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Party with the Neighbor MILFs


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George VI
George VI

"I'll get it," I said, and stepped towards the refrigerator. I opened up the fridge, and it was pretty full. I didn't see any Coke right away, and then Kathy leaned into me to my right. She put her hand on my waist, partly for balance perhaps, as she looked through the refrigerator. I got distracted again as I realized that her top had gapped open and I could see quite a bit of cleavage hanging out of the mature blonde's white bra. Her chest was quite tan, but I could see well beyond the tan line to her medium-sized white tits. A far cry from her nipples, though.

I must've looked too long, and Kathy caught me, smiling as she looked down at her own open top. I turned away and started looking for coke again. But as I did I felt Kathy's right hand slide down my waist over my right butt cheek over my dockers. I instinctively stood up, but the hand didn't leave my butt. Then Kathy leaned in and retrieved a Coke can.

I took the Coke can from Kathy, who let her hand fall off of my butt, smirking at me as she did. Flustered, I just said, "Thanks."

"My pleasure," my neighbor said. I climbed onto the stool at the island counter and started to eat. The island was on an angle, and I was facing the family room and the three other women, who were all drinking and occasionally glancing over at me.

I started wolfing down my sandwich, but Kathy didn't leave the kitchen. She stood next to my stool to my left, and rubbed her thigh against me. Then she arched forward, and I felt her pubic mound rubbing on my outer thigh. Her right hand went around me again, and up under my shirt in back. She rubbed my bare lower back under my shirt.

I looked over at the other women, who couldn't see what was happening behind the island. I started eating slower. Kathy put her left foot up on the lower rung of my stool, spread her legs, and let her skirt ride up her thighs. While still rubbing my back with her right hand, her left hand pulled her skirt hem up until her silk lavender panty crotch was on display again. I was eating a salad with my right hand, and Kathy took my free left hand, and placed it on her crotch. I was now palming her pussy, my fingers sliding along her smooth silk panty crotch. I cupped her mound, and rubbed up and down, trying not to draw attention from the other women.

Kathy said nothing, just grinned, thrusting her pussy up into my hand. Her right hand slid down into my waistband. My Dockers were too tight for her to do much, but she managed to tickle the top of my bare butt crack.

Val approached the counter to grab another wine bottle. It didn't seem to bother Kathy; she just kept grinding on me and groping me. But I wasn't ready to get caught by adult women who could potentially tell my mom what I was doing. It's true that Val had already fondled me, but the other two, particularly Linda, seemed more straight and untarnished. So I stood up as Val came around the side of the island.

"C'mon, Kathy, don't keep him all to yourself," said Val loudly.

Linda also approached the kitchen. "I'll get you a piece of cake, Kyle," she said.

"Sure," I replied. "Let me just go wash my hands." The kitchen sink was filled with dishes, but Kathy said, "The bathroom's down the hall."

I found the bathroom at the end of the hall, and washed my hands. I was trying to remain calm, wondering what if anything would happen next, not wanting to miss any more opportunities to touch these women or more. But perhaps they were just teasing and didn't mean anything by it, meaning that I could still get in trouble for feeling them or even saying something dumb. I haven't been around drunk people enough to know what these older women were doing. After all, they were all married.

I exited the bathroom and rounded the corner, and was met by Gail in the hallway, just out of view of the others. I presumed she needed to use the washroom, and smiled at her and tried to move around her. But she stepped in front of me. She was swaying just a little, likely from the booze, and had glassy eyes and a big smile.

"Hi, Kyle," she said, as if I'd just walked into the house.

"Uh, hi, Mrs. Volker."

"Call me Gail," she said, in her quiet voice. Then she moved closer to me, and put her hands on my hips.

"I'm so glad you came by," she cooed. She ran her hands up my chest, and down my waist. "Mmmm, you've really grown." She leaned into me, rubbing her body into me. She took my hands, and placed them on her hips. Then she put her hands behind me and grabbed both of my butt cheeks through my slacks, I reached around and put my hands on her ass, over her tights. I squeezed her butt as she squeezed mine. Oh man, was it a great feeling, tight yet soft, as I kneaded her cheeks.

Gail raised her head, and planted her lips on mine. I kissed back, and her tongue wiggled its way into my mouth. I met her tongue with mine, and we shared a sloppy French kiss while groping each other's asses. Gail ground her pussy mound up into my hard cock.

"Kyle," I heard a voice say nearby. It was Linda. I jumped back and broke off my lock from Gail. I don't know if Linda saw what we were doing, but I don't know how she couldn't. "I have a piece of cake for you. Come into the family room."

I walked down the hallway with my erection leading the way, Linda leading me, and Gail following me. We re-entered the family room, and Val said, "C'mon, Kyle, sit next to me and eat your cake." She was standing near the kitchen counter, and waving me to follow her, which our parade did.

Val was the heaviest of the four moms, but I noticed that her Cargo pants were tight, and as she walked away from me, her large butt was round and inviting. I could see her panty lines through it, and I watched her butt cheeks rise and fall with each step, jiggling erotically. As we reached the family room and Val turned around, I realized that her pants were tight on her crotch, and the seam at her crotch had been sucked into her pussy slit and her pants pulled tight around her pussy mound, giving a nice "camel toe" effect and showing off her pussy shape.

I sat back down on the couch, and Val sat on my left again and Kathy sat on my right. Linda leaned over and handed me my piece of cake. I nearly dropped it as her top gapped open and I could look right in and see a lot of her cleavage. Her tits were so big that there was no gap between her tits – they were pushed together as they hung down and pushed against her black bra cups, which I could see were smooth and shiny.

As I ate my cake, Gail sort of wandered around the room, smiling and drinking more wine. I could now see her blue tights in their glory. They were molded tight around her pussy hump, and also her nice ass. Her panty lines were very visible, and her cheeks rippled as she walked.

Val's hand went back to my thigh, and was tickling my hard dick head in my pants. Kathy quickly put her hand on my right thigh, and was sliding in and squeezing my upper thigh. I leaned forward and munched my cake, staring down at Kathy's cleavage in her white top and white bra.

"Want to see the pictures of the shower, Kyle?" Asked Kathy.

"Uh, sure," I said. Anything to keep me here and not being shown the door. Linda handed Kathy her digital camera and took my empty cake plate, once again leaning way over to show me her cleavage. I'd swear she was doing it on purpose, but I couldn't be sure.

Kathy turned on her camera, held it down by my lap, and showed me the party pictures on the monitor. My hands were now free. Kathy had already let me feel her pussy, although that was behind the island. Now I put my right hand on her thigh up by her skirt hem, in front of everybody. And since Val was touching my cock, I put my left hand on her upper leg and squeezed her meaty thigh through her cargo pants.

Val responded by pressing her right tit into me again, spreading her legs wider, and cupping her right hand squarely on my crotch. Kathy was also rubbing her leg harder into mine, rubbing my upper thigh, and spreading her legs wider, which caused her skirt to hike up higher. I slid my hand up her thigh and squeezed the soft smooth flesh, working under her skirt a little.

I looked at the other two women, who were watching us. What the hell, I had to try. I slid my right hand further up Val's thick thigh until it found her crotch. I just cupped it, not moving my hand, as Val thrust forward to meet it.

Kathy managed to find my dick and pushed Val's hand away enough to get in a few strokes. So I slid my hand up under her skirt a little more and cupped her pussy over her silk panties.

We sat there for a while, pretending to look at pictures on the camera's monitor, but I was getting a double hand job by my mature neighbors while rubbing their pussies. Linda walked around behind the couch, and looked down over my shoulder. Her tits pressed into my shoulder, and when I glanced back, I was inches away from her cleavage as she leaned forward.

When we finally got to the end of the photos, Linda said, "Let's take Kyle's picture."

"Okay," said Kathy. "Here, Gail, take our picture." She handed the camera to Gail. Of course, the women stopped groping me, and I had to remove my hands from their pussies. I tried to calm my hardon for the picture, but it still might be embarrassing. And Val and Kathy were still rubbing their thighs and tits into me, and even pretended to kiss me in one shot.

"Let's use the timer and get all four of us with Kyle," said Gail. All agreed, so we stood up as Kathy set the camera on the kitchen island, and we grouped for a pose opposite.

Or, I should say, Groped for a pose, because the women were all over me. Linda, the tall one, stood behind me, and pressed her tit into my back, her hand on my hip. Gail stood to my right and put her arm around my waist, and soon had her hand on my butt. So I reached down and squeezed her ass over her tights.

Valerie jokingly stood right in front of me, and ground her butt back into my hardon. I arched forward, and man did it feel great having my hard cock sliding along her butt crack surrounded by her fleshy cheeks. Sort of like laying a hot dog into a nice warm bun.

Val finally moved to my left, and put her arm around me and also groped my butt. I moved my hand over and felt her ass. It was big, but surprisingly firm in my hand through her thin pants.

Linda, who could probably see all this grabass, arched her hips forward, and I felt the back of my left hand graze her pussy mound through her dress fabric. I held my hand still and pressed harder into her crotch, and Linda arched forward and pressed her pussy mound against the back of my hand. I turned my hand around, and got in a quick pussy squeeze, until Kathy finally got the timer set and ran back behind me and put her hand on my waist and butt.

We took several photos, giving the women plenty of opportunities to get in their feels and rubs of my butt, shoulders, hips, and waist.

Once the photo session was over, the women all refilled their wine glasses, and opened yet another bottle. There was soft music playing, and Gail and Val started swaying with the music, moving their hips from side to side.

"Dance with me, Kyle," said Val.

"Oh, I don't really dance," I shyly replied. I've never really tried to dance slow, even though I'd considered the advantages to holding a girl close.

"Oh, there's nothing to it! I'll show you what to do." I protested, but the drunken busty blonde wasn't going to take no for an answer, so when she grabbed my hands and moved in, I didn't struggle. I put my right hand on her waist, and held her left hand. She pulled me close, and I just pretty much moved my feet up and down while Val ground her thighs and tits into me.

The other three ladies were standing around, drinking and gabbing, and glancing over at Val and me. Val was unabashedly humping my leg and feeling up and down my shoulders, back and butt. When I didn't think the other women were staring, I moved my hands down Val's back to her butt over her tight thin cargo pants, and squeezed her two round cheeks. Then I quickly moved my hands up her sides, and with my right hand found the side of her left tit, and got in a little squeeze of her big tit over her sweater and bra. Her bra wasn't as thick as I expected. It was just a thin little piece of fabric, and I felt her tit give under my squeeze.

"Okay," said Gail, "It's my turn." And with that Gail brazenly cut in, and I was now holding the slightly shorter, decidedly thinner, and erotically firmer mature wife and mother. Gail snuggled her head into my shoulder, and worked her hands under my shirt in back and felt my side and back. My t-shirt rode up as her hands moved up to my shoulder. I moved my hands down to her ass, and squeezed her checks over her leggings, before sliding my index finger along her butt crack. Gail ground her pussy mound into my leg, and I managed to get a quick feel of her left tit with my right hand, although her bra felt much more padded and her tits significantly smaller.

Kathy then cut in, and as she spread her legs and rubbed her thighs and pussy into me, her skirt hiked up almost to her butt. By now I didn't care much what the other women thought, and I slid my hands up under her skirt in back and squeezed her butt over her silk panties. Her ass wasn't as big as Val's or as small or firm as Gail's; It was a nice butt on the woman who appeared to be the oldest of the group. I tried for a tit feel, and felt her up over her molded bra cup with my right hand. With my left hand, I slid up inside of her silk panties and groped her bare right ass check. Up until now I'd felt up three of the woman and they'd groped me, but this was now actual bare butt flesh I was squeezing, and I was still rock hard.

"My turn." Linda gently cut in. She had been the least playful. I didn't know what she would do with me, or what I could get away with doing to her. But she clearly saw what the other women were doing with me, and she was soon grinding away on me. Linda was taller than me, and I was looking up as I held her. She held me tight, but wasn't rubbing me all over like the other women. I felt her big tits pressing into my chest though, and rubbed my hardon into her thigh. I realized that my cock was at the same level as Linda's pussy. So I stopped moving my feet, and pressed forward, and felt my hard cock slide along Linda's pubic mound through the thin fabric of her dress. I then lowered my hands down, and gently placed my palms on Linda's butt cheeks.

I looked into Linda's face to get a reaction. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth was open, like she was surprised and perhaps embarrassed by getting her butt groped by her teen neighbor. But she didn't object, and I squeezed a little more. Finally, Linda moved her hands down my back and found my butt, as the other women had. I moved my right hand up and got a little side action on her big left tit. Like Val I was surprised that her bra cup had no padding or firmness, and my right thumb found her left nipple. Through her bra and dress I felt her nipple get harder, as I diddled it with my thumb and squeezed her tit. Linda shivered and emitted a little, "ohh," in my ear.

The song changed, and now it was a fast one. The other women started dancing on their own. I released Linda and stood back and watched the four women dancing fast, each with a wine glass in their hand. Each in turn put their wine glasses down, and shook their bodies. Val in particular got her tits shaking. Gail shook her ass the best. But Kathy also looked sexy as she spread her legs wide and her skirt rode up high.

"Whew, it's hot in here," exclaimed Val, fanning her face.

"Take that hot sweater off," replied Kathy.

"I will if Kyle will," giggled Val.

"Kyle looks good with his shirt off," said Kathy. "I watch him when he mows the lawn."

"I watch him too," replied Val. "Whew, he looks good out there!'

"I watch you mow the lawn too, Kyle," admitted Gail, shyly smiling at me.

"How about you, Linda?" asked Kathy.

"Uh, yes, I see Kyle out mowing his lawn. And he was tanning recently, too! Uh, a pleasant view."

Wow. I think I'm too skinny, not some jock. But these four mature woman neighbors all admit to watching me work in the yard without a shirt on. How ironic that I spent half the day, watching these same four women working in THEIR yards. But I couldn't bring myself to admit that to them.

"So, Kyle, you gonna take off your shirt?" Asked Val. "Then it would be a REAL bachelorette party, with a young man shirtless!"

The other three also verbalized their encouragement for me to take off my shirt. "C'mon, we will if you will," said Val. "Okay? Everybody at once!"

But Val didn't wait for the rest of us. She grabbed the hem of her sweater, and pulled up. Her big white bra soon came into view, and when she pulled the tight white sweater through her blonde hair, she threw the garment into the corner.

"Whoo!" said Kathy, and she too, pulled up on her white top, stumbling as she did, and soon she was standing in her white bra.

I looked over at Gail, and she was next to pull up her top, and pull it off through her shoulder-length brown hair. Her bra was smaller than even Kathy's, but that just exposed more flesh, and it was arousing seeing her nearly-topless torso.

"C'mon, Kyle," said Val, and repeated by Kathy. "Your turn."

Since all four women had confessed an interest in my body, there was nothing more to be embarrassed about, and I pulled off my t-shirt and tossed it in the corner.

"Whoooo!" Squealed Val, followed by Kathy and Gail. I looked over at Linda, who was sheepishly smiling at me. Actually, I'd swear that it was a look of pleasure.

"Let's go, Linda," said Val.

"Uh, I don't have a blouse, it's a one piece dress," she replied.

"Well, then take it down halfway. Let Kyle unzip you."

Linda smiled and then turned her back to me. "Okay," she said, smiling back at me. As ordered, I reached up with both hands, and worked the little clasp at the top of her dress. Once that was opened, I slowly pulled the zipper down her back, exposing her wide black bra in back. I stopped at waist level. Linda turned around and faced me and the others, and pulled down the garment off of her shoulders from the front. It fell to her waist, and Linda was topless except for her large black smooth shiny bra and a pearl necklace, the top of her dress hanging down inside out.

The four women started dancing again partially clad, and I mostly watched the tops of Linda's big tits bounce in and out of her bra. But Val came up behind me, wrapped her arms around me, and ran her palms all over my chest. Kathy approached from my right, and rubbed my bare shoulder and chest.

Kathy also started to make out with me. Like Gail earlier, she slid her tongue into my mouth and Frenched me. Up close I could see the age lines on the mature woman, but I didn't care, and was happy to make out with her. I put both hands around Val and Kathy's bare waists as they rubbed me.

I heard Val say, "Look at Linda!" I looked over, and the tall brunette's unzipped dress had started to slide down her hips, exposing the top of her black panties. As she wiggled her hips back and forth, I watched the dress fall from her butt, and soon it was bunched around her ankles, and Linda was dancing in only her black bra and black panties.

Then Gail started to tug down on her tights. With some effort, her dark blue cotton panties were exposed, as well as her firm bare thighs. Gail was now dancing in only her little white bra and blue panties pulled tight about her pussy mound and firm mature butt cheeks.

Valerie then released me and unzipped her cargo Capri pants, and tugged them down her mature butt and hips. Standing in her big white bra and a pair of white silk panties, she put her hands up in the air and shook her tits in my face.

George VI
George VI

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