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Paula's Story

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Middle-class housewife experiences an unexpected change.
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A woman, who swore that it had happened to her, related this story to me. I have embellished it a little for the sake of continuity and changed names, but substantially this is what she told me.

Chances and Changes.

It is strange how life can take swift and unexpected twists and turns. Just when you've decided that you are have settled into a routine and nothing new is likely to happen, then bang, and you are shocked into a whole new situation.

There was I, about four years ago, living the life of a suburban middle class housewife, and a whole new dimension suddenly opened up for me. At the time, I was thirty-eight. I had been married to John for nearly nineteen years and we had one son, Peter, who was then, eighteen. John is the manager of a hardware store, and Peter had just left high school and was about to start university. The house we live in is the same one John and I bought just before we got married. It is situated in a pleasant suburb and we have good respectable neighbors.

My life centred on home, family, and a few voluntary organisations including the local church. Life with John was good in the sense that he cared for Peter and I, but there was nothing exciting left in our relationship. Our sex life had long ago settled into a Friday night routine that from my perspective held little of real passion. I suspected that from time to time John had other women. He is good looking and personable and shouldn't find it too difficult to attract women. I suppose I could have checked up on him and created a fuss, but as our lives seemed to flow along peacefully enough, I let my suspicions go.

As for me, I lived without the passion I occasionally fantasised about. Not that I had to. It is hard to be objective about one's own appearance, but I am five foot six tall with dark hair, nice legs and not overly large, but nicely shaped and firm breasts. Even at thirty-eight I found that men still turned round to have another look, and on social occasions the males wanted to engage me in extended conversation much, I suspect, to the chagrin of their spouses. So, I assumed that I looked all right.

The problem was that there was no one I really fancied, even if I did decide to satisfy myself elsewhere. John had his wider world where he met many people. I was somewhat limited within suburban confines. Also, there is the aura of respectability that a middle class Church lady needs to present to the world.

This is how it was for me four years ago. I assumed my life direction was set and nothing very dramatic was about to happen. I was wrong.

The Big Bang.

It happened one warm summer day. I was working in the kitchen clad only in my bikini. I must admit it was about the skimpiest you could buy. I always removed my pubic hair, so it was safe to wear this sort of garment. I did not wear it to be provocative and always kept a light housecoat ready to hand in case of unexpected callers. The fact is, I don't really care for clothes, and if I can get out of them, I will. To be honest, if I am sure that no one is going to call and the weather is warm enough, I get around the house naked. I just enjoy the freedom.

On this day, my son, Peter, was out in the garage with his two mates, Nathan and Simon. I had known these boys almost since their birth, and they had always been frequent visitors to our house and garden. I couldn't possibly count the number of sandwiches, cakes and drinks I had supplied to the over the years.

John had bought Peter a new (secondhand) car for his birthday. This car seemed to need constant looking at, and this is what the boys were doing. Every now and then, I vaguely heard the hrrrum, hrrrum, of an engine being revved. Eventually I heard the car being backed out of the drive and then take off up the road. "Gone off on some jaunt I suppose," I thought to myself.

All was silent as I worked away at the kitchen sink, but suddenly I was startled by a noise behind me. A voice said, "Hello Mrs.Knight." I turned to see Nathan standing at the kitchen door with Simon just behind him. I had thought that they had gone with Peter, so I asked, "Where's Peter?" "He's gone to get a part for the car," Simon responded.

Nathan stepped into the room and said, "Peter said it would be all right if we asked for a drink." "Of course," I replied, "I've got some home made lemon drink, will that do?" "Yes thanks," he said, and came a little further into the room with Simon following him. I noticed that they were looking at me rather intently.

I went to the fridge and got out the jug of lemon drink, found two glasses and poured. I turned with the glasses in my hands. Nathan came over to me, but instead of taking the glasses from me, he suddenly bent over and kissed me on the lips. It was a very gentle kiss, but at the time, my mouth must have been slightly open. This turned the kiss into something more than a routine social greeting, which was in no way my intention.

Nathan was a tall boy, almost five foot eleven with still some growing to do, slender without being thin. Simon was slightly shorter, but stockier. They were clad only in shorts and their young bodies glowed with good health and energy.

Even if I could have, I would not have put on my housecoat. These boys had been in and out of our house so much, and seen me in my bikini so often, I thought nothing of it.

Nathan kissed me again, and as he did so, his hand came up to gently cup my breast. The bikini top was the sort that is little more than under lift, just about covering the nipples. Thus, a large area of the breast was exposed.

I tried to push Nathan away, saying something like, "Don't do that, Nathan. You mustn't." He said nothing, took the glasses from my hands and put them on the table, then looked across to Simon and nodded. Simon crossed over to me and they stood one on each side of me. I went to step away from them, but suddenly they took my arms and half-dragged and half carried me out of the kitchen and down the passage to the bedroom.

I was now protesting loudly saying things like, "Stop it boys, I'll tell your parents, you'll get into terrible trouble..." Still they said nothing. I was pulled into the bedroom and laid down on our king-sized bed. By now, I could be in no doubt about their intentions. They were going to rape me. It seemed incredible. Boys that I had known since they were toddlers were going to sexually assault me.

My protests turned to pleading. "Please boys, please, please don't do anything to me. Don't hurt me, please." I had heard that it is better if the woman does not resist. That way they can avoid injury. I decided that if it was going to happen I'd better not struggle.

The boys were standing on either of the side of the bed looking at me. I could see Nathan's erection through his shorts. I looked at Simon, and a wave of horror thrilled through me. He too had an erection, but his penis extended above the waistband of his shorts. The head looked about the size of a small apple. "My God, I thought, he can't put that into me. Please God, don't let him." I tried to get up to make a run for it, but they were too quick for me.

Taking turns to hold me down they pulled down their shorts, and as they did so, Simon's erection sprang out like a great column. They turned me face down on the bed and I felt Nathan's hands undoing my bikini top. Simon was busy pulling down the bottoms. Having now got me naked, I was laid on my back again.

They were not harsh. When I didn't struggle, everything was done very gently, I might almost say tenderly. I began to wonder where they had learned to handle a woman like this. Nathan bent over me and began to kiss me, gradually parting my lips to take his tongue. I felt Simon's hand exploring my vagina and moving his fingers into me. Nathan moved down to take a nipple into his mouth, as Simon ceased stimulating me with his hand and began to lick and suck my clitoris – something John had never done to me and therefore my first experience of oral sex.

I confess this was all starting to have an effect on me. I felt my vagina getting wet, and from feeling fear of what they were going to do to me, I felt a growing desire for them to take me. I tried to deny this, struggling against my own growing sexual arousal, but it didn't work. The foreplay they were using on me, was more than I had ever experienced with John. The more I tried to pretend I didn't want this to happen, the more I wanted it to happen, with one reservation, I was terrified at the thought of Simon's massive organ penetrating me.

They changed places with Simon sucking my nipples and Nathan giving me oral sex. Then I was laid on my side and Nathan moved up behind me. I felt his penis probe between my legs to find the opening to my vagina, so to make it easier I raised one leg to allow him clear entry. He slipped in very easily and began to move up and down inside.

Meantime Simon had moved his massive penis up to my mouth. I knew about giving men oral sex, but I had never done it. I looked at the huge head of the penis, then taking a deep breath I gathered it into my mouth. It had a slightly bitter taste, but not really unpleasant. I began to suck on it carefully, and felt the pre-ejaculation discharge start. I swallowed and again, found it not really unpleasant.

All this was somewhat bewildering. Two boys – young men – simultaneously engaging me in sexual activity, much of it never experienced before by me, left me unable to concentrate on any one action. I felt Nathan start to ejaculate into me, but I was unable to chime in with his rhythm as I was also trying to focus on Simon's penis in my mouth.

Finishing his orgasm, Nathan withdrew from me and Simon took his penis out of my mouth. I felt myself being rolled onto my back and Nathan opened my legs raising the knees as he did so. I was now spread wide open. Simon came between my legs, and I felt the head of his penis nudging the opening to my vagina.

I was terrified and commenced pleading again. "Please Simon, don't, don't do it to me, you'll hurt me badly. I'll do anything else for you, but don't try to get inside me." I attempted to close my legs, but Simon was too firmly wedged between them. I tried to push him away, but Nathan grasped my arms and held them above my head.

Simon was now pressing the head of his penis against my opening, struggling to enter. He was utterly relentless forcing himself harder and harder against me. I knew he would carry on until he had entered, so, giving up the struggle, and trying to minimise the pain I would feel, I opened my legs as wide as I could, to try and give him the biggest possible opening.

Suddenly he burst through. I was wet with my own discharges and Nathan's sperm, so I was very lubricated, but on first entry, there was a searing pain, and I screamed out. Simon paused for a moment, then slowly pushed himself up inside me. The pain subsided until he reached my cervix, the entry to my womb. "He must be fully inside me now," I thought, but he wasn't. He continued to push, then with a sudden rush and another searing pain, (once more, I screamed) he was through. He had penetrated to the centre of my womanhood.

He remained still for a couple of minutes, both of us breathing hard. Then slowly at first, he began to slide his penis up and down inside me. Then the pace picked up and soon he was groaning as he injected massive amounts of sperm into me. It flooded me and began to run out of my vagina onto the bed.

He finished and stayed with me for a while, then withdrew. He rolled away from me and lay still. Nathan was on the other side of me, seemingly half asleep. I was now in a terrible state of sexual arousal. I had not had an orgasm and could barely keep still with the intensity of my sexual agitation.

My emotions became overlaid with anger. These boys had taken me, had what they wanted, and left me stranded. They would not get away with it. Nathan had been the first to discharge into me, so he was to be my first victim. He was lying on his back, so I took his penis and began to stroke it. I did this slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace. He groaned, and slowly his penis came erect. Once fully erect I sat across him, taking his organ and sliding it inside me.

As I worked him up and down inside me, he began to verbalise for the first time between his cries and groans. "Oh yes, I want you, I want you, don't stop, please don't stop." I was in command now and I took him ever more fiercely. I felt my orgasm approaching like the distant rumble of a large vehicle. It approached closer and closer until it burst upon me in a frenzy of screaming and weeping. I felt Nathan's orgasm coming, and then we were crying out together, pleading with each other never to stop.

Simon had been watching this, and his own enormous erection had returned. He almost dragged me from Nathan and pushing me down on my back. This time he had to use little force to enter me and was soon wildly thrashing up and down inside me. Then something happened that had never ever occurred to me before. I felt a second orgasm approaching. Simon was penetrating to my depths, pushing harder and harder, as if he wanted to insert his whole being into me. As he shot sperm into me, I was screaming again with sheer ecstacy. All pain was gone, leaving this delicious orgasmic tumult bursting over me in wave after wave as if it would never stop. Sperm and my sexual fluids poured out of me onto the already soaked bed.

Eventually we subsided. Simon rolled away from me and all three of us lay trying to recover from this extraordinary explosion of passion.

After about twenty minutes I said, "You boys had better take a shower, while I change these sheets." Without a word, they rose, and soon I heard the sound of water running in the shower. I changed the bed and awaited their return. They came back into the bedroom and I said, "Now I'm going to shower, but I want you two to go into the kitchen and stay there until I'm finished." A little sheepishly, they went out of the bedroom to the kitchen to wait for me.

While showering, I had to decide what would happen next. I could charge them with rape, but to be fair, it had not ended up like that. I had just had the most passionate sexual experience of my life, and rather than charging them, I should be rewarding them.

I dried, went into the bedroom, and put on my bikini again. No point in being modest now. It was too late for that. I went to the kitchen and the boys, now clad again in their shorts, were sitting at the kitchen table. I stood looking at them. They lowered their gazes. They must have been wondering and talking about what was to happen now.

"So," I began, you two have had a wild time, haven't you?" They didn't answer. "Well you can at least tell me whether you enjoyed it or not. You've used me so at least tell me whether I was worth using."

Nathan spoke up. "Mrs.Knight," he began with a stammer, "we don't know what to say. We've done a terrible thing to you, but we've wanted to do it to you for so long we... we kept seeing you in your bikini and... You look so..." "So what?" I intervened. "So clean and sexy," he said with a rush.

I realised they were not going to be able to adequately explain their actions and the feelings that led them to assault me, I said, "You two can go now, but I want to see you tomorrow. I shall be alone, so be here at ten sharp. I shall have something to say to you. And you can put any further rape attempts out of your mind. I won't be such an easy target next time.

They went, leaving me to consider what I was to do. Peter did not return for another hour, and as I had been with Nathan and Simon for about two hours, he had been gone for at least three hours. Did it really take so long to get the car part? I decided not to ask.


John came home from work, and I still hadn't determined whether to tell him or not. As it turned out, I didn't tell him, if for no other reason than I dreaded the thought of all the trouble there would be. Probably court cases, family feuds, the boys going to prison, and sly remarks like "Well, she asked for it," going round the community. So I let the opportunity to tell all, pass. If I didn't say anything now, it would look very suspicious if I came out with it later.

I slept very poorly that night as I struggled with what I was to say to the boys in the morning. There was the moral and religious factor. I had only ever had sex with one man, John. I might be able to quiet my conscience by telling myself it was rape, but although it started out as that, it soon turned to consenting sex. If I had to advise other women what to do in the same circumstances, and I was being totally honest, I would say, "Don't fight it, and cooperate as far as you are able. That way you are less likely to get hurt, and it might even turn into something pleasurable, as it did for me." I finally concluded I would be very blunt with the boys..

Promptly at ten next morning the boys were at the front door. I took them into the lounge and told them to sit. They sat huddled together on the sofa not looking directly at me. I sat opposite them in an armchair.

"I've given this a lot of thought," I began, "and I've decided to tell you where I stand on this matter. I can say it very briefly, and when I've finished you can have your say, all right?" They just nodded.

"Yesterday you two set out to rape me. You both must know that after a while I was not only going along with what you were doing to me, but eventually I was actively encouraging it. You got me so worked up I couldn't fight it anymore. But that is no excuse for what you did. It obviously didn't occur to you that you could simply have asked me if I wanted sex with you, you just grabbed what you wanted."

"On my side, I agree that I must have provoked you by the manner of my dress. Never the less, however I or any other woman dresses, is no excuse for rape. Also, I must admit, that if you had asked me for sex I would have refused. You see, I've known you two almost from birth and one forgets how children grow up, and how their needs change. In my head, you were still children, but now I can see you are young men. You have all the needs and drives of young men, including sexual drives."

"Having said that, I make my confession. You two gave me the most thrilling, satisfying sexual time of my life. I have never had such a wonderful time in bed. If in future you want sex with me, you can ask, but no more rape. Equally, if I want sex with you, I shall ask. Do you understand?"

They were sitting there amazed. I am sure it hadn't occurred to them that I would offer them future sex with me. "I repeated the question. "Do you understand."

They nodded, and Nathan said, "You really mean we can have sex with you whenever we want?" "No," I said, "When we both want."

Nathan started to go on, "Then can we..." "I'll save you the trouble this time," I cut in. "I would like you boys to take me to bed for the day. If either or both of you would like that, then let's go to the bedroom now."

Simon was to the fore this time. He came over to me and planted a soft kiss on my lips. We started for the bedroom, and Nathan followed.

After that, the boys visited me frequently, sometime together, at other times separately. We have explored many avenues of sex I never knew existed when I only had John.

That was four years ago. Nathan is away at a distant university now, and Simon works on an oil rig a long way off. I had some wonderful times with them, but I always knew it would come to an end one way or another.

There are some things that have always puzzled me. On that first day, why was Peter so long away from the house? And, over the years, how did the boys always seem to know when I would be alone for any length of time? Did my own son set me up to be raped? I shall never ask, but, if he did, I bless him for it. I wonder if some older woman has cared for his sexual needs? Perhaps Nathan's or Simon's mothers? Who knows?


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