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Pathetic Ch. 03: Relationships

Story Info
Brett tries to convince Lucca to think about dating.
4.2k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/24/2015
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I stumbled through my apartment door and struggled to get my sticky Under Armour shirt off of me. Unfortunately, the combination of moving out our stuff from the company's building, the roller coaster of yesterday's emotions, tossing in bed all night without sleep, and finally deciding to go for a 10 mile run before the sun had risen robbed me of the strength I needed to separate the second skin from my actual skin. At that point, my arms were tangled and stuck above my head. I had seriously begun to worry that I may suffocate inside my own sweaty shirt when a voice spoke by the door that I had left open. I recognized it instantly.

"You know if you're really serious about trying out stripping to compensate for the loss in income, you definitely have the body for it. Your technique needs some improvement, though."

During his rant, I had spun in surprise not realizing that the couch was in the way and flipped over the back of it partially. Now my trapped arms and face were planted in the seat of the couch with my legs, ass, and bare back sticking up over the edge. I kicked in vain to try to gain the momentum I needed to get myself up right again.

"Although, who needs technique when your showing off something like that."

"Damn it Brett, just help me out before I suffocate on my own sweat!"

Suddenly, two strong, rough hands grabbed me about my waist and hoisted me back. I took every bit of self control that I had not to moan from the direct, skin on skin contact. (How could the man still affect me in this way after all that had happened? Was it ever going to stop?)

Suddenly, the shirt was ripped from me and I instantly gasped in some fresh oxygen. I felt my entire face, neck, and torso redden as the eyes I looked up at burned my bare skin.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you find out where I live?"

"I have my ways buddy. I wanted to stop by and offer some coffee and breakfast in hopes that I could have the chance to formally apologize about your job along with the offer for us to try this again."

"This being-???"

"Whatever you want it to be, Luch. I'm putting it all in your hands. I won't overstep any boundaries you set up or break any rules you create. Please give me the chance?"

Despite everything the bastard had done to me, I couldn't say no to the pathetic face he was making. I ripped my shirt from him, sighed, and stomped away.

"You can sit at the breakfast bar if you want to start on your drink and breakfast. I'm going to shower first, though, then we'll discuss this."

He didn't say anything as I entered my bedroom and crossed over to my bathroom while quickly undressing. I didn't want this to be long a shower. I felt uncomfortable being in such a vulnerable state with the guy sitting alone in my kitchen. I didn't trust myself around him almost as much as I didn't trust him. About 5 minutes later, I walked out in to the kitchen in some fresh lounging clothes as I ran my hands through my damp hair. I sat down and helped myself to the coffee and muffin that he offered me. As I looked at the barista's writing on the side of my cup, I couldn't decide if I should have been surprised that he knew exactly how I liked my coffee and what my favorite muffin was (blueberry).

"Thank you." I mumbled as I took a sip of the coffee. This time, I didn't even attempt to suppress the moan.

He chuckled in response, but his eyes seemed to glaze over. "Like coffee, do you? No problem, though." We sat in silence for a moments, when suddenly, he broke the ice in the most shocking and unconventional way possible.

"So... have you and Justin fucked yet?"

As amazing as my drink was going down, it was awful coming back up. My nose didn't really appreciate the flood of coffee either. Sprayed myself, Bret, the counter, and wall with coffee as I took what I was sure were my last breaths (I admit, I tend to get dramatic at times). After finally regaining my burning, teary eyed posture (I'd say dignity, but that was long gone by this point) I glared up at Brett, who had that arrogant smirk on his face again while trying to hold back his laughter. Leave it to him to be that bluntest ass wipe around and then be smug about it.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I croaked.

"Exactly what you just said, you and that cute, blond co-worker of yours bumping uglies under the sheets." he calmly replied.

I stared at him a few seconds to gauge how serious he was.

"There are so many things that are wrong with you, I haven't a clue where to start. I mean who the hell says something like that?" I asked scoffing. "Especially someone in your current position. If this is all are conversations are going to cover in this friendship, then I really don't have any interest to follow up on it."

Before he could he reply, I picked up his trash, threw it in the can and then walked over to the door to open it. I turned to face him. He didn't move from his stool however, he just stared at me with a confused face.

"You can look at me all you want, it doesn't change that what you said was pretty forward and dickish for a new friendship."

That seemed to snap him out of it, he finally jumped from his stool. Unfortunately, though, he walked up to me and didn't continue through the door. I really was ready to slam it in his face, too.

"OK, OK, I'm sure, Luch. I worded that pretty poorly. I just noticed yesterday that there was something going on there and I thought it'd be a good step in getting to know what's going on in your life. What I should have asked was: 'Is there anything going on between you and Justin?' Can we move on as if I had asked that, please?"

I stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and making my way back to my coffee. I really wished he had caught me after I had refueled myself. I may have had the energy to follow up on kicking him out then.

"Fine, Brett. It still doesn't change the fact that you're wrong. Let's start off with the fact that I don't date. PERIOD. I have no desire or interest to get in to relationship. Even I did, it wouldn't be right to the other person, man or woman. It'd be a guaranteed, unhealthy relationship from the beginning. Next, let's consider the fact that, Justin is straight. He's never made a hint that he's in to other guys. He would have told Maria and I if he was. Finally, even if Justin were gay or bi, he hasn't shown any interest in me. He could have a much better selection that me, anyways. Man or woman."

I struggled to keep my calm as I went through my reasoning because Brett had started to shake his head after I made my first point, and hadn't stopped even after I finished.

"Luch, aside from you not dating in the past, all of what you just said was bullshit. I'm going to skip over your first point for now, since that's a conversation all on its own. The other points I can take care of at once. Justin IS gay. I knew that after short time I spent in the same room as him."

"How could you possibly know that? Maria and I have spent every weekday with him for MONTHS, and he hasn't given us a single hint of his sex preference."

"I can't speak for Maria, although, I think I'm going to have to have a word with her. The reason he didn't tell or give any sign to you is obvious though, he has a MAJOR crush on you, Luch."

"The hell he does, man. I've shared the same office as him for a long time and hung out with him more times that I can count. I haven't noticed a single sign."

"No offense buddy, but you aren't exactly the ideal gay detector. And you certainly aren't the best when it comes to picking up on others feeling or the art of flirting."

"And I have you to thank for that."

As much as I tried, I couldn't pass up on the chance to hurt him. I felt sick with myself as soon as the words came out of my mouth, though. I wasn't sure if I had just wanted to hurt him, or if I was hoping to get out of this conversation and get him to leave by hurting him. Brett apparently knew which one it was, though.

"Nice try. You're not getting out of it that easy. You had every right to say that but if I'm going to be your friend, I will see to it that you finally find the healthy dating relationship that you deserve. Trust me, Luch. I watched just yesterday. I saw how looked at you and talked to you. "

"How could YOU possibly know that he was crushing on me just by him looking at me when talked?"

"I never said it was just when you guys talked. He wasn't just looking at your eyes. He was looking at the entire package, and I know what his looks mean because I've given you the same looks." Our eyes connected as he said it, but he quickly looked away and followed up with, "At one time."

I force myself to not acknowledge what he tagged on at the end. "Alright, just to humor you, let's pretend what you say is true. What am I suppose to do about it? It's not as if I have a repertoire of dating experiences to go off of."

"Well... do you like him?"

"Of course I like him. He's my best friend along with Maria."

"I don't mean just in that sense, Luch. Do you feel you're attracted to him in anyway, physically or personality wise?"

"I-ah- I don't know. I've never really considered Justin in that way. I mean he's certainly attractive in a geeky way, and we really click with our interests and personalities, so yeah I guess I'd say it's possible."

"Well there you go."

"There I go what?" I through my hands up in frustration. "You're going to have to be pretty blunt here, Brett. I'm really not that quick when it comes to this stuff."

"That's all you need to know that you should make a move, man"

I dropped my head in frustration and let out an exasperated sigh. "You're still not making any sense to me. What kind of move? You have to realize, I haven't done anything like this before. You have been the only person I've been intimate with in the slightest sense and you're the one initiated and led that. If Justin hasn't said anything yet, he probably won't. I mean it's like he's- oh... oh shit."

"Not like he's what? What Luch?"

"Just yesterday when we were grabbing boxes to pack our stuff in, he hinted that he had his eye on someone. He didn't specify if it was a guy or girl, and it seemed like he was checking to see if there was any potential between you and I."

"See!? I told you! It's settled then. You need to talk to him, Justin. Just be honest and ask him. He should trust you enough to be honest in return."

"And if he is interested in me? What do I do then?"

"If he doesn't ask you out, then you need to take the initiative. Set up a date with him."

"OK-so I- uh -alright." I bit my lower lip as I tried to absorb all this information.

"If you make that face to him, I think the only place you'll go on your first is either of your guys' beds."

I gave a him face angry glare and rolled my eyes. "Pig." He just laughed in response. I pulled out my phone and dialed Justin's number.

"Luch, the hell are you doing?"

"I'm talking your advice. What does it look like I'm doing?"

Brett suddenly lunged over, ended the call, and smacked the phone out of my hand just as I heard Justin pick up.

"I never said to do it over the phone, jackass!" He laughed at my confused and frustrated face. "This is something you need to talk to him in person about."

"Alright the, damn! Did you really have to smack the phone out of my hand, though?" I asked him, laughing. "Has anyone told you that you can kind of be dramatic?"

"I know, it's one of my many sex appeals." Brett responded and then looked off in a mock fashion model pose, arched eyebrow with smirk and all. I couldn't figure out whether I should laugh at his lame humor and salivate at the sight before me.

"Oh yeah? Would lame phrases be another one?" I asked with my own raised brow.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"'Bumping uglies'? Really, Brett? I thought you were better than that."

He hung his head down in a sharp, exaggerated motion. "Damn! I thought that slipped past you."

" You'll realize soon that not much slips past me." I bragged as I tossed a piece of muffin in to my mouth, which slipped right past in to the back of my throat. I gagged as Brett laughed at my misfortune.


I struggled to find Maria as my eyes adjusted to the O'Donnely's dim lighting. As much as I thought I had a chance at being friends with her, I really hoped meeting like this didn't become routine. It felt like I was going behind Luch's back in order to get in to his good graces. If he ended up fully welcoming me in to his life, I wanted it to be from me doing things the right way, not manipulating him in to it.

I finally spotted Maria and quickly made me way over to her. I was struggling between skipping over and stomping over to her, both reflecting the conflicting feelings I had from my talk with Luch. I was elated that I had pushed him to make a step towards starting his first intimate relationship. On the other hand, I couldn't help but feel suspicious that Maria had used me.

She must have read mind my when I first entered the place. "This isn't going to become a regular thing between us, is it Brett? As nice of a guy as you seem, I don't want to keep meeting to talk about one of my closest friends."

"That all depends on whether you're upfront with me for now on or not. I'd love to meet up with and start hanging out just as friends. But if we're going to be friends, you can't keep important things from me, like Justin having a major crush on Luch."

She gave me a sly smirk. "It's not like I needed to tell you. I'm pretty sure you figured that out close to the start."

"Still, Maria, it'd help me to not be suspicious that I'm just some pawn for you. Was the only reason you encouraged me to talk with Luch was to play matchmaker?"

"At first, yeah. I really didn't want you to be involved with him at all beyond that. But the more I thought about it, the more I believed that there was something you took from Luc all that time ago that only you could give back to him. Whether it'd be as a friend or lover, I'm not sure. What I do know, though, is that Justin is very likely the best thing for him at this time. Luc isn't going to be able to just flip a switch and learn to trust people. It needs to start slowly, with just one person, preferably a man since it's been men who have damaged his life so bad. Justin is the prime candidate to be that man. I really treasure Luc, and he already has foundation with him. He's the least likely to hurt him. I'm not saying that they're meant to be together as a couple forever, but they may be so it's worth a try. The way I see it is, Luc will build a closer relationship with Justin and as he steps in to new territory, he'll most likely come to me for dating advice. He'll probably open up to the two of us at the same time. The final step will be you. You'll be the most difficult person for Luch to trust, and I believe he really wants to deep down. I know this all seems convoluted, but you're going to have be patient, for Lucca's sake."

To say that I was blown away that all this insight could be spouted from tech geek was an understand. The more I was around Maria, the more I found to like about her.

"Damn... Can you explain to me why you went in to IT instead of Psychology?"

She gave me that mischievous smirk again. "I probably would have ended up using my powers for evil."

"That's a pretty terrifying thought. I'm going to make sure to stay on your good side for now."

She leaned forward so she was only inches from my face and seductively breathed, "But I think you'd find my bad side so very... pleasurable."

I looked up in to her eyes and gulped. Holy. Fuck. If this woman could tease so effectively like this, I worried that she could actually scare straight men in to being gay and then seduce right back in to the hetero life if she wanted.

"She slid back to her seat and chuckled. "Fuck, you're too easy. No challenge or fun."

I scratched the back of my head as I felt a blush creep up my neck. "Anyway, you'll be happy to hear that the first step of your plan worked. I convinced Luch to talk to Justin and ask him out."

Maria leaned her head back and let out a large cackle. I seriously could not figure this woman out.

"You seriously think you talked Luc in to doing that?"

"Yeah, he tried called Justin right there on the phone. I had to stop him and convince him to work it out in person."

"Fuck, Brett, I'm having a really hard time deciding if you're more gullible then Luc is hard headed."

Excuse me? "What the hell are you talking about?"

"He played you!! Did you really think you convinced him to do something he's been set against doing for years by having one short conversation with him? I promise you that he hasn't seen Justin and isn't planning to any time soon."

"You can't be serious. He really seemed to like the idea by then end!"

She arched an eyebrow at me. "Wanna bet on it?"


As per my usual routine on Saturday night, I had passed out on the couch while Netflix binging. This week was Heroes (I zonked out once I got past the first season, shock I know). I started out of my dream by a loud banging. I fell in tangled mess with the blanket around me to the floor. Based on my track record of clumsiness. I didn't find it a surprise that my arms asleep and bound to my sides, making it difficult to escape my cocoon. It took me a moment in my disorientation to realize that the pounded was coming from my door. I hooked my chin on top of the coffee table so I could squint at the clock. 2:30 AM? Who the fuck could it be??

That question was quickly answered when I heard the voice of the mystery guess.

"Hey, Luc? It's Justin. I really need to talk to you, so can you please open up? I'm sure my knocking has woken you up on the couch by now. This is really important." There was a bit of a pause. "Come on, Luc, please let me in? I'm sorry I showed up so late. I just couldn't wait until the morning."

"J, I'm awake. I just can't get to the door to let you in."

There was another long pause.

"I-uh- umm OK? Why wouldn't you be able to get to the door? Are you... alone?"

What the hell did he mean? Why wouldn't I be alone?

"Yeah, I don't have anyone over. I'm just tangled in a blanket on the floor and my arms are asleep so I'm having trouble getting up."

I heard a muffled version of his giggled that always managed to make me laugh.

"I think if it were anyone else saying that, I wouldn't believe them. With you, on the other hand, the whole situation sounds pretty plausible."

At the moment, I heard the shrill yipping of my pain in the ass neighbor's, Galenda, pain in the ass dog. That woman could turn the cheeriest of people in to a depressing person in an instant.

"Hi, Ms. Wrunkle, sorry for the noise. I'll keep it down. Yeah, I know I'm a demon spawn of Satan. Can you please keep it between us though? It would make it bit difficult to get laid if word got around. Great thanks, have an amazing night."

I went to bite the blanket to keep from laughing. Of course with my motor skills, I ended up biting my tongue, too. Hard. I yelped in shock and pain.

"Luch?? You OK?"

"Yeah, I'm kind. It's just kind of getting old staring at the dust collecting under my couch."

"Shit, what are we going to do?"

Suddenly, it hit me. I wasn't sure which of us geniuses was the bigger idiot.

"J, did you bring the spare key I gave you?"

"Yeah, why do you a-... Wow, oh wow! I'm such a dumb fuck!" I heard the key slide in and the click of the lock.

I chuckled at that. "I'm right there with you buddy."

I saw his face suddenly appear above mine, his blonde hair framing his thin, angular face as he smirked. "Honestly, Luc, would you be able to get your shoes on in the morning if it weren't for Maria and I?"

"J, come on! Stop teasing and get me out of here! I really need to pee!" I rolled over after a couple attempts and started to caterpillar my way to the bathroom to make my point.


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