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Pelican Point Pt. 03

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Mark gets several mouthfuls of Bao on his office desk.
3.9k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/21/2020
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Over the next few months, I was having sex with my boyfriend George two or three times a week and then with nineteen year old Bao nearly every Thursday night. Yes that makes me sound like a complete slut but well... I like sex. I was going out with George to the pub, to see a movie or to go to a restaurant. Sometimes we just watched TV or DVDs together in my apartment or more rarely at his house. He was out to his parents of course but we never had sex at his house, only ever at my flat. Well... that's not quite true but I don't want to give away all my secrets.

Bao always fucked me bareback as he had the first time. A few times we fucked twice but mostly we just talked after sex. Even though George had often fucked me twice in a night, I found fucking a second time after bareback sex with Bao a little unpleasant at first. It felt like something might leak out.

Bao and I usually talked about mathematics, science, the university, the professors and sometimes the other students. I did ask him some questions about his life in China but once I really upset him so I avoided it.

"Where are you from in China Bao?"

"Oh I'm from Beijing."

"Ah really! What was it like living there?"

"It isn't very nice actually. Very cold in winter, hot in summer, always very polluted. I did very well at school but the other kids didn't like me and sometimes beat me up."

"Why? Did they know you are gay?"

Bao isn't stereotypically gay in any way.

"No it wasn't that. Most of the teachers were good to me, especially the school principal who pulled some strings to let me come here."

He hadn't answered my question but I didn't push him.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Oh no Mark. Don't you know China has a one child policy?"

"Yes, but I thought they relaxed it."

"Yes they did, but not for Beijing and especially not for my parents."

Suddenly he looked away. Then I realised that he was crying.

"Bao? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to upset you!"

I moved over and hugged him. He turned around and hugged me back. I just held him. He cried for a while but I didn't feel that I should try to ask him why what I had said had upset him.

Later I walked to his apartment building with him. It turned out he lived only five minutes walk from my mine. We talked about other things, the other students he shared with and etc. and avoided the subject of his home life.

I do love Bao and I know he loves me and although our relationship started with sex, it moved beyond it. Nevertheless, I felt an inexplicable, irrational and extremely hypocritical pang of hurt when he told me that he'd met a guy at the nightclub, gone home with him and that they'd fucked.

After I recovered I asked,

"I hope you used a condom?"

"Yeah I did. It felt a bit weird but still okay. Is it okay if I still not use one with you Mark?"

"Yeah, it's okay."

The first time I saw him in university tutorial class after we'd had sex, he was again as red as a tomato, smiling ear to ear but so cute it nearly made my cry. Not only that, seeing this guy, pressed white shirt, his old school tie, grey trousers, shiny black shoes, so cute, so boyish but then remembering him naked, his beautiful erect cock, his fur like black pubic hair against his creamy white perfectly toned body, remembering him looking into my eyes as he fucked me... it nearly made my head explode.

We were going through the questions of the previous assignment. I was explaining the correct answers.

He put his hand up and said "Excuse me Mark."

It was cute that some of the university students still put their hands up in tutorial. Of course it was still necessary in lectures simply because there were so many students there, otherwise you wouldn't be noticed.

"Yes Mr. Zhang," I said.

A few of the other students giggled and Bao went an even darker shade of red.

"Oh, sorry Mr. Andrew. Umm... is there a fourth integral of a moment generating function so that..."

His smile was so wide that he could hardly speak. The other students looked at him weirdly. Later, after he'd fucked the me a few more times, he was more relaxed. He still stayed to talk to me after class and once or twice, we took the enormous risk of kissing.

Then one day we were so horny that I asked him to come to my office. It's a weird office, part of a building inside another building. Outside are the labs which include some pretty special equipment and there's an overhead crane. My office does have windows but they are not windows to the outside if that makes any sense. Anyway they were usually closed by roller blinds.

Even though we only had half an hour, Bao had to go to a lecture, I locked the door, stripped all his clothes off, sat him on my desk and started sucking his beautiful cock. I just undid my trousers and got my cock out and wanked while I sucked him. Of course someone might have come to my office to see me but somehow the risk made me even hornier. I could tell that Bao was extremely turned on too.

I took his fat perfectly straight cock deep into my throat so that my nose pushed into his pubic fur. He moaned, laid back on my desk, completely naked and started playing with his nipples. Then suddenly he stopped moaning and made a loud groan. I felt his cock throbbing and pulsing in my mouth and a moment later felt my mouth flooded with his sweet sperm. I swallowed but it kept coming. I swallowed three or four times before it subsided and I had to squeeze his cock to get more of his juice. I had orgasmed when I first tasted his semen but with his cock in my mouth, my usual yells had been muted to loud mmmmmms.

"I'm doing that to you next time, he said smiling."

Bao is the only guy I know who treats sex as purely fun, completely seperate from our friendship or love for each other. He got dressed in his usual schoolboy like clothes. I watched him run off, late for his lecture, the taste of his cum still in my mouth.

Bao had a smart phone but strangely, he didn't have a sim that works here until recently. Perhaps in Beijing where he lived they had ubiquitous wifi but we don't here. He asked me to reinstall WhatsApp which I had deleted for political reasons a while earlier so we could send each other messages and occasionally voice call but he could only be contacted when he was in range of the university free wifi or when he was at his apartment. I came to know that he regularly deleted all our chat, sometimes annoyingly before he'd read it and when he went to a meeting at the Chinese consulate as it seemed most of the Chinese students did from time to time, he deleted the app completely and reinstalled it again later.

As the months went by, I knew he was having fairly frequent casual sex with other guys. I knew because he told me. I was however his regular fuck, which I couldn't complain about but I didn't really care because we became good friends and I think loved each other a bit more than friends do.

During semester break, we had sex more often than just Thursday nights but I was still keeping him a secret from George. I'd finally told Dianne about him and then one night she'd met him. She seemed to approve but later accused me of being a "cradle snatcher" even after I told her that he was twenty (he'd had a birthday by then).

A few times he spent the night with me but he didn't like to because the students he shared with would always question him on where he'd been even when he just got back late. Then a few days after the semester had started, he called me and asked if he could come over. He sounded very upset and so I couldn't say no and I was prepared to take the risk that George might come over unannounced.

When he arrived I could see that he had been crying. We sat on the sofa and I got him some water.

"What's the matter Bao?"

"It's my dad. He's very sick. They say he's only got a few days left."

"Oh no! Are you going back? Don't worry about your studies, the university will make allowances, especially for you."

I didn't mention that Bao is an absolutely brilliant student.

"No, I can't go back. My dad doesn't want me to come. If I go there he thinks that I won't be allowed to come back."


"It's complicated."

"What about your mother. I think she..."

"My mother died. Two years ago. Breast cancer. My dad has the same cancer."

"Oh I'm very sorry about your mum Bao, but he has breast cancer?"

"Yes. Men can get it too but it is rare. My dad thinks my mum gave it to him to bring him to her."

He cried more and I felt my heart break. He would be an orphan but I'd read that because of the one child policy, he'd probably have no uncles or aunts, no cousins, no family left at all.

"But I don't understand why you can't go back."

"Well Mark. It's China. My father was involved in protests when he was a student. I think you know Tien An Men square protests in 1989?"

"Oh no. Tien An Men massacre?"

"Yes, my dad was there, but we're not allowed to say that. We're not free in China. After that, he was in jail for a year, then after I was born he was in jail again for five years for speaking against the government. But usually, sons of dissidents are also treated badly. I should not have been allowed to come to Australia to study. The principal of my senior school liked me and I was a good student. He did something on the forms that allowed me to leave to study overseas and got me a grant for fees and to live here but I heard that he got in trouble for it. Now my dad says that if I come home to China, they might not let me leave again."

"But what will happen when you finish your degree? You'll have to go back then?"

"Yes. Then I will go, but I think my dad..."

He broke down and cried again. I just held him in my arms trying to think of some way to help him. I even considered asking to marry him but that of course would end my career and I was pretty sure that it isn't as simple as that anymore.

"What can I do to help Bao?"

I was selfishly dreading that he'd ask me to try to get him a permanent visa, though I was pretty sure that it is impossible.

"Mark.. can I stay with you tonight? I just don't want to be alone and those guys I share with are arseholes."

"Of course Bao."

Yes, there was the risk of discovery by George but that meant nothing compared to looking after Bao. Dianne was great. I told her the situation quietly and she cooked us dinner and then breakfast.

Bao's father died two days later. Again he spent the night and the following night at my flat. Dianne said that if George turned up she would say that I'm sick and send him away. I told Bao that he didn't need to go to lectures and tutorials, that I would coach him on anything he missed but he insisted on going. I searched the internet for some way I could help him to get a visa to stay but there didn't seem to be anything. He hadn't actually asked me to do that or even suggested he wanted to stay but from what he told me, he didn't have much future to look forward to in China even with his degree.

His father's friends from his building were going to look after the funeral arrangements. His father had been in a coma since not long after Bao had last spoken to him but his father's friend said that his last message to his son was "Don't come back." When Bao told me that he seemed to have assumed that he meant don't come back for the funeral but I was sure it meant don't come back ever.

But a few days later I had a research security meeting. After the meeting I asked to talk to the ASIO guy privately (though he never actually said that's who he worked for. I surmised that.) Since he worked for the government and seemed to know a lot about student visa conditions, I asked him what options there were for Bao.

"Do you remember about eight months ago, I asked you about one of my students, Bao Zhang?"

"Ah vaguely. He was asking questions about your research?"


"Has he been doing it again?"

"No, no, not at all. I'm just wondering. His father recently died and now he's got no one back in China. His father was a political dissident, he was at Tien An Men, he spent some time in prison..."

"Are you sure? Sons of dissidents don't get scholarships or permission to study abroad."

"Well apparently his high school principal pulled some string but got into trouble for it."

"That's interesting. How well do you know him?"

"I think very well, but my question is..."

"So he's no friend of China?"

"I'm not sure. I guess not, but..."

"Does he attend the student meetings at the Chinese consulate?"

"Yes he does." I said, starting to get frustrated. "I gather he doesn't have much choice, but I wanted to ask you if you know of any way he can apply for a permanent visa, or political asylum or anything like that?"

He looked at me strangely.

"So you seem to have a close personal relationship with this boy?"

My brain injected some adrenalin into my veins.

"We... we are good friends but I must say that he hasn't asked me to do this. I'm just worried about him. I just don't see any future for him back in China."

"You're right about that. Now... ah... let me check with my boss about his options. I'll call you in a few days."

I was worried about what I'd done. Bao hadn't asked me to do anything and I might have given away that Bao and I were more than just friends but a few days later the ASIO guy called me.

"Mark Andrew?"


"This is Pete from the university research security team, how are you?"

"I'm good. Do you have any info..."

"Excuse me Mark. I just don't want you to say too much over the phone. Can I see you tomorrow morning? Some place private?"

"What about my office at the lab? I'll be there at 8am?"

"That's perfect. It's been swept hasn't it?"

"I think so. The cleaners vacuum it every..."

"No, I meant checked by cyber security."

"Oh yeah. They come every few weeks."

I sort of get why they were concerned about my project. It was meant to determine an individual's insurance risk using statistical machine learning and new artificial intelligence techniques but I could see how it might be abused.

The meeting turned out to be only ten minutes. He just wanted to know if I could arrange a personal meeting between Bao, him and a colleague from immigration. I stressed again that Bao hadn't asked me to do anything. I was worried that I might have got him into some trouble. He assured me that I hadn't and that they just wanted to try to help him. I was still worried. They asked me to bring Bao to the meeting in my office immediately after the Tuesday tutorial, not to tell him what it was about and not to let him make any phone calls.

After the tutorial, Bao came to talk to me as usual.

"Hey Mark, what's wrong?"

He could tell that I was anxious.

"Oh nothing Bao but can you come to my office?"

"Now? Yeah but remember I've got a lecture in half an hour. If you want to..."

"It's really important. I've got some guys over there who might have an opportunity for you."

When we got there, there were three guys. One took Bao's phone and used a wand to scan his body and then showed Bao into my office where the ASIO guy and a guy I didn't know, I assumed from immigration, were waiting. Bao was surprisingly relaxed. I would have been terrified. I wasn't allowed to go in so I waited outside with the security guy with the wand.

After forty minutes, Pete (the ASIO guy) came out and asked the security guy, he gave me his name but I can't remember what it was, to bring some sandwiches and drinks. I looked in and I saw Bao looking relaxed and talking loudly to the immigration guy with his usual wide smile. Usually Bao would be worried about missing his lecture but he didn't seem to be concerned.

The security guy and I walked together to the cafeteria to get the sandwiches and then returned. All the way the security guy only spoke in monosyllables. They ate inside. The security guy and I ate in the lab. After another half an hour I said that I had another class and that I needed to get some papers from my office. The security guy knocked on the door and they finally let me in.

Bao looked at me, he was smiling but his expression was strange. Nevertheless, he didn't look to be in any way anxious. In fact, he looked excited.

"Are you okay Bao? You know you're missing your lecture?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Mark. Better than fine. Thanks for this."

"Okay... I've got a class. See you later?"

"Yeah. Where is your class?"

"Eleven fifty three."

"Okay. I'll meet you there after or I'll text you."

"Cool," I said and sort of walked out backwards unable to take my eyes off his strange expression.

He was there waiting for me as promised. We spoke as we walked to the car park.

"How was the meeting?"


"What do you mean 'good'!? What happened?"

"Oh, well remember how ages ago I asked about your research?"


"You said that you couldn't tell me because you had rivals at another university?"


"Well you lied didn't you?"

"Ummm... I guess so. Why?"

"Well if I ever tell you what happened in that meeting you'll know that I'm lying to you for the same reason you lied to me."

I looked at him and he laughed at my expression.

"I can tell you that they gave me a part-time job and if things turn out how they promised, I'm going to be indebted to you for the rest of my life!"

From that day, Bao seemed to love me more and in return I loved him more. We still do. I knew not to ask him about his "job" and a few times when I mentioned him going back to China he just told me not to worry about it. He still came over to my flat most Thursday nights to talk and to fuck. One night I did happen to notice that he now had two phones but I knew not to ask him about it. All of this didn't affect his studies. He was still brilliant.

However one Thursday night, Bao and I had just had a shower together after he had fucked me and we were sitting on the sofa in our briefs, hair still damp, watching the TV. I heard a key in the door and Dianne came in.

"Oh hi Dianne. You're home early?"

"Hi Mark. Hi Bao. Yeah, there was a power outage in the mall. Apparently an electrical transformer caught on fire. They won't be able to fix it until tomorrow so they evacuated everyone and we got to go home early."

"Oh cool, ... I guess."

Bao felt uncomfortable being nearly naked in front of Dianne so he went into the bedroom to put more clothes on. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Dianne. There's someone at the door. I have to put some clothes on."

I only had briefs on. Dianne didn't mind me walking around the flat scantily clad. She did. In fact we often walked from the bathroom to our bedrooms completely naked in the other's presence. We have been close friends since high school and even though I knew I was gay, she knew she was lesbian, we had actually came out on the same day, we have actually experimented with each other so to speak. But anyway, I digress...

I got back to my bedroom and pulled some shorts and a tee-shirt on. Bao was nowhere to be seen. I assumed he'd gone to the toilet. I heard yelling out in the living room at the door.

"What do you mean he's not here? I just heard him!"

It was George's voice. I ran out into the living room. George was half way in the door. I was about to make some excuse when Bao, oblivious to what was going on, appeared in the hallway, wearing white briefs and a singlet, opened my bedroom door and went inside, closing the door behind him.

Well, I don't want to go through the whole fierce but short argument that ensued. Bao had the good sense to stay in my room. I tried to excuse myself by accusing George of fucking other guys, something he denied but then admitted along with a lot of insults at me to excuse himself. Dianne told him to leave. Dianne is not one to be ignored. Suffice to say, that was the end of my relationship with George.


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