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My pelvic floor needs exercising.
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Warning: I'm told I use too many words, so don't expect a short jerkoff story, just a short story by my normal standards.

I tried being brief and lost the plot, so will stick to my own style and letting the story tell itself and be as brief or as long as it needs to be. You have been warned.

Chapter 1

"Mr Waterman, from all the information here I'm sorry to say your prostate cancer has returned."

I really dreaded hearing that, by all accounts the prostatectomy I had four years ago should have solved the problem. I was here with my wife, Wendy, to get the bad news although it was no surprise. A referral from my Urologist to an Oncologist sort gives it away, plus we had already been told before sending us here.

I spoke, "Please call me Graham, we sort of had that idea before arriving," just then noticing I was holding Wendy's hand in my own, we obviously both needed support, "So can I ask why and how it could happen? I had the prostate out a few years ago thinking that should have fixed the problem for good," feeling my hand getting gently squeezed to remind me to calm myself a bit. The Urologist had explained everything, but maybe another point of view might shed some light on things a bit better.

"Yes, that was almost four years ago, unfortunately some of the cancer cells had already left the prostate. These would have been microscopic in size and undetectable. The major growths in the prostate had appeared to be contained although some were very close to the surface. Over time these escaped cells have multiplied and can now be detected. This is the reason you continued having regular blood tests after the operation. The best way going forward is to treat them with radiation treatment. The PET scan is very clear to where the growths have occurred making our job a bit easier.

"I see from your medical history, you have some problems with urinary leakage. Is that all the time?"

"It's not a continual leak, just when I sneeze or such like. After going to the toilet I get some dripping over time. This started when I was having problems with the prostate and has continued after the operation."

"You did the exercises after the surgery?"

"For a while, but life took over and it, sort of, slipped."

"Okay, well the treatment is highly likely to worsen that problem, so I want you to see a Physiotherapist and try to improve it before we start," as she typed into her computer and printed a referral.

The consultation went longer and we spoke of further details of the treatment. My head was spinning with all the information and hoped Wendy could remember the bits I couldn't recall.

Chapter 2

Three days later I was with the Physiotherapist, in her room going through my details. Wendy, my wife, had decided to read her book in the waiting room. Lucy was a knockout, even for a fit athletic woman. Tall, slim and really attractive. It was a pleasure to be forced to sit and talk to her. She also had a wonderful way of speaking as though we were somehow intimate. I wondered if her voice made it seem that way with its melodic, slightly deeper sound. She went through a number of things I should, or should not, be doing including the usual suspects for all ailments. Drink more water and less caffeine and alcohol. Certain foods and other drink types also could be a problem. She had a list of everything, so I just stopped paying close attention to enjoy looking at her and listening to her voice. She started to smile as she neared the end of her information session. Perhaps she had seen I was not paying full attention to her words.

"Now Graham, to help with the drips after going to the toilet, is making certain you drain your urethra after weeing. To start with you will need to push out the liquids after going to the toilet. This should ease the after toilet dripping. After giving your penis the normal shake," at this moment she stood up and faced me moving her right hand to her groin.

I followed her hand to see it make movements that simulated a man shaking his willy after peeing. She was very good at it. What I'm not sure of, is if she was aware that here gym clothing was very tight, giving me an intimate view of the shape of her groin area. The material was so thin it had pulled up into her lips giving me a close up view of her slit as a nice camel toe. Her shaking the penis was really good, but it was obvious she didn't have one hidden in her pants.

"Then after the shake, you will need to use your fingers to extract the liquid through the urethra from your bladder all the way to the end of the penis."

Her actions followed her instructions. I was uncertain at this moment if I should be looking, as it all seemed rather innocently sluttish. I may be over sixty and appear old to this thirtyish woman, but some things never leave a man. We were born to perv on females, and for the most part will perv till we die. So here I was trying to maintain a sense of decorum as a gorgeous and sexy woman was fingering herself. I did what any breathing male would do, I watched with as much concentration as possible. I did however try even harder to not smirk as my thoughts went beyond milking my own piss.

Her fingers dug into her crotch further back than the visible slit portion I could see, and slowly slid forwards to end at where she considered her fictitious dick would be. She even made it like she had a dick between her thumb and fingers squeezing out the liquid at the end. It took all my willpower to drag my eyes up to hers when she spoke again.

It was difficult as her hands repeated the actions as she asked, "Can you see what I'm doing Graham?"

My thoughts went, 'Oh god, could I see what you did. Can I have a turn now on you just so I get the hang of it. Perhaps you could demonstrate that for another ten minutes for me.'

What I actually said was, "Yes, thank you. I can see what I need to do."

"That's good Graham, I could see you were paying close attention. Now we'll go through the pelvic floor exercises. I realise you were probably shown these before after your prostatectomy, but let's go through them again anyway," I nodded and she continued, "You need to tighten the muscles between your legs here," and again with her actions giving me a visual of where they are, using her body for the example. I now had a woman rubbing her crotch in front of me, expecting me to watch every part of it.

"So these muscles can be felt from your anus to your penis," pointing on herself from there to there confirming her words," and it should feel like your scrotum is being pulled up into your body as you tighten the muscles."

'Oh god she actually cupped her fingers below her crotch and made actions like her balls were retracting to her body.'

"Okay now I need you to lie down on the bench with your knees slightly raised and I can make sure you are doing it right. Can you remove your pants," I did as asked without a second thought as this is normal with physio treatments anyway, "and lie on your back please. Now if you can try tightening those muscles for me, I will just need to touch you there so I can check that you are doing the correct area."

I am carrying a small amount of extra weight although I try to look after my body. On this narrow padded bench I was pleased to see a little bit on either side of me. With a small pillow under my knees I tightened the muscles as Lucy prodded and poked my crotch, repeating until she was satisfied. I heard her repeat "Good" a number of times.

"Okay I would like to be able to see some other results of your exercises. It all felt good, but I can get a better idea if I can see it working," this had me bamboozled but I stayed as I was and listened, "Can you stand up and move to in front of the mirror on the door. If it's alright with you, can you remove your underwear for this part?"

I blinked a couple of times as she said this. I'm not a prude, but it's not every day a beautiful woman asks me to drop my pants. She was about to say something more and I considered she might retract the request. I was game to see what the dickens she was heading for, so I pulled off my undies. I'm not worried about showing my cock, it may not be large or anything, but it's what I think is average. It still pokes out even after they removed a section that was the prostate reducing the distance from dick to bladder. I think the bladder slipped into the gap that my prostate had left behind, so my cock seems to have not been pulled back inside too much. I was told the urethra won't stretch to make up the loss of length of the prostate. Something had to give.

So here I was naked from the waist down with a sexy woman, almost half my age, staring at my groin.

"Graham," the way she said that was like we were about to get into a serious sexual situation, such a deep and sensual voice, "I want you to flex your pelvic floor, and when you do that your penis should rise. This is always a good way for you to see if you are doing it correctly at home. So if you can breathe evenly and on each breath out flex your muscle."

I did this half a dozen times as we both intently focused, she on my cock, me on her body. Her slit was still visible in the front of her pants and her top was gaping slightly giving me a nice view of her cleavage.

"Now Graham when you clench your muscles I want you to hold it for three seconds," I tried but this was harder to do, and as she spoke again her hand moved near my cock so she could to point at it, "Good Graham. Now I can see that as you try to hold it you loosen slightly when you take that first breath in. Try again," I did and she was correct as my cock dropped slightly between out and in breaths.

I jumped, her hand was really cold as she held my cock between a thumb and finger, "Did you see what I mean? When you first clenched, it rose to here."

The reply in my thoughts weren't really on my muscles, 'Yes it did and if you aren't careful Lucy it will rise a lot further.'

"And when you changed to breathe in it dropped as your muscles relaxed," she moved my cock downwards a bit, before pulling it up again, "Then after you started breathing in you clamped up again," I stopped worrying how cold her fingers were, and worried about not embarrassing myself by hardening, "So Graham you need to keep the muscles tight all the time for three seconds and your penis should stay in this position as you do this. Then relax after that for another three seconds, your penis can then drop to lower down, like this."

I wondered if she did this to all her clients, perhaps she thought men being prostate free meant erection free and we needed some thrills. Perhaps she just liked dicks, or it was just a job and she thought nothing of fondling a man's genitals. I wondered what Wendy will think when I tell her about this. I know we will have a huge laugh when I tell it the right way. Lucy made me continue for a few minutes more, making it feel like she was enjoying herself more than me needing practice.

Chapter 3

Eventually she came back to reality, or so it seemed to me, with a start. Standing back after releasing my now thickening cock she let me know what was next.

"That's good Graham, you are doing so well. Now I need to check the strength of your flexing," I went to pull my undies up to have a hand make me pause, "You can leave them off and lie down on the bench again."

I did as requested, really curious as to what was next. During my life I had received many treatments from physiotherapists, but this was the first time naked below the waist.

"Perhaps I should have asked this first, but is it alright with you if I have a finger in your anus. This is the best method for me to test if you are contracting your muscles enough. Of course I will wear a glove and use lubricant. I don't want to hurt you or do anything that you would be too embarrassed with."

By now I don't think she could say or do much to startle me, I nodded my consent. Lucy gave me a big smile as she prepared for her next assault on my path to urinary health. I did have a little moment of misgivings when she snapped the glove after pulling it on, her big smile let me know it was just in jest.

"Right Graham if you can roll onto your side facing away from me, legs up and your knees bent and slightly apart. I want you to relax and let me do all the work. Relax a little more."

I made an involuntary sound as she inserted her finger into my anus. This wasn't the first time as I have had a number of prostate examinations in the past. This was admittedly the first since having my prostate removed.

"That's excellent Graham. You have a lovely butt. Oh sorry about that, it wasn't very professional of me to make that comment. Now, if you can keep breathing steadily and on each breath out tighten then relax your pelvic floor."

I did this a few times, hearing positive noises each time, "That's good Graham, now if you can hold each for three seconds and then relax for three seconds like before. Make sure you first tighten only when breathing out. That's good, hold two three, relax two three, tighten two three."

I was doing as instructed when a hand came around to the front of my body and gripped my cock. With each pelvic floor cycle this hand would milk my cock like she had demonstrated earlier. This time it her hand was doing it to me.

"Can you feel what I am doing Graham? I think you will get a much better idea of what to do after going to the toilet if I demonstrate it more directly on you."

This continued for a short while and then I got a funny feeling in my rear end. I had forgotten to practise my pelvic floor exercises, but she had left her finger in my hole. This finger was now slowly sliding in and out as though rubbing cream into me. The fingers of her left hand were now curled around my cock, not even pretending to milk wee out of me. If I didn't now better she was giving me a hand job with anal penetration. Now that I wasn't doing about my exercises, I could only concentrate on her actions and my cock was becoming harder and thicker.

Then her hands left my cock and anus as she changed position to stand in front of me. Thinking it was over I made a move to roll to my back to find her stopping me.

"Please don't move yet, we haven't finished your consultation yet. Give me a moment to get ready for the next stage."

"Okay Lucy, but what's next?"

She didn't verbally respond, but I was shocked to see what she did. The glove had been removed and disposed of and now Lucy was taking off her clothing. Her top pulled off to reveal a lovely pair of handfull sized, pale breasts, nipples of a light tan colour. The hair that had been pulled back in a ponytail was loose and fell just short of the top of her breasts. I could see the slit outlined in her pants, and was quickly bared to me as she removed the pants. No wonder the slit was so clearly outlined, there had been no other clothing to hide it. Her pubic hair, brown matching the rest of her hair, was styled to a small triangle leaving her slit clear. Lifting a leg to remove her pants I caught a glimpse of a hair free crotch, pussy lips already inflamed with passion.

I glanced up to see that smile on her face as she caught my looking at her body. I reached a hand out to touch her closer breast and feel a hard nipple, then ran my hand down her body to let a finger slide in her slit to between her legs. She gave a slight gasp and moan as I reached her clit and then vagina, hidden with her legs closed. My cock was then grabbed again to be milked as before, although now it was an obvious hand job.

I looked up into her eyes and asked, "What exactly do you want to examine this time?"

Again with the amazing smile she answered as she bent down to get something from her clothing on the floor, "I need to check your muscle control under severe stressed conditions."

She straightened up, letting me see the little package in her hand being torn open. The little rubber item from inside it was rolled down over my cock. I was glad my cock had remained erect, not something that was always possible. I hadn't worn a condom for decades, the last time just after our last child was born. Wendy had always been on the pill.

I was then pushed to roll to my back and Lucy climbed over and on top of me. These medical treatment benches are not overly large and there was barely enough space for her to support herself by her knees to either side of me. She held my cock upright, stared directly into my eyes as she lowered her body to insert my cock into her vagina.

She was tight, much tighter than Wendy had been for years. I almost lost control before my cock completely inserted, but managed enough control with the condom helping reduce the sensations to my sensitive cock. We both groaned as her crotch bottomed out on me. There was a minute long pause before she began riding me like a horse trotting. Not wanting to miss the chance to grope a younger woman I let my hands touch her breasts, pinch her nipples and run over her curves from chest to hips. It had been decades since my wife had been thirty, so I let myself enjoy this to the full.

"Graham, when you cum be sure to clench your pelvic floor," now that was a first as requests go during sex.

Soon my therapist was massaging my cock inside her with growing speed, as her horse went through canter to full gallop. I could hear her breathing get faster and heavier with the effort. Even the fittest can tire during sex, especially when taking the lead as she was. I was nearing my limit and would soon reach my own climax, it had been a while since I had sexual pleasure with a woman. Before much longer I was pleased to hear this sexy woman make a more pronounced noise. She was at her own peak and I was able to let myself go. She had a little jump in her orgasm as she felt me pulsing inside of her. It only took a minute but we soon calmed down, and I think we had matching smiles as she dismounted. Post orgasm cuddles are nice, but not on an uncomfortable surface and likely to fall off to the floor.

I was really happy to have been wearing the condom. We weren't that comfortable at home having sex, although I still needed to wank regularly. These days I don't shoot semen any more, as it has been replaced with liquid from my bladder. Wendy wasn't thrilled with that stuff flowing inside her. My balls aren't connected anymore without a prostate to control things. I think my body just absorbs any semen my balls are likely to produce. I doubt there is all that much of it anyway. The condom did contain liquid, but nowhere near the quantity I was used to seeing. Who knew pelvic floor muscles would help.

I remained on the padded bench trying to get my breathing under control. Sex is not as easy as it used to be when I was younger and much fitter. Lucy had dressed herself and carefully removing the condom from me. Startled at her next action, she then knotted the condom and weighed it. Then opening it back up and pouring the contents into a sink in the corner of the room. Disposing of the condom in a sealed waste container and scrubbing her hands clean.

"That was very good Graham. I'm impressed at your muscle control at the end. You had very little liquid escape into the container. You can get up now and get dressed."

Chapter 4

Lucy sat at her desk making notes on her computer as I pulled my pants on and joined her at the desk. Just a minute later she completed her typing and looked at me, passing a printed sheet with pictures of stick figures doing various exercises.

"I want you to do these exercises daily for a week, build up to the numbers shown. Don't just start off at the full numbers of you might do some damage to you muscles. It is most important you do the pelvic floor exercises twice daily to begin with. In a week's time work up to doing all the exercises twice a day, again build up to the total numbers. If you can make an appointment with the receptionist to see me in two weeks time," waiting for me to nod, "Then I think you should return for me to review your progress each fortnight after that until you begin your cancer treatment. I need to keep tabs on your muscle control as we did today, and at the end I will measure your liquid release to ensure you are improving. Okay then, I'll see you in two weeks time."


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