victor." Uncle Owen muttered. His eyes never leaving Parker's.

Parker ran to his uncle and hugged him, not caring what his reaction would be.

"I missed you so much..." Parker squeaked, a single tear beginning to form.

His uncle immediately hugged him back. Tight.

"I missed you, too, Parker. You have no idea."


The butler, Victor, had brought them tea in fancy teacups with gold rims. After a minute of asking how the other had been, it was time to get into the nitty gritty. Sitting in opposite chairs in front of the crackling fireplace, Parker reached down in his backpack and took out his reliable camcorder. He set it down on the end table near him and aimed it towards his uncle. He turned it on and hit "record".

"I wish we could catch up off camera, but it's very important for my project that we keep as much of it on the record as possible. Is that okay?" Parker asked.

Uncle Owen smiled. "Of course it's okay, nephew. I admire your desire to get all the angles."

Parker giggled and began.

"Okay. Well, for those who don't know, please tell us a little bit about yourself."

"Well, my name is Owen Lively. I am the writer of the "Turner's Paradise" science fiction series. I own a modern art museum here in Kaden City where I also live...quite comfortably, I might add." Uncle Owen laughed. "Most importantly, I am a father, whose son has just gone off to college. To top it off, I am also the uncle of a devilishly handsome nephew. His name is Parker."

Parker blushed furiously. His palms became clammy. Jesus, he's so hot. But he's your uncle, remember? Back to business. He giggled again and resumed the interview.

"So, uncle Owen. This project is about reconnecting with you. To my understanding, you and my father had a falling out eight years ago. You left town, and I was never allowed to contact you or know what went on with you two. What...what happened?"

Uncle Owen slumped in his chair, a frown forming on his handsome face.

"Well Parker, long story short... when I was married to your aunt Cora, I had an affair. Naturally that's why we divorced. I didn't say to much to your dad, but that didn't matter. Before your aunt left, she made a call to your father. She wanted to tell the one detail of the affair, that I begged she keep secret, to everyone who had ears, before she flew back to her parents in California..."

Uncle Owen seemed to get very uncomfortable.

"What was that one detail, Uncle Owen?" I asked.

"Well, that one detail was... I had an affair...with a man. Now, I live my life as an openly gay man. Who, along the way, became somewhat of a success. I've never been happier than where I am right now."

Uncle Owen's smile returned and he stood back up in his chair, proud.

Parker smiled, then began to frown.

"So...happier than when you were in my life?"

Uncle Owen reached over and grabbed Parker's arms that were crossed against his chest.

"Are you kidding? No, that's not what I meant. Leaving YOU was one the hardest things I've done in my life. But your father couldn't accept me for who I truly turn, he didn't want me "influencing" an impressionable child. So eventually, he stopped returning my calls, I didn't see a choice. So I left."

Uncle Owen sat back down in his chair.

"If I could do it again, I would. You and your cousin are the most precious people I have in my life. I need you back, Parker."

Parker nodded, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I think we'll end the first part of the interview here." Parker stated, turning the camera off.


Uncle Owen gave me a tour of his "casual" home. Their final stop was Uncle Owen's room.

"Welcome to my sanctuary." He said, opening his arms to the biggest and most gorgeous bedroom Parker had ever seen.

They both walked over to Owen's king-sized bed with red sheets and he sat Parker down on the edge.

"Hey bud, you mind if I get comfortable? Long day and I'm dying to get my suit off."

"Not at all, it's your place." Parker laughed.

Uncle Owen smiled and turned and walked into his rooms bathroom.

Oh, god. Parker thought. Why can't I stop overlooking how hot my...uncle... is? True, he's gay. Yes, I'm a horny teenager. But he's my uncle. I must be sick. I must be- holy fuckkkkk.

Uncle Owen emerged from his bathroom in just his tighty-whiteys. His body was lean and the right amount of toned. His chest was broad with the right amount of hair. His stomach smooth, six-pack lightly defined. All leading down to that bulge. If the outline was accurate, his dick was at least five inches soft and thick as hell. Fuck.

"Is this cool?" Uncle Owen asked, looking down at his nephew with a smile before sitting next to him.

"Uhh, yeah. N-no problem." Parker stuttered.

"So, Parker...schools going great, so how's the love life?"

"Non-existent." Parker laughed.

"Impossible!" Uncle Owen exclaimed, "You're sexy as all hell!"

Parker's cheeks went wild red again and he looked down smiling.

"I just wanna have a little fun. But, I'm pretty shy. What about you?"

"Same, same." Uncle Owen said. "I'm about to be forty but a little fun is usually the game plan. But you should just go for the fun while you're young. Do it safe, of course."

Parker nodded in agreement.

Five minutes passed of idle chit-chat before Uncle Owen let out a huge yawn. They hugged, said goodnight, and Victor showed Parker to his guest room to retire for the evening.


Parker tossed and turned for an hour. He was so happy to be reunited with his uncle again... but his thoughts weren't exactly "PG" material, no matter how hard he tried to resist. His uncle had given him the biggest, hardest boner of his life. All he could think about was his uncle in his underwear, How he called Parker "sexy as hell", and how much he wanted to put his uncle's "package" in his mouth.

He slid his hand under his boxer briefs and tried to tame the beast. His throbbing six inches, however, remained inconsolable.

God, I need a hot cock in my mouth... my...uncle's cock. So wrong...fuck it.

Closing the guest bedroom behind him as quietly as possible, Parker tip-toed to his uncles bedroom. He reached the door handle and gently turned it. He stepped in and closed the door behind him.

A huge window dominated most of the wall at the other side of Uncle Owen's room and the moon was HUGE tonight. With the blinds open, the moonlight gave light to Uncle Owen's perfect form in his bed. On his back, he snored lightly, blanket up to his chest.

Please, god, let him be okay with this. If he's not, I'll gladly leave. I need to taste him just ONCE.

Once Parker got to the edge of his bed, he slowly lifted the blanket up and crept underneath. He crawled on the bed as quietly as possible until he got to his uncles crotch. Parker let his fingertips gently touch Uncle Owen's leg and started to brush them upward to his destination. He practically jumped when he felt his fingers touch his Uncle's rock hard cock. He trailed the size of it.

Holy fuck, he has to be at least eight inches and thick as fuck!

Parker couldn't wait anymore. He grabbed on to his uncle's underwear and slowly pulled the front of them down.


Parker gasped. The monster cock unexpectedly broke free from it's prison and slapped Parker right on the lips. He craned his head up and listened. Uncle Owen was still purring like a kitten.

So wrong. What am I doing? Parker thought. His cock his so big. My uncle's making me the horniest little fuck that has existed. So wrong. So fucking wro- MMMMM!

Parker sucked in his uncle's cock head in his mouth. He opened his mouth wider to fit the monster before him. He slowly sucked on the head like a lollipop. Like a big, fat, cock-flavored lollipop.

"Mmm" Parker moaned quietly as he tried to take in more of his uncle's dick.

So big. Oh fuck, he tastes so good.

Parker's mouth reached halfway before his gag reflex kicked in. He pulled back up, breathed, and went back down. He bobbed up and down, up and down. His spit overflowing in his mouth. It spilled out and rolled down his uncle's shaft.

Suddenly, uncle Owen let out a relaxed "mmm". Parker froze underneath the covers. He remembered he was still hidden for now, so he kept going. Then, He felt his uncle pat the back of his head over the blanket.

"Oh, Victor," he breathed. "I know you like to stare at my crotch all day...mmm... but you're my employee, and I'm a professional man. Mmm..."

He began to throw the blanket off his alleged butler and this time, Parker froze for real.

"Come on, now." Uncle Owen started, "As much as it feels good, you should head back to your- HOLY SHIT! PARKER? IS THAT YOU?!"

With the blanket thrown to the side, Uncle Owen looked down as his nephew looked up at him with wide eyes. Mouth still on his cock.

Parker slurped the cock out of his mouth.

"Yes, it's me. I'm so sorry Uncle Owen. But I couldn't get the thought of your cock out of my head. It looked so big and tasty. Please don't be disgusted." Parker looked down, afraid.

To his surprise his uncle gave a devilish smile.

"Damn, Parker, I didn't know that's the kind of fun you wanted! This is fucked up. So...THIS is what you want?"

Uncle Owen grabbed the base of his cock and waved it in Parker's face.

"Yes, uncle. So much. So mu-mmmm."

Before Parker could finish, his uncle grabbed the back of his head and forced him back down on his dick. Uncle Owen pushed down harder and Parker nearly hit the base with his mouth before he gagged. He rose back up for air, gasping.

"Oooh, yeah, baby. You look sexy gagging on my cock. You know this is wrong, right? So, let's not tell anyone. Okay, my sweet nephew?"

All Parker could do was retain air in his lungs and nod. But he found himself going right back down on his uncle's cock. He wanted as much of it as he could possibly get. Slurping hard, bobbing up and down on the uncut cock. It tasted so juicy, so smooth.

"Oh, baby. Mmm, fuck yeah. Swing that ass over here, would you baby?" Uncle Owen asked in a lustful voice

Parker obeyed and repositioned himself so his ass was near his uncle's face. Uncle Owen pulled down his nephews underwear, exposing his nephews pale bubble butt.

"Oh, fuck, Parker. This ass is in-fucking-credible!"

He smacked each cheek, hard. Parker moaned as he continued to suck on the monster cock. Uncle Owen stuck his finger in his mouth and pulled it back out, squeezing it between Parker's cheeks. He found the tiny hole and rubbed around it. Parker pulled up from the cock with a "pop" sound.

"Oh, uncle Owen. Shittt, that feels so good."

Uncle Owen gave an evil laugh and forced Parkers mouth back down on his cock with his free hand.

"Mmm, I know it does baby. Now get back to gaggin' on that fat cock!" Uncle Owen commanded, pushing his hand down harder on the back of Parker's head. He gripped his hair and made Parker Bob up and down furiously on his manhood. Parker made little gagging noises, along with the sweet sound of saliva slushing around.

"Oh fuck, baby. Just like that! Take your uncle's cock! Be his incest slut! OH, SHIT! Yes baby! Handle that cock! Handle that cock! Handle your uncle's- OoOoOh FUUUCK!"

Just when Parker thought he couldn't handle anymore of his uncle's cock, he was even more unprepared for the thick cum that shot to the back of his throat. Pump after pump, he knew he wasn't prepared swallow it.

Almost every drop of cum that invaded Parker's mouth began to ooze back down, covering his uncle's cock in his own cum.


"Ho-ly fuck! Get up here, nephew, hurry." Uncle Owen commanded.

Parker obeyed and layed next to his uncle. Owen suddenly grabbed the shaft of his nephews precummed coated cock and began to jerk. Hard.

"Oh, uncle....oh, fuck! Mmm, yes!" Parker practically screamed.

"Mmm, yeah baby. Feel how good my hand feels wrapped around your little boy cock? Is this what you want? Your own uncle tugging your hard cock? Making you want to cum??"

"Yes, Uncle Owen. Yes, I need you. Hand fuck my cock! Mmm Uncle Owen! Uncle! Oh shittt!"

Parker shot five pumps in the air. Landing from his stomach, to his shoulder, to the corner of his mouth.

Uncle Owen held Parker in his arms as the big spoon and cradled his nephew, kissing his neck.

""Thank you for stopping by, my sexy nephew." Uncle Owen growled, slapping his nephews ass. "As long as you're okay with it, I want to try something else with you...tomorrow. But we'll need one thing."

"What's that, Uncle Owen?" Parker asked, wiggling his butt into his uncle's groin.

"That camera of yours."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I’d LOVE if you could release part 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Could chapter 2 include a lot of Victor?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

what happened to this story -keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Love this so much!

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