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Phone Call

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Neglect leads to cheating; phone call to better cheating.
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Neglect leads to cheating; phone call to better cheating.

Chapter 1.

Jasmine Robinson looked out the kitchen window and felt her stomach flip. As she continued gazing, the feeling moved down to her crotch and stayed there, throbbing. The reason for her growing excitement was running a cleaning net across the surface of her swimming pool.

Robbie Craig, age 19, hard, tanned body shirtless in running shorts. He had been cleaning the Robinsons' pool for five months now and flirting with Jasmine for four. Bit by bit over that time she had started to respond, and the flirting had grown progressively more serious, although no action had been taken yet. But in her private moments the idea of letting something happen was growing stronger.

She put the glasses of lemonade she had poured onto a tray and headed out the kitchen door. As she continued thinking about her Robbie fantasy, she realized that it had grown in strength as her relationship with her husband Anthony had seemed to grow weaker. Of course, her and Anthony's problems had started months before they'd met and hired Robbie, so they certainly weren't the teen's fault.

It wasn't that she and Anthony were fighting or anything like that, it was just that her husband simply didn't seem to have any interest in her anymore. Well, not beyond her doing his books since they'd theoretically both started out on this new business venture together. But outside of talking business, even when he was here, he wasn't. And he really wasn't right now. He was off on another trip to try and gain clients. 'Building present and future customer relationships', as he put it. Well, what about this relationship? was a question that had been coming into her mind more and more often.

The sound of the screen door banging shut brought Robbie swinging around toward her, a big smile growing on his face. Jasmine loved that smile; it was probably the first thing that had started her fantasy. It was a smile that on this boy's open, guileless face said, 'You are beautiful, and it makes me happy to see you.'

When Anthony had started becoming more distant over the past year, Jasmine had tried not to worry about it; she kept telling herself that it was just the work, that there really wasn't any problem with "them". But subconsciously, she did begin to wonder if there was something wrong with her that was driving him away. She worried that perhaps she was getting too old, wasn't sexy to him anymore. While she'd certainly never let herself go, she still went ahead and increased her workouts, with the result that she was in the best shape she'd been in in years. But still their sex life had been nearly non-existent for months now.

The self-doubts had eaten at her up until that first time she'd caught the pool boy checking her out in a swimsuit. She'd coincidentally been out swimming when Robbie had showed up to clean the pool near the end of his first month working for them. As she'd gotten out so he could do his work, his mouth had fallen open as he watched her walking up the steps in the shallow end in her fairly conservative one-piece.

He'd gotten better at hiding the desire in his face when he saw her poolside now, but the occasional lump she'd seen in his shorts had steadily rebuilt her confidence that she was still an attractive woman. And if a young guy like this found her sexy, then what, or who, was keeping her husband from seeing her the same way?

She was wearing a decidedly non-conservative bathing suit now, a bikini. In a token nod to modesty, she also had a see-through silk wrap around her hips that pretended to cover the small suit bottom. It was a high-cut brief that by itself did a very poor job of covering her large round ass. Her breasts were round and projecting as well and they filled the blue bikini top magnificently. It was a suit she'd never wear in public.

As she leaned over to put the tray on a poolside table, her tits squeezed together, forming a tight cleavage that had Robbie's gaze caught firmly in its grasp. "It's hot out here today," she said as she straightened and picked up a glass. "I thought you might like something cold to drink." She held the glass out toward him, and the boy slowly came forward like a robot.

As Robbie Craig came up to Mrs. Robinson he looked into her eyes and saw something there that seemed to wake him up. "Damned hot," he said, his smile flaring up again as he took the sweating glass from her hand and raised it to his full lips.

Getting into the feel of their flirting game, Jasmine took the other glass and sat in a chair before taking a sip. She never took her eyes off of Robbie's; their startling bright blue under his jet-black hair always intrigued her. As she sat, she crossed her legs, giving him a clear look at her firm thighs.

"You know," he said. "The summer's almost over and I'll be heading off to college upstate. If you don't mind, my brother, Chris, will be taking care of your pool for the rest of the season. You've met him a few times helping me. He's just turned 18 and he's responsible and he knows what he's doing around a pool."

She did know Robbie was leaving, and actually, the fact that he would soon be gone seemed to be one of the reasons her fantasies about him had been growing stronger. A one-time, or at least very short fling, somehow didn't feel like cheating the way a long-term affair would.

"Okay, I'm sure if you've trained him that Chris will do a good job." Then she gave him a blatantly appraising look up and down his fine body. "But does he look so sexy doing it?"

"He'll sure as hell try to, if he thinks it'll get you to pay attention to him. I think a man would do just about anything if he thought it would get your attention."

Jasmine smiled. "And how much attention does a man need to earn this extra effort?"

"Not all that much. Even simple things can easily get him through the night."

"Get him through the night!?" The hot housewife cum bookkeeper laughed with surprised humor and a thrill of delight that she tried to cover. "Just what kind of attention are you talking about and what do you mean by, 'Get him through the night?'"

"Can I speak plainly?" he asked with simple honesty tinged with boldness.

This edge of maturity beyond his years was another thing about this boy that made Jasmine think he could be trusted not to blab. Not only about their still harmless flirting, but also about whatever else might happen. She nodded. "Please do."

"Like I said, just simple things. Like this." He nodded at the tray on the table. "You taking the time to serve me cold lemonade and talk with me. Most of the time while I'm working, I listen to audiobooks to pass the time, but never here because I don't want to miss a chance like this...with you."

Some people may not think Black women blush, but Jasmine certainly felt the heat rising from her bosom to her cheeks.

She coughed lightly to clear her throat before saying, "And me bringing you lemonade and talking with you is all the attention you need? 'To get you through the night,' I think you said?"

"Yes. You sharing a lemonade and talking to me - in a bathing suit - is all I need to get me through the night." He gave her a crooked smile as his gaze blatantly crawled down her body and back up to her eyes, which flashed from shock to pleasure to desire.

Her hand trembled slightly as she brought her glass to her lips to take a cooling sip.

"You know," he continued, "I was listening to an audiobook earlier today and I heard a word that you don't really hear used much day-to-day and it immediately made me think of you."

"And what was this unusual word that reminded you of me?" she asked with surprising anticipation.

"Voluptuous," the lean, beautiful boy said, drawing the word out with its own sensuous curves.

Jasmine's heart skipped and her hand moved unconsciously to the base of her throat.

"I said seeing you in a bathing suit could get me through the night? Well, seeing you in a suit like this one can fuel my fantasies for weeks."

"Fantasies!" she exclaimed with un-faked shock.

"Especially if I let myself imagine that you wore it just for me," he added.

Jasmine Robinson's mind stumbled a moment as she wondered how this perceptive young man knew. Knew that she had indeed worn this downright raunchy suit only because he was there. She tried to cover her fluster with coquettish humor. "Why Robbie, are you saying that you think of me in lewd ways?"

"Only when I'm playing with myself," he answered directly.

Again she was shocked, but pleasantly so. She paused a bit longer than natural and then tried to deflect things with a response that still ended up being inappropriate. "I wouldn't think you'd have to do that very often. I'm sure you have no problem finding sweet young things to take care of you."

His head tilted and he smiled wryly. "I won't bother denying it, but there's only so far sweet young things will go and a limit to how well they do when they get there."

OMG! she thought. How did we get here and what should I do about it?

However, while her conscious mind was getting a little worried, it was her subconscious mind that apparently had control of her voice.

"Oh, and you think some old lady would go further and do better?"

"In my fantasies, I have no doubt that a sexy, grown woman would show me a whole new world of pleasure."

"And why is that?" she pushed.

"Simple experience for one thing," he answered. "But there's something more than that. Girls my age are still scared of their passion, afraid to admit they like sex; afraid it means they're a 'slut'. I think real women, like you, realize that it's just as okay for them as it is for men to want and enjoy sex."

"That's very wise for such a young man," she responded. "Perhaps I should offer you a more grown-up drink."

"Thanks," he replied. "But I don't like to drink when I'm working. With the heat and the chemicals, I get too punchy. But I do like a cold beer when I'm finished for the day." His eyes were bold and she felt almost hypnotized by his direct stare.

"Well, I'd be glad to offer you one then if you were to stop by," she found herself saying.

"That's an offer I'd be glad to take. I expect I'll be finished around 6:00."

"6:00 sounds good. Perhaps I could throw some steaks on the grill as well."

"Cold beer and hot meat. Sounds very good." The corner of his mouth went up with the double entendre.

"I'll see you then," she said in a low voice. Then she stood and slowly carried the tray and glasses back into the house.

Robbie watched every sway of her hips, then packed up his gear and left. Two blocks away he pulled his truck into the driveway of his next customer, a family that was away on vacation. He quickly let himself through the side gate into their high-fenced backyard. There, he immediately dropped his shorts and pulled on his swollen cock till it exploded across the thick lawn, the image of her hot body and beautiful face burning in his mind's eye.

Back at her house, Jasmine's left hand was clutching at the sheets of her bed as her right hand flew over her thrumming clitoris until she rocked in climax, imagining the hard body of the pool boy above her.

Chapter 2.

It was just before 6:00 when Robbie's truck pulled into the Robinsons' driveway again. Seeing the garage door up and the space beyond it empty, he drove on inside. He was a clever boy and understood about neighborhood grapevines. Hell, he heard loads of community gossip every day as he worked his way from pool to pool. So he quickly closed the door behind him to keep the neighbors from talking and then walked through the garage's rear door into the backyard.

He found her on the pool deck, laying some plates and utensils on the patio table. She'd heard his truck and was looking as he came through the garage door.

In the hours in between their two dates -- yes, she'd found herself thinking of them as dates -- doubts about what she was doing had come up quite a few times. But as he walked confidently toward her, in those thin running shorts and a tight-fitting tank top, the doubts melted in her growing internal heat. Damn, but the boy was fine.

"Hi," she said, "you're right on time."

"Mr. Punctual, that's me," he replied with a laugh. He didn't tell her that he'd sat in the parking lot of a nearby 7-11 for 20 minutes to keep from showing up too early like an over-eager puppy.

She walked over to an ice bucket and pulled out a cold bottle of beer. She popped the top off and handed it to him as he walked up to her. "Here's that beer I promised you. I'll put the steaks on now and you'll have your hot meat in about 15 minutes."

"Thanks," he said, taking a long pull off the beer. "Whew, that hits the spot. Say, would you mind if I took a shower while the steaks cook? I hate coming to the table dirty."

"Well, it's nice to know your mother raised you right," she laughed. "Please, go ahead."

Robbie headed to the pool house, stripping his shirt off as he went. Jasmine took the two steaks from their marinade and put them on the hot grill. Then she opened up a beer for herself.

As she turned the steaks a few minutes later she heard Robbie's voice from the pool house. "Could I bother you for a towel?" he asked.

He was still inside, looking around the corner of the doorframe, dark hair plastered to his head and bare chest shining with water. "I forgot to check for one in here before getting in."

"There's one there on the lounge chair," she said, nodding to a chaise a couple of yards away from him.

He hesitated to see if she was going to get the towel for him, then decided, what the hell, and stepped out to get it himself. She watched openly as he walked over, picked up the towel and started drying his hair with no concern that he stood completely exposed in front of her. If the shower had shrunken him at all, she couldn't tell, the prick hanging between his legs had a nice size to it and Jasmine imagined it would be quite beautiful when it was swollen and proud. He turned and walked back into the pool house, and she could see that his ass was even more sexy outside of his running shorts: small, tight and athletic. The rest of his body was tanned almost as dark as her own natural café au lait color and the band of white around his hips somehow made his prick and ass stand out in a way that made her think of Italian marble.

He came back out with the running shorts and tank top in his hand and the towel wrapped around his waist. "I washed these in the shower too," he said. "I hope you don't mind if I just wear this towel until they dry." He draped the clothes over the back of a lounge chair.

"Not at all," she replied. "It suits you."

"Not as well as that dress suits you. You look great, if you don't mind me saying so."

''No, I don't mind, and thank you." Jasmine was wearing a red summer dress with small white polka dots scattered across without a pattern. The bodice hung off her shoulders with spaghetti straps and left a broad expanse of the tops of her light-brown breasts exposed, while the skirt didn't even make it halfway down her powerful thighs.

Jasmine put the steaks on the table and opened each of them another beer. They sat and ate the meat and a salad, while continuing their flirting.

As Robbie neared the end of his steak, Jasmine asked, "So, what kinds of fantasies do you have about me? I think I have a right to know."

"Well, fantasies are usually meant to be private. But in a situation like this I guess it's only fair. Shall I tell you about the one I had today?"

"Today!?" she gasped. She felt herself flush as she remembered her own desperate need to masturbate after their earlier time together.

''Not five minutes after I left here this afternoon," he said with a challenge in his voice. "Are you sure you really want to hear this?

She met his challenge. "Every detail."

"Over at the Conrads' house. My boner was pushing my shorts out like a tent as I rushed into their backyard. As soon as I got inside the fence, I pulled them off and started pulling on my crank."

The flirtatious banter had gone right into the gutter and somehow it was just what she wanted. "And where did I fit in?"

"You fit into that bikini you were wearing earlier. At least, until you shucked the top and popped one of those big titties into my mouth."

"Ooh, I do like having my breasts sucked," she purred. "What happened next?"

"Well, I hope you'll understand that most of the foreplay took place in real life here by your pool and by the time I got to the Conrads' I was ready to explode."

"I can imagine. Tell me how it happened."

"You pulled your tit out of my mouth, lay down on a beach towel on the lawn next to the pool and said, 'Now, fuck them.' And I did with pleasure, rubbing my cock between those beautiful, soft globes."

"And were you swollen and hard?"

"Yes," he answered throatily. "Just like this." With that he slid his chair over to the side a few feet, exposing his stiff rod poking up from the folds of the towel.

Jasmine stood, pulling the cushion off her chair as she did and laying it at his feet. She eased down to her knees in front of him, saying, "And then...?"

"Your breasts felt so good and your mouth looked so hot licking out at me each time I slid forward that it took no time at all before I was shooting my load."

Jasmine pushed the towel out of the way and took his cock in her hands. Leaning forward, she licked him once as he'd described, then slid her mouth right over the top. She went down deep and swirled her tongue around the knob a few times before lifting her head. "Where did you shoot your load?"

"Into your mouth, all over your face, and the last of it went onto your beautiful tits."

She dropped down onto his cock again, sliding up and down three or four times with lips tightly squeezing him before again lifting her head. "I'll bet it was delicious."

"That's what you told me in my fantasy," he said with a lusty laugh.

"Well, let's find out how true to life your fantasy was." Then she gave his dick her full attention. Licking it up and down, kissing it, stroking it, sucking it. She had been right, it was a good size, and it was beautiful, and as she was learning now, it was also delicious. She'd always enjoyed sucking cock but hadn't done it to anyone but Anthony for so many years and now she just let herself go and made love to this wonderful penis with her mouth.

It wasn't long before Robbie's hips started moving in the chair as he reacted to her attentions. Jasmine used her lips and tongue on him in ways no girl his age ever had and soon she saw his tight stomach muscles clench and heard him grunt and prepared herself just in time as he shot a thick load of hot cum to the back of her throat. She swallowed hungrily and kept swallowing as he sent spurt after spurt of his salty seed into her mouth. Then he gasped one final time and collapsed back in his chair. But Jasmine didn't let up. She took his rod in her hand and stroked it, squeezed it, milked it for every last drop of his spunk. Robbie groaned from the agony of the pleasure and then groaned again when he looked down in time to see her tongue come out once more to take the last drop off the tip of his slowly fading cock.

She looked up into his eyes. "Your cum is delicious," she purred, her tongue running around her lips.

"Fantasy girl," he said. "You are too good to be true."

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