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Photo Assignment Ch. 02


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'You're right I know, but it's always good to hear you say it. I wonder if he'll like them enough to want to finance another session?'

'Let's hope he does, you could almost say it's easy money, as well as being an amusing way to pass the time. I'm right in thinking you enjoy posing for me aren't I?'

'You bet I do. We'll just have to hope your father never finds out, he'd go up the wall and not come down again.'

I resisted smiling at her comment and told her I agreed with her. Needless to say the second enlargement came out fine. While the one from the garden was being exposed I pulled mom's face to mine and we spent the whole four minutes locked in the deepest French kiss I think I've had before or since. As we kissed my hands roamed over her partially clad body. I groped at her tits, and squeezed her bum both of which made mom purr with pleasure. As the enlarger light went out we separated reluctantly and I slipped the print into the developer, like the first print this one seemed to look okay, we inspected it once it was fixed and decided to do a second for Felix.

My hands shook visibly from anticipation as I slipped the paper into the holder. My hand on the enlarger light switch I turned to look at my mother who it had to be said was looking just a little dishevelled.

'I wish I had some film left, you look incredible sexy right now.' I told her as I switched the lamp on.

'I bet I look a mess.' She replied.

'Trust me you look sexy, the just fucked look at it's best.'

'Give me another of your delicious kisses. I'm going to hell so I might as well enjoy myself.'

Never one to refuse a lady we kissed deeply for the next few minutes both happy to just hold each other. When the enlarger lamp went out we again reluctantly separated so that I could wash and then fix the print. Once it had been in the fixing solution for a minute or so we switched the light on.

'Do you know what I'd like to do now?' I asked my mother.

'I can imagine. Paul there's nothing I'd like better than to do it with you, but doing what we do is one thing, full blown sex is another.'

'I know that, but it still doesn't stop me wanting to make love to you.'

'Would it be making love if I was to sit on the edge of the bench and you slipped it in to me?'

'It's a mute point I suppose, when does having sex become making love. But actually I was going to say I'd like to make myself a cup of coffee...'

Mom hit me on my arm as she pulled me into a tight embrace. We held each other both lost in the moment. Maybe she was right, but as I'd said to her it didn't stop me wanting to make love to her.

'Right I'm going to put some things on and pop into town. If you want I can drop the photos into the post office while I'm out.' Mom said.

'They'll take about fifteen minutes to dry. I'll address an envelope and let Felix know they'll make this evening's collection.'

We shared one last deep kiss during which I again took the opportunity to fondle my virtually naked mother who I have to say wasn't shy in handling my goods either. Exactly how long we could share this level of intimacy with out taking it further was anyone's guess but I didn't expect it to be long.

Felix contacted me later in the week completely over the moon about the photos. He was really pleased with the two I'd enlarged and asked I could do two more from the kitchen session. I'd enclosed the contact sheets along with the end prints so he was able to give me the negative numbers. He also told me he had transferred a eleven hundred pounds into my account.

Now here's the strange part, dad was giving me a lift to a party on the Saturday evening. I was just about asking him when he wanted me to transfer the money back to his account when he told me he'd not got around to setting up a new email address but possibly it'd not be needed as my mom seemed to have got her sex drive back on her own.

'Too much information dad.' I told him.

As you can imagine I was just a little confused at that point... if dad wasn't Felix it had to mean Felix was actually a real person! It occurred to me a moment later that the money sitting in my account was actually ours to keep....

For a week or so life returned to a resemblance of normality I'd decided that it must just have been a happy coincidence that Felix had contacted me at the same time I was expecting my father to. I enlarged the photos Felix had requested and also a couple more that I liked and had mom post them off to his solicitor. We were both really excited when towards the end of the following week Felix contacted me again,

Paul, if you could arrange it, I'd really like to see some photos of Jane taken near a recognisable landmarks. She wouldn't need to be completely nude but if she could be almost so I think it could look stunning. If time permits maybe a close up of her neatly trimmed pubis as well.

Your's sincerely Felix Walker

Wow, I couldn't help but wonder if mom might balk at the idea of posing while there would be others nearby but what the hec she could only say no. As it happens she was totally on board with the whole idea, she pointed out that it was in keeping with my original concept I'd borrowed from the photos of Frank Wallis. She had no problem with the close up of her pubes either. I let Felix know 'Jane' was happy to give it a go, I told him I'd be in touch when we'd got something for him.

Later that evening mom and I sat together in the garden going over a list of possible, 'recognisable landmarks' We didn't live too far from Birmingham which unfortunately doesn't have that many recognisable landmarks. Mom suggested the Bronze Bull outside the bullring shopping centre. As soon as she mentioned it, I could actually see the finished print. It had lots going for it, not only was it high profile but it was also large enough to act as a screen, mom could stand near it and only be seen by any one to the front of her.

I was working in my room later still when mom came in wearing another of her loose fitting summery dresses.

'What do you think of this one?' she asked.

'For the Bullring?'

'Yes, there's a long split at the side, so I could pull it to the side like this.' Mom casually pulled the one side of her skirt across to show me her neatly trimmed bush.

All I could say was 'Wow.'

'Also the top can be pulled down to make it easy to flash my boobs.' Again she demonstrated, giving me as she said a flash of her boobs.

'That looks perfect, can you flash your boobs and your bush together?' I asked her and was really pleased when she proved that she could. 'Right practice that a few times while I fire off a few dry shots with my camera. For the next few minutes we did just that, mom would expose herself and I'd fire off four or five shots, all in the space of a second or two. If we repeated that two or three times I'd easily get about thirty shots and we could have moved on before hopefully any one was any the wiser.

Before mom left I asked her to come close to where I was sitting. I slipped my hand into the split in her dress. She opened her legs enough for me to slip my hand up to her snatch. She was as I expected totally soaked. I found her clitoris with my finger and gently teased it.

'Open your dress, so I can study your pubes... we can get a shot of them in the morning when dad and Amy have left. Do you think Felix will be asking for a gynaecological type photo soon?' Mom started to shake and gasped. When she'd gathered herself together she patted me on the head and said it was inevitable.

'You can pay me back for that one when ever you get the chance.' I said as she composed herself before leaving my room.

'After you've got the close up of my pubes, it'll give you something to look forward to.' She said as she slipped from of my room.

That, it has to be said was something to look forward to. Unlike last week I didn't have much trouble sleeping but I did wake early and found it frustrating having to wait for Amy and dad to leave. I had breakfast with them all and had to keep myself from smiling each time I looked across at mom who I could see was naked beneath her white silken dressing gown.

Eventually they left us alone in the kitchen, mom was finishing off a round of toast while I sipped my coffee.

'Where do you want to do it?' mom asked.

'I thought your room might be best there is more room and better light.'

'Fine, I'll just jump in the shower and make sure everything is squeaky clean and Bristol fashion.'

While she was in her shower I set up my tripod and fitted a lens which had a macro focus setting. She came out more or less as I was finishing my preparations. She was naked and had her hair wrapped in a towel.

'Christ there's a photo right there on it's own.' I exclaimed when I saw her.

'Where do you want me?' she asked as if it was an everyday occurrence for me to see her like that.

'See if you can drape your legs off the edge of the bed and then lie back. That's it, now push your hips forward a touch, let me just smooth a few pubes into place. Do you have a small pair of scissors?'

'In my make up case, have I missed one?'

'There are one or two which are a little longer than the rest.'

I spent a few moment manicuring mom's lawn before deciding everything looked neat and symmetrical. Though the view finder things looked perfect, so I took five or six shots cropped in slightly differing ways.

'How about if you open your legs just a little, sort of hinting at what's hidden.'

'I know what you mean, tell me when they're open enough...'

I watched as mom slowly spread her legs I didn't say anything until they were as wide as they'd go and I was feasting on the erotic display before my eyes.

'That might be too wide.' I said with a grin.

'You don't say. Okay we'll try again, stop me when I've closed them enough.'

When they were all but tight together I had her stop and open them a little more. Nothing was on show but your eye was definitely drawn to hidden depths. I took four or five shots before telling her to relax.

'That last pose was so sexy. But then again so was the wide open beaver pose, but we'll save that for when Felix asks for it I guess.'

'He'll ask make no mistake, I bet you he'll ask for even more.' Mom predicted.

'We'll see... I was having a think about the landmark shot last night and I wonder if we'd not have a wider choice if we went into London for the day.'

'Hey that sounds okay to me too. We could get there early on Sunday and check out half a dozen landmarks before it got too busy.' Mom suggested.

'How many long coats do you have? I mean coats you could wear with nothing underneath.'

'Two or three, do you want to see them?'

'Yes you know what I'm after, something that covers you but could push around your back if need be.'

'My old rain coat would fit the bill.' Mom jumped off the bed and found her coat at the back of her wardrobe then slipped it on. 'How do I look?'

'Like an extra from a Pink Panther movie, but dead sexy especially when I know your naked under it. See how you feel posing in it. Wow, that's perfect. Maybe some hold ups or sexy boots and we'd be good to go.'

'Sexy boots, now let me see, how about these?'

'Perfect, slip them on. I think we have your costume sorted plus if it is a little busy you can just open the coat like you're re-fastening it, hardly anyone will see you.'

'I don't like the sound of Hardly Anyone.'

'Who are you trying to kid mom, you love it.'

'I do don't I. You now what would work for this pose is a top which moulded to my boobs and ended above my navel'

'Do you have a top like that?'

'There's one here somewhere I'm sure, if there isn't I can get one before the shoot. Do you fancy doing it this weekend?'

'Sundays good for me, I'll check the train times. Hey that's is perfect, it covers your boobs but that's about all you can say about it. How about wearing a really short skirt above your sexy boots and no top under your coat. A sort of compliment to the thin top pose.'

'Something like a dark tennis skirt you mean...I'll see if I can find one for Sunday. Lie back on the bed, it's payback time. That is if you're up for it?'

'Oh make no mistake I'm up for it.' I said as I slipped my bottoms off and lay on top of her bed.

Mom still wearing her spy coat leaned over the bottom of the bed and very seductively took the whole of my erection into her mouth, her hair on my belly felt wonderful almost as good as her tongue teasing the head of my dick. Her tits were brushing my thighs, I could even feel her hardening nipples scrapping across my skin. If those feelings and emotions could be stored in a bottle we could make billions.

After I'd shot my load into mom's mouth we lay on the bed working out a short list of places we could try on Sunday, high on our list was Eros, the statue on Piccadilly circus roundabout as was one with the Palace behind her then there was one while she would be standing on Westminster bridge with Big Ben and the houses of parliament behind her.

I rolled onto my side to study my virtually naked mother. 'Open your legs a little, let me see if the idea of posing in London excites you as much as Birmingham did.' Mom did as I asked. 'About the same I'd say.'

'Who's to say that wasn't from having my son spending half an hour ogling my pubes and pussy?'

'It gets worse, having your son looking at you gets you going!' I was gently teasing her clitoris which almost straight away had her withering and twisting like a landed fish.

'No you looking at me fills me with... oooh... shame and ....ooh...revulsion....it does nothing for meeee. God you're going to make some woman really happy one day.' She said once she'd got her breath back. Right, you develop that roll of film and I'll get on with some house work.'

'Okay, if they don't look right we can always re shoot them... a big hardship but a necessary evil.'

I collected my camera and headed for my dark room. By lunch time we were looking at a contact sheet of 36 almost identical images of my mom's pubes. We picked six of the best and I printed them off to end print size. Mom picked one of the last as her favourite for ten by eight enlargement. Her opinion was justified as it came out really well and we both felt sure Felix would be happy with it.

Almost as soon as I'd finished my lunch I was back in the darkroom printing of the shot of mom's pubes with her legs open a little. I was very pleased with the result as was mom when I showed it to her.

'Did you do one for us?' she asked.

'Not yet, but I will in a moment.'

'Do you mind if I watch, I never tire of seeing the photo appear while it's in the developer.'

So we both squeezed into my cosy darkroom and sealed the door on the outside world, everything always felt different once we were locked inside.

Like the enlargements from the week before I set the timer to four minutes. Before I threw the switch I looked across at my mother.

'What are you thinking?' She asked me.

'I'm thinking when I throw this switch I'm going to pull you close and kiss you.'

'Oh you are, are you.' Mom replied with mock severity.

'I shall slide my hand under your dress to feel your bum too.'

'Anything else Mr. Smooth talker?'

'If your legs open even a little I'll slip a hand between them and rub your pussy.'

'Switch the light on and do your worst, we're already dammed so we might as well enjoy your selves.'

Later I was checking train times but unfortunately there were none that would get us into London much before ten which was a lot later than I'd hoped. I mentioned this to mom who solved the problem by suggesting we go down on Saturday and treat ourselves to a hotel.

'We could tell your dad we're going to see a play on Saturday evening and an exhibition on Sunday... he's not keen on either so is unlikely to mind if we go on our own.'

'Brilliant.' I told her, 'Which play do you fancy seeing?'

'Well my father took me to see The Mouse Trap years ago and we stayed in a hotel very close to the theatre....'

'Hang on I'll find out where The Mouse Trap is performed....here it is ST. Martins, it's on west street just off Shaftesbury avenue.'

'That's it the West Street hotel, it was a restaurant more than a hotel but it was very comfortable. I'll ring them later and see if they have anything, I'll see about the theatre tickets too.'

Luck was on our side as mom was able to pick up a couple of cancellations at the theatre and booked a suit no less, at the West Street Hotel. It was when mom mentioned that she'd booked the suit that the reality hit me... barring some monumental global catastrophe Saturday night would find us sleeping in the same bed. The chances of us not making love if we did were slim to none existent...what a bummer!

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I found the first two parts very hot and very enjoyable except for the numerous spelling errors. You frequently have your instead of you're, to and too reversed and various other errors. The stories are very good, especially if they are true as you hint, but they really need better proof reading. I hope to find more with the sister in future chapters. Good work overall.

sheenakysheenaky10 months ago

I had a feeling Felix is sweet, horny ole' Mom!

ROCKY70ROCKY70almost 7 years ago

I missed your sister, will she return in the next part. It's a great story. ..............thanks again

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
If I hadn't checked the dates on your story list

I would never have realized there had been an eight year gap between Chs. 01 and 02. Brilliantly done.

absolutely loved the story, both chapters. I am wondering about dad and Felix, or is it Dad as Felix. Or is it Dad enjoying the added interest he gets from mom 2.0.

joep01joep01about 10 years ago
Another great story

Great job and thanks for the imagery...pun intended.

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