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Particularly Nasty Weather

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Happy Hour leads coworkers to more than drinks.
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It had been a long week so a few of us decided to go out together after work for a few drinks and appetizers. We always said that, but really we went out for the drinks. We had all worked together for a while at the store, a "big box" place that I better leave nameless, so we knew each other pretty well.

Jim was a fun guy, but really was more like a little brother to me. I knew he liked me, but I just didn't see him that way. It surprised me a little when he started flirting a bit with me, bought me a drink, commented "Is that a new blouse? Hadn't seen that before. Of course, hard to see anything under the vests we all have to wear."

I laughed and tossed back the drink. I have no problem taking the drink, or the flirt. But it wasn't going to go anywhere. There were six of us, so we were crammed in a booth in the noisy happy hour bar. Enough light to see, but I wouldn't call it bright by any stretch. A couple rounds in we did decide to order some food. Maybe just as an excuse for a couple more drinks, but it meant we would stick around a while.

I texted my boyfriend that it would be a while and he suggested we just meet up tomorrow to start off the weekend. That was fine by me. Eric was a nice guy. Really nice. Maybe too nice. I did really like him, especially coming off a relationship where I had been jerked around far too much for far too long. But, while he was sweet, it was very vanilla. I like vanilla, but there are times you want a little sriracha, if you know what I mean. Oh, well, I'd just focus on having some fun with the gang tonight.

There was Jim, little brother that he was. Sarah, the newest here, a quiet one who did laugh at all our jokes. You could also count on here to stay a little longer if needed, help with a line. Nice. Bob was in logistics. Basically if you needed anything moved, he was your guy. Nice arms, piercing eyes. Kept to himself, but had a nice vibe about him. Confident, not cocky. The other two, Billy and Deb were a couple. Not originally, but they had met at the store. After a few drinks they could be counted on for some "kissy face" and some language best suited for junior high. "Uv-oo bear..." A little went a long way.

I took the bullet for the team and sat on the side with our love birds. Bob, Jim and Sarah on the other side. Jim got up and brought back a pitcher and poured some in all our glasses "This one is on me. I'm feeling magna..., magni... Hell, I'm feeling generous." We chuckled at his search for the 50 cent word and settlement on the dime term. And we gave him a toast.

"Cheers, Jim and thanks!" We hoisted our glasses to him.

About that same time I felt a shoe slide up my leg. Not a random touch or kick, but a deliberate move up my calf. I looked across at Bob, but he was looking down at Sarah at the end. I knew Jim couldn't reach me. So that was how he was going to play. I didn't show any reaction as the foot went up and down again. Nor did Bob.

The food came and so did a couple more drinks. Definitely satisfied one appetite, but seemed to be kindling another. Billy and Deb were already getting a little 'handsy'. I noticed his arm around her and hers was under a napkin on his lap. That little vixen was getting a handful - I saw the napkin rise and fall a bit. Guess there was a bit of wild child in them after all.

Jimmy started telling some jokes. I had heard them before, so I zoned out a little. Sarah found them a bit funny and kept Jimmy going for a bit. Bob seemed interested and was leaning in to listen. It was one of his better jokes - a bit long, but cute.

"So this old drunk is in this bar. And he sees this guy come in. Real slick guy. Always leaves with a lady. Never fails!" Jimmy took a sip and continued. "The bar was empty, so the old drunk goes over to ask how he does it. The slick guy looks around, sees that they are alone and decides to tell him the secret." By now, Sarah and even Bob are interested in the story.

Jimmy continued. "You see, I find a potential partner at the bar and I walk behind her. When I get near I say 'tickle your ass with a feather' and take a step. If she hears me and is not interested, she turns around and slaps me and I move along. If she did hear me and wants more, she turns and smiles. I pay the tab and we are off."

Sarah giggled but Jimmy held up a finger. "But, If she didn't hear me and turns and says 'what?', I say 'Particularly nasty weather.' We strike up a conversation and I am about 50/50 in that case."

I decided that two could play the under the table game. Three if you counted Deb rubbing away under the napkin. I stretched my foot out and lightly moved up Bobs' leg. It did feel as muscular as his arms. He didn't even turn as Jimmy went on with his joke.

"So the old drunk goes back and sits down. The place fills up and after a few drinks he sees a possible target to try his new skill on. He gets up and heads to the bar behind her." We are all listening now. Leaning in since our own bar has gotten full and a little loud. Even Billy and Deb seemed to be listening.

Jimmy looks around and heads for the finish "He gets behind her and shouts out 'Shove a feather up your ass!". The lady turns and says 'WHAT!' And the old drunk says 'Rainin' like hell, ain't it?'". Jimmy slapped the table, clearly enjoying his own joke. Sarah found it quite funny and Billy and Deb even chuckled. Bob and I both made a polite laugh and raised our glass to the storyteller. But we had other things on our minds. -O-

Bob decided to join his coworkers for a drink, it had been a long week. Work wasn't bad, but he was just coming off a bad break up of a six year relationship. Probably for the best, she was bat shit crazy. But the sex had been good. Very good. He just needed a little break and other people. Sarah, Jim, Deb, Billy and Kelly were people, so why not hang with them for a while.

The bar was a little crowded and noisy, so it was good to distract him a bit. Jim was starting to tell jokes and the others were listening Except maybe Kelly. She looked a little like she was off in another place. He had seen her text, probably her boyfriend. They had talked a bit and she had commented on a "nice guy" she was seeing. She was by far the best looking of the group. Sarah was okay, but not really his type. Deb had Billy, and was a little too girly for him. Although if Bill wanted to share, he wouldn't turn down a threesome.

After a couple of jokes and a couple of drinks, Bob decided to have a little fun. He stretched his foot out and rubbed up and down on Kelly's leg, all while looking at Jim and listening to his joke "Particularly Nasty Weather....". Ha, ha. What was the worst that could happen? A kick in the nuts if she wasn't interested? He'd been hit there before. It would be the most action his balls had seen in a while.

To his surprise, he got no reaction from Kelly. He watched out of the corner of his eye, but she was cool. A few sips on her beer and that was about it. But then he felt a foot on his leg. Hmmm. this might have potential.


The night wore on, Jimmy had a few more jokes, everyone had a few more drinks. Except Bob. Kelly noticed that Bob had started nursing his beer over the last couple rounds. And he'd switched to a soda. Guess he was going to be the designated driver. Although she lived close enough to walk and she thought Deb and Billy did as well. Jim and Sarah were a ways away, but there was always Uber.

Speaking of Deb and Billy, she noticed that the napkin still covered Billy's crotch but Deb's hand was gone. She had gotten up to go to the restroom, probably to wash her hands. She approached the table and whispered something in Billy's ear. Bill slid over and said "I think we'll call it a night. That boss of ours will want us in bright and early tomorrow." Funny guy. He meant me since I was technically the manager of the group or 'team' as they liked to call us.


Bob saw his chance and decided to take it. As Bill and Deb were leaving, he slid out of the booth and changed sides, sliding next to Kelly. "This works out well, boy, girl, boy, girl. More balance." he said more to the table than to anyone in particular.

Kelly didn't mind at all that Bob had moved beside her. She actually had hoped he would. Maybe she could try that napkin trick that Deb had done. It had been quite a while since she had been bad, and she had a feeling that she needed to be very bad. She sensed that Bob could be good at being bad. Good for her, at least.


"Good night Bill, Good night, Deb. See you tomorrow. Oh, right. I'm off tomorrow." I called after them.

Bob slid in close to me. The bar was getting even fuller and louder. Jim and Sarah were talking. Well, Jim was talking. Sarah was mostly listening and nodding. I pretended to listen to Jim, but he was going on about the research he was doing on which car to get next. Something I really didn't care about. Then I felt a hand brush against my ass. The fingers went under, I raised up a little. If he was going to get a feel, he might as well get a good one. His hand covered my right cheek nicely.


I saw my shot and I got up and moved next to Kelly. Jim and Sarah were busy talking, and I guess Kelly was just in her 'happy place' or bored, so I slid my hand on the seat to brush her hip. A sweet surprise as she raised up a bit so I could grab her whole ass. This might be a very good night after all. As I moved my hand around a little, I could feel myself start to stiffen a little. If all went well, the little guy might get some attention other than my own hand. I looked at Kelly. She had a nice smile on her face but was intently looking straight ahead. It was dark enough that no one could really see into the booth and down on the seat, so I moved my hand a little more.


I kept staring ahead, actually leaned a little on the table to raise up some. Bob took the hint and I felt his hand slide a little further under. The tips of his fingers were just about at the edge of my vagina. I could feel myself getting a little moist. My dark stretch pants and underwear wouldn't give anything away, but the light attention that close to my sweet spot was definitely what I needed. At least for an appetizer.


I could tell Kelly was enjoying my rubbing, she leaned up a bit so my hand could get a little closer to her pussy. It definitely felt a bit warmer as I got closer. It got hotter and I got harder. Nice doing this in public and no one had a clue! I took a sip of my soda with one hand and a good rub of Kelly's ass with the other. Turning out to be a good night. I moved my hand as far as I could without being obvious and it was just enough to reach the spot between her legs. I started to move my finger slowly in a circular motion on a hot spot. I knew i Had hit a good nerve when I could feel her squirm some as I continued to rub through her pants.


Bob was sure playing it cool, we probably hadn't said ten words to each other, but he was sure on the same wavelength. His finger was touching right where I wanted it. The circular motion really was getting me excited. I was hoping Sarah and Jim would decide to go, maybe I could get Bob back to my place for a little more overt action. Although getting fingered here in public was not bad. Not bad at all.

Sarah finally said something to all of us "I'm getting a bit tired, and I'm a little buzzed. I think I better go home. Want to share an Uber?"

Bob spoke up right away "Hey, no need, I stopped drinking a while ago, so I'm good. I can drop all of you off. Um, Kelly, you are the closest, I can drop you and then Jim and Sarah. Sound like a plan?"

It did sound like a plan. I just needed to tell Bob to stop back after his delivery. I think he had the same idea, but wanted to make sure.


When Kelly said it was time to go, I still had my hand on Kelly, and my finger was starting to get a little wet from the juices she was putting out. I figured I could drop her off first and then come visit after I dropped the other two off. Nobody needed to know that I got a hook up out of our happy hour.


As we walked to Bob's car, I was able to whisper in his ear "Tickle your ass with a feather.... Come back. I4B. Door will be open." Subtle, I am not.


Outside, Kelly came up close to me and whispered in my ear the punchline from that joke of Jim's and gave me her apartment number. Nice.


When Bob stopped, I literally ran up to my apartment. I wanted to change clothes and freshen up a little. I needed to get out of these work clothes and for some reason, my panties seemed very wet. I took off my clothes and put on a t shirt. Having no bra on felt so good. Easier for 'the girls' to get some action as well. Fresh panties and a pair of comfy sweatpants would do nicely. Somehow I didn't think Bob would care what I was wearing.


I dropped Jim and Sarah off and probably broke a few traffic laws getting back to Kelly's apartment. Did love her invite. My guess was that she probably liked things a little physical. I wasn't into smacking her, but maybe a little assertive action could be in order.


Bob tried the door and it was open. He took a breath and walked in. What a bitch it would be to hit the wrong apartment. But Kelly was there. She rose up off the couch as he came in. He grabbed her and pulled her close and their mouths locked together, tongues wrestling in each others mouth. "Mmmmm. I've been wanting to do that all night, Kelly. Let me taste you again." and Bob went back for another long deep kiss.

He picked Kelly up and set her on the couch. One hand undid his belt and pants and his other held her hair at the back of her head. "I know how good you kiss, girl. Let's see how well you suck. I want some head, how about it?"

Kelly liked his manner. Direct and to the point. She liked a firm hand. Her current boyfriend was not quite that type. "Wait, I'm thinking of my boyfriend and I'm about to suck another guy off?" Kelly said to herself. "Fuck that, I need this." With that she reached out and lowered Bob's pants. His hard cock sprang out as she lowered his shorts. It looked like more than a mouthful. Hard, veins evident, the round circumcised tip already glistened with some leaking cum. His hand grabbed more hair and pulled her toward his member. She took it in her hand and then lowered her mouth on it.

Bob moaned a bit and continued "Yeah, that's a good cocksucker. Take it all in. I love watching it disappear in your mouth. Suck it babe, suck it real good." As he spoke he rocked his hips a little thrusting his cock forward into her mouth. Not quite fucking her mouth but getting it in her lips solidly.

After having been fingered in the restaurant, Kelly was already primed. She moved her head on Bob's cock, sucking loudly, using her tongue to circle the tip and then to lick the tender underside while she worked it with her hand. She moved faster and faster, in between sucking him she managed to say "Cum for me, Bob, I want to taste your cum in my mouth and take it all."

That excited Bob even more. He felt the feeling rise in him and he pulled Kelly's face down on him. He held her head with both hands as his cock began to erupt and he felt his cum squirt from his erect member into her mouth. Time and time again it quivered, shooting a load each time. Finally he pulled out, but Kelly held his hips and she looked up at him. Opening her mouth she showed hm a large load of white cum in her mouth. She smiled, closed her mouth and swallowed. Immediately she came back to his penis and began to clean off the few traces she had left. "Mmmmm. Good to the last drop. Bob, you tasted great."

After cumming, some men like to lie back, relax or even take a nap. Bob wasn't one of them. If anything, it energized him. He looked down at Kelly. "You ready for me to return the favor? I didn't have much to eat tonight, and I have a taste for..." He paused. Then he reached down and pulled Kelly's sweatpants off and lifted her onto the couch where is pulled her panties down to her ankles. "That's what I have a taste for."

Kelly lay back and spread her legs as Bob knelt down and used his hands to spread her a little wider. She looked down and could see him looking at her completely naked crotch like someone deciding how best to devour his next meal. And she was that meal. Bob placed a finger at her opening and began the same circular movement that had gotten her so wet in the restaurant booth. This time there was nothing between her clitoris and Bob's finger and it was much more intense. Then she felt his hot breath on her leg and then on her moist lips. Like an electric shock, his tongue began to lick each lip up and down. settling on the top of her slit, his finger fought with his tongue to excite her. His tongue moved back and forth, and then entered her. It darted in and out as he began to roll her hard little clit between his thumb and forefinger, at times tugging on it and squeezing it while his tongue kept licking in and out of her pussy.

Kelly moaned as the attention to her wet lips intensified, then she added "I liked it when you told me I was a good cocksucker, well, I hope you know you are one helluva pussy licker. Eat it, Bob, lick me, lick me 'till I cum for you."

She grabbed some of his hair and pushed his face deeper onto her if that was possible.

The words seemed to spur him on and then he stopped. As he pulled away, he removed Kelly's panties from her ankles. Then he bent down again and grabbed her from the couch by the waist and lifted her up, upside down. He shifted her and then replaced his mouth to her pussy and continued licking and tongue fucking her. Blood rushed to Kelly's head and she could hear it rushing in her ears. It intensified the feelin and she wrapped her legs around Bob's head and gave him full access to her.

She looked at him and saw that he was beginning to rise again. Bit she put her arms around his waist, closed her eyes and felt a wave of excitement roll over her. It started deep inside and moved through her loins. Her legs quivered around his head, but he kept licking and if anything, he squeezed her tighter to him with his arms. She came repeatedly and then felt him lay her back on the couch. Slowly, in sections. She lay on the couch trying to catch her breath and let blood drain from her head to the rest of her body.

She heard Bob say "My, look what you have done. It appears I'm hard again. I think it is time to fuck you proper, Kelly." Bob lifted her from the couch, turned her over and brought her to her knees. He moved behind her and with one hand on her back held her to the cushions and slid his hard cock into her hot wet pussy.

Kelly was too weak to resist, not that she wanted to, but also too spent to do much to assist. She liked the feeling of his hand on her back holding her down, restraining her. She decided to just let him pound her and enjoy it. And to let him know she liked it. "Oh yeah, pound it, fuck me hard, Bob. Get it all the way in there. Fuck me. Fuck me good."

Again, the words seemed to spur him on. The hand on her back pushed down a little harder. His right hand suddenly connected with her ass making a "Whap" sound and no doubt leaving a nice red hand print. "Oh, fuck yeah!" she cried out, hoping for at least one more.

Bob thrust in and out in a rhythmic movement, Kelly's pussy lips closed around him and juicily took him in and reluctantly let him slide out. The first slap of her ass had gotten a great response, so he added another "Whap!" He could see the welt from his spank appear and the jump from her brought him closer to climax. "Yeah, babe, You've been bad, so I better give you a couple more of those." His hand connected again and he used his left one to give equal care to both of her ass cheeks.

He grabbed her hips and pushed in as deep as he could. "Here it is, Hon. Take it in you nice and deep. My cock looks so good buried deep in you. Great view back here. Yeah, take it all!" He gushed another load of cum deep inside her. And another. She felt each hot load fill her. And she felt herself quiver with each spasm of his cock.


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