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Parking Lot Sex Party

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A rollicking motorhome stops in Maine.
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A grocery store in a tourist town at the height of the summer season can be a very busy place. I was spending some time on the coast of Maine and stopped in to just such a store on a warm August evening to get a case of beer and a few days worth of food for the cooler. I was working my way north and east along the coast, living in campgrounds out of a little teardrop trailer that I pulled behind my old Austin Healey 3000 roadster, an unconventional 'rig' that was lots of fun and turned lots of heads. I had the trailer hooked up, and I was just a few miles from the next campground on my itinerary.

I pulled into the busy parking lot and found space around the side of the store, away from the main flow of cars and customers. There was an old Winnebago motorhome over there, and I pulled in with plenty of space between us. It was definitely an old motorhome, like you used to see back in the seventies, and this one was still going strong. The Arizona plates told the story as to why — motorhomes from that era don't survive that long up here in the rust belt. This one was plenty cool looking, covered with travel stickers and road grime. The big front windshield was curtained off, and I could hear people inside as I walked by.

As I was pushing my cart through the store I happened upon an excited young man, an employee wearing a bright orange safety vest, talking to a cute young girl coming out of the back storeroom. I was just around the corner of an aisle, and I could see them through a display, but they hadn't noticed me.

"A blowjob! Yeah, I swear to God!" he said. "It's a big camper truck out on the side. And a guy was fucking some woman... I think they just picked her up in the parking lot!"

"God!" the girl said quietly. "What did they look like?"

"They're like thirty maybe. The girl who did me is hot. She said I could fuck her if I come back. I couldn't see the others really — they were on a big bed in the back. So all you gotta do is knock on the door. They told me to spread the word, but only to cool people that won't rat on them, and nobody under eighteen, they don't wanna get arrested."

"Should I do it?" the young girl asked, her eyes big and wild looking.

"You know you want too," the boy said. "I gotta go tell Ryan and Nick — shift change is in fifteen minutes. Spread the word with the girls. No idiots though — we don't wanna get caught. Amber and Jen are cool. I don't know if they'd do it, but at least they won't rat us out."

"What about Hot Donna in the office? She's old but she'd probably love it," the girl laughed.

"Hot Donna! Holy shit..." the boy said, his voice trailing off.

"You'd love to get in her pants wouldn't you, you slut," the girl laughed.

"I'll see you out there," the boy said, and they split up.

I went on with my shopping, but couldn't stop thinking about the thirty-year-old couple in the Winnebago. Did they do this regularly I wondered? Wow, what a wild and crazy sex life. It made my own seem pretty pathetic and boring. And these young bag boys and check-out girls — what a wild time they were in for. I did a lot of drugs and drinking when I was their age, but the closest I came to 'wild sex' was a game of drunken strip poker. I ended up in a bedroom with the sister of a friend of mine, and it ruined our friendship. Not exactly the great memory of wild sex that I wish I had from my youth. And as I've gotten older it's only gotten more boring. I'm nearing fifty, and have a nice life as a writer, living on my own terms, but sexually? Pretty boring. As I waited in line to pay for my groceries I couldn't help but wonder if any of the cute checkout girls would be brave enough to knock on the door of that motorhome. If I was a kid working here would I do it? And if they were brave enough, what would it be like. Holy shit, I was getting turned on just thinking about it.

I got to the front of the busy line and the checkout girl's name tag read 'Amber.' As soon as I read it my heart started beating faster — she was one of the recruits the young blowjob boy had mentioned. And holy shit was she hot — a living, breathing wet-dream. Straight shoulder-length hair with a bright copper-red dye job and a purple streak down one side, big blue eyes, a beautiful and genuine smile, and skin tight black leggings showing off her perfect ass. She had the company smock on, so who knows what lay beneath that, but I'd put good money on it being wonderful. Good lord, was she about to be fucked by a thirty-year-old man she'd never met in a dirty motorhome in the parking lot? My head was spinning. As I paid her for my groceries a striking looking woman of about forty emerged from a door across from the checkouts.

"You can switch your light off Amber. You too Jen," she said to the girl next to us. "Enjoy your evening you guys."

"Thanks Donna, you too," they both said.

Hot Donna! Good lord, my mind was spinning out of control. And Jesus Christ, the nick-name fit, she was sexy as hell. Maybe not the most beautiful woman in the world, but oozing sexiness the way some do. She turned and walked back to her office, and everything else in the world vanished as I watched her ass wiggle.

"Sir? Your change sir!" Amber said, snapping my gaze away from Hot Donna's spectacular ass. Amber smiled at me knowingly, and I blushed.

"Sorry, I uh..." I said as I took my change.

"Enjoy your evening sir," she said with a sexy little smile.

I pushed my cart out of the store with my mind in a fog. I hadn't thought so much about sex in quite a while, and certainly not in a supermarket. I headed towards the almost empty side lot, and past the fully curtained Winnebago. Now that I knew what I was listening for, there were clearly muffled sounds of sex coming from inside it. What would happen if I knocked at the door, I wondered? Are they only interested in teenaged college kids? What about a mostly grey guy who goes to the gym and still looks good like me? I opened the back 'kitchen' area of my little teardrop trailer and started putting my groceries and a fresh bag of ice in the cooler, when the door to the Winnebago opened and a woman with messy blonde hair came out. She was barefoot, and wearing a dingy white terry-cloth robe.

"This is so fucking cool," she said as she walked over to me admiring the old Austin Healey. "My uncle had one of these when I was a kid. He fucked me on it one time, when I was like fifteen." I must have looked shocked, so she added, "Oh it's cool, I was already a slut. I loved it. He fucked me so hard it dented the hood. Had to tell my Aunt he hit a deer!" She laughed hysterically.

I was completely speechless, not only from what she had said, but from my knowledge of what was happening in the old Winnebago.

"I can't believe you're pullin' a trailer with it!" she said.

"Yeah, these little teardrops are really lightweight," I said. "Some of them you can even pull behind a motorcycle."

"Fuck!" she said. "That'd be awesome!"

"Your old Winnie's still goin' strong, huh?" I said, pointing at the motorhome. "You don't see many of the older ones around here, they all rusted out."

"Yeah, well we spend most of our time in the Southwest. Just came up here for some fresh meat," she said, and winked at me. "Wanna come in? We're havin' a little party."

My heart just about pounded its way out of my chest. "Sure, can I bring some beer?" I said, pointing at the case I was about to put in the cooler.

"Sorry, no alcohol," she said. "Drinking age is twenty-one here, and we don't want to get arrested. I promise to keep your mind on other things though." She brushed her hand up my leg and over my crotch as she turned to walk back to the motorhome. "Knock before you come in, OK?" She opened the door as little as possible to get in, and quickly closed it behind her.

Like an idiot I actually stood there and thought about whether I should leave, but I knew I'd never stop thinking about it if I didn't take the plunge. I finished stowing my groceries and pushed the cart back to the front of the store. I walked back toward the Winnebago, my heart pounding, when I heard a voice coming from the back of the store. It was Hot Donna.

"Are you going in there?" she asked nervously as she approached me.

"Uh...Yeah, I was going too," I said. "I just met the woman who owns it. She invited me in for a... she said they're having a little party."

"Well, lets go then, before I lose my nerve. I'm Donna," she said, extending her hand to me.

"I'm Ron," I said, taking her hand. "Is this crazy?"

"Yup. But crazy can be lots of fun," she said with a sexy smile. "I'll feel better going in with you. And we can always just leave if we want to, right?"

"Absolutely," I said as we walked around the front of the motorhome.

"Wow, look at that. That's so cool!" she said as we rounded the front of the motorhome and my little camping rig came into view.

"That's mine," I said proudly. Hot Donna walked over to it ahead of me, and her sexy ass threw me for a loop again.

"So you're just passing through?" she asked me with a little disappointment in her eyes.

"I'll be around the general area for a month or so. No real schedule."

"Oh good," she said in a brighter tone. "So what about these folks?" she said, gesturing to the motorhome. "What did you find out about them?"

"She's definitely a wild one. Thirty maybe. Sexy. She saw me putting my groceries in the trailer and came out in a bathrobe and bare feet to talk to me," I laughed. "There's Arizona plates on it, and she said they spend most of their time down that way. She said they came up here looking for fresh meat," I laughed.

"Wow. Wild isn't it?" she said, looking a little nervous again.

"You know, I overheard a couple of your young employees talking about this. I don't know if you're cool with that, you know, being in this kind of situation with them," I said.

"Yeah I know, they told me about it. We've never... done anything like... like this, but we party together a little, so they think I'm cool I guess. I hate being middle aged, and I guess it makes me feel younger to hang out with them. Probably stupid I guess. This'll definitely break down some barriers that probably should be left up," she said, laughing nervously.

Just then the motorhome door opened and a middle aged woman came out looking disheveled. "What the fuck!" she said quietly to no one in particular, and she walked slowly toward her car in the front parking lot. She looked like she had been rode hard and put away wet, and I don't think she even noticed us. My heart started racing again, and Donna took my hand and squeezed it.

"I'm suddenly very ready for this," she said. "You'll get me outta there if I don't like it, right?"

"You bet. Let's do it," I said.

I knocked at the door and a man in a bathrobe answered. "Oh good!" he said, happily. "We were thinking it was all over maybe. Come in!"

"I'm Rick, this is Ruby," he said, and we introduced ourselves.

"I met Ron outside honey. He's the one with the old Healey next to us," Ruby said. She was naked except for a handmade black leather choker style necklace with a red jewel in the front, laying on her side on a double bed made up from a dinette, right behind the drivers seat. The old bathrobe she had on in the parking lot had hidden her voluptuous hourglass figure, and she looked stunning on full display.

"Did you see Kathy leaving?" Lacy asked. "Boy, she was a wild one. Looked so conservative when we found her in the parking lot — like a church lady. You never know with that type, but she was insane. I'm guessin' she doesn't get any at home. So are you guys a couple?"

"No, Donna works at the store. I just met her a few minutes ago," I said.

"Oh cool, so word's gettin' around the store? I was hoping we'd get some youngsters in here. I love me some eighteen-year-old cock," she said, winking at Donna. "You fucked any of 'em yet?"

"No. It hasn't, uh, really presented itself yet," Donna said sheepishly.

"Well maybe it'll happen today. We love bringin' people together," Ruby laughed. "I bet you've had your eye on some of 'em though, right? The kid that was in here earlier sure had a nice cock. Didn't have time to fuck me though — he was collectin' carts in the parkin' lot and I pulled him in here and sucked him off real good. Nice cock..."

"May I undress you Donna?" Rick asked.

"Come here Ronnie. Take off your clothes for me," Ruby said.

I looked at Donna and suddenly felt very shy about stripping and having sex with a self described slut in front of her, and from the look on her face I think Donna felt the same way.

"Wow, you two like each other, don't ya," Ruby said with a smile. "Why don't you go in the back and get started on your own. If word's spreadin' in the store we'll have plenty to do out here for a while. Don't go sneakin' out without your hosts gettin' a taste though," she said with a wink.

"The shift just changed, so..." Donna said, interrupted by a knock at the door. I took her hand and led her through a narrow hall to a big double bed in the back. It had rumpled sheets on it, a big wedge shaped pillow, and the smell of sex was thick in the stale air.

"What do you think?" I said, sticking my nose up and sniffing the redolent air. "Conservative Kathy? Eight orgasms, or maybe ten?"

Donna burst into laughter, breaking her nervous tension. "Am I gonna to look like that when I get out of here?" she said, shaking her head and laughing.

"I'll do my best. And I'm guessing Rick's an expert," I said.

"God I'm horny! This is insane, isn't it? Right in the middle of my parking lot!" she said as she started unbuttoning her blouse.

I was out of my linen shirt and shorts in a flash. "Wow!" she said, looking at my quickly swelling cock. "I'm guessing you'll give Rick a run for his money with that thing!" she said. She was standing there in a bra and her tight black pants, and she started unfastening her pants.

"Do me a favor?" I asked. "I just about made a fool of myself looking at your ass in the store. Could you turn around when you push your pants down, so I can see it sort of... emerge."

"You were watching me? I noticed you too. Handsome guys are thin on the ground lately," she said, smiling. She turned away from me and wiggled her spectacular ass as she pushed her tight pants down. She stepped out of them and did the same with her skimpy black panties, flashing her pink pussy at me as she bent over. She turned towards me, straddled me on the edge of the bed, and said, "I'll let you do the honors," thrusting her bra covered tits towards me. I popped the bra off of her, ran my hands roughly over her lovely tits, and our mouths met in one of the most astonishingly passionate kisses in the history of mankind.

We fucked on that dirty bed like two people possessed. I've never experienced anything like it — pure sexual bliss that made time stand still. Donna had numerous orgasms, and I came twice. We were completely oblivious to the slowly growing orgy in the other room, even though there was no door and we often had Donna's young employees watching us from the narrow hallway.

"Hey you two," I heard Ruby say when I was giving it to Donna hard doggie style. "Sorry to interrupt, but we only got two beds and a couch, and it's gettin' kinda crowded. I'm gonna send some folks back here to join you guys, all right?"

Both Donna and I were breathing too hard to say anything, and before we knew it three naked young folks were tumbling onto the bed with us. One of them was my smokin' hot checkout girl, Amber. The others were Jen, from the register next to Amber's, and a guy named Ryan, who looked like he'd just won the lottery being dropped into bed with a naked 'Hot Donna.'

"Well this is a bit awkward," Donna said, still on all fours with my cock in her. "You guys all cool with this?" she asked. There was much nervous head nodding. "Who else is out there?" Donna asked.

"Nick and Bobbie and Julie," Amber said. "And Carol just came in."

"Carol!" Donna said quietly. "Holy shit! Is she cool with it, or what?"

"Yeah, we were surprised too. I thought she was busting us, but I think she just wants to get laid," Amber said with a laugh. "The guy up front, Rick? I guess he went in the store and talked to her or something. He's got a fuckin' cock you won't believe Donna."

I slid out of Donna and Amber said, "Whoa, so do you! What's with these older guys! I'm gonna have to re-think things." She giggled and I held out my hand, beckoning her. She lunged across the bed and had my cock in her mouth in a flash, her youthful exuberance more than making up for a lack of experience.

Donna rolled off of the wedge shaped fuck pillow and scooped up Ryan's cock in her hand. It was rock hard, with a youthful upward curve to it, and Donna engulfed him in her sexy mouth. Ryan just about lost it instantly. I'm sure he'd often dreamt of his sexy boss, and here he was, right in the busy parking lot of the store, about to cum in her hot mouth. Why didn't I ever have experiences like this when I was a kid?

"I remember you from the store," Amber said between licks of my cock and balls. "You were checkin' out Donna's ass weren't you, you dirty old man. Did you look at my ass too? Did you?" I could only moan out my answer. "You couldn't see my tits, could you?" she said, her copper-red hair tickling my stomach. "I hate those stupid smocks we have to wear. We can't show off our tits to all you handsome men. It's no fun at all, is it Jen?" Jen responded by getting on all fours above me so her big tits hung down in my face. I sucked in one of her huge nipples and she moaned loud.

Ryan groaned and gave Donna a mouthful of his young semen, so much that it flowed out the side of her mouth, down her chin, and onto her tit. Jen was quickly beside her, still on her knees, and licked the warm cum off of her tit and face while her hand went to Donna's pussy and two fingers slipped inside.

"Oh Jen! Shit!" Donna gasped.

Ryan was still as hard as ever, oh to be young again, and he slid into Jen from behind.

"Fuck!" Jen yelled as he filled her. "Oh Ryan!"

Amber lowered herself on me cowgirl style, and rode me like an athlete. God she was a hot little thing! "Fuck me you grey-haired stud! Oh God you feel good!" she yelled.

Ruby stuck her head in, surveyed the scene, said, "Fun!" and wandered back to the others.

Jen had her face in Donna's pussy, and Donna was reaching another orgasm. It wouldn't be long before she broke Conservative Kathy's record, I thought. She went off with a shriek that she tried to keep down — we were, after all, still in a parking lot. When she came it nudged Jen over the edge and she flailed about like someone who hadn't had sex in a while and really needed it. Meanwhile, hot little Amber was fucking me like it was her last day on earth. There was sweat trickling down her tight little body and all kinds of wordless sounds coming from her cute little mouth. I had already cum twice with Donna, so I was in for the long haul, and with Amber riding me, doing most of the work, I was more than happy to watch her fuck her brains out. She finally announced she was gonna cum, and it built and built and built until it finally ripped through her, every nerve fiber exploding and taking her away, far off away from earth. She re-entered the atmosphere slowly, still moving her body on my cock, like she couldn't stop even if she wanted to.

"Holy shit Amber! You OK?" Jen asked her quietly. "That was fuckin' awesome!"

Amber didn't say anything. She laid her tired, sweaty body on top of me and caught her breath, her heart pounding right through my chest.

"Pretty good for an old guy, huh Amber," Donna said with a giggle.

"What the fuck!" Amber said quietly with a sexy grin. "I'm definitely gonna have to re-think things."


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