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Paying Debts to Horny Jocks

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Indebted boy offers his mouth to a horny jock friend.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/19/2022
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Never before was Liam this nervous. He felt pathetic and humiliated, convinced that he was about to lose his best and only friend he met in college. And he could only blame himself for this. Borrowing money from someone you care about is a recipe for disaster. How very foolish of him it was to believe he could pay this sum back on time.

Fast knock on the door. Liam jumped on his bed yet failed to stand up on time; his friend carelessly entered without waiting for any form of permission.

"What's up, homie?" Oliver greeted him cheerfully, closing the door behind himself, as he reached out for a bro handshake. He was a tall, confident extravert who 'adopted' the poor, shy Liam and basically forced him to have some resemblance of social life. "Sheesh, why so grim?"

Liam felt so small that he couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"Oliver... you will probably hate me," Liam began revealing the truth in the most pessimistic way he could think of. "I don't even know how to say it... I'm so sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to pay you back this month. My laptop broke and I've had to fix it or I could not attend the programming classes and it just swallowed my budget..." Oliver sat on his friend's bed right next to him, patiently listening. "I promise, I'll get a second job and I'll try to pay you these three thousand bucks back in a month. If you need them now... I guess I could sell few things but I doubt you'd get much for them..."

Oliver reached out, wrapped his arm around Liam's neck and brought him close to himself for a hug.

"Eh, calm down, buddy. You're literally shaking." Liam's heart began pounding like crazy. Was he really not angry? Would he give him another chance? "Keep these three grands. I don't need 'em." Socked, Liam looked at him, unable to find any words. Oliver snorted, seeing his face. "Don't cream your pants. Consider this a gift from your spoiled friend with rich parents."

"Oliver, this is way too much money! No, I have to pay it back, I..."

"Nah, man. I don't want to see you as a zombie, studying with two different jobs at the same time. It's not a big thing."

"No, Oliver, listen. At this point it's a matter of... I don't know, honor? I value your friendship too much to let that slip."

"Hmmm." Oliver frowned while still smiling, as if he was looking for an idea. "No, I don't want your money. I know it would take a huge tool on you to collect it. But if you insist on paying me back... perhaps there's a favor you could give me."

Liam raised his eyebrows, hopeful, with raising optimism. He was more than eager to listen, as he felt that accepting such debt to go unpaid would change things between them regardless of what Oliver said. Friendships should be equal, after all.

"What can I do for you, man?"

Oliver scratched his head and looked away.

"Funnily enough, just few moments ago I happened to be talking to my other homies and we came to a conclusion that we're all rather... tense lately. Not gonna lie, it's a pretty spontaneous idea but maybe you could help us with that? You know, with you being gay and all, it's not a big deal, eh? I mean, not to brag, but I think we're all pretty good looking lads, so..." Oliver's relaxed face went full panic mode, as he noticed Liam's reaction. "Oh God, Jesus, Liam! I'm so sorry, forgive me, bro! Don't freak out on me, I'm just a dumb straight jock, I'm sorry!" He facepalmed really hard at himself. "Please, forget I asked, I'm a fucking moron, let's pretend I never said anything..."

"Wait, what?" Liam cut him off, entirely confused. Whatever Oliver read on his face had no actual link to Liam's emotions.

"You're not angry?" Oliver gasped.

"Angry? No... Why would I be?"

"Well... the way you looked at me... I thought you were about to flip on me..."

"It was actually just a surprise. I don't understand, why would your friends..." Poor, silly, innocent Liam only now had the sudden realization that made his cheeks immediately burn with a blush. "Oh! Wait... you want me and your friends to... bang?"

Oliver laughed, nervously.

"No, no! Not 'bang'... they're not gay, lmao. Uhh... sorry. I was just thinking of some... some friendly brojobs, perhaps...? You know, so they can release tension..."

Liam's brain clearly bugged out, as he just couldn't stop blinking in confusion.

"So... you want to pimping me out...?"

Oliver gasped again.

"Jesus, Liam! Of course not! If you say no, it's a no. I'd never demand that of you or anyone else, sheesh... I just... assumed that you as a gay guy are thinking similarly to us, straight guys... if we were asked to 'sisjob' some chicks, we wouldn't be thinking long..." He gulped. Now he was the one avoiding Liam's stare. "Yikes, what was I thinking? Bro, come on, forgive me... You know I'm a fucking moron... let's forget that I asked it was..."

Liam fixed his hair, scratched his head and then did the same to his beard, considering things in all the awkward silence that Oliver generously constructed.

"I mean... you're not wrong, dude," Liam admitted. "Your friends are rather hot and I truly am a horny gay man willing to go through a slut phase..." Oliver finally looked at him, surprised. "But I'm still confused. So these guys would actually be eager to receive, as you called it... 'brojob', from me? But why? Don't they all have girlfriends?"

Oliver snorted.

"To be honest, mate, you couldn't say anything more gayer right now. You clearly really don't get how the chicks are. Their willingness to play with their boyfriends is very rarely enough to cover all the sexual needs that guys at our age have... In other words, there are some raging boners out there... and no one to suck 'em."

Liam had to admit: Oliver was doing a great job advertising his idea. The thought of sucking other dudes' cocks was very appealing on its own, but Oliver's friends? They were all among the most gorgeous men Liam ever saw. He knew he would feel anxious at first to do this, but also had no doubts that he would be very fast to fall in love with it.

"To be honest, Oliver... your idea benefits me more than it does you guys..." Liam admitted, smiling.

Oliver brightened up and gave his friend this "you sly dog" kind of smile.

"My man! I knew I could count on you, bro. And I promise to make sure that the other gentlemen treat you with as much love and respect as I will."

Liam only now realized...

"Wait... as you will?" Liam blushed again. "Meaning that..."

Oliver chuckled nervously and looked away again.

"Well... I did say that we are tense lately, did I not...?" Oliver gently grabbed Liam's hand and slowly moved it towards his crotch. Liam immediately felt like he was in a fever, when his fingers rested against the fabric of Oliver's shorts and sensed the growing bulge underneath. "See how tense I am? It's insufferable... It would take a really good friend like you to help me out with that..." He left Liam's hand there and moved his own to caress his gay friend's face with his big thumb, while staring deeply into his eyes, smiling charmingly. "A cute little twink like you going down on me... What more could a guy want?"

Enchanted, yet confused, Liam moved his blushing face, failing to hide his worried expression.

"But... we're friends... I don't want to trade that for... five minutes of pleasure..."

Oliver laughed, loudly.

"Five minutes?! Precious, coming from a guy who loves to refer to me as to a fuckboy..." He surrounded Liam's neck with his heavy arm once again, getting their faces closer to one another. Only this time, Liam realized that his friend was wearing a sleeveless shirt, that exposed his hairy armpit. And while Liam did not believe in human pheromones bullshit, inhaling Oliver's scent covered his thoughts with some blissful fog that made everything so much... swifter. "Unless you meant that you're just so good at blowing guys that they won't last longer than that..." he whispered, again in this charming, bad boy tone of his. Liam finally understood what all of these girls saw in his best friend...

Suddenly, Oliver leaned over for a kiss and Liam fully surrendered. It was gentle, yet deep and sensual at the same time. Liam was not blind; he always knew that Oliver was a hot jock, yet he was convinced that he was straight, so nothing really got to his head. And yet now, their lips were locked together in a passionate kiss. It was a very pleasant dissonance to have. Liam regretted that it couldn't last forever.

"See?" Oliver asked, after breaking the kiss, while remaining so close that Liam could feel the breath from each word that his jock friend spoke, on his own lips. "We kissed and all is good. We're still friends. You could even say that now I love you more than ever before..."

"Why didn't you tell me that you're gay when I came out to you?" Liam asked, quietly.

"I'm not exactly gay, as I primarily enjoy female company. I'm bisexual. I can say 'no homo' if it turns you on, though." He chuckled. "I didn't tell you about this to not pressure you into anything. I have a weakness for twinks like you and I know you needed a caring, gentle friend more than anyone else. Especially more than a horny fuckboy friend with benefits..." He moved on the bed, pushing his bulge deeper into Liam's grasp. "But now that we know each other better... benefits seem natural."

They kissed again and this time, Liam willingly proceeded to rub his friend's bulge. And what an interesting package that was... Liam never thought about it before, but now as he was feeling up its contents, Oliver's size was becoming a curious topic of research.

Unfortunately, the magic was interrupted, as the door to Liam's room has been opened without any warning...

"Oliver, you dickhead. You here?... Oh..." Liam tried to jump away from Oliver, but his friend firmly kept him still in his arms. Some jock friend of Oliver's has entered and began mindlessly gawking at them. Soon, a huge grin showed up on his face. "Well, well... forgive me, gents... am I interrupting something?"

He was a bit shorter than Oliver but at the same time a bit more buff. He had messy dark hair and wore a baseball cap backwards over them. He looked like a hybrid of a jock and skater.

"Don't be ashamed, buddy. It's all good," Oliver told Liam in an encouraging way. "Jesse, I managed to convince Liam to blow me," he revealed and kissed Liam's cheek. "And we were about to begin, so if you don't mind fucking off, I would..."

"Wait, wait, wait..." Jesse interrupted him, closed the door and walked towards them with a smug grin. "I want a blowjob, too..." He raised Liam's chin up to make the boy look him in the eyes. "Liam, sweetheart, a cocksucker like you surely wouldn't mind taking care of my prick as well, right?"

Liam's face made it clear how he felt about being called a "cocksucker" by a stranger.

"He doesn't mean anything bad," Oliver added quickly. "Am I right, Jesse?"

"What?" the jock asked, confused. "Oh, you mean the 'cocksucker'? No, that's a good thing. Especially if you're my cocksucker..."

"Yeah, alright, enough of this," Oliver barked at him. "Wait on the outside." Jesse made a sad face but obediently left the room without making any further comments. "He really didn't mean anything bad, buddy," Oliver whispered, hugging Liam even stronger. "Listen, if you feel like doing something with us both, let me know. If you don't, that's fine, too. No pressure, my man."

Liam took a short while to answer.

"Won't he tell everyone about what we will do?" the boy asked, worried. "I don't want to have a reputation of a slut..."

"He's one of the guys who need a release, Liam. They're a tight circle of most trusted friends. And if that's not enough, I can assure you that the stigma around gayness will effectively prevent them from not being discreet." Oliver caressed Liam's face in a loving manner. "Come on, Liam... I really want to see your pretty lips wrapped around cocks..."

Liam blushed.

"I'll do it with you..." he assured. "But I'm not sure of that other guy. He seems like a jerk."

"Nah, bro... He's a sweet guy, really. Wouldn't hurt a fly. It was just a... banter. He wanted to hype you up with some dirty talk. I can tell him to stop doing that if you want, but... to be honest, I think it makes things more fun, for you and for us. Don't get me wrong, I would give my life to defend you if necessary, but in a safe, controlled space where we're just playing... I would love to see you bullied and pushed around a little bit... it's some dom guy bullshit for sure, but that's just how our dumb brains work... And there is a reason why cute sub guys like you are into jerks like us, right?"

Normally, Liam would offer him a lecture how not every gay man is submissive and has issues that would make him seek a lowkey abusive partner, but caught up in the moment, he felt like his words would be rather shallow.

"How about this," Oliver continued with a new idea. "F or now we will be true gentlemen and once you get comfortable around us, you'll reconsider letting us be a little bit more dirty with you. Obviously, no one will force you to do anything, but I think you will be eager to try it by then."

"Okay... bring him in," Liam decided, although he manifested his doubts with a little sigh.

"Jesse!" Oliver yelled. The doors has opened immediately, like he was just waiting for a sign, and the jock entered with a hopeful face. "My man Liam agreed to play with you, too. Just keep your stupid mouth shut and be nice to him, alright? Show some respect to a lad willing to please you."

Oliver acting so protective brought pleasant warmth to Liam. Especially seeing how it influenced Jesse who carefully nodded not to anger his jock friend.

"Sure thing, man. And forgive me that previous comment, little guy," he reached to Liam for a handshake. "I'm used to dirty talk but I didn't mean anything bad."

"No worries," Liam assured him. "I don't mind being a cocksucker, it's actually a very pleasurable experience."

Liam smiled and stood up, while the pair of curious jocks sat next to each other on his bed, clearly feeling some natural need to manspread. Liam admired their invitingly spread legs. He thought it was incredibly hot that their hairy knees coming out of their shorts banged against one another and apparently they didn't mind this little body contact. Perhaps they actually did whisper 'no homo', just in case.

"Sooo... how do we begin?" Jesse broke the awkward silence, going straight to the business.

"Well... we gotta pull our cocks out," Oliver responded with a grin. "And then our boy Liam will kneel, go between our legs... and do his gay magic..." He grabbed Liam's wrist and pulled him towards himself. "You'll do me first, right, buddy?"

Liam only nodded, not wanting to reveal that he wouldn't have it any other way. Oliver was special to him and he wanted to respect that.

He knelt between Oliver's long legs, resting his arms on his jock friend's thighs, getting comfortable. He never imagined himself kneeling in front of Oliver, with his crotch next to his face, but when he actually found himself there, he couldn't complain. He looked up at his friend's face and his heartbeat increased. Oliver's eyes were burning with desire. His little smug, confident smile made his face look incredibly attractive.

Oliver unzipped, still grinning in an excited way and pulled out his cock and balls. He was already hard. In this huge arousal, his meat effortlessly slid out of the foreskin on its own. Liam haven't even touched him yet but somehow that was enough to make him feel incredibly good and submissive inside of his chest, when this impressive dick unfolded right in front of his face. Oliver's dick... no wonder he was such a successful fuckboy, even a girl would appreciate a nice looking cock like that.

Liam curiously grabbed it with a hand and brought the dickhead to his lips. He felt up his balls -- they were big, his sack was smooth and had a generous amount of skin. He kissed his dick lovingly and placed the head in his mouth, gently sucking it. While doing so, he watched his friend's pubes.

"How does it feel?" Jesse asked, curiously.

Oliver placed his hand on Liam's head, gently caressing his hair. It was just to have a little bit of control, yet to Liam it felt like Oliver just declared that he owns him. He would have lied to himself if he thought he didn't like it.

"Hmmm... He's good," Oliver admitted, frowning in some horny facial expression. "Very good, actually. Very gentle... and plays with my balls... Oh, yeah... Okay, I'm in heaven... He's really, really good..."

Pleasantly tickled, Liam's ego encouraged him to invite the cock even deeper into his throat, to pleasure Oliver in a way he truly deserved. He wanted to outperform any girl that has ever touched his dick. And from the looks of it, he was doing an amazing job.

"I knew it," Jesse said. "There's no way a chick could make a better blowjob than a gay guy. They just know how it is to have a dick..."

Liam pulled Oliver's cock out of his mouth and went lower, to curiously taste his nutsack while continuously jerking him off with a hand. He clearly loved it, as he proceeded to give them long, sensual licks for good thirty seconds before feeding his mouth with the dick again.

"No, it's not that..." Oliver disagreed in a whisper filled with mind-clouding desire. "Chicks are sucking dicks for our pleasure. He... he's doing it for his pleasure. Do you see how passionate he is?" Suddenly, Oliver moaned, raised his foot few inches up into the air for no apparent reason and gently pushed Liam's head deeper onto his cock. "Oh my God..." he moaned. "He's going to make me nut under five minutes..." Oliver fell on his back from the overwhelming pleasure, staring blankly at the ceiling, at least until he closed his eyes. "Liam, baby... don't stop... You're doing this perfectly..."

"Fuck, cum already, I want my cock sucked like that, too!" Jesse barked.

Oliver was holding Liam's head with both hands now. He didn't have to guide him, it was just a way to make sure that he will continue, now that it was just too late to let him stop.

But Liam didn't want to stop. His mouth was full of Oliver's cock and it was a godly feeling. He knew he was a master of blowjobs, his much older ex-boyfriend taught him how to do it well. Now he sucked his friend with a huge confidence and watching Oliver slowly descending into madness from pure bliss was so rewarding. Not as rewarding as the thought that he was about to dump his semen into his throat, though.

He found it fascinating how quickly he began thinking about Oliver as a sexual 'object', not just a friend. It somehow made a lot of sense, however. He always considered him as attractive but never made an effort to be attracted to him. The moment such opportunity showed up, he did not hesitate. And Oliver definitely was a fun 'object' to sexualize.

His friend's cock was in shambles; having no experience like that before, it helplessly surrendered to Liam's mouth and began throbbing. Oliver moaned quietly, as his pulsing cock dumped a generous load of waxy substance that Liam swallowed with an upmost love and respect. When cum stopped flowing, Liam released his softening meat out of his lips and licked it clean.

"Oh my God, bro..." Oliver whined in exhaustion, covering his face with hands. "He can deepthroat without gagging even once..."

"He deepthroated you?!" Jesse gasped in both surprise and excitement. Liam smiled, confidently, really enjoying the all this praise.

"Didn't you see?"

"Your fucking thigh covered everything, man!"

"Well, that's because he let me enter this deep, bro." Oliver raised up from his back to sit properly on the bed, revealing that he was all red on his handsome face. He grabbed Liam by arms and pulled him up, going for a kiss. Liam was surprised; he expected someone like Oliver to be the kind disgusted by his own semen. Instead, he offered the boy a full kiss with tongue dancing. "Okay, baby. You did great. To be honest, I never imagined you to be this good at this," he admitted, not able to hide his joy and excitement. "Suck off this clown now, okay?"


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