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Pinch Hitting for my Son

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Daughter-in-law seeks help getting pregnant.
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A Summer Lovin' piece. All characters involved in sexual activity are over 18 years of age.


Frank got up early as he did every day. The habits ingrained into you by 30 years of work cannot be undone by retiring. He stood on the cabin porch drinking his morning tea and watched the wispy fog roll off the lake. The birds perched in the tall oak trees chirped at the morning sun. Frank said, "It's going to be a beautiful day."

Frank was at his cabin on the lake where he and his wife, Laura, and the kids had spent some many wonderful summers. It was also where he and Laura had planned to spend their golden years. That plan was shot to hell when his wife passed away five years ago. Cancer stole her from him. He was now a widowed sixty year old man who lived a solitary life. He spent his time fish and sculpting. We have all heard the Yiddish proverb "Man plans, God laughs". Frank's life was just another example.

"Well old man, " Frank said out loud. "You need to tidy up the place. You have visitors coming."

Frank had a son and two daughters. This place had been their playground. They still returned. His daughters' children loved being at the lake house. They enjoyed the same activities - chasing fireflies, swimming, catching fish and playing hide-and-seek in the woods - as their mothers did.

Today Frank's son, Thomas, and his wife Connie were joining him. It would be a week's summer vacation for them. Thomas was a son to be proud of. He was a good man. He worked as a police officer in the city. Frank liked Connie. She was smart and pretty. She was an elementary teacher. As far as Frank could tell they loved one another and had a good marriage. Their biggest problem was that after ten years of marriage their union had not been blessed with children. They both desperately wanted kids.


The sound of a car horn blaring broke Frank out of his silent contemplation of the beauty around him. Next he heard the crush of wheels on gravel and then Tom hollering,

"Hello Dad. Wow. It's great to be here again."

Thomas got out of the car and stretched. He looked a lot like his father. They were both over six feet tall with brown hair and brown eyes. Frank was lean from years of physical work. Tom was fit and muscular. Wrestling with criminals that don't want to be arrested requires a high level of fitness. Thomas took his job seriously and put in the effort to keep his body in shape.

"Hello. It's always good to see you two," Frank called out.

"Hello Dad," Connie said. She gave him a hug and a kiss in greeting. Connie was an attractive woman. She was 32 years old like her husband. She was of medium height and had shoulder length black hair.

"Mmm." Frank moaned as he accepted her kiss and hugged her. She was fit too: cute butt, tapered waist and nice tits. A woman any man would be pleased to take to bed. "Connie you are looking good."

"Thanks. I try," she responded sincerely.

Connie worked a sedentary job and after 5 years of marriage she had let herself go. She had gained 25 pounds mostly on her ass and waist. The extra weight had made her look doughy, matronly definitely not sexy. Frank felt bad for them at that time. No husband wants a dumpy, over weight partner and he was sure that Connie didn't feel good about her super-sized self.

She lost the weight 3 years ago when she and Tom got serious about having a baby. She incorporated an exercise regimen including yoga into her life. It worked wonders and soon she had regained her toned, attractive body. Frank always made it a point to compliment her on how nice she looked since she had worked so hard to return to her normal weight.

Tom walked up to his dad and gave him a hard, firm handshake.

"Need help unloading the car?" Frank asked.

Without waiting for an answer, Frank opened a car door and grabbed a suitcase.

"That's my dad," Tom said with a laugh. "If there is something to be done, he jumps right in to help."

Connie and Tom grabbed stuff and the trio trudged off to the cabin. They all referred to the home as "The Cabin". It really was a nice well-equipped four bedroom house. It was rustic in appearance and décor. Owning this nice cabin in the woods was quite an accomplishment for a high school dropout like Frank. What Frank lacked in schooling he made up for in hard work and street-smarts.

Frank had been a stone mason. He was able to do the foundation, concrete and brick work on the cabin. He bartered his skills to other tradesmen to get the plumbing, HVAC, dry walling and electrical done. He and Laura did the painting. This middle class couple ended up with a very nice lake front property.

The house had a kitchen, a great room, full bathroom and two bedrooms on the first floor. The second floor had another full bath and two more bedrooms.

"Since you two are over 18, I'll let you sleep downstairs."

"Thanks Dad," Tom said with a grin.

It was a long running family joke that kids were banished to the upstairs' bedrooms. They were not allowed downstairs after 10:00 p.m. When the kids questioned their parents about why they had to stay upstairs, Frank and his wife would say it was so they could get some well-deserved peace and quiet. As the kids got older, they learned it was so their parents could have unencumbered sex.

Connie and Tom got settled in. The three of them moved to the back porch. They settled in rocking chairs and enjoyed a warm beverage. They all admired the scenery and talked. Frank got caught up on events of the big city and he filled them in on the news concerning their extended family. Eventually the conversation made its way to the subject that dominated Tom's thoughts.

"Dad, as you know Connie and I want children. We have been trying."

Tom reached over and lovingly grabbed his wife's hand. Connie smiled at him appreciation his gesture. Tom continued,

"We've been talking to our doctors and following their advice. You know, be healthy -- vitamins, eat the right things, exercise, and . . ."

Frank interrupted his son to inject some levity into the situation by saying,

"And having sex often!"

Connie and Tom blushed at the mention of sex. Connie answered,

"Yes and it is good sex. Tom is a considerate lover," Connie said and smiled at her husband.

Tom said, "They told us that 95% of couples under 35 get pregnant after two years of trying. We have been trying for three years. " Tom's face showed his high level of the frustration over their failure.

"It's looking like we will have to use some complicated and expensive methods if we want kids," Tom explained. "

Their conversation was interrupted by Thomas' cell phone ringing.

"Sergeant Strong here."

Tom listened intently to the speaker. It was his lieutenant.

"Yes sir. . . . . . I understand. . .. . . . I'm leaving now."

"Dad, Connie I'm sorry, but something big has come up. I need to return to the city."

"I understand," Frank said.

Connie nodded. Ten years as a police officer's wife had taught her that when duty called, Tom would answer.

"I'll get back as soon as I can. This may take a couple of days."

Tom didn't have to pack. He just grabbed the bag he had carried in a little while ago and was off.

Frank looked at Connie and said, "I know you are used to that, but it has to be hard on you. It must be tough knowing that at any moment your plans can be dashed."

"Ten years later and it doesn't get any easier to accept. I am proud of what he does. Thanks for noticing. How about we get a real drink and fix lunch?"

"Wine okay? I've found a new Riesling that I think you'll like."

"A white wine sounds good. Set me up barkeep."

The two shared a bottle of crisp white wine while eating poached fresh trout over greens. They dined on the sundeck. They watched the lake and listened to the birds. It was an idyllic setting and made for an enjoyable meal."

After lunch, Connie announced, "If it's okay with you, I think I will take it easy . . . read a novel and get some sun."

"Sure. Anything you want. This is your vacation. I will putter around in my studio."

Connie changed into her bathing suit, re-filled her wine glass, grabbed her newest trashy novel and then positioned her lounge chair on the sundeck. Connie kept her floppy hat on, but removed her cover-up exposing a cute yellow polka dot bikini.

The sundeck was located between the cabin and the boathouse/art studio. Frank looked out his studio window and saw Connie.

"There's a pretty girl in a pretty suit."

He grabbed his sketch pad and headed to the sundeck.

"Connie, would you mind if I draw you? I would appreciate a new subject. I could use a break from sketching bowls of fruit," Frank said and then laughed.

"Do I need to do anything special?"

"No. You are fine as you are."

"Okay then. "

"I think I'll titled this one "Lady with floppy hat" or maybe "Bobby Hylan"."

Connie laughed and said, "Bobby Hylan? Where did that come from?"

"That's what's wrong with our country today! No one knows the rich wonderful history of these United States anymore!" Frank said pretending to rant.

Connie gave him a confused look. Frank broke into song in a barely passable singing voice,

"She was afraid to come out of the locker

she was as nervous as she could be

she was afraid to come out of the locker

she was afraid that somebody would see

One two three four

tell the people what she wore

It was an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

that she wore for the first time today

an Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

so in the locker she wanted to stay"

Connie laughed. Frank looked hurt and said,

"I'm assuming the laughter is due to the song lyrics not the performance."

"Of course, you were wonderful, but what does this have to do with Bobby?"

"Bobby Hylan sang that song. In August of 1960 it became the #1 song in the country."

"Sorry to be so slow to pick up your reference. Can I say in my defense that I wasn't born until 1978?"

"Ok. I'll let you skate on that one. I sometimes forget that I am as old as dirt."

Connie returned to her book and Frank got busy with his charcoal stick. After 5 minutes, Connie put her book down and started to cry. Frank asked with concern,

"Connie, are you all right?"

"I'm sorry to break down like this." She continued to sob.

Frank came over and sat beside her. He said,

"Tell me what's wrong."

Connie wiped her tears and said,

"You know Tom and I are having trouble getting pregnant. Well, we've have some tests and it appears our problem is . . . well Tom doesn't produce much sperm and the sperm he makes aren't particular good swimmers."

Frank's face showed his concern. He nodded encouraging her to go on. Connie said,

"The doctors have methods that they say could help us get pregnant but they cost so much. You know school teacher and police officers don't make a ton of money."

"Connie, you know I'd be glad to help."

"Dad, it can cost $20,000 to undergo in vitro fertilization and if it doesn't work the first time, a second round is another $7000. We don't have that kind of money."

Frank had a pained expression on his face. He wished he could help, but he didn't have that kind of money either. Connie said,

"Dad, I don't want your money."

Frank was confused. Connie stopped crying and said,

"Frank, you fathered three beautiful children. Would you father one with me?"

Frank didn't see that coming. He stood up and backed away from Connie.

"No. I can't."

"Please Dad, listen. This could work. Tom and I would get a beautiful child that shares our genetic make-up. And this way we avoid the invasive procedures and the outrageous costs. Tom would be so happy. No one will ever know."

Frank kept backing away.

"No. I can't."

Frank left the deck. Connie cried again.


Frank avoided Connie for the rest of the afternoon. He grilled a catfish he caught and the two had a somber dinner. The dinner conversation was limited to "Pass the green beans" and such. Frank was still in shock. Connie was so embarrassed. She had embarrassed herself and her father-in-law.

After helping clean up, Connie poured herself two fingers of Jack Daniels on the rocks. Frank took his neat. Connie drank hers on the sundeck. Frank went out on the front porch.

Connie thought "I had so hoped Dad would agree to my plan, but he says he can't."

Connie down the rest of her drink and poured herself another. She mused over Frank's response. She wondered "Maybe I can change his mind. Why can't' he? Is he unable to get it up? He seems healthy and his equipment looked okay on the Fourth of July when we all went skinny dipping in the lake."

Connie sipped and thought some more. "Maybe he's not sexual attracted to me? Or does he think that if he had sex with me he would be being unfaithful to Laura? Or is he worried he would be wronging Tom?"

Connie mused out loud. "I need to talk with him."

Connie went to the bathroom to freshen up. She looked at herself in the mirror. She liked what she saw. Since she had lost weight she felt like her old attractive self again.

"I could undo a button."

She undid two buttons on her blouse. Her cleavage was on display.

"Hell. If you're going to turn it up bitch go all the way."

Connie unhooked her bra and took it off pulling it through her sleeve. Hard nipples dented the front of her shirt. Connie fluffed up her hair and marched out to the front porch.

"Dad, can we talk?"

When Frank did not object, Connie grabbed a chair and sat down in front of him. Her modest bosom bounced about as she sat. Frank noticed the jiggling flesh. Connie said,

"I know my request is unusual. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Let me try to put your mind at ease. You know I'm not coming on to you. I'm only asking because you are Tom's only male relative. If I want a "Strong" child there is no one else to ask. And you know I'm not doing this to hurt Tom. We love each other deeply. He will be so thrilled when he learns I am pregnant. A child will bring us even closer together."

"I understand where you are coming from Connie. I just can't."

Connie continued to plead her case, "I hope you don't think I am being disrespectful to Laura. She loved you, her kids and her grandchildren. Wouldn't she be pleased if there was another grandchild? And pleased for Tom to be a father?"

"Well yes."

Connie leaned forward. Her breasts practically rolled out of her shirt. She said, "Is it me?"

"No of course not. You are a handsome woman."

Frank could not stop his eyes from focusing on her chest. Her womanly charms were on full display right in front him.

"Is it you?"

Connie slid out of her chair and knelt in between Frank's legs. She put a hand on his thighs and slid it up towards his crotch. She said," Are you afraid you can't perform?"

Connie touched his genitals. She felt his dick unfolding growing hard in his pants. She stroked him through his clothes. Connie smiled. She was pleased to learn it was not an equipment problem. She said,

"There may be snow on the roof, but there's still a fire in the furnace. Frank please. What is it everyone says about you? If there is a job to be done, Frank is always the first to lend a hand. "

She massaged Frank to a full blown erection. Frank was hard and horny. Frank gently pulled her hand away. She sat back on her heels and look up hopefully at Frank.

"Connie, it's been many years since I've been with a woman."

"I understand. They tell me it's like riding a bike, you never forget how to."

Frank smiled at Connie's little joke. Connie rubbed his crouch again.

"It seems to me, you have what it takes."

"How would we go about it? I can't see myself jerking off into . . ."

Connie thought he might find masturbating into a container objectionable. Connie said, "No. We will do it the old fashion way. My doctors have told me that orgasming after your partner ejaculates into you can help pull sperm into the cervix increasing the chances of getting pregnant."

Frank still had concerns. He said, "Connie, I don't know."

"Frank, please have sex with me!" She pleaded.

When that request went up answered, Connie ripped open her shirt baring her breasts fully to Frank.

"What's it going to take Dad to get you to screw me? I need this."

Frank sat there stoically. Connie said,

"Do you know what women talk about when they are together? Men. Laura, your daughter and I have had some nice conversations while sharing a bottle of wine. Laura told us how lucky she was. You were a good man . . . a good lover . . . and an assman. "

Frank was shocked that his wife had spoken so freely about their sex life.

"Frank, I need you to have sex with me. Do it and I will give you my ass. "

Connie gave him an innocent embarrassed looked before adding in a soft voice, "I'm an anal virgin."

Connie thought she had lied convincingly. She told herself "I guess I'm more like a born again anal virgin. I haven't had a good ass fucking in over three years. Not since Tom and I got serious about getting me pregnant".

Frank sat there will his mouth open. The offer appealed to him, it really appealed to him. He was an assman. He and Laura made anal sex a permanent feature of their active sex life, but still he did not agree.

Frank's response was the same. He said, "I can't."

Connie was getting desperate. She upped the ante,

"Frank, get me pregnant and every year on the birthday of my child I will do whatever you want. A blowjob, make love, let you fuck me in the butt . . . whatever you want!"

Connie climbed onto Frank's lap. She brought his hand to her bare breast and wiggled her soft round bottom on his hard cock.

"Connie, when you put it like that how can I refuse? "

"Yes!" Connie cried out in triumph. She celebrated by kissing him on the mouth for the first time in her life.

"Now please remember you asked me to have sex with you. And you know there is no guarantee I will get you pregnant," he said.

"Asked hell. I begged," Connie said. "And yes I know there is no guarantee."

Connie jumped up and pulled Frank towards his bedroom.

"I'm coming. I coming," he said happily. His mood finally matching Connie's.

"Not yet old man. But soon. Real soon."

Once in the bedroom Connie quickly stripped and then undressed Frank. She was pleased to see his hard dick. She said, "Dad, you have a nice cock."

"Hold on, Connie. Let's take this a little slower."

Connie had been frantic. With difficulty she forced herself to calm down. She stood quietly in front of him nude.

"I'm guessing we are going to do this a couple of times to increase the odds of getting you pregnant."

Connie nodded.

" I only know one way to have sex and that is to make love to. Can we take it slow, respect one another and do this in a loving manner?"

Connie was struck by what he said.

"You're right Dad. This is a serious, important undertaking. Let's do it in a reverent manner. "

"Good. Thank you," Frank said. "Can I take a moment and look at you?"


Frank turned the bedside lamp on. He put a hand on her chin and lifted it slightly. He studied her face. Connie was so young in comparison to Frank. Her face did not bear the signs of aging, the wrinkles and deep lines that he saw in his mirror every morning. Her hair was jet black in color and lustrous. He slid his hand down her neck. The skin was taunt and flawless. His hand caressed her breast. She had a soft, but firm orb dotted by a pink nipple that sat on the upside slope of her breast. He thumbed her nipple and watched it contract and form a bigger, longer peak.

Connie had agreed to Frank's condition to slow down because she had to. She needed his sperm. She would have been glad to take it anyway she could get it - from a cup or a quick fuck. Her only goal was to get pregnant. Frank's approach was humanizing the process. The way he was looking at her and touching her made her feel special, feel beautiful. She was glad he had insisted on it.

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