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Party in the Hills

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Monique finds out what men in the Industry really want.
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"Unfortunately, the size of Grant's hands and feet is not a good indication of how well he is otherwise equipped," Alexa said.

"That bad?" I said.

"Yeah, the people who say size doesn't matter clearly haven't slept with Grant."

I smiled and said sarcastically, "Right, but you know, it's not what you've got, it's how you use it that counts!"

Alexa laughed. "Well, he doesn't know how to use it either. And as for the rest of it, forget it. I've been more satisfied with my pillow than with his hands."

Ouch. It's a good thing I wasn't good friends with Grant. Alexa could pretty much orgasm at the slightest touch. This description of Grant's sexual prowess pretty much damned him to dating virgins who don't know any better, or those who were anorgasmic and didn't ever expect to have one.

I rolled over on the bed onto my back and stared at the ceiling. Alexa was sitting at the desk across from me with her feet up on the side of the bed, painting her toenails a deep red. The fumes of nail polish and the accompanying remover made me slightly dizzy.

"Well, fuck me," I said disgustedly. "That's pretty much every boy in our school who looks even remotely doable."

"Even Brandon?" said Alexa. "I thought you were hot for him."

"Nope," I said. "I heard from Celine that his kisses are wetter than my dog's."

"What about the rest, after the kissing?" asked Alexa.

"I didn't have the heart to ask. He's just not cute enough anyway, not with those lips," I said.

"Monique, you are too damn picky!" Alexa rolled her eyes. "I swear, the way you're talking, you'll never be satisfied with anyone."

I stretched out on the bed, pointing my toes and reaching my arms up above my head as far as they could go. "I don't want to break boys in anymore. That's tired." I turned my head and looked at Alexa. "You know what I mean?"

Alexa raised her head a little, pausing in her toenail painting to look at me. "I think you need something else these boys aren't giving you."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"I could tell you, but you're not going to find it with those boys."

I turned my head and contemplated the ceiling again. She had a point. I was too much for these boys, too confident. They couldn't handle me in high-school, and they certainly couldn't handle me now that I was headed for USC. And who wants to teach a boy the ropes? I had to face facts: there was simply no one I knew I wanted to fuck.

"I'll get in trouble," I said.

"So what, Monique? What if you do? What are your parents going to do about it?"

I thought about that for a second, but the answer was obvious. They wouldn't do anything. My parents were hardly ever around, and when they were, they were distantly affectionate but too busy to be bothered. I'd mostly raised myself.

"Not much, I guess. Maybe take away my car?"

"I promise if that happens, I'll give you a ride wherever you want."

What a friend. As if I would ever let her drive me around in her Jeep Grand Cherokee. Everyone in the Hills would be laughing their asses off.

"Promise me that if they take my car away, we'll drive Brian's car, not yours," I said. Her older brother Brian had a sweet silver Porche Panamera that he'd bought on his music producer's salary.

"Right, as long as you are in charge of convincing him to let us borrow it," Alexa said.

I had no idea how to convince her brother of anything, let alone make him loan us his $80,000 car. But Alexa was looking at me with a sarcastic tilt to her mouth, daring me to say no.

"Done," I said. I'd never have to do anything about it, anyway. "So...what does one do to catch real men in this town?"

Alexa smiled. "I thought you would never ask."


I looked like the best kind of whore. Alexa chose my entire outfit for the evening, and she was a genius for making me look like the sexpot I wasn't.

I wore my hair down, tossed and curled as if I had just come out of a bedroom filled with exhausted men. My top was made of a shimmering black silk jersey; its draping clung to my breasts and dipped low on my back. The V neckline was so scanty that it showed my bra, a black and cream lace pushup number that did wonders for my cleavage. My skirt was short, silver and sequined; it fit like a second skin, and ended right at mid-thigh. 4' stiletto heels in black patent completed the outfit, forcing my hips to sway with every step.

That evening, Alexa took me to a party being thrown by a friend of her brother's, someone from the studio who knew everyone in the business. It was at Brian's house in the hills, with plenty of recessed lighting and a huge outdoor pool with a landscaped waterfall. Alcohol and women were everywhere, and the men flocked around both like flies.

Of course, with Brian in the family, Alexa went to these things all the time. She'd never talked about them much, and hadn't bothered to convince me that they were worth my while.

"Yes, but you never wanted to hook up like this before, right?" Alexa was standing beside me in the living room, seeming to read my mind. "This is the place for it: plenty of meat here tonight."

"And just how did you get to be an expert on where to hookup? I thought you were dating the boys at school."

She laughed at me, tossing her hair around and throwing back the rest of her drink. Then she turned and looked me straight in the eye. "There's a lot about me you don't know, Monique."

I'd known Alexa for a long time. Her dad worked at the same firm as mine, so our two families had spent a fair bit if time together. We'd been friends for six years. I'd been over to her house countless times, shared homework answers with her, and even dated the same boy. But this man-eater was new. It occurred to me that there was a part of Alexa's life that she'd never shared with me. That made me kind of angry.

"You've done this a lot, haven't you," I said.

"Gary doesn't spend any time at home anymore, Mom works 24/7, and Brian lives on his own in this palace." Her eyes crinkled in amusement. "What did you expect, Monique? I'm really surprised that you didn't know. I mean, come on! Brian has an open bar in every room and knows the people who run this town. Did you think I was staying at home doing my algebra homework every night?"

She was right. I'd been stupid not to realize this was going on.

But why hadn't she invited me? I had thought we were friends. Not best friends, of course. But this was big. How many men had she slept with? Had she been laughing at me the entire time I told her about my sex life? Or worse – had she pitied me?

"Alexa, you've been holding out on me all this time? You've been getting all kinds of action that I didn't know about? I can't believe you didn't tell me any of this!" I was getting annoyed, probably at a combination of my ignorance and at her knowing smile.

"You didn't want to know. Little miss Goody Goody, doing your homework every night, only dating the boys in school, only letting those unskilled hands touch you. Did you feel like having sex was safer, somehow, with boys who didn't know what they were doing?"

"What? That's ridiculous."

"Is it? I know your type. You don't want to be honest with yourself and what you need, and so you lie and say that you are satisfied when you aren't. It helps you feel virtuous, like maybe you haven't sinned as badly." She laughed, a little cruelly. "But they didn't give you what you needed, did they? They didn't know how to touch you, how to lick you in just the right place to bring you off."

She stepped closer to me, so that our bodies were almost touching, so that I could feel her breath on my neck. "Tell me, Monique," she said, her lips almost touching my ear. "Have you ever come so hard that you screamed?"

I felt her body close to mine. The heat arcing between us was intense. Shocked, I moved back a step. I had never been attracted to Alexa before. Maybe I was drunker than I thought. Maybe I had imagined that spark that raced down inside of me to light a fire deep in my stomach. But I couldn't stand around to be sure. I had to get away from her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Alexa." I knocked back my drink, turned on my heel, and walked away, looking for the bar. Another gin and tonic was definitely necessary after that conversation.

Stepping through the doorway to the next room, I chanced a look behind me to see if Alexa was there. She was, and she was staring at me, a small smile on her lips. While I watched, she put her finger to her mouth in the time-honored signal for silence. As if I had a secret she needed to keep. Then she winked at me.

I turned back to the living room and looked for the bar. Sure enough, there was a small crowd at the other end of the room. I made my way toward it on legs that felt slightly shaky. What had just happened back there? Had I just imagined that heat between Alexa and I? Did that mean that I was a lesbian? God, just what I needed – another complication to my sex life.

I stepped up to the bar. "A gin and tonic, please," I said.

The bartender looked me up and down. "Are you sure you don't want something more like a diet coke, or something else a bit less...alcoholic?"

As if he needed to remind me that I was younger than everyone else in this room. I stood tall on my high heels and stared him in the eyes.

"No, thank you. Bombay Sapphire."

He shrugged his shoulders and turned away to mix it. I couldn't help but run my eyes over his muscled arms. But the way this town was, I was almost positive he was gay – all the hot men were.

He turned back, handing me a glass with a bit of reluctance. I grasped it firmly and took it from him, backing down not one inch. "Thank you," I said.

He had already turned to the next customer, so I walked away and tried to look like I was comfortable. But I had never felt more out of place. The men at this party seemed to be in their early thirties and looked like they had so much money they could hardly begin to spend it. And the women were all beautiful. They were models, actresses, and singers looking to get ahead in the business. Without Alexa by my side, I felt slightly lost. I resolved that the only way through it was to pretend that I felt no fear. I threw back my second drink, then snagged a glass of champagne and began to circulate.

I saw Alexa again a bit after our little confrontation. She was standing by the pool, talking with a tall, dark haired man. From the looks of it, she was reeling him in, touching his hand and his arm and whispering some comment in his ear.

She saw me watching, then, and she smiled. Then she took her chosen fuck by the hand and pulled him away from the crowd. They went into the house by a side door, closing it behind them. I knew then that I was on my own.

Despite the prevalence of sexy and available women in the room, men started at me. They looked at my cleavage as if they wanted to weigh my breasts in their hands. As the night wore on and the party got more crowded, I occasionally felt hands on me, touching my ass. But every time I turned around, the men had slipped into the crowd.

After some time, I realized I was drunk. Everything was swimming around me; I felt like I was looking at my body from the outside in.

It was clear I needed to eat something. I couldn't remember what the last thing I ate had been. Finding a quiet hallway, I pulled my phone out of my clutch to check the time: 11:24. It'd been over an hour since Alexa disappeared – surely she was done by now?

Maybe she needed some help – maybe she was being held against her will. But no, that couldn't be right. She was the one who brought me here – she knew all the ropes. She was probably just taking her time about it.

Deciding that I'd had enough of the party, I went up the stairs to the second floor to see if I could figure out where to find Alexa. But I had reckoned without the sheer number of rooms on the second floor. I wandered down the hall, looking at all the closed doors and wondering if I should start knocking. At last, I found an open door. I looked into the room and saw a luxurious bedroom. The walls were grey and the floor was hardwood. The furniture looked custom made and very expensive. But what snagged my attention and drew me to step into the room was the bed. It was huge. It was bigger than the King size mattress I had in my room. It looked like it was made to fit five people with room enough left over for the dog.

Of course, I knew the bed was big for one reason, and one only – whomever slept in that bed wanted plenty of room to play. An image came unbidden to my mind: laying on my back in that bed as a faceless man held me down and prepared to mount me. I let my breath out in a quick pant – the thought made me wet. Of a sudden I wanted that bed to be mine, and the man to be with me, pulling me into the room.

A voice spoke darkly in my ear. "Like what you see?"

I gasped in surprise and whirled around, my heart pounding. A man stood a few inches away from me, a small smile on his lips. He was darkly tanned, with muscular forearms shown well in a dark blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His black hair was cut short, and spiked just slightly with some kind of gel. I couldn't stop myself from looking down and checking out the rest of his body. It was gorgeous: a flat stomach and long legs in black slacks and sharp leather oxfords. I wanted to run my hands over his abs and feel the muscles I was sure were there.

I realized I was staring and quickly jerked my head up to look back at his face. He was still watching me. As I looked at him, he slowly quirked one brow, and then just as slowly looked me up and down, pausing at my breasts and lingering on my legs before he looked back up. He was grinning.

"I'll ask again: do you like what you see?" He was clearly talking about more than the bedroom.

I felt frozen, not sure what to say. But oh, I did like what I saw. What was I supposed to do now? Indecisive and somewhat unsteady on my feet, I leaned back onto the door jamb.

"I've never seen you before," I said. I knew it was lame, but in my inebriated state I couldn't come up with anything else.

"Mmm. And I've never seen you either. I would remember. Your name?"

"Monique." It slipped out before I could stop it, responding to the innate command in his voice.

"And just what are you doing here in this bedroom, Monique?"

I licked my lips nervously. "Looking for my friend Alexa." It seemed as if, in the face of the man who stood before me, all my sexual sangfroid had deserted me. I was acting like a small girl who had never touched a man before.

I realized I had to do better, and straightened my spine away from the doorway. I threw my hair over my shoulder in an imitation of Alexa's earlier gesture. "Who are you?"

He had watched my display with amusement, completely unmoved by what I believed was my show of sexual power. "I'm Kevin. Brian's friend. He sent me up here looking for Alexa, actually."

Oh. "I couldn't find her," I said.

Kevin looked at me. "That doesn't surprise me. You were standing in an empty room, staring at a bed. I think we both know you weren't looking for Alexa in here." He stepped a tiny bit closer, and leaned his hand against the wall by my head. His face was inches away from mine.

"What were you looking for?"

Suddenly I couldn't get enough air into my lungs. He was so close, and I could feel his body looming over mine. It was a repeat of the earlier scene with Alexa, only this time my reaction was ten times as intense. I felt overwhelmed, completely flushed with heat from head to toe. My cheeks began to burn. I dropped my gaze to his lips, staring at them and imagining them kissing me, moving over my body. I could feel my cunt getting wet. Nervous, I bit the side of my bottom lip, trying to control my reaction to this man.

He was still watching me. I felt like he could read my body like an open book. The hand that was not against the wall came up to my face and touched me, gently, on the cheek. He drew his fingers down my jawline and ever so slowly up to my lips. My mouth parted involuntarily, anticipating the touch. When it came, it was feather light; his fingers traced the contours of my mouth so softly that I could barely feel them. The lack of pressure made the touch even more electrifying. My heart continued to pound, and my breath came quicker. My chest heaved with the effort of holding it all back.

"Hmm. I think you like this, Monique." Kevin's voice was close to my ear, dark and low. "I wonder what else you would like."

I couldn't say a word. I was too busy dealing with the sensations he had brought to life within me.

He turned his head and his lips grazed the sensitive skin under my earlobe. He traced a path with his mouth down my neck, and I couldn't help dropping my head to the side to give him better access. God, his mouth. It made me so hot to feel him kissing me so softly when I knew he had so much power within him.

From his position at the beginning of my cleavage, he looked up at my face. What he saw must have told him everything he needed to know; as I looked down at him, a predatory smile grew on his face.

"God, you are ripe for the taking, aren't you?"

A frisson of alarm ran through me at the speed at which he was seducing me. I didn't want to be taken like this. I was drunk, I was tired, I was susceptible to strong arms. All of these reasons and more made fucking this man a very, very bad idea.

I ducked down and around Kevin's arm, walking away from temptation. "I need to find Alexa," I said, "and then we need to leave."

Before I got more than a step away, he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. I was tripped up in my high heels and ended up half falling against his body. His arms came around me like steel bands and he held me in place, looking down into my upturned face.

"Don't run, Monique. You want this. I can smell the desire coming from you. Don't lie to me or to yourself." He looked at me for a second, and then the light of comprehension dawned. "You've never done this before, have you?"

"Of course I have," I said, trying to push my way out of his arms. "This is just the first time a complete stranger's tried to seduce me before. You don't even know me! I've never seen you before in my life." I struggled uselessly, trying to wriggle out of his arms. "Let go of me!"

He laughed a little breathlessly. "Brian said you were gorgeous, but he didn't do you justice. I can't let you go now, not before I've had a little taste. Come on, you know you're not the only one here getting fucked. Every girl in this house is willing to give it up for their career. Why not you?"

God, was that true? I mentally shook my head. Of course it was. This was Hollywood, and these were the men with all the power to make or break the stars. Of course every bedroom would be occupied – probably the pool house and the bathrooms as well.

But that didn't mean that I had to be one of those whores. I had come to the party thinking it would be a fun lark to find a man to fuck. But I had realized through the course of this night that I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready for anonymous sex with these older men. I wanted to at least go to dinner with a man before I had his cock inside me, working its way inside and out.

"I'm not interested," I said. "Thanks anyway."

"Oh, but you are. You're telling me that you don't feel a thing when I do this?" Kevin pushed me up against the wall, his entire body pressed against mine. He grabbed my wrists in one hand and pushed them up over my head, effectively immobilizing me. He leaned in close and blew on my neck, following his breath with his mouth. Then, for the first time in the conversation, he took my mouth with his.

His mouth was hot against my lips, moving against them and urging me to open for him. Once again, I complied with his unspoken command and let him inside. Once my mouth was open his tongue entered and immediately tangled with mine. And still, his body was holding me hostage, his groin pressing mine to the wall. I could feel his cock through our clothes. He took the opportunity to grind it against me in a simulation of sex, and I couldn't help myself: I ground back. I felt heat all over my body. My breasts were full and my nipples tight. I was full of butterflies in my stomach and my cunt was wet. And all this from a kiss. What would he do to me if we actually had sex?


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