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Party Favour

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Girl gets used as party entertainment.
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Rose didn't even know Sir's name. When they'd met at the club he'd introduced himself as Sir, and she genuinely couldn't tell whether he'd somehow picked up how submissive she was or whether that was just how he started every interaction to see what followed. It had definitely worked on her, and after only a single night using the honorific felt natural and Rose had stopped wondering Sir's name.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror just before she knew Sir was coming to take her into the party room, Rose felt herself thinking over the previous few weeks. It had been a very slippery slide for her indeed - slippery being the operative word. Rose had never felt so horny for such an extended period of time before; over the last week she felt she could have orgasmed without any stimulation; it was only the lack of Sir's permission that held it back.

That had been the first thing he'd assumed control over - her orgasms. Back at his place that first night he'd very quickly leveraged her submissiveness, having Rose service him without reciprocation before bending her over the end of the couch. And when he started playing with her then to drive her close to the edge, he'd grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back so he could demand to her she not cum. "Good girls don't cum. And you're going to be a good girl for me aren't you?" All Rose could manage was to whimper, nod, and do her best not to.

And when she'd inevitably failed to stop herself cumming, Sir had stopped his ministrations, bent her over his knee and spanked her until Rose was crying and squirming in his lap. "I thought you were going to be a good girl for me? Good girls don't cum. But don't worry baby, I'll be here to help correct and guide you."

And since then she hadn't had an orgasm, successfully holding herself back every time. Sir had given Rose a strict regime of playing with herself, making her get as close as she could to the edge before stopping. Sir had said being denied would keep her compliant, obedient, submissive.

Sir had been right.

Very quickly Rose had gone through her wardrobe and gotten rid of anything she didn't think Sir would want to see her in. She'd bought some new clothes to please him; sexy lingerie, short skirts, tight and low cut tops. Whenever Sir had come over she had dropped to her knees to greet him, as she felt was proper. When they started meeting out of the house Sir began to question why he was being denied a proper greeting outside, and so she started to do it wherever they met even if it was outside. Despite the curious glances, the shocked looks, she would wait for him on her knees.

It was a tremendous shame he was so very lacking in punctuality.

And after that Sir had treated her like she belonged to him, and Rose found it very difficult to think of herself any other way. Because she enjoyed the idea someone wanted her so much they wanted all of her. Didn't want to settle for what she was prepared to give. Because he made her feel sexy; desirable. Because he made her feel worthy. Because serving him felt so right, and made her feel so incredibly fulfilled.

She stared at herself in the mirror, wondering what was to come. Sir had told her he was throwing a party in her honour, to be hosted at a friend's house. Rose had arrived at Sir's house where he had told her to strip, and wrote something across her tits and belly in permanent marker - Sir was very specific on that, she had heard him muttering about it not washing off. But once written Sir had instructed her not to look. She'd been packed in her cage for the car trip here, and then bundled into this room with the mirror and left to herself to contemplate.

Party Favour Pricing

Ass: $1

Mouth: $2

Cunt: $200

She wasn't sure how it would present, but now Rose was going to become a whore. A whore because Sir told her. Sir's whore. Actually, Sir hadn't even told her. Just decided that was what was going to happen, organised it, wrote a price list on her tits and belly, and took her there to do it. That though should have terrified her - if he was going to make a decision like that without even informing her, what was he going to do next??

It didn't terrify her. Rose was just staring the listed price for her cunt. Why would anyone use her cunt when her other holes are so much cheaper?

Sir appeared at the door finally. "Are you ready baby? We're all set up." Rose bowed in supplication and followed him through to the large back room.

It was set up with a small padded table in the middle of the room, with chairs spread around it in a circle. Rose tried to count the chairs quickly but only got to 12 before she was turned over and bent back across the bench, arms and legs bound to the legs of the bench, stretching her and spreading her legs.

Sir appeared next to her and took what looked like a contact lens case out of his pocket. Rose tried to question it, but Sir just placed his finger across her lips and she quieted. He took the contacts out of the case and carefully placed them in her eyes, and suddenly Rose was completely blacked out, couldn't see anything at all.

"Now baby, now we're all ready. I only have a single instruction for you today - don't cum. Good girls don't cum, do they? And you want to be a good girl for Sir?"

"Oh yes please, please Sir I want to be so good for you; I want to be your good girl. But this girl doesn't think she could cum anyway Sir - This girl doesn't think anyone is going to use this girl's cunt today when it's so expensive." Rose allowed a small whine to creep into her voice at that.

"Oh no baby, that's exactly why it's so high - that's the hole you want to get used. And you're still learning to be good to me aren't you? So today we're going to make it easy on you." There was an impatient silence as Rose digested this news. "A good girl would say thank you if someone has gone out of their way to make things easier for them, baby." The sternness in Sir's voice startled Rose out of her silence.

"Oh thank you Sir, thank you so much. This girl is grateful for Sir's attention and care, for helping this girl be a good girl."

"Much better baby. Now no talking. And don't go anywhere, we'll have a party for you soon." She felt something get placed over her ears, and she couldn't hear anything anymore either.

Rose settled in to wait. Her pussy - no, her cunt - was moist already, just at the thought of being a good girl for Sir. She wondered if there was going to be a person for each of the chairs she saw, and how many times they'd use her each.

Would it be only men? Sir had made her service one of his female friends once, and it hadn't done much for her. Not at first, anyway - once she saw how much Sir enjoyed it she'd started to get right into it. Especially once he starting fucking her from behind, she gave that pussy everything she had. Rose wondered if Sir would use her cunt again if she did well? She could feel it quiver at the thought. If Sir didn't no-one else would unless they were desperately wanting to fuck her cunt; Sir's pricing ensured that.

Extremely muffled conversation broke into her reverie - the first of the guests had arrived. Her time as a party favour was about to begin.

Except that it didn't. She waited, and the conversation died out. She kept waiting, and sometimes she could hear again the hum of muffled words. Even so, still Rose lay there, unused; ignored. Desperately waiting to be useful, to do a good job, to make Sir proud.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Rose could sense movement close to her. She wriggled in anticipation and heard what sounded like a muffled laugh before the tip of a cock was presented to her mouth.

Rose took it in and started sucking, bobbing her head up and down. It wasn't long at all before whoever controlled the cock was grabbing her head and fucking her mouth instead, before spurting all the way down her throat. She coughed and swallowed, got as much of it down as she could, but she could feel rivulets of cum dripping down from the edges of her mouth she wasn't able to clean up.

As soon as Rose got her breath back the next cock was presented to her mouth, but this one was not only tiny it didn't want any part of her trying to please it. Straight away it was fucking her mouth like a cunt, without any consideration for her breathing - good thing it was so small, Rose thought to herself, or this would have been difficult. After a much longer time than the first cock it too filled her mouth with cum, but at least it wasn't to the back of her throat so she was able to swallow its offering easily.

As soon as he stepped away, Rose felt a cold liquid on her asshole, and fingers started probing, pushing the lube into her asshole. Rose braced herself softly - no matter how often she was told not to tense, it hurt too much going in the first time to relax her completely. She was taken completely by surprise when fingers - hopefully a different set than spread the lube into her ass!!, she thought desperately - plunged into her pussy and forcibly tested how wet she was.

Rose heard the muted raucous laughter even through whatever was covering ears, and felt herself blush. There was no hiding how much she was loving being used this way, from her tormentors or herself.

And at that thought, the first cock of the afternoon pressed against her puckered asshole. An inexorable yet slow pressure forced its way inside her, and Rose silently thanked whoever would listen the first of the day was clearly experienced enough to understand to go slowly. She just couldn't find it in her to relax enough, despite her best efforts - and just welcomed the pain of it, breathed as best she could until she could feel the cock was all the way in.

Rose couldn't help it - the feeling of being full was too much, and she couldn't stop herself. She moaned and writhed her ass with the cock hilted within, and she heard another round of the laughter. The cock slowly withdrew, and Rose felt some more lube being added; she may have said thank you out loud, and surprisingly she felt fingers massaging across her clit as the cock slowly made its way balls deep inside her asshole.

She couldn't help it now; with the clitoral stimulation she was flailing around and dripping, desperately trying to get every bit of stimulation on offer. Rose started babbling, begging; she knew it fell on deaf ears when she felt her face covered with cunt. She was desperate and horny enough she just went for it - licking and slurping and rubbing her nose against the clit, everything she could remember doing last time and anything she could remember being done to her. The cock in her ass kept its assault on her hole, slowly picking up the rhythm as she was increasingly stretched.

The cock in her ass eventually finished and Rose could feel the cum dripping out of her. She felt so pathetic, desperately doing her best on the woman seemingly intent on smothering her and feeling the results of her anal torment on show for all to see. Her humiliation was short lived however as another cock took its place at her asshole, pre lubed - thank God! - and her head was grabbed face used to rub against until the woman finished.

Desperately Rose tried to suck in breaths, but her respite was short lived as a cock was pressed to lips and she opened obediently. She could feel the cock in her ass pumping away, but soon all she could focus on was timing her breathing around the cock in her mouth, making sure she didn't feel like passing out.

And so it was - cocks and cunts would take turns using her mouth, and Rose swallowed and licked it all like the good obedient little fuck toy she knew Sir wanted. Cocks were a constant in her ass, and she vaguely sensed they'd stopped using lube because it didn't need it - all the cum from the previous cocks seemed to be enough. Every so often there was one straighter and more uniform than the others, and she wondered if she was being fucked by a woman with a strap; but only for an instant before the next cock or cunt to her mouth took her attention away.

Intermittently she was given water to drink; it was always unexpected and Rose coughed and spluttered the first drops each time, much her embarrassment. She knew it was such a ridiculous thing to be embarrassed over given what was happening around her, and she couldn't help but feel it reflected badly on Sir, badly on her ability to swallow, and was ashamed despite herself.

But as she was used, Rose relaxed. Despite her embarrassment, her unsated horniness, the unfortunately growing ache in her bladder, she managed to relax. Embraced the feeling of being full at both ends, and gave herself to it. The desperate ache of her empty cunt never went away, and she fervently wished several times Sir had been kinder with the price on it. But never was it used - the closest it got was an occasional finger to her clit, for mere seconds at a time. And just to be cruel, she was sure. But she felt herself dripping anyway as Rose knew she was being good for Sir, and she loved to be used. She never thought she'd be used in such a manner, or that she'd enjoy it so much.

Eventually the tirade upon her holes ended, and Rose was left trembling all over. Both her ass and mouth sore from such use. Her face dripping with juices and her ass with cum.

She could feel her bonds being untied before she'd even managed to get her breath back under control, which surprised her given how long she'd been left in the first instance. Rose stretched as she was able to straighten, and felt hands holding her down so couldn't sit up too quickly. Rose felt so incredibly cared for, and she did have a slight light headedness as she sat up fully straight, and drank gratefully from the water bottle thrust into her mouth; the sucking motion seemingly coming without her even thinking about it.

Her legs unbound and suddenly whatever was over her ears was removed, and Rose could hear again; the blessed background noise of people just moving about. Sir's voice was a welcome intrusion to her solitude, though with her eyes still hidden by the blackout contacts it seemingly came out of the darkness.

"How do you feel, baby?"

It took Rose four tries and another swig from the water bottle before she could get her voice working again.

"Sore, Sir. Used." Rose paused, allowing the feelings she had about it all to coalesce into words. "But in a good way - this girl been useful, following your commands, fulfilling your wishes. This girl enjoys serving you Sir."

"Excellent. You've been so good baby, such a good girl for me." Rose could hear the warmth of praise in his tone, and it rolled over her like a wave. "You've made a lot of people happy today, everyone was so pleased to use you."

Rose could feel a hand, presumably Sir's, stroking her hair gently. "Thank you, Sir." Rose beamed. "But Sir, please - may this girl use the bathroom?"

She heard Sir chuckle. "Oh baby, you absolutely can. But you're at the end of the queue, so you're going to have to wait until everyone else has gone first. Can you do that for me baby?"

"Oh, yes Sir, this girl can hold on." Rose affirmed, hoping her bladder wouldn't make a liar of her.

"Excellent. You're a very good girl. Let's get you in position then."

Rose felt hands helping her upright, and she took a few wobbly steps with their support before getting used to walking again. She was guided out of the room, onto a carpeted floor, and she could hear people talking quietly. Occasionally a hand grabbed at her as she was walked, which always came as a surprise and she jumped. The cawing laughter chased her as she was led into a room with a tiled floor, and told to kneel. There was a pillow, or cushion, or something soft for her knees Rose was grateful to discover as she was gently helped down.

"Open for me, baby."

Rose opened her mouth, still sore from her earlier activities, and she felt a cock pushed into it - a flaccid one, she was a little disappointed to notice. She instinctively started to suck on it, to get it hard, but a sharp rap on the top of her head stopped her.

"No baby, just stay open. Take it like the good girl I know you are."

She nodded, and after a few seconds of holding still Rose suddenly felt it piss in her mouth, filling it with an acrid saltiness she did not enjoy at all. She coughed at the sudden force to the back of her throat and some of it spilled down her tits. Hands gripped her solidly to stop her attempts to recoil away from the unpleasantness.

"Swallow!" Sir's command cut through her mind, and Rose swallowed even before thinking about it. "If it's in your mouth, you swallow it. You want to be a good girl, don't you baby?"

Rose kept swallowing frantically, trying to keep ahead of the onslaught. Eventually it subsided and the cock withdrew - Rose noted with some pride it was now semi hard - and she felt herself being patted on the head.

"Such a good girl you are, baby. Just swallow whatever it is that comes your way, and you'll be at the front of the queue before you know it."

So Rose stayed kneeling, mouth open, and let whoever was there use her as a urinal. Some seemed intent to make her drink it, like the first. Some preferred to just splash it over her tits, and sometimes into her mouth. They were the hardest, because she never knew when it was coming and would jump at the first splash, much to the amusement of everyone watching. But she always swallowed when it happened, and tried to ignore the increasingly demanding pressure on her own bladder.

The women were the clearly the meaner in the group - they stood over her, grasping Rose's head firmly between their thighs, tilting it up before pissing on the top of her head and letting it dribble down her head. Some she was sure tried deliberately to get it to go up her nose, and that felt so incredibly degrading - especially when she was rightfully slapped for snorting and trying to cough it away.

In short order her hair was saturated and stuck to her head, and down the back of her neck. She felt so utterly humiliated at the ministrations from everyone, but those women in particular made it feel like the most humiliating thing she'd ever done for Sir. Rose mentally tried comparing it to cleaning her toilet with her tongue, but couldn't say definitively which was worse.

The worst part of the experience though, by far, was Rose just couldn't escape the fact she could feel herself dripping through it all. She was so turned on, so horny for it all. Hearing the degrading conversations around how pathetic she was by those still queued just sent spasms through her cunt, there was no denying how much she enjoyed it.

Eventually the stream of people ran out, and left her panting with nothing to distract from her growing need to pee herself.

"Such a good girl you are baby, taking all of that. You must be bursting by now. How are you feeling?" Despite her being soaked in piss, Sir still patted Rose on the head as she nodded desperately.

"Bursting, yes Sir! Oh please, can I go now?" she begged, rocking in her desperation.

The first slap was so unexpected coming blindfolded as she was. The second a given; Sir always made sure she was evened out.

"Oh Sir, this girl is sorry! This girl is so desperate she forgot herself. Please Sir, forgive this girl and allow her to piss herself for your amusement?"

"You've done such a good job taking all of that for me. And then you ruin it by forgetting yourself. I'm not sure you deserve permission, baby. Not sure at all."

"Oh god no please please Sir this girl will be so good, has been good, she deserves it oh god please no Sir.." Rose babbled incoherently, desperation lacing every word.

Sir chuckled. "You have been good. And I do so enjoy you begging. Alright, but not again, understand baby?"


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