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I met someone and so did she.
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(Author's Note: You might remember Penni. She's my wife, the one with the hall passes whenever I travel. They usually expire without use, until last week. If you're interested in how that worked out you might read "Joyce," Literotica: 06/23/2019 - //rosa-blanca.ru/desixxxphoto/s/joyce-3)


"We have to talk."

Words that strike fear into the hearts of every married man. Either she knows something I didn't think she knew or she knows something I don't know. Either possibility makes most married men nervous. More than that, those were the words I intended to say.

Penni and I have been married for more than ten years. We have an extensive and intensive sex life, rarely missing a day, or an hour on weekends.

I frequently travel for business and every year I take a prolonged trip with seven other guys to play golf. Penni and I have an agreement, reinforced every time we were going to be apart overnight. We are both free to engage sexually with others while we're apart. The only rule is we don't talk about it when we are together again. For my part, nothing ever happens when I travel so not talking about it is easy. I was sure the same was true for Penni until I heard those fateful words the first afternoon I was home from my latest golf outing.

"We have to talk."

I had gotten lucky on our latest golf trip to Tucson. Very lucky. Multiple times. I felt guilty, in spite of our agreement. I planned to talk to her after dinner that evening. At least I did until I heard her say those immortal words.

"We have to talk."

I sat back on the sofa, prepared to hear what she had to say and postponing my own confession.

"Roger," she said, "While you were gone I met someone."

My heart stopped. Those were the exact words I didn't want to hear even though they were identical to the words I planned to use.

"Penni, we have an agreement. No limit, no guilt and no talking about it," I said.

"I know, but this is different. I have to talk to you about it in spite of our agreement. It's the first time anything has happened and I just can't ignore it. I have to talk to you."

"I trust your judgment. I'll listen, but I hope you don't provide too much detail," I said while thinking, "Maybe I won't have to confess."

"You know I belong to a number of groups and I go to meetings regularly. You know, book club, garden group and a township committee seeking improvements in government."

"I do."

"Well, the committee met two days after you left. The meeting was unusual in that there was a difference of opinion about the planned bond vote for the new park. We discussed it at length and the discussion continued among a few of us after the meeting broke up."

"So?" I asked.

"I'm getting to it. Eventually there were only two of us and we decided to go to a nearby pub and have some wine while we talked. We were of the same mind and we discussed how to approach those with a different view. We got along so well we went to dinner together."


"Please don't interrupt. Let me talk. After dinner, we walked together to our cars. That's when she kissed me."

"SHE!" I couldn't help myself. I wasn't expecting a "she."

"Calm down. Yes a 'she'. I can't explain it. I'd never kissed a woman like that before. I was surprised. I liked it and it made my body go all tingly. I kissed her back. I think that surprised her as well. She leaned into me and kissed me again, more forcefully, and she fondled my breast as she did."

Penni waited for a short moment. "Nothing to say?"

"Yes, nothing to say. I'm surprised and a little curious as well."

"I'd like to share more with you if you don't mind."

"I don't mind. Honestly, I'm more than a little curious. I don't mean that in a voyeuristic way but you're my wife and I'm interested in learning as much about you and what makes you tick as I can."

"Okay. Here goes." Penni took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Stop me if you've heard enough. She drove me to her apartment. She's divorced and living alone."

I raised my hand. Penni paused and looked at me and nodded for me to talk. "Does 'she' have a name?"

"Oh, yes. Anne, her name is Anne. Anyway, up in her apartment, she poured us more wine and put on some peaceful background music. We sat on the sofa together and sipped the wine. She asked if she could kiss me again and I moved closer and encouraged her. While we kissed, Anne began to unbutton my blouse and helped me get it off. She leaned around behind my back and unhooked my bra and it fell off. It was a completely new experience for me. Sitting with my breasts exposed in front of another woman and yet I wasn't embarrassed or anything. I actually felt excited."

I was completely still, fascinated by her story and a little excited myself.

"She sat and admired my breasts for a moment and then took them, one in each hand and squeezed them gently. She leaned in and kissed each in turn and then sucked on them."

Penni looked at me. "Are you alright with this?" she asked.

I nodded in response. I wanted her to continue her story.

"Well, when she leaned back, I removed her shirt and bra and repeated what she had done with my breasts. It was a surreal experience. I'd never handled, let alone kissed, another woman's breasts and my body was reacting in ways I'd only experienced with you.

"She led me into her bedroom; we both got naked and climbed into the bed together. I'm not going to relate all the details but I know now why you enjoy kissing and sucking on my pussy so much and I've tasted myself on your lips and Anne tasted differently. What she did to me with her mouth and fingers was similar to what you do but also different. The only thing more that I'm going to say is she gave me two orgasms and I think I gave her at least one. After that she drove me back to my car and I came home."

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yes and no. I met her twice more while you were away but the details were similar."

"Wow. Quite a story. I don't know what to say."

"Please say you're not angry or disappointed with me."

"I'm not. Really. I'm not angry or disappointed. Actually, I'm happy for you. I'm thinking that the experience can only complement our time together. You can teach me the techniques Anne taught you and it can make sex better for both of us."

"Thank you. I love you unconditionally and I'm happy as hell that you understand. I've only got one request."

"Let me guess. You'd like to see Anne again."

"If you're okay with it."

"I'm okay with it. In fact I encourage it."

"One more thing."


"Anne would like to meet you."

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"She said that anyone I loved as much as I love you must be special and she wants to get to know you."

"Have you considered the possible complications?"

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"What if Anne and I develop feelings for each other. If she has an intense relationship with you and you love me, she might want to expand the relationship to include her. You did say she was divorced and living alone. That might be enough motivation for her."

"You mean a three-way relationship?"

"In a way. I don't want to do anything to interfere with your relationship with her, or me. If it went beyond the 'just friends' level to include 'benefits' I don't know how it might turn out. For example, I don't know how I might react watching you and her together and I'm concerned how you might react if she got too close to me."

"I see. Knowing the possibilities, I think we can keep it under control. Anyway, I'd like you to meet her. Maybe in a public setting, like a restaurant, to keep it sociable."

"I'll follow your instincts. Do what you have to do."


Penni kissed me with a passion I found exciting. I willingly followed her into the bedroom where we helped each other out of our clothing and slid into the bed. She separated her legs and when I climbed between them intending to fuck her senseless, she pushed my head down between her legs instead. That wasn't her usual program. I loved devouring her pussy and sucking on her clitoris but allowing me to orally please her was usually saved for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and some weekends. Her activities with Anne were already improving our relationship. She took her teaching responsibilities seriously and I methodically followed her instructions. Soon I had her bucking and heaving off the bed begging me one minute to stop and the next berating me for doing so. Later we fucked like rabbits and fell asleep.

In the morning, I realized that, in the excitement of the moment, I hadn't told her about Tucson and Joyce and I resolved to share it with her with the same courage she showed in telling me about Anne. I also hadn't unpacked. Apparently, Penni had gotten up some time ago so I decided to unpack before looking for her.

Unpacking, near the bottom of the suitcase, I found the DVD Joyce had purchased. We never watched it. I thought about it and figured she didn't want to take it home with her ass-hole husband and didn't want to leave it behind. How she got it into my bag was a mystery. Someone had to help her. I didn't know if it was one of the other guys or someone from the resort and, unless someone harassed me about it, I didn't give a shit. My problem was what to do with it before Penni saw it. I put in under sweaters in the back of my dresser.

I also went on a hunt for the other lotions and the toy we hadn't used. The string of balls would be especially difficult to explain. Luckily, I found neither.

I found Penni in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She was smiling and singing softly to herself. Her world was apparently in fine shape. I hoped that what I had to tell her wouldn't destroy the feeling.

We ate breakfast at the kitchen table. Afterwards, I helped her clear and wash the dishes and put them away. I gathered all the courage I could muster, turned to face her and said,

"We have to talk."

"We talked last night."

"You talked. I didn't. I need to tell you something."

Penni looked at me for a moment. "Wait. You met someone too, didn't you?" she asked.

"She's good," I thought. "I did," I said.

"You don't have to tell me. Remember the no talking rule."

"I know but I'm feeling a little guilty and I have to share it with you. I don't want to carry around a secret that might become a bigger problem between us later than talking to you now."

"I get it but I don't need the sordid details."

"Okay. I'll try to keep to the basics. You know that I travel frequently and we always agree to the usual pass on anything that might happen."

"I do."

"Well, in all those travels, nothing has ever happened. Not even close. To be honest, I'm usually on the lookout but there's never even been a hint of something sexual coming my way."

"Until this last trip to play golf in Tucson," she interrupted.

"Until this last trip to play golf in Tucson. The guys I travel with are pretty simple. Golf, sports TV, poker, eating and little else. It bores me to death. The first night in Tucson, I went down to the bar in the resort looking for some company and possibly some stimulating conversation. It's not the first time I've done that. I usually have a drink or two and spend an hour or two talking to the bartender.

"That first night, I was sitting next to an attractive woman who seemed to be alone. We were both drinking bourbon neat and I said 'hello'. I've done that before and usually get a cold stare. That night was different. She said hello back and we started a conversation. One comment let to another and soon she was telling me about her 'ass-hole,' her words, husband. I'm a guy and my eyes do wander. You know that. I can't help looking at a woman's body, especially yours."

"Ah," remarked Penni.

"Well, I tried to sneak a peek or two and she caught me. She said, 'Do you like what you see?' I'd been caught red-handed and denying it would have been stupid, so I replied, 'I do.'

"One thing led to another and the conversation centered on sex. She knew I was looking so she deliberately gave me opportunities to look."

"What do you mean 'opportunities?' I'm curious what a woman sitting at the bar in a resort lounge might do to attract the attention of a handsome guy like you."

"She went to the lady's room and came back without her panties."

"And how did you know this?"

"She created opportunities for me to see as much as I could. Enough that I could tell that she was unshaven."

"Oh. That's pretty slutty."

"Yeah, but she didn't seem slutty, just sexy. Given that I had a couple of drinks and my testosterone levels were fogging my brain, I probably couldn't tell the difference."

"Does the sexy lady have a name or didn't you take the time to get it?"


"Joyce. Nice name. So you and Joyce rushed off to the nearest bed and jumped each other's bones."

"No. She made me wait until the next evening."

"She made you wait! What kind of a slut is she?" Penni exclaimed.

"She isn't a slut. She's actually a very nice person. She's in a bad relationship and she was being careful."

"What does that mean?"

"She told her husband she was leaving to go home so there wouldn't be a problem.

"And there wasn't?"

"No. She called me the next afternoon and told me where to meet her at a different resort a couple of miles away."

"You did and then you both did?"

"True. It was nice but I was thinking of you the whole time."

"Bullshit. You were having the time of your life."

"You know me too well. I admit it. It was satisfying and at times exhilarating."

"That it?"



"Almost. I saw her for three evenings in a row and one overnight."

"You were gone ten days. Why only three nights?"

"She had to go home. Her husband was going home the next day and she wanted to get her stuff out of the house in case he went into orbit when he got the divorce papers."

"That's it then. She went home and you spent the rest of the week with the guys missing her."


"There's more?"

"Apparently, the bartender took pity on me."

"He offered to fix you up with a local wench."

"No. She offered to fix me up with herself."

"Really? And you accepted the offer."

"I did, but it didn't measure up to either Joyce or you."

"Nice to hear. Are you planning to see Joyce again?" Penni inquired.

"Not really. I don't know where she lives. Not even the state let alone the city."

"You can't contact her?"

"She gave me her phone number but I don't plan on calling her."

"Why not?"

"My relationship with you is more important to me. Our agreement is only when were apart. Calling her any other time would feel like cheating on you and I'll never do that. You know that."

"We could rework the agreement."

"You approve of what happened last week?"

"I do with Joyce. It seems real to me. The bartender is another story. I think you should call Joyce. I'd like to meet her. I think it would be healthy for us."

"Do you want to open our relationship because of Anne and extending a license to me gives you the same freedom?"

"The thought had crossed my mind. I'm not upset about Joyce at all and I guess Anne has something to do with that. At the same time, I'm still a dedicated heterosexual and you're my partner of choice. I've also been thinking about Anne and how she fits in with that. I think it's possible to love more than one person at a time, even persons of the same sex. I can't adopt the freedom to love multiple people for myself if I don't extend the same privilege to you."

"I'm having trouble getting my mind around what you're suggesting. This is not how I imagined this discussion would turn out. I didn't expect you to be angry but this is something else. Can I think about it?"

"Can you think about it while you're fucking my brains out?" Penni asked while leading me to the bedroom again.

I did call Joyce, explained the situation to her, and told her Penni wanted to meet her. She was amazing. She wanted to meet Penni. She told me I was married to an exceptional woman and I should trust her judgment. She admitted she had thought of little else since leaving me in Tucson. We talked some more about us and Penni. She suggested it had real possibilities. Even knowing about Anne, I didn't agree with her assessment. I found out where she lived and it was a major concern. She told me that she had access to almost unlimited funds and that time and distance were problems easily overcome.

When I told Penni about Joyce's enthusiasm and wanting to meet her she reacted by dragging me into the bedroom again. The session started with mutual oral sex, something that hardly ever happened and then an extended, multiposition sexual safari complete with animal noises.

I met Anne two days later. She was older than either Penni or I and attractive with medium length auburn hair and a chest any woman would be proud of and any man proud to fondle. She had an upbeat personality and a firm appearing ass. The three of us spent several hours together without any sexual innuendos and parted friends. Penni planned to invite Anne to dinner soon.

The relationship with Joyce continued to develop. Penni wanted to know when she would get to meet her and pushed for a date in the near future. Joyce agreed and arranged to come for a long weekend, Friday through Sunday or Monday morning. She also booked a nearby hotel for three nights.

Penni was delighted Joyce was coming but not with the arrangements. She insisted that Joyce stay in our guest bedroom and refused to consider any other option. Joyce finally agreed although I think she was a little uncomfortable about it.

While we waited for Joyce's visit, Penni spent an evening with Anne. She told me about it in advance. She thought it was the right thing to do. I sent her out with a kiss, a pat on the ass, a squeeze of a boob and a "Have a wonderful evening," blessing. She was ebullient when she came home and the sex that followed was the best in weeks. Afterward we discussed the changes she suggested in our agreement. I told her I thought we should continue the practice of not talking about our time apart, at least not the details. I also suggested we needn't tell each other in advance about a planned encounter. She countered, believing that knowledge of our relationships was critical for maintaining the strength of our marriage. She proposed openness was the only way to avoid problems. She also allowed that some opportunities might not lend themselves to prior notice and that it was okay if we didn't try to hide anything from each other. As to details, she thought some might be useful to us as a couple and should be shared and suggested we should use our common sense and considered judgment about what to share and how much detail to include. We agreed to be extra careful in our choices to avoid social or medical problems.

Two weeks later, Joyce knocked on our door at about six pm. Penni answered the door and, when she saw Joyce, laid a huge hug on her. Joyce looked surprised but returned the hug. She then gave me a very socially acceptable hug with a deliberate bumping of her breast into my chest. I stepped back and looked at her. I hoped she could read my imploring her to be discrete. She countered with a quick kiss on my lips and stepped into the room.

Penni showed Joyce the guest room and the Jack and Jill bathroom between it and the room we used as an office and gave her a few minutes to settle in. We met about five minutes later in the living room. I took drink orders and when I returned the women were sitting together on the sofa. I gave them their glasses and sat in a chair opposite them. Penni quickly discovered that Joyce hadn't eaten. Neither had we so we finished our drinks and went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Penni insisted Joyce sit in the front passenger seat while I drove and she sat in the back behind me. Over dinner the women did what women seem to do so well. In the ninety minutes we were dining, they learned everything there was to know about each other. Penni verified Joyce's woes with her marriage and regaled Joyce with the stability and strength of her marriage with me. I wasn't ignored completely but I was mostly an observer.

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