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Patti Cake Ch. 01

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"I won't tell anyone you're packin' pantyhose..."
11.1k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/04/2019
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Introduction... This is a very long and drawn out story born from an idea centered on an actual event that did take place with a girl named Patti -who I was once madly in love with...

In this story, there are three things that are absolutely true... One being that there really was a girl named Patti who I did nick-name "Patti-Cake" and second, we did attend, or were invited to five actual weddings in one summer many years ago...

But thirdly, and most important to me is where in this story you will come across a paragraph or two that describes a time when I drove Patti over to another guys place knowing full well that she was going there to fuck him...That was also the end of the real Patti and me and the last wedding as well...

Other than this... This sad event in my life... The rest of this –all of it... It is all 100% fantasy made up and conjured in my twisted little mind...

Granted I will tell you that in this long saga, there is a building process that takes time, which means that not all chapters are what you would call "sex-chapters"... Therefore, if you are just looking for a quick wank... You'd best move on...

However if you have the time and the patient to read what I believe is a good story...Well thought out and edited countless times...

Please – be my guest... Enjoy...

Almost lastly... Although all comments are welcome and encouraged... All "Anonymous" negative comments will be removed... If you don't have the guts to name yourself? Then Fuck Off!

To err is human in spelling and self-editing in the genre of armature sex story writing -and to leave shitty anonymous comments is cowardice -which will only leave me to assume that you are indeed an idiot for having clicked on, read and then commented on this story... All by yourself!

Other than this, intro - there are no others, each chapter will carry its own appropriate

In total this is a cross dressing story and that's why it is posted in this category...

Peace, love and harmony... N xo


Patti Cake


It would be easy to say that I was never really the he-man type. I'm not overly tall, I don't have broad shoulders and I'm not brimming with muscles either. I'm just an average all around nice guy – who for my own undoing though, I'm often far too nice - and because of this, I've often been taken advantage of, walked on, passed by -and dismissed time and again. It hasn't always been easy but as I hope that through telling you this story you'll see that I've managed to find my place...

In this story, you'll see that there is truth in believing in things, learning and understanding that sometimes things do happen for a reason - but as well, sometimes just as many things also happen by chance...

Lightening may take a serendipitous course to the ground, erratic and unpredictable - but sometimes in life, as with lightning, sometimes but not very often - it will repeat itself, follow the same path and strike twice in the same place...


Her name was Patti, she was a waitress in a bar and I was a 22yr old fool who spent his all of his waking hours thinking about her, day dreaming, picturing the day she would be mine. Head over heels...

My name is Dale Horn... and I was such an idiot back then...

That was me all over though wasn't it..? Because she was nice to me – or more like, doing her job – serving my food and drinks - nice to me - I fell for her. Just like all of the others before her, but when I fell for Patti - I really fell hard.

My life with girls had always been a steady progression of me always upping my game in trying too hard, offering grand gestures, always believing that "this would be it" – this would be the one to win her over...

The ring I'd saved for and bought... That would do it... This expensive dinner out and limo ride around town... That would make her mine... A bedroom full of stuffed animals and toys, such a cute and sweet gesture... That should get me laid...

They say that the true definition of stupidity is to repeat the same action over and over while expecting a different result... Hmmm? Why does that sound so familiar..?

Patti was one of those girls. One of the girls I went nuts over for months on end, chasing with trinkets, falling all over the place trying to please her while in the eyes of everyone else. I was actually just making an ass of myself...

Except now things were different... We were young adults now, not school kids holding hands and stealing kisses out by the portables at recess. When you're older... Older to the point where your friends didn't care who you were "going steady" with... If you had a girlfriend, what they cared about was if you were fucking her or not...

It was this whole bravado thing that I for one was never very fond of taking part in, but more often I was left with no choice...

I'd love to say that Patti was the one I lost 'it' too, or even better, to say that the two of us, Patti and me, say that we lost or virginity together, but if I did, that would just be a lie. Patti was nearly 3yrs older than me and being the stunning, big busted, smoky eyed brunette that she was, she was also way more experienced than me... Way more...

Back in that summer, the year I was in love... Patti and I had the misfortune of being invited to several weddings throughout the warm, summer season. I guess that's a down side of being the age we were back then - being old enough to drink and fuck -also meant you were old enough to get married -and between the two of us, with friends on either side choosing to tie the knot that summer. Patti and I had been invited to no less than five different weddings between late June and throughout all of August of that year.

It was a drunken whirl-wind that I can hardly remember - except for something that happened late into the night after reaching the mid-way point in attending our third of such weddings in this summer-long –marathon... It was the night where I 'almost' lost my virginity...


Until this time, this day where I was permitted by Patti to tell people we were together as a couple –whereas at any time prior I had been told to not mention 'Us' when in mixed company, and if the topic were to come up, I had also been told to tell people that we were just friends who 'sometimes' have benefits – also being sure that I stressed this – 'sometimes' part.

This to Patti was her way of throwing me a bone, letting me have a win - and in turn, keeping me sweet enough to stick around to do all of her other bidding.

I hated doing this though - but what could I do? It made me look and feel so inadequate, so wimpy when I had to say that to people that... "We're only friends –but sometimes we have benefits..." It made me cringe every time...

But in wanting to lessen my burden of openly being such a loser when it came to Patti -and especially with guys around, I'd add in at the end "If you know what I mean..." in a Month Python, elbow in the ribs kind of way. It worked for the most part but I always felt terrible because even that too was a lie that made her look bad, like I was sexualizing Patti just to gain points with the guys.

Don't misunderstand me, I had asked her to be my girlfriend sometime back, not too long after we began this one-way relationship in the late autumn of the year before. But Patti pooh-poohed the idea saying that she didn't really work like that - stating that she liked to keep herself free and not tied down to any one guy.

However, in order to pull the knife out of my heart, she did ad in saying to me "But right now though Dale, you're my favourite..." Whatever that meant I wasn't ever completely sure, but of course, I just smiled and nodded - wimping out, relenting once again, giving her my consent...if I even had a choice.

So... Until this time, Patti had never let me get too close. Sure we had our tryst every now and then. Mostly after she'd been drinking and was feeling amorous. We had made out a few times on those nights out in the bars with the two of us feeling no pain -but that's as far as she'd ever let things get. Always just enough to keep me dangling on her line, ready to jump and dance while she held my puppet strings.

It would usually start with her coming on to me because God knows; I would never have the nerve to start something with her - I was far too afraid of being rejected. I suppose that this was always one of my biggest down falls with the girls I fell for back then and none more so than with Patti.

I can remember her complaining and saying to me "You need to be more aggressive..." but I couldn't – something was missing -I just didn't have it in me. I was always too afraid of being told no and ruining things and because of this I was willing to be kept on the razors edge, on the fence of not knowing one way or another, always left wondering "Does this chick dig me?" rather than to take the chance and find out one way or the other.

But something always held me back; I was snagged on that fence and could never get myself down.

Patti would tease me in those times; she'd start tickle fights with me, attacking me on the couch or bed, making me squeal while trying in vain to get away from her clawing fingers and sharp nails. She often made me feel like I was the girl in this relationship when she did this - but again, I didn't seem to mind so much, I was enjoying the connection and I craved the attention, any attention, so I put with it – I put up with a lot.


It was our third wedding of the season, this one on my side – my next door neighbour, a different girl, but still one I'd known all of my life. We were friends growing up, same age, school etc - but once high school hit, we did drift apart some... Well, as far apart as next door neighbours can drift, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

This wedding was local to me, and I was very happy to discover that - as it turned out, my childhood friend's wedding fell on the same weekend that my parents were to begin their annual -month long – trip back to home, which in our case happens to be Ireland. Which - also in our case, this meant that starting on this night; I had a free house to play in with Patti - for an entire month...

For once, my timing couldn't have been more perfect...

Earlier in the day I had picked up Patti at her house and had driven back to mine -and a little later while we were getting ready, while getting all dressed up for the wedding, Patti turned and handed me a new package of pantyhose saying "Here Dale can you hold these for me tonight?"

"What..? What's this?" I answered, looking as confused as I was. Yet that didn't stop me from taking the package of woman's tan coloured tights from her in an automatic motion of just doing whatever Patti wanted.

"Hang on to them for me; you can put them in your breast pocket, just in case I get a run..." She began...

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you're packin' pantyhose..." Patti finished saying with a laugh but as she turned back into the bathroom, it was my reply that changed the tone... Saying something that I wondered if I'd regret it later.

"Okay, I`ll keep your pantyhose safe for you, just don`t expect me to wearing them later on when we get back..." It was only meant to be a joke but judging from the look she gave me. It was a joke that I was already regretting and instantly wanting to take back...


True, Patti never did let me fuck her back then, but we did get very close at times - just never 'that' close... It was during that time, that night after we had partied hard -drank and danced at the reception well after the last song was played. Later... When we made it back to my place, very drunk but still not quite ready to call it a night -or day by this wee hour... That's when 'it' almost happened...

"So Dale, what was it you were saying earlier about me making you wear my pantyhose? Patti started as she flopped down onto my parent's sectional couch in our family room, flipping her shoes off, drunk and laughing. "Do you have some kind of fetish or something that you're not telling me about? Maybe you're into a little bit of cross dressing but you're just too afraid to tell me..?"

"Oh Patti don't say that!" I said back, shocked and trying to stem this crazy idea of hers. "You know I was only joking right? Because I was – I mean, I don't – I wouldn't –I don't want to dress in girl's clothes..." I said to her, urgently bleating my plea but by then I knew - I knew it was too late, my stupid joke from earlier was coming back to haunt me...

"Hmmm? I don't know... Sometimes I have to wonder about you..." She started again, sitting up on the couch with a sobered interest. "I mean let's face it; you're not the biggest-strongest guy I know... I mean, I'm sure you must know that right? That you're not really a 'big strapping guy'..." She ended, and while asking making an arms-open gesture, like she was hugging some big hunk of guy – and not me.

I was hurt by what she was saying but I knew enough by now, that with all of the booze and partying and how she can be when she has had a bit too much, my cause was lost, but still, I had to take a stab at defend myself, at least.

"Yes Patti, I know, I know I'm not the 'he-man' type who will grab you and throw you down – but I am still a guy though, and I do like girls if that's what you're getting at..." I said back to her in my defence but again, I knew I was only digging this hole deeper each time I spoke - and with Patti, soon enough the hole would be too deep for me to climb back out.

"Who said anything about not liking girls? I'm sure there are lots of guys out there who like playing a little 'dress-up' who are as straight as you claim to be..." Patti snapped back, sounding rather accusatory now, like she was questioning my sexuality all of a sudden.

"W-what's that suppose to mean? I don't want either, I don't want to play dress up and I'm sure I'm not gay..." I shot back this time. I was losing control though, I figured by now that any hopes of actually getting anywhere with her tonight had been tossed away because I chose to argue.

"Oh don't get your panties in a bunch; I know you're not gay Dale, in fact that's something that I actually do like about you..." Patti answered, taking me off guard somewhat. I mean, here I was expecting a fight from her, because that's the way she could be with me, one minute sweet as pie and next – look out – the uber-bitch has landed...

Seeing the softened look in my eyes, she took my hand and pulled me down alongside her on the couch while I'd been standing as we had this out. Sitting close now, she took my two hands in her and looked into my eyes.

"Listen, I know I like to tease you sometimes but if it's that important you, I'll tell you right now that I do like you Dale – even though you're not the 'he-man-type' -to use your own words, but I don`t mind that..." She began, gaining my interest again, as always.

"I like that about you Dale, you`re my sweetheart, you`re not like other guys - which I knew already, I knew you were different - but so what?" Patti went on - I was still all ears...

"You are a cutie, and don't get me wrong but It's not really about stuff like that with you Dale... You're nice to me, you treat me right and I know you would never hurt me... That's what I like about you – and of course, I know I can trust you..." She finished, stopping then, smiling at me, her words melting my resolve and making me feel like I loved her even more.

"R-Really..?" I stammered asking, looking back at her, looking into her sleepy -half drunk -hazel-brown eyes, with her mascara smeared some making her look even hotter than she already was...


Patti McCabe if I haven't described her enough, I'll start again by saying that at the time she was a gorgeous, stunning 25yr old brunette with an equally gorgeous set of 38-D sized tits -and then rest of her curvy, lovely, round-ass –self... She was way more than enough to make any man turn his head for a double take as she passed them by... Way more than enough...

Her face, I reckoned the face of a model but she always disagreed. Oval and fair, lightly freckled around her eyes and cheeks brought on from her Scottish heritage... Her eyes – Hazel-green and although not overly large per se, they did possess a smoky, sensuous look, added with her choice in dark eyeliner and even darker eye shadows... Also her unbeatable big, toothy smile, all white and gleaming and perfectly straight from the braces she had told me that she had worn for years on end as a child.

And all of this, Patti's beautiful smiling face, was all framed by her long, brown to red-ish coloured hair - full of natural, loose curls landing well past her shoulders. The whole package gave her a 'windswept-country-girl' look. Like someone who had lived her life on a farm, outdoors all the time, fresh, radiant – beautiful and as gorgeous as I had even laid eyes on a girl...

Standing no more than 5'3" flat footed and let's say about 5'7" in tall heels? -Patti's height - that was about the only advantage I had over her - I was taller than her... But not by much, I'm 5'9" is socks and as mentioned -my attributes, although meagre and rather un-noteworthy when placed on the scale of 'he-men' - I am however not –unattractive. In fact I'm often told that I'm quite 'cute' with my clear blue eyes with dark much thicker, longer lashes than you might see on a guy, which was something I didn't like because they did nothing in aiding in my want of looking maybe just a little less boyish and maybe a little more manly.

My hair though, I do like my hair... Its dark brown and I kept it rather long, longer than I probably should have. But I liked it like that, long and dead straight, hanging just past my shoulders. Plus, with my fair complexion I've never really need to shave very often.

Adding all of this in, with a dress sense that was always my own, I hate to admit this, but because of my looks and good taste in clothes, I've often been hit on by men which always left me feeling rather shocked and not knowing what to do. It was flattering I'll say that, but it was also quite embarrassing when it would happen, when some guy would give me certain look or even make a comment that would have me blushing and looking for the nearest exit sign.


"Yeah really..." Patti answered me back with a sarcastic smile, leaving me wanting to just sit there and let her tell me what she liked about me because aside from the 'heavy-petting' and a few -all too brief and fleeting make-out sessions, which did providing some of the attention I craved - there wasn't all that much more -so for that reason, I think I liked to hear her talk about me like this good light even more...

It was the ego stroke I was sorely missing... Hearing hear talk like this -It felt so good, almost as good as her letting me feel her up every now and then – that's how needy I was becoming with her...

"But do you know what else I like..?" Patti asked then, her head tilting, looking suddenly playful in that sexy, deviant way about her. "What..?" I asked her, super curious now, I was being lured in by her sultry looks and posture leading me into a trance like I was sitting looking at a spinning spiral on a wheel, hypnotised by this witchy-woman... I was hers.

Leaning in and wanting to whisper her secret, she playfully looked around the living room to be sure no one was listening, even though it was like 5a.m. and we were the only ones in the house. Patti leaned in and said... "I like a guy who's not afraid to play dress-up sometimes... I think it's hot seeing a guy in lingerie, or even..." She said, and then hesitated; think for a second if she should say it. "Or even just in pantyhose..."

Right away my heart sank. "Here we go again with the pantyhose..." I thought to myself, but then...

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