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Pearl Necklace Princess

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Leni Klum models for postmodernist furniture.
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up. I do not make money from these stories. Please do not copy and plagiarize my work.

This story was a request from my good friend Angry Dutchman. The celeb choice and themes came from him, enjoy!


New York City, New York

Lights shined in the distance across the glass in the shapes of squares from various windows in skyscrapers. They appeared as boxes in rows with no pattern. Down below, one could see the headlights of cars as tiny dots as the vehicles moved in lines following traffic. New York had a reputation as the city that never sleeps. There was truth to a tired cliché, depending on who you asked. Leni Klum had her own opinions based on the limited experience she had living in the Big Apple for five months now. It all started with her choice of university, which led her across the country. She had her famous parents to thank in part for this choice. Her mother, Heidi Klum, stayed across the country in Los Angeles when filming America's Got Talent. Other times, they lived in Miami together before Leni ventured out on her own.

New York was her choice to go alone. At twenty years old, Leni felt she had to get out and see the world for herself. There was only so much she could learn and experience with her mother's guidance. On her first chance to get out and see the world without someone looking over her shoulder, Leni took that opportunity. At college, she studied in the field of architecture. Her real dream was to become a supermodel and follow in the footsteps of her mom's glory. The name Heidi Klum still carried weight as a household name. Her success was international, as she led the charge as a Victoria's Secret model in her home country of Germany and in the United States. Dual citizenship was something Leni grew up with, always excited about traveling alongside her mother. Fashion shows in Miami, L.A., and NYC were all the rave.

The landscape of fashion and modeling had changed greatly since the heyday of Heidi's fame. Leni wanted to chase the dream of appearing in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Her official debut in the modeling industry came with a mother-daughter photoshoot for a lingerie brand. Leni was proud of that moment. Through her mom's connections she was quickly signed to an agency in Miami and picked up campaign contracts for brands Dior and GHD. Some would say that she already had a 'big break', but it wasn't enough to satisfy Leni. The way she saw success from her mom's level of fame, she knew that she could be so much more. It was stressed to her last year that she needed to have a backup plan in case her modeling career never reached massive levels of stardom. That was the only reason she decided to go to college in the first place. The only other interest she had besides modeling was in architecture.

Studying interior design is what led her to step into this elevator alone. The back wall was made entirely of glass with a metal ring offering a safety bar. It was a nightmare for anyone with acrophobia to watch as the height was scaled the higher a floor was. Leni stood, studying her own reflection for a moment, before glancing down at the busy streets. A fascinating sight that would have made for a good photograph or even passing moments filmed on video. She considered fetching her phone from her purse that was attached to her shoulder, but chose against it. The elevator ride was only a short trip along the way to meet with a friend. In her classes, Leni developed connections with a few students studying postmodernistic architecture. Some she considered to be friends, others were simple acquaintances that she figured she would forget all about once she left the university.

As the daughter of a world-famous model, her reputation as the daughter of a famous model spread on campus. Leni caught the watchful eye of many young men but refused their advances with no interest in indulging herself in the party lifestyle that was ever so prominent. Sometimes she considered going out to nightclubs but kept reminding herself not to do anything that could jeopardize her career as a model. Among the friends she made, one was a young man studying Roman and Greek styles. That was more appealing than the direction Leni found herself going with postmodernism. She couldn't say she particularly enjoyed the designs, but she found them to be interesting for whatever reason. This journey in the night was to meet someone that another friend had put her in contact with. There were always people who 'had a friend who knows someone' offering a chance to get out and explore the city under the excuse of studying.

Instead of waiting in the lobby, Leni found herself fascinated by the elevator. Here she was still looking at her own reflection across the glass. When it stopped at the final floor, she pressed the lobby button to go back down. The doors were made of a harsh metal painted gray that almost gave off an oppressive feel. There was something to appreciate about the darker colors and sleek look. Leni felt the need to write something in a report detailing the design choices. This building was once a resource center for a tech company and was converted into a hotel. The elevators were one of the few things left from the original look. Everything else had been converted into something to appeal to more friendly emotions. It wasn't hard for her to imagine the interior of the building decorated in black and gold colors, unlike the drab navy blue and white walls. When the elevator doors slid open, she stepped out. Her heels clicked and clacked across the black tiled floor as she began to walk.

Her long blonde hair was split down the middle, with waves bouncing behind her shoulders. With every step she took, Leni's big breasts bounced. It was a bold and brave choice for her to go out in the night wearing a crop top that revealed her cleavage. For her, it was all about the sense of pride she had in her body. Her legs were covered entirely by a pair of blue jeans. She often wondered what it was like for her mom to go out in public and be recognized by people on the street. Her purse was a simple black bag with gold zippers and buttons. Leni crossed the lobby without a care in the world. She often caught the gaze of people and friendly smiles, but she knew it couldn't compare to her mom's fame. Some day that would change, she reminded herself. These thoughts shifted to the back of her mind when she caught sight of her friend across the lobby sitting in a chair, acting as if he didn't see her. David's face was hidden in a magazine, his eyes crossing the pages. Leni walked over and smirked at him.

"Long night, David?"

The young man raised his head, shifting his dark eyes to her face to smirk.

"Um, no. It's been a quiet night though."

Leni rolled her eyes at him. She could guess he had been sitting around for at least an hour before they met. Back at the university, David had a reputation for talking a big game with people he knew. The saying went along the lines of 'I know someone who knows someone' and carried over from there. It was odd of him to want to meet in a hotel like this since neither of them would be booking a stay. He sat up and tossed the magazine aside to reveal the five o'clock shadow over his once clean shaved face. David's hair was short and brown, almost matching his hair. A blue T-shirt went with his khaki pants for a casual look at night. Leni crossed her arms over her busty chest while looking at him.

"So why did you want me to come all the way out here? I know I'm stating the obvious, but we're a long way from campus."

"I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine."

"He stays here?"

David nodded.

"He has a residential suite near the top."

"You know this for a fact?"

She raised an eyebrow after her question. David nodded at her.

"Of course! I come up here all the time to hang out with this guy. His apartment is way bigger than anything I've ever seen."

Rising up from the chair, David began to walk to the elevator. Leni followed by his left side.

"Come on, I'll take you up to meet him."

"You could've just texted me."

"Then it wouldn't be a date."

David smirked as they reached the elevator. Leni rolled her eyes and shook her head before stepping through the metal doors.


He began laughing as he reached to press the button.

"If you wanted a date with me, why didn't you just ask like a normal person?"

"You would've said no."

"How would you know?"

Shrugging his shoulders, David tried not to smirk. He was too much of a buffoon for Leni to be angry with him. This was his way of showing attraction in an awkward way. She didn't mind that from him, since David had proven himself to be harmless months ago. As the elevator rumbled up, her eyes shifted to the streets again. David noticed this and spoke up.

"That's a long way down, huh?"

Laughing at him, she nodded.

"Yes. It's a marvelous sight, don't you think?"

"I guess so. I don't want to be too close to that."

Leni smiled. She had not noticed how close he stood to the elevator doors due to his fear of heights. The least she could do was change the subject.

"So who is your friend again? I can't remember if you told me his name yesterday."

"I know him as Eddie. His dad is Marty Johan, you know, the Bowellism designer here in New York."

Bowellism was a style of postmodernist architecture Leni had recently been reading about in the past week. She nodded in response to David's words.

"Oh, right. I remember his name somewhere."

"Yeah, Eddie is his son. He designs furniture for his old man. He lives up here on the fourteenth floor."

When the elevator stopped, David was quick to step out. Leni followed him down a corridor with black walls and lamp shades on both sides between each door. David led the way as the only one who knew the room number they were looking for. Leni noticed the numbers in gold decorations attached to the black doors. He stopped at #8 and knocked with his left hand.

"Eddie! It's me, David! Open up!"

After three knocks, there was no answer. Bass beats could be heard beyond the door in a pattern similar to club music. David sighed and started yelling at the door.

"Come on, man! I know you're in there! I brought my friend Leni to meet with you about that modeling thing you talked about!"

There was still no answer. Leni smiled upon seeing David blurt out the true reason she wanted him to meet his friend. He never gave her the full details. Like many of their interactions, the details spilled out by accident of his big mouth. David knocked on the door again, slamming his knuckles onto the hard wood.

"Eddie! I know you're in there!"

"Fuck off, David! I'm busy, and you're fucking disturbing me!"

Leni had to hold herself back from laughing at how ridiculous Eddie's voice sounded. There was something about his choice of words and how they were yelled that almost made her laugh.

"God damn it, Eddie! You told me to meet with you tonight!"

"And plans have changed! Now fuck off! I'm busy!"

"Busy doing what!?"

"None of your fucking business! I said, FUCK OFF!!"

David grunted and stomped away from the door. Leni followed behind him.

"I can't believe that guy. He always does this when I try to bring someone over."

"What? You don't think he was really busy in there?"

Leni joked with her questions as they returned to the elevator. The doors shut behind them before David replied.

"No, he's not busy. You heard the music. If he's doing anything, he's probably painting."

"So he's an artist on top of being a designer?"

"Yeah, but I don't think he sells most of his art. If he is, I haven't seen it in any shops."

She pressed the button this time to bring the elevator down to the lobby. It was a quiet trip back down to the lobby. When they stepped out, David spoke again.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time. I didn't know Eddie was going to waste your time."

"It's no big deal. I wouldn't have gotten to see the city from a cool elevator had I not gone out tonight."

There was always a bright side to something, Leni thought to herself. She wasn't discouraged that this meeting went nowhere. As she walked across the lobby floor with David, she smiled at him.

"You mentioned something about modeling. I take it that Mr. Eddie is looking for a model?"

"Yeah. I should've told you beforehand. He needs someone to model for him with his new furniture back at his dad's store."

"Oh, that sounds cool."

"I'll text you the address of his shop."

"And if I show up, I guess I have to hope he's at work tomorrow?"

They exchanged looks, smiling, before chuckling at each other. Leni was the first to step out of the front door and back into the night. The cool air was comfortable without the hard freeze from the previous winter months.

"Did you bring your car?"

David asked as he glanced around.

"No, I took a cab. I'm taking one back to the university if you want to ride with me."

"Sure, why not?"

She knew he wasn't going to say no. Since David referred to this night as a date, Leni figured she could tease him by taking a ride back to campus together. She felt bad for him due to the fact that his friend had other ideas instead of having company tonight. Riding in the back of a yellow cab was part of the New York experience. It was just a little something Leni wanted to say she did, in case she ever had the chance to brag to anyone about living in the big city. After a few minutes, David saw a taxi drive close to the sidewalk. He waved until the driver stopped. Leni walked to the left side passenger door, and David opened the right. They climbed into the car together, with David eager to speak to the driver to give him the destination. Leni fastened her seatbelt for what would be a short trip before she could crash for some much needed sleep.



Cars passed at slow speeds across the road. The afternoon came with gray clouds blocking out the sunlight in full overcast. This view was not as depressing as the roads back to the university. Leni stood across the street, gazing upward at the large sign that read 'Eclecticó' in a thin, Art Deco style font. Had she arrived at night, the sign would have likely been lit up with white or golden hues, or so she guessed. David gave her the location in a text message hours earlier. She had to hope Eddie would be willing to show his face once she entered. Her hands were pushed into the pockets of her white trench coat. Leni only chose this jacket due to the expectation of rain by 3 PM. It was tied around her waist, making a V shape that showed her black crop-top with an impressive amount of cleavage on display. The ends of the top were tucked into her denim blue jeans.

With the chance of rain today, Leni had to resort to a pair of black boots instead of heels. She rarely wore them, but days like this were calling for them. When the traffic passed, she dashed across the road and to the street outside the shop. The glass windows were covered entirely by black curtains. Leni found it strange that there wasn't a display of furniture in the windows like any other store on the block. She grabbed the metal door and invited herself in with a bell dangling above. Inside, the first thing she was greeted by were the dim lights on the ceiling and a large room made up of various pieces of furniture. Black and white lines covered one wall with an array of furniture, from chairs to tables, in the most strange designs. The only way Leni could figure someone would come up with such ideas was through the heavy use of psychedelics.

"Hi there, can I help you?"

A man called to her from Leni's right side. He was tall with short hair and wearing a black tuxedo with a polka-dotted bowtie. She turned and greeted him with a smile.

"Yes, I'm looking for Eddie Johan."

"Oh, the boss man. He's upstairs in his office."

"Do you think he's busy right now?"

"I don't know."

"Can you go ask him if he has time to see someone?"

The man nodded at her.

"Sure. Are you looking for a job?"

She shook her head.

"No. Just tell him I tried to see him last night. He should remember."

"Oh, okay. Can I tell him your name?"

"Yes, it's Leni Klum."

With a nod, it was apparent that the man did not recognize her. Had she said Heidi, he probably would've moved in a hurry to tend to her needs. She smiled as he walked off. The bowtie on his suit seemed so out of place, but then again, the same could be said for everything in this room. Every piece of furniture had strange, abstract compositions that made her question why anyone would purchase such things. What kind of person wanted to walk into their bedroom and sit down in a chair that looked like it came from a drug fueled frenzy? The same could be said for every piece of furniture in this large room. Leni tried not to think too much about the weirdness she was faced with. The man wandered off, and she was left to glance across wooden shelves, chairs, and tables. Her gaze was interrupted by a loud door opening a few moments later.

"Miss. Klum?"


"You can come in and see Mr. Johan. He's expecting you."

Stepping across the room, Leni took one look at the left-side wall, noticing framed paintings. They were difficult to admire in the strange patterns with an array of colors that almost made her head spin. The door was painted red, sticking out from the black wall. The man led her into a hallway that was also hard on the eyes. White walls, a checkered floor in red and black, and a white ceiling.

"His office is right down the hall. He's in the second door on your left."

Leni heard the door close behind her as the man stepped out. She took a moment to observe her surroundings. The odd colors were not welcoming by any means. She ignored whatever feelings she had as she made the short walk, finding the second door that was open to an office. Eddie Johan stood in front of his desk. A buttoned-up shirt with blue and white stripes covered a chubby belly, slightly slagging over his black slacks. He waved at her with a friendly smile. His hair was short, black, and in a swoop style.

"Hi there, you must be Miss. Klum."

"And you must be Mr. Johan."

"The name's Eddie."

"So I've heard. You do know I was at your apartment last night with my friend David, right?"

With a nod, he stepped around his desk. Leni entered the room, glancing around to see how empty the space was. Filing cabinets sat near a window in the back. A bookshelf was on the right side, but it was absent of any hardbacks. There was a large white fan on the left side of the room, possibly to make up for the lack of a window air conditioning unit. Behind the desk was a large, black leather chair that looked as if it had seen several years of proper use.

"David always likes to bring someone over when I'm in the middle of something."

"So you were busy?"

Leni smirked, feeling a sense of satisfaction with her wisecracks. Eddie grinned at her.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I was. I didn't want to be disturbed, you know? Besides, I wanted to meet you without him there. David talks too much, you know?"

She laughed.

"I'm well aware. He's a chatterbox every day of the week."

"Yeah, that's what I mean. No one can concentrate when he's always yapping."

His eyes dropped from her face when he noticed the heavy cleavage in the front of her top. Leni saw his sight travel downward, then back at her face. He tried to smile, as if he didn't notice her tits at all.

"I'm looking for a model to help sell some of my new products."

"That's what David said."

"Well, he's right. I've been designing some new chairs and a kitchen table. Real state of the art stuff. No one has anything like I make. If I had someone like you posing in front of my work, I think some stores would be lining up to stock them."

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