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Peeping Tomasena

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A female peeping Tom.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/22/2008
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Now before I start, you may wonder "Why Tomasena?" Well, what would you call a girl who loves to watch other people doing naughty things to each other, a female peeping Tom?

The answer is simple. I get off on every opportunity to watch couples, or any other combination of people, or any single person doing anything sexy. It started with simple dog walking. I took the dogs out one sunny afternoon; it was so warm the sun streaming through the trees.

I had let the dogs loose as it was miles from the road. Whenever my Lassie starts to act strange, like there is someone about, she always comes close to me. If a stranger comes in sight or within her hearing, she walks so close in front of me that she almost trips me up.

On that day, I looked around and saw nothing. But as I walked I could hear what sounded like a woman's voice making those unmistakable sounds of sexual pleasure. I called the dogs to me very quietly. They are very well trained so I didn't need to raise my voice.

Following the sound I spotted a man's backside pumping up and down, obviously fucking some lucky girl. I hushed the dogs to prevent them from barking and watched, getting close as I dare as he rammed his cock into her like he was some sort of fucking machine. My god, he was giving her some serious sex.

I stayed watching as long as I dare, totally mesmerised by the spectacle in front of me, feeling my pussy getting wet at the thoughts of her being fucked so hard and so well. I think I might have been just a little jealous.

I wished it was me in her place getting well fucked, but as he groaned and was obviously about to come, I tore myself away from the sexiest sight I have ever encountered and walked quickly away. As soon as I got home my clothes were off, my fingers doing what I wanted that stranger to have done. I brought myself to one of the best orgasms I have ever had with my fingers.

The thoughts of watching those two young people in the woods stayed with me for weeks. Every time I thought about them I got all hot and wet. I started to walk the dogs more often. Every day I would scour the woods hoping to see a repeat performance.

It was several months later when, after walking the dogs, I was almost home I spotted a car parked in the trees. As I neared it I noticed it was rocking, giving away the occupants, a young couple; it was so obvious what they were doing.

I got as close as I dare and peeped through the window. The woman was riding her man such that her face was in full view. She had her eyes shut, so didn't see me as I crept closer, almost touching the car as it rocked gently on it's suspension in time with her vigorous thrusting.

She opened her eyes and smiled at me, not blinking at my intrusion. She seemed to welcome my presence. Of course I had heard of dogging but I had never before witnessed anything like this.

She suddenly jumped off him. His cock was sticking up. It was huge. She knelt on the passenger seat and bent her head down to his cock, turning her face sideways to give me a clear view of her mouth as it devoured his big brute.

He looked at me indicating I should show myself, signalling me to pull my skirt up. But I daren't do it. As hot as I was, it was just too much for me to expose myself in public.

I must have watched those two for half an hour before another car pulled into the car park. I walked away quickly, feeling so sexy and I rushed home to relieve myself. I lay on my bed, my clothes thrown on the floor as I tore them off, so eager was I to get my fingers to work on my wet pussy.

Closing my eyes I let my fingers roam, touching myself; first the outer lips - I felt the overflow of moisture that had seeped out, then opened my outer lips, stretching them wide, feeling the cooling effect of the summer breeze wafting through the window, fanning the flames of desire.

I was deliberately not touching my clit. That would have to wait. I wanted this to last, inserting just one finger deep into my saturated cunt, enjoying the wetness on my finger, making little circular motions round and round and driving my already overheated body into overdrive.

My mind pictured that pretty young girl riding her man, her tits bouncing in time with her lustful actions. I imagined how she must have felt, fucking him, knowing that I was watching her every move, delighting in her sexual performance.

How I wished it was me, not her, with my cunt full of hard cock. Oh! How I needed to be filled, to be fucked hard just as she had been and, yes, I would have loved to wrap my lips around his big hard shaft, kissing and sucking him to climax. I would have taken every drop of his come, swallowing it all and then shown him the residue on my tongue before kissing him hard on his mouth, letting him taste himself, giving him a little of what he had given me.

This was getting so good. My mind is the sexiest part of my being. It can take me where no other part can. My imagination runs wild as I give in to the need to touch my clit, knowing it will make me come so quickly.

The first touch was, of course, expected. It is my finger, after all, but the shock of contact was like an electric shock, sending waves of pure pleasure through me, sending those wonderful messages to my brain, setting fire to my libido.

My clitty felt so big, so engorged, sticking out of its little hood like a tiny penis, and just as sexy. I can feel the heat as my finger rolls it gently round, making me gasp at the intensity of the passion I'm generating in my cunt.

I slipped my finger back into the slippery depths, feeling the effect that my finger was causing, my vagina gripped my finger like a vice, throbbing and pulsating; no help from me was needed. This was purely automatic.

My tits need some attention so leaving my pussy to its own devices. I grip both my nipples hard, making myself gasp with the pain and excitement of the sensations coursing through my body. Why do I love to make my eyes water by griping my nipples so hard?

I could wait no longer. One hand stroked across my flat belly and found my clit waiting patiently for its release. I rolled my finger round it until I could stand it any longer, changing to a vigorous rubbing motion, my orgasm only seconds away. My mind tripped back to that lovely young woman riding her man.

As the climax hit me my mind was in a whirl, just imagining that his cock was buried deep inside me, my pussy gripping and squeezing him like it was trying to do to my fingers. Oh! How I wished I was that girl.

I walked day after day in those woods trying to find another couple making love outside. It had become an obsession with me; I need to watch someone fucking in the woods.

As the summer draw to a close, it became more difficult to walk the dogs in daylight. I didn't like walking in the woods at night; after all there were some very strange men at large after dark. However it would always be necessary to exercise those three hounds.

I thought it would be safe to go out with three big dogs by my side as they looked a lot fiercer that they were. In fact they were the biggest wimps ever. If anyone came near they would hide behind me, but the look of them should be enough.

So, dressed for the cold winter evening, I went out. I walked quite briskly so as not to draw too much attention to myself. The dogs ran beside me, free of their leashes. We walked about a mile and turned back for home. We had to cross the car park to get on to the road and walk the short distance home.

I noticed several cars parked - mostly in the bushes at the sides of the park. I looked, thinking those naughty thoughts. Were any of those cars full of sexy people, wanting to show off their sexual prowess?

I saw that one car had the interior light on, so I made a slight detour to walk close to it. Yes, there was a man and a girl sitting in the front seat, snogging deeply. I slowed right down as I neared the window, angling even closer, making sure that, if there was anything to see, I wouldn't miss it.

As I got to the car I just stopped, knowing it was very dangerous for a young woman to be loitering in an unlit car park at night. This couple obviously wanted to show off. What if some men had seen them and came to investigate?

My feet refused to move, seeming to be rooted to the ground. My eyes carefully watching his hands as he slowly pushed the front of her tee shirt higher until, her white bust was showing clearly. She had no bra on. There was nothing except his hand to hide her wonderful young tits from me.

He rolled her nipples around like I love to do to mine. It was making me long for sex, my pussy was getting so wet, I could feel the moisture seeping into my knickers. I wanted so much to touch myself.

Another car came into the car park shining its lights across me and the car I was watching. It scared me so much I ran for the road leaving this wonderful sight. Why, oh why did that car come and spoil my pleasure?

Making it safely back to my home I did something very much like last time, stripping off my clothes and giving myself a huge climax, better that I had ever experienced before. It was almost as good as that first time but lacking only in the image of her fucking him.

My husband came home and I reverted to the little housewife, cooking him some supper and watching TV until bedtime. My mind wasn't on the program though; it was in that car park, watching his hand fondle her milky white tits.

At work the following day I simply couldn't get the image of that car out of my mind, wondering how on earth I could be brave enough to stand and watch as some man made love to his girl, while I enjoyed the scene.

A plan started to form in my mind. If I had been a man no-one would have given me a second glance. It was because I am a woman that it was so risky. What could I do to overcome this situation?

One evening, arriving home after dark again, the dogs were going mad wanting their walk. The poor things had been at home alone all day but did have the run of the house and a flap in the back door to get out whenever they wanted to, though only into the back garden that had high fences to protect them.

I ran upstairs, quickly changing from my office suit to some old jeans and a big sloppy jumper. I decided I would also wear a pair of big old boots that I used for gardening. Back down stairs I found hubby's long waxed cotton coat. It came almost to the ground on me.

This effectively hid the fact I was female. I looked just like a small man with this big old coat covering my curves. I took the dogs for their usual long walk, hoping that the young couple would be in the car park by the time I returned. Alas, it was not to be, the car park was empty.

I risked waiting around for a while, knowing my husband wouldn't be home for well over an hour. I had the time, I just needed the courage. Dare I wait for someone to come? There were some old picnic benches back in the woods, dare I sit and wait for a while?

Yes I did, but it still drew a blank. No-one else came - just me, the dogs, and a big empty car park. To say I was disappointed would be the understatement of the year. I was gutted; all that planning and nothing to show for it.

Did you know those waxed cotton coats had special pockets, a normal one and another slit that you could put your hand through to reach inside. I suppose so that you could access the pockets of whatever you had on underneath. It's a clever idea, isn't it?

My jeans were too tight to put my hands in the pockets - most girls jeans are. I often wonder why they bother to put pockets in girls' jeans. They are just about useless, especially as tight as I liked to wear mine. Then it occurred to me that I could touch myself between my legs through this special pocket and give myself a big thrill. Not that it did much for me that night, except frustrate me further. There were no cars to peep in and there was no way to access my pussy either.

Like most good inventions necessity is the mother. It made me think about what I could wear in future, because I was sure to find another car sooner of later with a couple in it who wanted to be watched, wasn't I?

I returned home disappointed, still thinking about ways to be able to peep without being spotted as a woman doing a very male thing. I wanted so much to watch another couple, like in that first car, actually making love to each other. It made me so horny and excited; I wanted more of that wonderful feeling.

After supper I spent some time looking through my wardrobe trying to find just the right pair of trousers but everything I owned was tight. So tight that it was impossible to slip my hand down the top, and the zip on most of them was at the side.

Still searching I came across an old pair of open crotch tights that I bought but never wore, well only once to thrill him. He liked that sort of thing. I prefer stockings and even more I love suspenders. They are much more sexy that these horrible looking tights. Then I had an idea.

Sorting through my trousers again I found a pair of tight fitting pants that had grass stains on them from a BBQ last summer. I had tried to get the stain out but I couldn't and they were useless. I went to my sewing room and, using the tights as a pattern, cut the trousers and stitched them just like the open crotch tights.

Leaving only a waist band and four strips of material to hold up the legs, my entire crutch was now open and very exposed. Unfortunately the pants were white so I quickly mixed some dye and changed the colour to a very dark blue - navy blue much like the sort of colour of pants a man would wear for walking at night if, like me, he didn't want to advertise his presence. I washed dried and ironed them and I tried them on as soon as my hubby left for work. I stripped off my dressing gown, and, looking in the mirror, I pulled these almost trousers up and fastened them around my waist.

I admired my work. I looked so damn sexy, only the slim pieces of material covering my otherwise naked bum. The holes at the back and sides were totally superfluous; I didn't need to open them up at all. It was just vanity that made me copy the crotch less tights so accurately, knowing how much men like those ugly things.

But this wasn't ugly at all. It was down right horny. Did I dare to go out wearing nothing but these cut away trousers under his old coat? I fetched it from the cloakroom and, standing in front of my mirror, I slipped it over my shoulders. Just a tee shirt covered my upper half. I had no bra because that would push my bust up and out, I wanted, for once, to hide my wonderful tits.

I fastened the coat to the lowest button, just below my knees, standing up to see if it was obvious that I was not the man I pretended to be. My hand slipped into the false pocket, feeling naked skin, sending shivers down my spine. Was I brave enough?

I walked out into my garden, still completely safe, but the sensations having my pussy bare under this old coat made my skin all goose pimply. I wanted to go out of the garden but I had to get ready for work, so reluctantly I went back indoors.

A quick shower and I set off to work. Oh how I hated every minute of that day, it seemed as if this evening would never come. I normally love my job but today it seemed so pointless and such a waste of my precious time; time that could have been spent looking for young couples in cars.

I raced home faster than I should have done. Thank goodness there were no police with speed cameras about. I hit ninety miles an hour along the by-pass in my eagerness to get home to those cut away trousers and hubby's old coat.

My heart was beating like a drum, so fast, like a teenager on her first date wondering if she will, or won't give in to him. That night, was it to be the night she would become a woman? Can you remember those times? I know I can very clearly, as if it were right now.

I wasted no time on the usual leisurely cup of coffee and perhaps a teacake. Nothing was going to stop me now. I dashed up to my bedroom, stripping off my suit and of course my undies, quickly finding those trousers hidden in the back of my wardrobe.

As I pulled them up around my waist I couldn't help notice the way they framed my pussy, exposed so nicely. My bum looked so round and cute and just as exposed. I felt and looked so sexy. I just knew this was going to be the night!

I wrapped my almost naked body in his coat, the hood pulled up over my head hiding most of my long blond hair. I called the dogs, and went out through the gate. It was as if I was someone else instead of the respectable house wife and career girl I had always thought myself. I felt like a tart; a brazen little tart.

My hands were busy with the dog leads until I reached the woods. Then, as soon as I had released the leads, my hands went into the special pockets, both sides slipping directly onto my bare flesh. God was I hot. I could feel the heat emanating from my exposed pussy. I could even smell the aroma that usually only made itself apparent in the bedroom; that musky smell of a woman on heat, ready for whatever her man desired of her, wanting everything he had to give and perhaps more!

I cheated those poor dogs in my haste to get back to the car park, only to be disappointed. Not a car in sight. I sat at the same picnic table, but this time my fingers had ample access to my hot wet bits.

I had to be careful not to make myself come. It was so good being able to do this in a public place but feeling hidden from view by this big old coat. I waited for at least half an hour before the lights of a car pieced the gloom of the forest, searching as they swung around, coming to a stop only a few yards away from where I was sat.

I prayed it was not just another dog walker parking his car. I realised I was holding my breath waiting to see what happened next, my finger automatically stroking my naked flesh hidden under my coat.

The interior lights in the car came on as someone opened the door, then the other door opened as well. In the dim glow cast by the small light I could just about make out a man and a woman. The front doors slammed shut, then the back doors opened and they both climbed in, onto the back seat. Had my prayers been answered?

As the back doors closed, the interior light faded and all was dark and very quiet. Dare I walk out to the car and peep inside? What was happening in that back seat? People don't usually get in the back of their car to sit and read, but were their intentions as base as mine?

Not wanting the dogs to give me away, I tied their leads to the picnic table and I crept slowly out towards the car, hoping I was not seen by the occupants. I was almost there when suddenly the interior light flickered on again. It didn't seem a dim glow now. It was so bright; it looked like competition for Blackpool illuminations in the dark of this lonely car park.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Had they seen me stealing forward to peep into the car? Was the light an indication of the door being opened, or was it, as I hoped, lit to show what they were doing to any dirty old man that happened to come along; or, as in this case, a dirty young woman.

Frozen to the spot, I waited to see what happened next. I could see them sitting in the back snogging like a couple of teenagers, his hands exploring the front of her shirt, the bottom of it coming open as he eased his hand further up, onto her tits.

Creeping forward again, I knew I should not be here but I couldn't help myself. I had this fixation in my mind for watching this, whatever it turned out to be. Both my hands were working on my wet pussy, bringing me dangerously close to a climax as I stood there watching this scene unfold before my eyes.

My feet wouldn't obey my instructions to stop, and crept forward, bringing me closer to the pool of light surrounding the car until I was right up to the side. I was now looking down on this young couple fondling and feeling each other, knowing they were on display to anyone who happened to look. Yes this was exactly what I had hoped for all day.


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