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Pin Money Pt. 06

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Eve's life begins to morph.
4.6k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/21/2021
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Eve was humming a tune which at first couldn't remember where she'd heard it, then recalled the scene with Jerry. This was the first morning where she didn't have that enticing ache in her belly and was looking forward to meeting Adam's co-workers, or as he put it, "My people." The skirt fit perfectly, slim, light, and cool. The first issue was the blouse. She dug through her bra drawer and all had cups too large for the décolletage.

She sighed and pulled it on sans bra and buttoned it up. She turned her body making sure she wouldn't pop out and nodded. If she refrains from doing jumping jacks or trampolining she'll be fine. The only other concern would be getting aroused and having nothing to hide the shape of her nipples but that wasn't going to happen at a Christian Charities company function. She chuckled thinking how different this will be from yesterday's shoot...feeling the eager throbbing return.

Adam looked up from the paper, "Wow! You look beautiful," he stood and came over, "I like it. I'm surprised you decided to go braless but I approve," he smiled as he cupped her breasts.

Eve slapped his hands away, sighing, "There will be none of that as you can see," she looked down at her puffies now poking out.

Adam put his hands back on her breasts, his thumbs flicking the hard nubs, "I agree. We can't have people seeing how beautiful and sexy you are." he chuckled. He stepped back, "Now, that's how I want my wife to look in the pictures."

Eve's jaw dropped, "You what? You've told me over and over, I'm showing too much skin; my skirt or dress is too short. Now...?"

"You saw last year's pictures. All the men's wives are dressed to show off their womanly assets. I was told by the photographer that it evolved that way over the years as donations increased the hotter the wives and girlfriends looked. I have the hottest wife and you'd stand out if you dressed as you normally do." He put his hands on her shoulders, "We need to leverage all the assets we can for the greater good. Small sacrifice for you to show some skin and bonus! You'll be so much cooler today."

"Wives, girlfriends?" she asked, "What about husbands and boyfriends?"

"Oh, we have those just not in the leadership positions. The founder is a strong believer in traditional family values so we have female employees, just not in positions where their jobs would take away from their responsibilities to their families, keeping a nice home," her husband smiled. "Speaking of home, you remember our guests are coming over tonight. They're bringing a member of the parish for some reason with them, so there will be five for dinner." He turned his wife around admiring her, "That red dress will look great on you tonight."

Eve wondered what she'd gotten herself into. The red dress was slinky, cut low so she'd be braless again, and had a slit up the side requiring a thong. She had an education degree and wasn't allowed to use it. Was it because it would take her away from her wifely duties? She sighed and noticed her nipples were no longer an issue and couldn't see any possibility of them popping back up soon.

"We should go," the blonde wife said softly, "I'll look pretty, be quiet, and meet the other Stepford wives when we get there," she said as she went out to Adam's Jaguar.


Adam was right. The women were not shy about showing their figures. She was introduced to the group of women chatting by the gazebo before Adam made his way over to where a group of men was gathered across the lawn.

"Eve, this is Beverly Wilson, Mary Jones, Trish Marlow, Linda Yates, Beth Jackson, and Sylvia Adams. Ladies, this is my wife, Eve. If you'll excuse me," Adam smiled at all before heading off.

Beverly laughed, "Welcome to the dumping ground. It's good to meet you, Eve. You're very beautiful." She fingered the blouse, "Silk? I love it," she said.

The young blonde blushed as all the women appraised her body. It was something of a relief when they all seemed to approve and she realized she'd been waiting for a comment on how revealing her top was. Instead, they all gave her sincere smiles. They then went back to talking about a previous get-together.

At first, Eve was nervous being surrounded by strangers who seemed to know each other well, and listening to them she realized they were just as put off by the men's patriarchal attitude but they also seemed resigned by it and laughed it off. The conversation turned to their husband's responses to their opinions on politics or suggestions for issues at work. At least Adam never told her how to vote, but in other areas, she realized how she'd lost a lot of her sense of self. Eve could suddenly relate to these women and found herself adding her own experiences.

Adam looked over at the now large group of women all laughing, Eve smiling and commenting along with them. He'd been worried she'd withdraw or feel out of place but she seemed to fit right in even though she looked young enough to be someone's daughter.

"...so I told him that he needed more diversity in the photos and he shut me down. Guess what they had in the next ads?" Stacy asked grinning, "A mixed-race couple posing with kids they must have adopted from four different parts of the world. Sometimes I think they have no idea about subtlety." The women all laughed having been there.

"I have a question," Eve's eyes scanning the outfits, "I never go out dressed like this, but Adam told me that's how all the other wives and girlfriends dress. Am I the only one who would never go anywhere else dressed like this?" she indicated her cleavage.

"Oh, honey. You have no idea. I wear sweatshirts and blue jeans most of the time. Dale made me try on at least a half-dozen outfits before he seemed satisfied," she laughed, stroking her tight top over her generous braless breasts. "It's become a game. Who can push the limits the most each year, though," she fingered the fabric barely covering the blonde's chest as she looked at the other women, "we're going to have to up our game."

Eve found she had a glass of wine in her hand even though it was barely noon. The group of women migrated over to the table with food and had filled their plates with luncheon meats and salads. They were within 20 feet of the men who'd gathered near the refreshment area. "Damn, that has to be the closest thing to hell," Sylvia sighed, "They're outside, on their day off and they've been talking business the entire time."

Adam was discussing their trip to the western slope of Colorado with Dennis and Aaron, "I figure five hours to get there, so we leave at seven...Aaron, what are you looking at?" the man asked. He looked over to where all the wives were gathered, "What's up?"

"Who's the blonde in the white top next to Terry's wife?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, that's Eve, my wife. So, getting back to Monday, I can drive unless...where are you going?" Adam asked as Aaron excused himself.

"Sylvia, I thought I should come over and say hi. It was pretty rude of me to just grab a beer and talk shop. Trish, how're the kids? Beth, Bev. Hey Mary, enjoying the day?" he smiled at each of the women. He looked at Eve, putting out a hand, "Aaron Jones, and you are?" he smiled at the girl.

Eve felt uncomfortable taking the man's hand, first because he gripped her firmly pulling her to him; second since he took the opportunity to check out her cleavage. She stepped back, smiling at the man, "Eve Purcell, Adam's wife. Good to meet you." She pulled her hand back unsure why she felt creeped out by the man, "Sylvia, didn't you mention the beautiful gardens? Are they shaded?"

As they walked away from the group of women, Sylvia sighed, "And so it begins," she said.

"What begins?" the young blonde asked.

"Last year, three of the wives found themselves alone with three of the husbands in a clothing-optional situation. I was eying the men by the table and all, except your husband, were checking the women out, especially you. I feel like I'm in a pen at the county fair waiting for the judges to give us a blue ribbon or whatever as best in show." She stopped and looked at the girl, "You could do all of us a service by sleeping with all the horny men here, you know, take the pressure off us girls?" she laughed, "I'm kidding, of course. But watch yourself, this might be a Christian organization but the 7th and 10th commandments are sometimes ignored."

"Adultery and coveting, got it," Eve sighed. I've always wondered about the 10th. It states 'his' wife, 'his' house, 'his' ox and donkey. Does that mean it's alright for you to covet Beverly's husband?"

"I know, right? You know who did the various translations of the Bible. Anyhow, here's your shade. This is so much nicer," she sighed looking around. "Why is everyone standing by the bar? Never mind, I answered my own question." They sat on the bench under the huge maple.

Adam looked at Aaron as he walked back, "I was going to go over the travel plans..."

Aaron's attention was on the two women heading across the broad lawn. He knew it was her, it had to be. She has the same mole on the inside of her left breast. He looked back at his boss, "Your wife is very pretty. Is she a model?" he asked.

"She does modeling as a hobby, you know, to keep herself busy during the day and to pick up a few dollars, you know how it is with women, always having to keep busy," he said looking over to where his team members were looking. "I guess I've been talking business, let's go mingle," Adam sighed.

"Whew! This shade and the breeze feel great. Can you just have Adam pull the car over here when he's ready to go?" Eve sighed.

Sylvia chuckled. "I know, it was great this morning but the days get so hot after noon here."

The two women chatted about where they were from, how they met their husbands, kids, at least Beverly's. Eve sat up, "I need some water. Let's head back and grab something to drink."

"I'll get it, you stay here," the older woman stood. I'll be right back. Anything else?" she asked.

"You don't have to...Ok, just a bottle of cold water...or maybe two," she smiled.

Eve lolled back feeling the nice breeze on her skin, lifting her skirt and opening her top to help cool off when she heard Beverly coming back.

"There you are," Aaron said as he admired the exposed skin before the girl straightened out her clothing. "Can I join you in the shade?" he asked as he handed Eve a bottle of water.

Eve looked around after taking the bottle. "Where's Beverly?" she asked.

"Oh, Jim needed to get some stuff from the car and I volunteered to bring you the water. I didn't mind since the shade does feel great." Aaron smiled at the girl. Adam tells me you do modeling, that's great. You have the perfect figure for it," he said as he looked at her large chest.

Eve nodded, "I do a little. It's nice to get a bit of pin money," she said.

"I'll bet you get paid more than that," he said pulling out his smartphone. He opened an app showing her the screen while putting a hand on her creamy thigh. "How much per hour do you girls make for these types of shoots?" he asked.

Eve looked at the man, "How much do you make doing what you do?"

Aaron laughed, "Fair enough. Has Adam seen these? He made it sound like you're modeling dresses and shoes," he asked as he slid his hand under her skirt. "Have you done any of the video sessions?"

Eve didn't stop the man but had thoughts of snapping a finger or two, "No, but I've thought about it. And Adam hasn't seen these, he never seems interested when I want to tell him about the shoots," she looked as he swiped over to a picture with Eve's lips wrapped around the head of a cock.

Aaron felt the warm heat from the blonde's cunt as his little finger pressed against her panties. He knew he had her since she'd made no move to stop him. Maybe the little slut wants his cock, maybe a few of the other men's cocks also. "I think we can come to a mutually satisfying agreement that would preclude me showing these to your husband," he said softly, his lips millimeters from her ear.

"Explain," Eve said putting her hand on the man's tented shorts, "Would it involve me taking care of this?" she asked.

"Oh yeah. You take care of me, I take care of you," he said. "I want this," he pointed to the simulated blowjob, "and this," he swiped over to where she allowed the older guy to put just the tip inside her.

Eve gave a soft sigh as the man's hand cupped her moist pussy, pressing the fabric into her slit. "I think it's a great idea," she smiled. She got up and knelt between his legs. She unzipped his shorts and when he lifted his hips, she yanked those and his boxers off. "Not bad," she said as she took the throbbing rod in her hand. She watched him close his eyes and groan as she stroked the warm shaft, "I've been trying to tell Adam all week about the shoots and what I did for them. He never listens to me. Maybe he'll listen to a man...a man like you. You might be able to help me. Come on, let's show him these beautiful pictures, and maybe he'll pay attention to you."

She stood and picked up the man's clothes and started trotting back to the group, stopping 20 feet away. "And when we show the pictures to your boss, he'll appreciate you tried to fuck his wife. He's so wrapped up in work I'll bet he gives you a bonus. Oh, I think I'll go talk to Mary about setting up a video session with her and Jerry. You might know him...the tall black man with that huge member on the site you frequent?"

Aaron jumped up to chase her but stopped seeing her lead. He saw the people he worked with through the trees so he headed behind the community center building. Frantically was trying to figure out how to get something on, he took stock. All he had was shoes, socks, his polo shirt, and his phone. 'The phone! I can unlock the car and get at my golf crap in the trunk.'

The young blonde cheerfully greeted people as she walked over to the table where the guests had put their shells, jackets, and other paraphernalia, burying the garments under someone's coat. She suddenly realized a man was touching her most intimate place and she'd felt nothing. No ache in her belly and her nipples never reacted. Was she getting jaded? She was glad she'd resisted doing the video sessions...a few pictures with her posing seductively is a far cry from a video of her being fucked by strange men.

She went over to the table where her husband was, "Hey sweetie. When does the photographer get here? We have to get back so I can get dinner ready."

Aaron avoided Eve the rest of the day but he looked out of place with his pink polo shirt and bright green pants. He joked he'd had an accident with the artichoke dip and had to change. He wondered where that bitch had hidden his clothes hoping no one would find them.

The photographer took all the group photos, the couples shots, then various collective photos with all the wives and girlfriends, departments, etc.. It seemed strange to Eve that she was invited to join various groups but perhaps it was because she was the boss's wife.


Eve looked at the table and house. Everything looked immaculate even with limited time to clean up and cook. She'd prepared the green chili the day before so preparation was not tough. She looked over at her husband who'd done exactly zero to help prepare explaining he wanted to review his proposal for the church to double their annual pledge. She spent little time dwelling on that as she couldn't remember the last time he even took his dishes into the kitchen after a meal let alone opened up the dishwasher. She thought about how hectic her last week was compared to her first months after moving out to Colorado. Then at the last minute, she was informed the two clerics were bringing another man with them.

"Ah, they're here," Adam stood up quickly. He looked at his wife and nodded. She'd changed into the red cocktail dress, again without a bra. He shook his head wondering why she'd protested that looking like a hooker with men of the cloth seemed out of place. He was a patient man but he'd explained too many times why she needed to look sexy so he just told her to do it. She came through with flying colors.

"Your Excellency, Father, hello, I'm Adam Purcell." he greeted the three men. "Come on in," he said as he opened the door. "Eve, come meet our guests," he said to his wife.

"Wow!" the Bishop smiled seeing the girl with the perfect body walk out of the kitchen drying her hands. She had a red flimsy dress, cut low while showing her shapely legs. "This is a very nice home you have here," he said as he took the girl's hands. He wondered how old she was as Adam looked to be 30 or so, so she had to be in her 20's. He turned to the man around his age, "This is Patrick Carlisle, a longtime parishioner, and supporter of the church. Pat, this is Adam's wife, Eve," he smiled knowingly at the man.

"Adam and Eve, I like it, though shouldn't you both be wearing fig leaves?" the man grinned looking directly at the young wife.

Eve was a bit shocked to see the 65 to 70-year old man study her body so overtly as he took her hand. When she greeted the Bishop and father, the men were more circumspect in his admiration of her attire though still obvious, 'I guess men are still men,' she internally sighed.

The men sat in the living room with Eve serving them various drinks and appetizers while they discussed the weather and items in the news. Then at dinner, she served all of them before sitting down, none of the men thinking it was strange that the wife was little more than a maid. After she finally served herself, the Bishop raised his wine glass, "To a wonderful host and hostess. As it says in Ecclesiastes, 'Eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart.' This meal was certainly a joy and this evening has indeed been merry."

The meal was eaten with little conversation and when the plates were cleared, Adam drained his glass and stood, "Perhaps we could retire to the living room. Eve, could you get another bottle while we talk?"

After the blonde wife refilled the men's glasses, Patrick patted the seat next to him, "Sit. You've been working all evening. Where's your glass?" he asked.

"I shouldn't...I have the dishes and clean-up to take care of," she sighed.

"Yes, Eve, relax and have a seat. The dishes will be there in the morning," Adam said it like an order. "That's a good girl," he praised as she nodded and went to get her glass.

The girl went and got the bottle and came back and sat next to the older man.

"So last year, your Diocese gave..." Adam was saying as Eve sipped her wine. The conversation was so boring she was regretting not excusing herself to clean up. She was so in thought she didn't realize the men were looking at her, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Adam tells me you're a model?" the Bishop said, "What kind of shoots do you do?"

"Clothes," she said, "I just did a series for the Drakes Department Store summer catalog," she said.

The Bishop looked at Patrick, "She'd be perfect, don't you think?" the man asked. He turned back to Eve, "Would you be interested in modeling habits and various other pieces that nuns wear?"

The girl looked doubtful, "I could, but why? Aren't these just...I mean, black and white robes?" she asked.

"Many orders' habits are but you'd be surprised at the various colors and styles. We were at a conference last month discussing the dwindling numbers of nuns. They all agree we could be doing a better job in inspiring young women to answer the higher calling. Someone suggested a fashion show or a website showing how fashionable and pretty the sisters are. Nun's garb is actually quite fascinating with sashes, veils, belts, tunics, rosaries, you get the idea. It is assumed that nuns like the Amish, value plainness over fashion, but all of us, nuns included take pride in how we look." the priest replied.


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